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I, JU6t-pl. ~l. Hc11ruy, ot the 'town (.)1 Ncwcaotle. In the
,",gtun of Duclla.lI, llllnicipal Clerk. DO Uf::REDY CERTIFY that
attached hereto j:; d true copy ot By-Law NurnlJ1'r..Zl.:.~'..z.
passed by the Counci 1 0 f the Corpor aUon of tllf~ Town of
) I) r
Hewcast1e at It:. rlll"::tlnp, }lcld on the .10'\....... d.lyof
JI/f I ~ /l /.~/
· · · · . . . ,,~ """. .. ,r--e r."", " . . . . . ,
WITNESS my h.'u.d :lnll th~ MellI of Tlte Cor porftt 10n.
~} a i \.. Iv (j' ..' { h-, C
DATED thl.....~.,.~.. day of ....................
A.D.. 197:1
BY.LAW 1I'l.l;.LJ.2..
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By-Law No. 77 82
Beinr a by-law to J~sifnate the Old Kirby School
of Architectural and Historic V~luc,
WHEREAS the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974. ;:lUthorizes the Council of a municipality
to enact by-laws to designate real property, including all the buildings and
st1'Uctures thereon to be of historic or architl'ctur:11 value or interest; and
WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newc;1stle has caused to be served upon
the owner of the lands and premises known as OlJ Kirby School, situated at the
j\Dlction of Highway 115 and Concession 7, former Township of Clarke, now in the
Town of Newcastle in the Region of Durham, and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation,
notice of intention to so designate the aforesaid real property and has caused such
notice of intention to be published in a newspaper having a general circulation in
the municipality once for each of three consecutive weeks; and
WHEREAS the 01.1 Kirby onc rC'om puhlic schonl Luildinp; and property have a very
significant historical and <!rchitectural valuc and interest to the Town of Newcastle
and its people in that it is (If orii',inal fr:u;lc ',.:liJ1structiun, will be lO(J years old
in 1978, and is one of the last rClll:1ininp, \)Ill' r()Oll1 school houses in its orir.inal
state, in the Town of Newcastle; awl
WHEREAS no notice of obj cct j IJJl to tht, f'rl'}lc1svd desi~~nation has !wcn sl'rved
upon the Clerk of the municipality;
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the: Corpc;rJticn of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS
1. There is designated as being ('f historic and :lrchitcctural Vi11Ul' of interest
the real property more F,art icularly described in Schedule "A" hereto, knO\offi
as the Old Kirby School at thl junction of Highway 115 and Concession 7, former
Township of Clarke. now Town of ~kwcast Ie.
2. The Town Solicitor is hcrchYllltlJ( rizl.'d to C:lllse a cc1ry of this by-lai~ to 1;c
registered against tIlt' prop,n)' dl'scril\vd iT! Sdll'dlllc "/\" hereto in the proper
land registry office.
..... 2
--~_.._- -----. ---
- 2 -
By-Law No. 77-82
Town~lerk tSbereby authorized tc cause a copy of this by-law
$e:rved Upon the owner of the aforesaid property and upon the
Foundation and to cause notice of this by-law to be
in:..Il..paper having general circulation in the Town of
. . 21st November
a first and second tlme thls ......... day of ...........A.D., 1977
thi...... t' ...d f' 1 d h' ;!I)f d f /if.</~....1,iLI\.-. A 0 1977
... ~.. la. an lna ly passe t 15 ...... ay 0 ., '. . . . . . . . . .. . .,
G.B. Rickard
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J .M. McIlro
C.. 0..-'
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:jchedulc A
ALL AND SINGULAR that certain p::lrcel or tract of land and premises
situate, lying and beinf" in the Tm-m of NewcctGtle, Regional Municipnlity
of Durham, Province of Ontario, and bein0' comnosed of part of Lot
'l'wenty-fi ve (25) in the '30' enth Conce;~sion of" the Geof,r3.phic Tmvnship
of Clarke, formerly in the> C:)unty of Durhc"1m containinf, by admea:;ure-
ment 2.73$ acres, be thE" ;~1me more or le3~c"! the bound,'1ries of the
said parcel being morp rO\ rt, 1. cu1':\rly defc-r-i 0(>1'1:-; fol1mrs;
PREMISING that all bp:Tinc'- l1i::,rein ,J,re :' :~tronornic deri'red from Plan
10 R 565;
CO~tENCING at d.n iron b'lr n'l'interl in t.i10 I~'l:-,terl\r limit of sa.icl Lot 2S
distant 131.87 feet me'3.sured North 17 de Tees 2i minute.s 50 seconds
Tllest therein from the,outh- Z.1ste-r-1 ven 0'1e thereof '1 c cordinr-r to :caid.
Plan 10 R 565; . "
THENCE South 70 de("'ree~~ Ii minute; lO-'econd ' "!e;Jt, dir.t'mce of
146.27 feet to an iron hiI' planted"t the ,')oint of' inter:;ection '.'lith
the Easterly limit of Kin''''' ,- HiChway fTumber:-, :,') 'J.nd 11 r.:: ',:; shO'.ffi on
said Plan 10 n 565;
THENCE Northerly Cllon.1' t,f1f) 13st-mentioned 1 :i.mi t; bein~ t he Easterly
limits of the land;} cOc)ir"ynted 8S P,-.::rt:; 1 :2, ;, .'l.nd ~" 'lccording to
said Plan 10 R 565 on the ['01 1 o':fin:"' cour~;e:-; ::tnd di r-,t,rmces:
North 15 dep;rees S 3 minuter; 30 seconds '.'!est Ul.c:,. t<?~eet to an
iron bar markin,r; thp be~rinninn- of tl. curve t,o the -:-'i~ht., snid
curve ha vine; a racli u:' of It~Y; .08 feet, "n<1 '} chord c"1ui '.'D.lcnt, 0 ['
409.11 feet measured North oe: def"ree~ 29 minutc,~ JO :.~econds
~~; -
Northerly alone: t,hc ;Jaid cun'c ,'tn arc clL~t,'lnce of' 1:09.96 feet
to an iron bar markin:::; the end of the ,;aiel cur"/e;
North 0) degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds West 270.14 feet to an
iron bar;
Borth 72 degrees 32 minutes East 10.14 feet to an iron bar
plaated in the Easterly limit of said Lot 25;
!lllCI South 17 degrees 27 minutes 50 seconds East along the last-
.-atlaaed limit a distance of 1106.03 feet more or less to the POINT
I ,
This is Schedule "A" to
By-Law No. 77-82
passed by the Council of the
Town of Newcastle on the
21st day of November, 1977
.~. . ~4'. ,.
g'l Lau.)
c'~~ flIo/'ioVl.
I I 7 t< t' I.r7 j ~ ,i ~
LA.) ~ I' 'f 4.,7
land Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10)
I CERTIFY that this instrument is registered as of
I. fJ f..M.
DEe 7 1977 in the
Registry Office CJi1~
Town of Newcastle V'r"~
~ 0;
I \0
~ ~ '- \) . ,,~ \\\\. \\\
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, I
By-Law No. 77-82
Being a by-law to designate the Old Kirby School
of Architectural and Historic Value.
WHEREAS the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, authorizes the Council of a municipality
to enact by-laws to designate real property, including all the buildings and
structures thereon to be of historic or architectural value or interest; and
WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle has caused to be served upon
the owner of the lands and premises known as Old Kirby School, situated at the
junction of Highway 115 and Concession 7, former Township of Clarke, now in the
Town of Newcastle in the Region of Durham, and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation,
notice of intention to so designate the aforesaid real property and has caused such
notice of intention to be published in a newspaper having a general circulation in
the municipality once for each of three consecutive weeks; and
WHEREAS the Old Kirby one room public school building and property have a very
significant historical and architectural value and interest to the Town of Newcastle
and its people in that it is of original fr.ame construction, will be 100 years old
in 1978, and is one of the last remaining one room school houses in its original
state, in the Town of Newcastle; and
WHEREAS no notice of objection to the proposed designation has been served
upon the Clerk of the municipality;
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS
1. There is designated as being of historic and architectural value of interest
the real property more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto, known
as the Old Kirby School at the junction of Highway 115 and Concession 7, former
Township of Clarke, now Town of Newcastle.
The Town Solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be
registered against the property described in Schedule "A" hereto in the proper
land registry office.
. . 21st November
and second tlme thlS ......... day of ...........A.D., 1977
t. d f. 11 d h" )./;r d f /IW~If.!..A.-- A 0
lme an lna y passe t 1S ...... ay 0 ...............,
. .
. '
- 2 -
By-Law No. 77-82
3. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this by-law
to be served upon the owner of the aforesaid property and upon the
Ontario Heritage Foundation and to cause notice of this by-law to be
published in a newspaper having general circulation in the Town of
BY-LAW read a first
BY-LAW read a third
G.B. Rickard
J .M. McIlroy
Schedule !\
ALL AND SINGULAR that certain p:lrcfll or trrlct of land and pres..
situate, lying and bein,.... in the To',m of 'N0\.'lcastle, Reeion;ll f.tIftlcipall
of Durh.'lm; Pr()dnee of Ontn.rio "}TIn bein'1" composed of part or Lot
'l"/tenty-fi ve (25) in the 3c"cnth C,;ne(',~sion of the GeoGraphic Township
of Clarke, form~rly in the County 0' ~lrh~m ~ontninine by admeasure-
ment 2.738 acres: be the S':1mc moro or' 1 (':~:~, tho hOlmd"rics of th~
said 'IX1Tccl beine" mor0 f\'"Ir'ticul"1rly .1(""~''''ih('(1 "': ('0110',>IS;
PREHISHJt1 Unto ":11 b0.,'1rin"" h0'.'('1.n '\1'(' ":-,t.ronomic deri ',rcd froa Plan
10 11 561);
cor,'lrE!1CING ,'"It'.n iron b']r nl'~nt,('(l -in t11!" S"'f~tcrl:r limit of said ~t 25
di :-tmt IJ 1. 87 f(,>0t m0'l sur0c1 n 01.t.}--1 1'7 ,1or"rocs 27 minutes 50 secoPds
i.:lcst therein from tho >ontli- -;;'1-'.1" "," y 'n""] (' t.hf'l"'Cof :1 ~cordin!:r. to f8id
Pl.-:m 10 '1 56S;
THm!C;<~ South 70 -]CV-l:'CO:: 13 ninu1-'-". <0 0con'1:.~ ','!c::3t .1. distance or
lh6.27 fect to un iron b'ir pl'mtc;1:t, the noi.nt of intersection nth
the I::::lstcrlv limit of KinN'~ Hi.~tM.J.v Humbers 35 ,:md 115 nc shO'IIIl on
soid PIon 10 11 5(,5; . ,
I Tlr<:nc.'.....'J northerJ711on~,'. . tl.,c 1"., -.t-m0nti oncrl 1.,imi. t; b.einp; the East.~ly
llim:it:: f"\f tbe l"lnd'~ (~0;~i,""n'':t.cr1 '~~ P~rt.: 1 '), :3 'l.nd I,., nccording 1-0'
~:;i(~ P]"n 10 ~t 1)65 on the' l'o11odn'> r.om~"0;' 'nd di~tance:::;: .
north 1:; dC'Te0:~ 1)3 m'inllt('>'- ?n n'('('()nd~ '.!c~t /.1s5.52 feet to an
'j,l"On lnr m:"lrl~in",: trl(' 1)("~ 'innin-" ()"~ (~l):"'e t.o the ri,,:ht, said
('tn~. C h:1~'in" ,'~ r .Jill' or l;~"l>;.I1:\ ,~(~('>t. ',n,l " chord (!(Juivalept of
/,,00.11 fc('>t, -:'0'\'-.m~('>(~ Po"I.]: nr 1(.,.-:.('(,.' ~~() F1inl1te~ 30 seconds
Northc}~ly ",lon'- tJw -~';i(1 ell!"''''> '~n rc cU't",nce of 1,.09.96 raft
to .'m iron h:r m',Y-kin",: thn 011 1 o;~ th,., ",rli,l rur"'Cj
lTr1"'th 03 d('>".,-'(':;--: -')", l]in'Jt,"'I'~ ')" ('con']:- l'lo"t; 270.1h feet to an
iron 1nr;
l1or.th 72 il('>-l"'on~~ '")/. rlinnt.(~;: :;, :~t 10.1 h ['ect to an iron bar
planted in the S'~tcr]y limit a: ~~irl Lot 25;
THSNCS South 17 dc\rcc~ 27 minutes 50 r:cconds Eaot alone the lalS~-
mentioned limit a di~t"\nce of 1106.03 feet. more or le:Js to the PQBt
This is Schedule "A" to
By-Law No. 77- ~.l.
passed by the Council of
the Town of Newcastle on the
:l ; sr N fJ V
......day of...Cl.:.....1977
Mayor -,,- ."/ ~, ..