HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-73 · 't . . ". . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 77-73 Being a by-law authorizing the execution of an agreement with respect to leasing of lands for Orono Arena by the Mayor and Clerk. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle considers it desirable to lease from The Durham Central Agricultural Society the lands and premises more particularly described in an agreement between The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and The Durham Central Agricultural Society dated the 1st day of September, 1977, for the construction of an arena, community centre and gr.andstand thereon. . NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by Council of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle as follows: e 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be and they are hereby authorized to execute an agreem~nt between The'Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and The Durham Central Agricultural Society dated the 1st day of September, 1977, for the lease of lands and premises more particularly described in the agreement for the construction of an arena, community centre and grandstand. BY-LAW READ a first and second time this ~.. .. day of . . . . . . .tf:C:(q 6l-. /!-, 1977. BY-LAW READ a third and final time this ..~.... day of . . . . . . .d ~.-r.tJ. '5.13;-/1-; 1977. J.M. MclIro Clerk - Seal . ,---.-.- <, ""1\ -.'--------'.. ,.-- ':f THIS AGREE!\:E;~T made this 151 cay u: S'~>plc'::,L,,;. 10- " , . A.D., 1977. BET WEE N: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, . hereinafter called the "TOWN" OF THE FIRST PART, : . : and THE DURHAM CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY , (a company incorporated under the Agricul~ tural Society Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 15, as amended), hereinafter called the "SOCIETY"- OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS The Durham Central Agricultural Society is the owner of the lands and premises more particularly des- cribed in Schedule "A" hereto; AND WHEREAS The Corporation of the Town of e' Newcastle proposes to construct an arena, community centre and grandstand on the aforesaid lands and premises, hereinafter called the "Orono Arena"; AND WHEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle considers ~t desirable to lease the lands for the said arena, communlty'centre and grandstand, from the Society as a community centre, as provided for under The Community Centres Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 73, as amended; AND WHEREAS the arena, community centre and grandstand is to be managed by a Board created under the afore- I. said Community Centr~s Act, hereinafter called the Orono Arena Community Centre Board; AND WHEREAS the parties hereto consider it desirable to enter into this agreement. 1. This ~greement is made pursuant'to The Short Forms of LeasesAct~ R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 436. --- , ' ~e ~e ~. '" - 2 - " '2. The Society hereby leases to the Town the lands and premises more particularly described in Schedule "B" hereto, together with' the rights of ineress and egress over the lands owned by the Society for a term of 25 years, commencing on the 1st day of September, 1977, and terminati~g on the 31st day of August, 2002, at an annual rental of $1.00 per annum, to be p~id in advance for the whole of the term demised. 3. The Town shall have the right; upon writt~n notice to the Society at any time prior to the expiry of the term of this lease, to renew the lease on the same terms and conditions as contained herein for afurthe~ ~erm of. 10 years from the date of the expiry of the first term of thxs lease, and the Town shall have a further right, at any time during the original .term"or the first extension thereof".to renew this lease I for a further term of 10 years, from the datecof the expiry of the first renewal, on the same terms and conditons contained in this lease, save as to a further right of renewal. 4. In the event that the Society permits the Town to remain in occupation of the lands without objection after the expiration of the term, th~ Town shall be deemed to be a tenant from year to year (the tenancy to be terminated by either the Society or the Town upon the day preceding any anniversary date of commencement of such yearly tenancy by written notice given to the other party not less than six months prior to such term- ination date) at a yearly rent ~qual to the annual rent payable by the tenant during the term of the lease. 5. . .The Town covenants with the Society: (a) to pay rent; and (b) to observe and perform all the covenants and provisoes of this lease on the part of the Town to be observed and per- formed. . . .,.. -- '.;t- o __ " 'I - 3 - " " 6. The Society covenants with the Town:- ~e (a) for quiet enjoyment; and (b) to observe and perform a~l the covenants and provisoes of this lease on the part of the Society to be observed and per- formed. 7. .,. The Town shall construct and complete an aren.a, . commun1ty centre and grandstand on the demised premises in accordance with t~e regulations for ~he construction of such structure as may be ~stablished by the Province of Ontario. 8. The Society and the Town agree that the arena and all other fixed i~provements which the Town may construct upon the lands from time to time shall be fixtures to the land and are intended to be and become the ~bs6~ute,property of the Society upon the e~piration' of the' terE1"-of-, this -lease but shall , - - " ' be determined as between the Town and the Society during this lease and any renewal thereof, to be the separ~te property of ~. the Town and not the Society. 9. _ The Town shall ef:fect: orr shall cause its con-- tractor or contractors to effect prior to the commencement of the cQnstruction of the arena and shall maintain and keep in force insurance: (i) protecting both. the Town and the Society (without any rights of cross claim or subrogation against the Society) against claims for personal injuries, death or property damage or other third party or public liability claims arising from any accident or occurrence upon, in, or about the lands 'and upon any claim includ- ing the risk occasioned by the construction of the arena to an amount of not less than $1,000,000.00 for any personal injury, death, property or other claims in respect of anyone accident or occurrence. . (ii) protecting both the Society and the Town for loss or damage (without any rights of. cross claim or subrogation against the society) to the arena and a11.;fixtures, equipment, improvement,and building material on the lands from~ime to time both during ,- and after consgruction against -fire or other perils, from time.to time customarily in~' eluded in the usual extended coverag~eridorse- ment upon fire-policies applicable to similar properties to the full insurable value thereof. Provided that the proceeds of such insurance ; , - ,a - " shall be ,applied at the sole option of the Town to the reconstruction of the arena or such other purpose that the tenant may determine without the Town being r~quired to reconstruct or repair the arena upon the lands demised. ~. 10. :" The Town shall be respo~~ible fur all payments of all charges, rates or levies for electrical, water, sewer or gas.... 11. The Town shall be under no c~ligation to the Society to maintain the arepa, community centre and grandstand _ in the state of repair, save that in the event that ,the arena, "community centre and/or grandstand are destroyed by fire," lightning or tempest, or are otherwise razed for whatever reason by the Town, the Town shall leave the lands demised in a graded and:_level condition on the expiration or other termin- ation of the lease~ It is also understood that the Society shall be under no obligation to keep the arena, community ~. centre and grandstand in repair. 12. The parties hereto acknowledg~ that the arena, community centre and grandstand shall be used as a community centre as provided by The Community Centres Act, R.S.O. 1970 Chapter 73 as maybe amended from time to time, and it shall be a condition of this lease that the board created to adminster the arena shall grant at no cost to the Society except for the cost of heat, hydro and water consumed, a licence for the use of the demised premises, to the Society for a period not exceed-~ ing twenty-one (21) days in each year, commencing on and in- cluding the 25th day of August in each and every year, or such other times as the Society and the Orono Arena Community Board ~ created to adminster the arena, or failing such Board, the Town may agree. 13. The Society bereby grants to tbe Town during tbe term of tbis lease ;-- and any renewal tbereof. a licence for the ". . - parking-~f_motor vehicles of persons using the arena upon the .: , " I I ~ t. ~. . - 5 - lands and premises more particularly described in Schedule "c" hereto. The Town shall have the right, at its expense, to '. grade, level, construct and instal all ~hings and appurtenances, including gravel and asphalt necessary to use the lands des- cribed in Schedule "C" as a parking lot, but the Town shall be under no obligation to the Society to keep any such improve- ments i~ good repaii, nor to restore lands to their original condition at the termination of this lease or any renewal thereof. 14. This agreement shall extend to and enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Town and the Society,' and their respective successors and assigns. 15.' In the case of any dispute between the Society '- and the Town as to any matters a,rising under the terms.. of this agreement, either party' hereto' shall be entitled to give the' other party notice of such dispute, and demand arbitration there- of, and after giving notice and demand, each party shall at once appoint an arbitrator and such appointees ~hall jointly appoint a third. Thendecision of any two of the three arbijiTators so appointed shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto who covenant one with the other that their disputes shall be so decided by arbitration alone and not by recourse to any Court by action at law. If within a reasonable time the two arbitrators appointed hereto, do not agree upon a third; or if the party who has been notified of a dispute fails to appoint an arbitrator to represent the p~rty in default may upon petition of the party not in default be appointed by a Judge of the Supreme Court of Ontario, purs'.lant to the ,__pr.o-vis10ns .of .'I'he Arbitrations Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 25, as may be amended from time to time. The cost of arbitration shall be apportioned between the parties hereto as the arbitrators may decide. 16. During the term of the lease, or any renewal - thereof, the Town shall have_therig~t of first refusal to pur~ chase the lands, described 111'.. Schedule "B" 'or "C" or in both schedules, and the Society agrees that in the event it receives .., ee -. . . . - 6 - an offer to purchase any~of the lands described in the afore- said Schedules, the Society shall advise the Clerk of the Town of 8'lch offer and-provide the Clerk wi th a copy t.hereof withiil 14 days of the date of receipt by the Society of such offer, and the Town ,shall have the right wi thin 60 days of receipt by the Clerk of such notice to exercise the right to acquire the lands i.nclud'ed in such offer at a price equal to the price contained in such offer, and the Society shall convey the lands described in the offer to the Town free and clear of all en- cumbrances, subject to t~e usual adjustments, within 30 days after the exercise of the right. of.' first refusal. by the Town ~ The Town shall be allowed 15 days from the exercise of the right of first refusal to ex~mine the title to the property at -'- - its own expense, and if }Vit~in the time allowed for ..the examin- ation of title" any valid ?bjecti_~Il to~titl~ :is given which the Society shall be unable or unwilling to remove and which the Town will not waive, the agreement of purchase and sale, not- withstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations, be null and void, and any deposit money shall be returned to the Town without interest or deduction,- provided that .theterms of the lease and the provisions for any renewals thereof, shall con~ tinue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have here~ unto affixed their corporate sales under the lands of their duly authorized officers. Mayor t-L ~.- Clerk .==------- THE DIJRHAM CENTRAL AGRI CULTURAL SOCIETY. p~.r'-4('~~: 5# 41C?:/!A-~~- ': _. '. __'_" ._ . =- ._ I' ." ~~i~Ma~~~id , .. - ' ( . -. . t- ~-~ - - / - ~ .. - - ~ - - ~ -.. . ~ . . . . c.", '.~ ...,"":t'" .~_ '-' ;", '.. :.~ . ~'. ~ 'I s C::-:l:J7.il.,~ A ALL AND SD~GULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land Cl.nd pr(:~1i ,- (,.0 situate, lying and being in the To',m of NeVlcastle, ReGional I,lunici1'21~ of Durham, Prqvince of Ontario, and beine; composed of: FIRSTLY: all of Villa&e Lots Nine (9) and Fourteen (14), Block M, par of Princess Street and Park Street, part of unsubdivided Lot Twenty- eight (28) in the Fifth Concession, all according to C. G. Hanning~s Plan of the former Village of Orono, and part of Lot Twenty-seven (27) in the Fifth Concession of the Geographic Trn'ffiship of Clarke, all formerly in the County of Durham, more particularly ?escribed as foIl . " PREMISING that the Westerly limit of said Lot 28, Concession 5, has an astronomic bearing of North 18 degrees -05 minutes )'lest and relating all bear.ings herein ..thereto; . t ~ COW~lliNCiNG at the North-Westerl~ a~gie'of said Village Lot 9, Block M; THENCE South 18 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds East along the Westerly limits of said Village Lots 9 and 14 and its production Southerly 381.08 feet; THENCE North 71 degrees 35 minutes East a distance of 66.57 feet; THENCE South 18 degrees 18 minutes East a distance of"78.87 feet to the North-Westerly angle of the lands designated as Part Two (2) according to Plan 10 R 280; .". """. . - - -: " THENCE South 16 degrees 51 minutes East"a -distance_ of 183.92 feet; THENCE North 71 ,degre,es 5~ ~~nute~"East~a__~ist,anc~_of_16.~0 -feet; THENCE South 16 degrees 51 mi~utes East a distance of 147.00 feet to a point in the Northerly limit of Princess Street; THENCE North 71 degrees" 55 minutes East along the last-mentioned limit a distance of 2.53 feet to the North-Westerly angle of the lands designated as Part Four (4) according to said Plan 10 R 280; THENCE South. IS degrees 06 minutes East a distance of 132.13 feet; THENCE North 71 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 417.49 feet to the South-Westerly angle of" the lands designated as Part One (1) according to Plan 10 R 318; TH~~CE North 19 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West along the Westerly limit of the said lands a distance of 149.27 feet to the North- Westerly angle thereof; THENCE North 70 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds East along the Northerly limit of the lands designated as Parts one (1) nvo (2) and Three (3) according to said Plan 10 R ~18 a distance of 17S.00 feet to a point in the Westerly limit of King's Highway Numbers 115 and 35; THENCE North 09 degrees 35 minutes ~vest along said limit a distance of 8.29 feet to the beginning ofa curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 2789.79 feet and a chord equivalent of 422.39 leet measured North 13 degrees 55 minutes West; " ITHK~CE Northerly along the said curve! being the Westerly limit of the said Highway, an arc distance of 422.~0 feet to the end of the said lcurve; " " ITHENCE North 18 degrees 15 minutes West continuing along the said :'lesterly limit a distance of 675.61 feet more or less to a point Idistant 50 feet measured Southerly therein from the point of inter- section with the Southerly ~imit 01 Centre Street; THENCE South 71 degrees 35 minutes West parallel to the Southerly limi~ of Centre Street a distance of 50.00 feet; ,.- : - - " ~ - - , -:,. THENCE North 19 degrees 15 minutes -''lest" a distance 01 50.00" feet to a oint in the Southerly lliait of Centre Street; oil ...:. L: ~'~ _. _ j l' .!.... .:.., .. . '" ~~" .. ll.,...' L; , t .. , "T!-i:;I~CE South 71 de:rees 35 r:linutes Vle:;t alon: ~,aid ::.louther} -: li;'1i t .. dist~nce of 542.26 feet to the point of intersection with the line of a fence runnin,g Southerly, said fence marking the existing Easterly limit of Village Lot 12, Block N; THID~CE South 18 degr~es 53 minutes East in the line of the said fence a,nd its~production Southerly a distance of 382.68 ,feet more or less to "a point in the Southerly limit of Park Street;' THENCE South 71 degrees 38 minutes We~t along the last-mentioned limit a distance ot"114.95 feet more or less to the yuINT OF CO:f\~\'lENCEMENT. TOGETHER WITH a right-of-way in common with all those legally entitled theretot for free p~ssage over, along and upon that part of said unsubd~vided Lot. 28 more particularly designated as Part Eight (e) on said Plan 10 R 280, and as Part One (1) on said Plan 10 R 318. SECONDLY: part of unsubdivided Lot Twenty-eight (28) in the Fifth Concession lying North of Centre Street according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the former Village of Orono, described as follows; COMr~CING at the intersection of the North boundary of CentreJStreet as shown on said Plan with the Eastern boundar~:~,~"~aid Lot 28; TH~~CE running Northerly along said Eastern boundary of said Lot 23 429':feet (six chains fifty links); THENCE Westerly on a line parallel with the Southerly boundary of said Lot 297 feet (four chains 50 links); THENCE Southerly on a line parallel with the Eastern boundary of said Lot 429 feet (six chains fifty"links) more orless.to the Northern boundary of Centre Street;. - . " - THENCE Easterly along the Northern boundary of Centre Street297 feet (four chains fifty links) more or less to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. #. ~.' - ::. . '. , - " - .-_--;. -_'"':--- : : I I' , SCHEDULE B ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the ,Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipali1 of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of all of Village Lot Nine (9) and part of Village Lot Fourteen (14)~ ~lock M, and part of unsubdivided Lot ~~enty-eight (2S) in the Fifth Concession according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the former Village of Orono, .. formerly in th.e County of Durham, described as follo\'fs; PREMISING that the Westerly limit of said Lot 28, Concession 5, has an astronomic bearing of North 18 degrees 05 minutes West and relating all bear,ings herein, -thereto; , . CO~~ffiNCING at the North-Westerly angle of said Village Lot 9, Block Mj THENCE S~uth 18 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds East along the Westerly limits of said Village Lots 9 and 14 a distance of 264 feet; TH~~CE North 7ldegrees 38 minutes East a distance of 140 feet; THENCE North 18 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 264 feet to a point'in the Southerly limit of Park Street; . . . . THENCE South 71 degrees 38 minutes West along the last-mentioned limit to and along the Northerly limit of said Village Lot 9 a distance of 140 feet to ~he POINT OF gOI~~Cro~ffiNT. - , . - .... - -. .- .- - ~ -.' -" - :-: ~:.- -- - . + - ... -', - . - .' - -" "'- " - .-" .~ - - - -. . . -~ - - -- " - '0 .". __. _. -. - '.' ..- .. -.; ",-- ,-- -: - - - - - .' i ' . I.. . . SCHEDULE C ALL AND Sn~GULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises I situate, lyine and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional MunicipaliJ, of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of: FIRSTLY: part of -Village Lot Fourteen (14), part or Princess Street an part of unsubdivided Lot ~lenty-eight (28) in the Fifth Concession according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the former Village of Orono, formerly in t~e Coun~y of Durham, more particularly described ~~ follo\ PREMISING that the Westerly limit of said Lot 28, Concession 5, has an astronomic bearing of North 18 degrees 05 minutes West and relating al bearing~ herein thereto; ! ' ; . . CO~~lliNCn~G at a point in the Westerly limit of said Village Lot 14 distant 264 feet ~casured South 18 degrees 14 minutes 20 sec0nds East in the Westerly limit of said Village Lot 14 and Village Lot Nine (9), Block M from. the North-Westerly angle of Village Lot 9; THENCE North 71. degrees 38 minutes East a distance of 140 feet,; THENCE South 25 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 160.5 feet; THENCE South 21 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 110 feet' to the beginning of a curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 210.00 feet and a chord equivalent of 243~08 feet. measured South 57 degre~s <19 minutes 20 seconds East; THENCE South~Ea~terly along the said .curve an arc distance of 259.23 feet to a point; - THENCE Sou~h 18 degrees 14 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 71.57 feet; THENCE North 71 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 170.0 feet mora or less to a point in the Westerly limit-of the lands designated as Part 1.according to Plan 10 R 318, said point distant 130.00 feet measured Northerly in said Westerly limit from the South- Westerly angle thereof; - THENCE South 19 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds East along said Westerly limit a distance of 130.00 feet to the South-Westerly angle of the lands designated as Part 1 according to said Plan 10 R 318; THENCE South 71 degrees 45.minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 417.4 feet; TH~~CE North 18 degrees 06 minutes West a distance of 132.13 feet to a point in the Northerly limit of Princess Street; THEN CE South 71 degrees 55 minutes \" est along said limit a diste.nce 0: 2.53 feet; THEN CE North 16 degrees 51 minut~s 1'lest a distance of 147.00 feet; THENCE.' South 71 degrees 55 minutes v-Jest a distance of 16.00 feet; TBtillCE North 16 degrees 51 minutes West a distance of 183.92 feet to the North-Westerly angle of the lands designated as Part 2 according to Plan 10 R 280;.. , THENCE North 18 degrees 18 minutes West a distance 'of 78.87.fleet to a point distant 115.71 feet'measured South 18 degrees 18 minutes Eaq from the Sout?-East~rly angle of said Village Lot 14; , ..... - - - _.'. -" THENCE South 71 degrees 35 minutes West a distance'of 66.57 feet more or less to a point in the Sout~erly production of the Westerly limit of' said Village ,Lot 14;:,. .'. ~..:..;~~;"S~~' ", __\'. ,:7~ ' . '~:,',~.:._- , THENCE North 18 degrees 14 'm~uies'20 se~onds .i'lest to and along the Westerly limit of said Village Lot 14 a distance of 117.08 feet more or less to the POn~T OF COI~:!!I{ENC~,'IENT. . . , , ,.J ... __ ... ~-~ " SCHEDULE C (Cont'd) SECOHDLY: part' of unsubdivided Lot Tv;enty-eight (28) in the Fifth Concession. Easterly adjacent to Village Lots Eleven (11) anc;l T\'/elve (1 Block N ly~ng between Park and Centre Streets all according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the former Village of Orono, formerly in the County of Durham, more particularly described as follows'; PREMISING that the Westerly limit of said Lot 28, Concession 5, has an astronomic bearing of North 18 degrees 05 minutes West and relating al bearings herein thereto; Cor~ffiNCING at the South-Easterly angle of said Village Lot 11, Block N . . , . THENCE North 71 degrees 38 minutes East along the Northerly limit of Park Street a distance of.36.00 feet; THENCE North 13 degrees 47 minutes West a distance of 105.00 feet to the beginning of a curve to 'the right, said curve having a radius of ' 275.00 feet and a chord equivalent of 200.91 feet measured North 09 degrees 15 minutes 35 seconds East; THENCE North-Easterly along the said curve an arc .distance of 205.67 feet; THENCE North 15 degrees 36 minutes West a distance of 50.70 feet more or less to a point in the Southerly limit of Centre ~treet; ,. THENCE South 71 degrees 35 minutes W.est along ,'the last-=-mentioned limit a distance of 143.00 feet:to the North-E?st.erly ,angle .ofsaid Village Lot 12, Block N; ,.. ...,~' ~ - .. . . THENCE South IS degrees 53 minutes East in the 'line of a 'fence marking the existing Easterly limits of said Village Lots 12 and 11, Block N, a distance of 333.18 feet more or less to the POINT OF CO~~lliNC~mNT. " ;t . . '. . - .":. ~, ::~':"_: "..r ,~.. - - -' ,.:."1 ." ",- - -~. -'. . - -. ._.~ -.~' :---"- . , - --,:~'_,~.~~'~~~'~i~.'E(::'~:};" , " ~ .- -' ,;, - -:- ',. --..-.... =- -'- -- - -."- ~..~ + - - ~ - --' - .:-.. .. --:;.'- - :..' ~ - .- . . . W""'''' ....,' .... ~. ..- ~ - ",," :. -t _ "... - , ..; .. -' - .....- -~ -_.....~. "!-' -- .- - . .' , : ,~.. .', \".- . .. .' -. "-. ., . ; ,j ... \ . :' " 86425 . . tt:nd Registry Division of Newc~~t1e (No. 10) I CERTIFY that this instrument IS registered as of ~ ,'I.{er-M. I NOV 18 1977 in the . f f land y - Registry Office tfl Town of Newcastle Ontario. .,tSTRAI ----, '" PAID LAND REGISTRY OFFICE NO. 10 $ -. ~II 18',ao -, DATED: SEPTEMBER 1st, A.D. 19~ eO' ,r'. " ! ' , !', '..1 A G R E E MEN T - I ~ '" i "I.i' , ' " , , , .:l I! 'j :: I ' ! I' II i: '11 , , , (, SIMS MORTON McINERNEY & BRADY,' Barristers ,and Solicitors, 117 King Street, ' Whitby, Ontario. . , " , , "- , ',,. ,I ,. li,'ll; :,. - ' ; 1i ' ,.,-! ' ,it , : ,I! l .! ~. ' I' j I I , , .. -'j ':\ '.;- ,I,,'. 't"'l . I ",r '" "1 _, 'I! ," I ~ '! j":1i' 1:1:_ -i"1 , .; I' I , l .~, II' I \ . l~ . ',I : ~. I~ I' II,,;,' "':''''''1' '!,I:' t" .t., II". " ~':. 'I . ..\ -,I I ....'. . , I ~ \ ~ '. t . .t,':,i'" \',1','; (: i l" ~:.'. '" ' '.. I ~, ,: t I';' , . I, f I" ,., . 1-'1"', " 1 I' 'I: ". It.. ..... '. ,'0. " I Cj/7-73 J, ... . ~~fJ!iJJgton August27,2002 Durham Central Agricultural Society c/o Gord Robinson 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3A6 Dear Councillor Robinson: We are writing this letter further to our meetin~ of August 9, 2002. In accordance with Section 3, of the agreement dated this 15 day of September 1977 between the Town of Newcastle (now the Municipality of Clarington) and the Durham Central Agricultural Society, the Municipality of Clarington hereby exercises its option to renew the lease for the lands for the Orono arena, community centre and grandstand. This renewal is for a further term of 10 years, to terminate the 315t day . of August 2012, on the same terms and conditions as contained in the original lease. In accordance with Section 2. of the lease agreement, a cheque in the amount of $10.00 being the annual rental of $1.00 per annum, paid in advance for the whole of the term, is enclosed herewith. I trust the Society will find this renewal of the lease to be accep J9~~ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379