HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-64 "J, · -. .~ . AMENDED BY AMci'>lLh;u en BY !.A,e:. O(p(p Ln l.AW "'7"l-()~A REPEALED BY . Wtl.lM:......." . #.,.~...r.:"..'8y. .JQ~07S LAW ~. . J......... m COB:E'01U.TION or THE JJ.'OWN .Q1il NEWCASTIE BY-LAW NO. 77-64 Being a by'-la;v to amend by-law No. 76-11 "lBEREAS on the 1st da\Y ot Maroh, 1976, the Council of The Town of Newcastle passed By-la"T Ho. 76-11, being a by-law to o.uthoJ:"ize speed limits on ~ 1mder the jurisdiotion of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. AND \'JHEREAS the Ministry of ~portQ,tion end CmtIIIllU'lioatlons have recomr.aended a. 40 m. p.h. speed l1mi t on a. oerta:1n portion of 1Ii.ghwq lio. 2, east of Mariin Road. .AND WBEBEAB the Ministry of 'lTanspo:L"tation and (JnrmmU'li cations have indicated that the rates of speed expressed in miles per hour in aJ.l Municipal J3y-~e.ws, be converted to kilometers per hour. AlID vlBEBEAS Council now deems it expedient to amend By-la\t lIo. 76-11 NQ\oT ~l:l":kEFORE be it enacted and it is Hereby Enacted as a By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, as follows- (1) That Seotion (1) of :By-law No. 76-11 be amended by deleting there- fJ:om the letter D as it ooourrs in the 4th line thereof and by inserting the word · and' between the letters B and C so that the 4th l1z:Le now reads I speed presoribed in Schedule 4, ~ and C appended t . (2) b.t Sohedule "An to By-law No. 16-11 be amend,$d by deleting the1-e- from the worda · 2$ mUes per ,hour' and substi tutmg therefcae the words · 40 kUoaeten per hour I . . .' . - 2 - (,3) That Sohedule ''13'' to By-law No. 76-11 be deleted thereft'om and that Sohedule liB" (Revised) and appended hereto be substituted therefore. (4) That Sohedule "0" to Dy-law No. 76-11 (Former Township of Darlington) be deleted therefrom and that Schedule "B"(Revised) appended hereto be substituted therefore. (5) That Sohedule "0" to By-law No. 76-11 (Former Tawnship of ClC:t.) be deleted thoro from and Sohedule "B"(Rovised) and appondod hereto be substituted therefore. (6) That Sohedule ''D'' to By-law No. 76-11 be deleted therefrom and that Schedule "O"(Revised) appended hereto be substt.".d therefore. . ( 01:- S (!. /I--;c NIf I!. t1 - Read a first and seoond t:i:mc this .......da\Y ot......; l.. .-.... .-;~,'j77 ~~~ J, M. Mc~ i-t~ Oluk / . (~5E P "'11Z N"ftL977 Read a third t1me and passed this..........~ of.................',' ~~. M.a\vor Olerk . Approved by the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham on October 20th, 1977 ~-v-~ c. W. Lundy,egion erk ~>_. . .., e ~ Schedule 'B' (R~ised) To By-law No. 76-11 Haximum Rate of Speed - 60 Kilometers per Hour COLUMN I ~ 1 . Concession Rd. No. 3 (highwa;y- between Concessions 2 and 3) PART I Geographic Township of Da:rlington. COLUHN II From Durham Regional Road No. 5S 2. West side street Concession Road No. 3 (bigh~ between Lots (highw8\Y between Concessions 29 and 30, Concession 3) 2 and 3) 3. Prestonvale Road (high- A point 5800 feet we:y between Lots 32 south of King's Highwavr and 33, Concession 2) # 2 4. Tooley Road (highW8\Y" between Lots 32 and 33, Concession 3) 5. Zion Road (high~~ between Lots 30 and 31, Concession 4) 6. Solina Road (higb.~ between Lots 24 and 25, Concession 2) 7. Dump Road (hi~ between Lots 22 and 2), Concession 2) 8. Gravel Pit 11000 (high- w:y between Lots 20 and 21, Concession 2) . Concession Road No. 3 (highW8\Y" between Concession 2 and 3) A point 3900 feet south of Durham Regional Road # 4 A point 1100 feet south of King's Hi~ No. 2 Concession Road # 2 (higl:l:wq between Concessions 1 and 2) A point 1000 .feet south of King's Highw8\Y II 2 9. Maple Grove Road Concession Road, # 2 (high~ between Lots (high~ between Concessions . 18 and 19, Concession 2) 1 and 2) 10. Old SO'Ut,O'Og Road (high- ~ between Lots 19 and 20, Concession 10) Concession Road :/l 10 (highway between Concessions 9 and 10) COLUMN m To Solina Road (hi~ between Lots 24 and 25) Durham Regional Road No. 34 King's H.i.ghway If 2 A point 4000 feet north of Concession Road No. 3 Durham Regional Road No.4 Concession Road No. 3 (~between Concessions 2 and 3) Conoession Road if 3 (hi.gb.wrq between Concessions 2 and 3) A point 2000 feet north of King's Hi tWh..m'l:T :'1. 2 &.....""'V If . A point 2500 feet north of King's High~ =/1 2 North limit of the Town. of Newcastle . " '--.~ 2. .- .. COLUMN I ~ - 2 - COLUMN II From 11. Trulls Road (road between Durham Regional Road Lots 30 and 31, Conoession No. 22 2 and 3) 12. Conoession Road # 3 (ro...a. between Concession 2 and 3, Nash Road) Solin.a Road (road between Lots 24 and 25) PART II Geogra.phio Township of Clarke. OOLUMN I ~ 1. Third Line Road (high- wq between Concessions 2 and 3) Leskard Road (bi.g1:rw:q between Lots 30 and 31, Concessions 6 and 7) COLU11N II From King's Hi~ # 35 and 115 Durham Regional Road # 4 (Tatmton Road) PART III Town of BowmazIvi1le. COImm I B'iP:hwa..T 1. KiDg's Hi~ No.2 (connecting Link) COLUMN II From A point 172 feet east of the centre line of Martin Road. COl1JMN III To Conoesf.ll<m Road # 4 (between Concession 3 and 4) Gravel Pit Road (road between Lots 20 and 21) COLUMN III 'lo The Road Allowance between IDts 32 and 33 100 feet north of ^' 01 Concession Road ~t[,'^-'^' \p-" north 7 (h1gb;wfq tl ~ ~ ,I j,/ -7. ,'t~ between Concession f? 6 and 7) COLUMN III To A point 1606' easterq thereof . I ~ - . .~ . COLUMN I ~y Sohedule '0' (Revised) To :By-law No. 76-11 Maximum Rate of Speed - 70 Kilometers per hour COLUMN II ~m 9 OOL'm1N m \'0 / ,- ,~ . ~ .-- . - . .,,,,..,,,.,\. "JI' ~ C01lP(W.TION ~ THE JIlOWl:T QP NE\'TC.ASTill BY-LAH NO. 17-64 Be:i.ng' a by-law to amend by-lB.'\-' No. 76-11 URF.RF.A~ on the 1st da:y ot Barch, 1976, the Council of Tho TO'\m of Newoutle passed By-lB.'\-' Do. 76-11, being a by-law "CO authorize speed limits on Highw~s under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Town of Newoastle. AND ~/RIi!R1i!AS the !.finistry of Transportation and Communioations have reoOlllDenc1ed a 40 m. p.h. speed limit on a oertain portion of Highwa:y Ho. 2, east of 1i8.Ttin Road. AND w:BlmE:AS the Ministry of Transportation and Cammunicationsha.ve indicated that the rates of speed expressed in mlea per hour in all Municipal By-laws, be converted to kilometers per ho'tlr. AND \'1HEREAS Council now deems it expedient to llmend ~J-laH Ho. 76-11 :rOT TliI!:tu!:J!~ be it enacted and it is Hereby Enacted as a By-la", of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, as follow- (1) That Section (1) of By-lai'T No. 76-11 be amended by deleting the.re- from the letter D as it occurro in the 4thl1ne thereof and by inserting the word 'and' between the letters 13 and C so that the 4th line now reads I speed prescribed in Schedule d., :B and C appended'. (2) That Sohedule "A" to By-law No. 76-11 be amended by deleting there- from the words ' 25 miles per hour' and subBtituting therefoae the words ' 40 kilometers per hour I . t ".. - 2 - . (3) That Sohedule "B" to By-law No. 76-11 be deleted there1'rom and that Schedule "B" (ReviDed) and appended hereto be substituted therefore. (4) Tb.o.t Schedule "CII to By-law No. 76-11 (Former Townshi.p o'f Darlington) be deleted therefrom and that Schedule "B"(Revised) ,appended hereto be substituted therefore. (5) That Sohedule "C" to By-law No. 76-11 (li'ormer To'\-mship of Clcke) be deleted therefrom and Schedule "B"(Revised) and appended hereto be substitutod therefore. (6) That Sohedule ''DII to By-law No. 76-11 be deleted therefrom and that Schodulo IC"(Rcvised) appondcd hereto be aubstLtu..d therefore. ,I 4It Read a first and socond time this .......d~ of.................. 1977 G. B. Rickard Ma\Y'Or J. M. Mcilroy Clerk Read a third time and passed this..........d~ of.......~......... 1977 Mayor - CIerI:: ....... . .. .~.......,..-Jt.," " .. . Schedule '13' (Hevised) To lly-law No. 76-11 Haximum Hate of Speed - 60 Kilometers per Hour COLUMN I HUhwu' 1. Concession Rd.No.3 (~ between Concessions 2 and 3) }JART I Geogra.phic '.rownship of Darlington. COLUHN II From Durham Regional Road No. 55 2. W..t side street Conoession Road No. 3 (higb~ between Lots (highway between Concessions 29 and 30, Conoesslon 3) 2 and 3) Preatonvale Road (high. A point 5800 feet Wfq between Lots 32 oouth of King's HiGhWBS' and 33, Concession 2) j 2 3. . 4. Tooley Road (bighwavr between Lots 32 and 33, Concession 3) 5. Zion Road (hiC:l'WB~' between Lota 30 and 31, Concession 4) 6. Solina Road (higbW8\V between Lots 24 and 25, Concession 2) 1. Dump Road (highway betwen I.ots 22 and. 2), Concensioll :?) 8. Grave 1 1'i t 1 tond (hir;h- 'W8\Y bet\orecn Lots 20 and 21, Concession 2) Concession Road No. 3 (highway between Concession 2 and 3) A point 3900 feet south of Durham Regional Road If 4 A point 1100 fect south of ICing's Highwa.;'r No. 2 Conceseion noad hi 2 (highway between Conce3siona 1 and 2) A point 1000 fE1et Bouth of Ki.ng's lIighw<\,y .j/- 2 Maple Grove Hoad Concession HoM. il 2 (highwa.v between IJOts (highway between Concessi.ons 18 and 19, Concession 2) 1 and 2) 9. . . 10. Old SO'Uo'""<>C Road (h1{;h- ~ between Lots 19 and 20, ConceooioR 10) :~..:'";- "::~"'>''''~ oIti'"'. ".-- Concession :ioad.:' 10 (high'~ between Concessions 9 <md 10) COLIDm III To Solina Road (high~ between Lots 24 and 25) Durham Regional Road No. 34 King's llichway,/ 2 A point 4000 feet north of Concession Road 110. ) Durham Regional. Road No. 4 Concessian Road No. 3 (~between Concessions 2 and 3) Conoessian Road if 3 (hi~ between Conoessiono 2 and 3) A point 2000 feet north of King's Higtn'1B\Y j 2 A point 2500 feet north of King's lIi~1~:;: 2 North 1im! t of the Town of lJewcastle ..--.--.-...--'----...,-.,".,.-.-~-..-....,..t_~_.._...:~_,,-_\_~~~-~...._,.....~_"""':"_._-._-~...-..,~'~-,...,-- . COImlN I ~ 11. ~l. Road (road between Lote )0 and 31, Conoe.sion 2 an4 )) 12. Coaoe..1on Road # 3 (road between Concession 2 aDd ), Na8h Road) - 2 - COLmm II From Durham Regional Road No. 22 Solina Road. (road. between Lots 24 and 25) PAnT II Geographio Township of Clarke. COLUMN I 'Ri IJtrwra.v 1. Th1zrd Line Road (high- WIQ' between Concessions 2 aDd )) . 2. Lellkaro Road (~ betwen Lota )0 and 31, Concessions 6 and 7) COLUHN II :From King's Righ~ /1 35 and 115 Durham Regional Road /f 4 (Taunton Road) PART III Town of Bowmanville. COLUMN I ~t~ 1. K1Dg'. IIiahWt\T Uo. 2 (oonnect1l1g Link) . .,_~_...' ,_', ',To. ....",,, -"-"-~-"'-'-''''''''''_.~'~'''''''--''-~---~-:~ COLUMN II F.rom A point 172 feet east of the centre line of Martin Road. COLUMN III To Conoession Road. # 4 (between Concession 3 and 4) Gravel Pit Road (road between Lots 20 and 21) COLUMN m To The Road AllOW8Zloe between Lota 32 and 33 100 feet north of Con08ssion Road north 7 (~ between Concession 6 and 7) COLUMN In To A point 1606' eaater1.7 thereof -~-'--:;:a--"'--:-~'~:r--'-" _w_ .. . p T' . e 'a cotam I IIi JPbv8.v Schedule te' (Revised) To Ey-law No. 76-11 Ma.x1mUm Rate of Speed - 70 Kilometers per hour COLUMN II !}:om -"""lL--.- COLUMN nI 'l'o