HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-60 __ tJ, .... .' . e . THE CORPORATIOlJ OF THE TOWN OF liE\'iCASTIB :BY-LAW NtJMBER 77- 60 A ~-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 1653 of the former Township of Clarke, as amended. ~'R~ the Ccnmoil of the Corporation of the Town of Newoaatle deems it adviaable to amend lJy-law 1653 of the fm:mer Towneh1p of Cl~e; NOW 'J!HEREli'OBE the Counoil of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle EN.A.CTS as follows: 1. By-law Nwnber 77-51 of the Town of Newoastle is hereb;y repealed. 2. Seotion 3.3 of By-law 1653, as amended, is hereby further amended by adtliTlg thereto the following section (d): . " Notw1tb11taAding err::r provisions of this By-law to the oon~ a bcaa tide ta=er, whose main sou:roe of 1ncame is d81"lftd ~ fa:J"l1l""'g operations on a lot, ~ ereot a Beoand B~e tem1.ly dwell1ng on the said lot, provided that both dwell1ngs 8Z'8 used. b~ pcmIons signifioantly engaged in the fa.m1T\g operation on the lot and provided further that the said lot bas a mi",i1lpll eaa ot 50 acres". 3. Section 3.15 of By-law 1653, as amended, is hereby tunher amended b"J adding thereto the following sentenoe: "This seotion shall not be oonstrued to reduce the a:l.'8& requirement stipulated in seotion 3.3 (d) above". / I ./ ,,' . e . ,,' - 2 - 4. This :B,y-law shall become effective on the date hereof, IlUbject to receiving the appL'OV&l of the Onta;r1o Municipal Bosrd. By-law read a ti1"st time this Ira::. ........~ of A.D.,1977 ...~., . /J/,u.-- LJ quj( B,r-law read a seoond time thiB........~ of..../~....... A.D.,1977 I)/~ B;r-law wad a third time and finally passed this .......... da\T of /Jv.- q fA-> T .... .. . . .. . . . .'. A.D., 1977. J r'/~~ G. :B. Ricl"..&rd, ~r (Seal ) L-. L-- . . e e " \\l~ai "..,~ "";~ ,.~ '''1;;:. :.&.,',.....~. .......'.~.. . L I .'~'. j ~\t~~ 1 JIIJli ,j...; , . ..')' ~j\ J 1.Ili1~" t i:i,1Ei,::~ 1lt\j,F....'lC::J ~(;'..,.."'J1, )(;~';;ri!; R 112339 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE ~1ATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.S.C. 1970, c. 349), - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 77-51 as repealed and replaced by By-law 77-60 B E FOR E : D . S. COLBOURNE Vice-Chairman ) Wednesday, the 21st day ot ) ) June, 1978 THIS APPLICATION coming on for public hearing this day at the Town of Newcastle and after the hearing of the app1ieation; THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 77-60 is hereby approved. ~ SECRETARY ENTERED O. 8. No....(L?.z..::...~........ folio NO'n.......t~.,(............. JUL 26 1q78 ~~ RelnARY, 0II11oRIO lWII.CIPIll. SCAlD e e . e "- Communications #1 e:.-, '1Jf~ ',lai,~' 'ifI ~~.~ :'~::~:~ ~~l!i/i""';<~'-" ,( f.P( illt...t,,!!j;' ';,f"'.tl. 'I': ' ,1 \' \ .' ~ ".' \ iM' \.'" / .4'; P I' .'i'':1 If, . ...... ~Ul,li'*.: \.,,4..1;,.....6.. ;( 11[2 ,i'" On1, : I' "III. Ontario Municipal Board I. tMI MATtI. ot ''-'i_a .1 .t !'dif!I.l" fl! (1-...0. '170. .....d .. 18 t'UMtftIl 0' .. .,11..'la '" fb4f101''J)O...tlo-ft .,.. t_ ot ......'1. t." lIJIlPfI01"al ot it. ...,pl.'.. A~ .,-1.."-11 .. ,..,..1.' aml..,l._ '" .,-1_ ".., 111'011' D .1. cOLl-..a Vt..-Cbalfi'lllM ) W....aJ'. 'Mil.."'.,. ) ) -I.e. 1." mIl AP'LICAt'IOJl 0_1__, .. .... ""IS. ......11\1 Ibl. ..,. ., ... ,~ .f.......l. ..4 .t... 1M It_..t,.. .'1 .. ap-pl ttUatlM , !HI lOAD I'll>rll that _,....1_ "-0. t. __..by __""'M. ~~ ~'.ClIY"'.Y ENTERED 1(77-rj O. B. No..................'.......... 7S Fotio No... ....... ....... ...... ......... J UL 26 jQ7;j d~ SlCRUARV. OHtAlllO IIIIJIlIC'PAL ~"D .I ItA., f f./ h /I.. 1,l.A,~1 '11 r tl r' W'lf#-7 ~l W\~~ ~ ---- -. - - - -------------.:;;:. I ~~.J;j;i;; ~ ~ ~~ ~ )~ - 'II .t ~~. ~ . Form R-6 e Ontario Municipal Board 416/965-1908 180 Dundas St~ W. Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 r Mr. J.M. McIlroy Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LLIC 3A6 Quote File Number lL~7]2:33 L_ July 24, 1978 Dear Sir: Enclosed is documentation as follows: o o Copy of Decision Dated Copy of Decision dated (Signed Duplicate Original to follow) . o Duplicate Original of Decision dated lliJ Board's Order made June 21, 1978 [J Appointment for Hearing Yours truly, JJ:mjb ' Enclosure ~-~....-- g. C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration .