HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-41 ":"........""'^...,"~'..,"'-j~"~~ i#'~j.(~;.~. "t'f!""~"",4 ~<lio''4Ji:" ~_ _ -~--:@I'.:p.;. · "r'''''' . CE R T I , I E J COP ,.1 ..... " I, Joo..-" M. McIlro" of the ... of ".lllll.U.. .. ... Regtcm of Durh.o.n. Municip.l Clerk, DO .... Cl8'UY .... attached hereto i. a trlM OlIff of Iy-L_ "'u..ZZ-;~ln... p..sed by the Co'8\dl of the Qer...U.. .f the .... .. Ncwca5Ue at its taeet1a& hel. _ tb. .~t~...... .., .f June 1ft7 7 ......................, ~ ... WITNESS my hand and the ...1 of 'fllt! eor.....t_. - S..l 7 A.... ,.,... DATED thi....~~~..... de,.f ..~~~~~~~~;......... /~/ .' .. . 1. . e . I I .".,.., THE COllPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~,... By-Law No. 77-41 Being a by-law to rectify the description in the deed registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) as Number 64198. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle is the lawful successor to the former Township of Clarke; ANB MHEREAS the former Township of Clarke conveyed to The Durham Cowaty SeIlior Citizens Lodge all that portion of Lot 29 in the Fifth Concession of the GeoenfId.. TOWft&hip of Clarke, formerly in the County of Durham, JIOre particularly ...si..... as Part 1 Plan 10R-238, together with a right-of-way over Part 2 PI.. 101-218, by a deed registered in the Registry Office for the Re.istry Divis!.. of Newo...l. (No. 10) as Instrument No. 64198. AND WHEREAS a subsequent survey of the abandoned Canadian Norther Ontario llil.., right-of-way through Lots 29 and 30, in the Fifth Concession of the sa1. ~c Township of Clarke, formerly in the County of Durham, revealed that the 1.... de.ignated in Parts I and 2 Plan lOR-238, do not physically abut the sai4 railway right-of-way. AND WHEREAS it was intended that the former Corporation of the Tow.hip of Cl... Iblltd. grant to The Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge all thOle lands shown as 'art 1 on Plan lOR-238, lying northerly and abutting the abandoned Canadi.. NortherR Ontario Railway right-of-way. AND WHEREAS the purpose of this by-law is to authorize the executl. of . .... t. rectify the description in the deed registered in the Re.istry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) as Number 64198. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a deed and affix t~. co~... seal of the Municipality to convey the lands and preai... _n partlcul...l)' hereinafter described to The Durham County Senior Citizens Ledae:- ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land ... premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, the Regional Municipality of Durham, the Province of Ontario, and being composed of all that portion of Lot 29, 1a the 'lft~ Concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke and tM '--r Village of Orono, all formerly in the County of Durh8a, ..re particularly designated as Part One (I) accord i.. to '1.. 10R-454 said Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office fOr the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on March 11th, 1975. TOGETHER WITH a right-of-wtly for ing:t'ess and 81ft.l.l al_, ove: and upon that portion of said Lot 29 more partieulari, deslgnated as Part Two (2) according to said Plan 101-454. By-Law read a first and second time this 6th day of June, 1977. By-Law read a third and final time this (pC da . f ,iu Jvf ,e__~ . L). . . . . yo. . . . . . . . . . .... 1177. ~.B. RiCkard/~~~~~ I' ayor Seal /' // / / . . ..l~:""" / ~ / / , / , ' .-- ",/' .-----.-- /'" _....--- / .---.- " ---- / _./"''''~ -!...M. McIlroy Clerk ,. . " . ; I I ~ it ~ 851-77 No, land. Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) I CERTIFY that this instrument is regi~gr~d as at I' .'ollJ..M. SfP 8 1977 in the laRd Registry Office ~~ Town of Newcastle Ontario. REGISTRAR PAID "r.nr~ ~(\ '" ~"'1'U'l i 1. t~N\) \trJ~\~ I !\ . ---.." &-0 \ c7"'--. . TCIII OF UIIC'AS TLI It-LMI 77-41 rectifyins the description in the deed registered in the Registry Office for Registry Division of Newcastle (10) as Number 64198 Lot 29, Con. 5 formerly Township of Clarke. . (_.' .... 1 t · \: . . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 77-41 Being a by-law to rectify the description in the deed registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) as Number 64198. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle is the lawful successor to the former Township of Clarke; AND WHEREAS the former Township of Clarke conveyed to The Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge all that portion of Lot 29 in the Fifth Concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke, formerly in the County of Durham, more particularly designated as Part I Plan 10R-238, together with a right-of-way over Part 2 Plan 10R-238, by a deed registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) as Instrument No. 64198. AND WHEREAS a subsequent survey of the abandoned Canadian Norther Ontario Railway right-of-way through Lots 29 and 30, in the Fifth Concession of the said Geographic Township of Clarke, formerly in the County of Durham, revealed that the lands designated in Parts 1 and 2 Plan lOR-238, do not physically abut the said railway right-of-way. AND WHEREAS it was intended that the former Corporation of the Township of Clarke should grant to The Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge all those lands shown as Part 1 on Plan 10R-238, lying northerly and abutting the abandoned Canadian Northern Ontario Railway right-of-way. AND WHEREAS the purpose of this by-law is to authorize the execution of a deed to rectify the description in the deed registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) as Number 64198. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign a deed and affix the corporate seal of the Municipality to convey the lands and premises more particularly hereinafter described to The Durham County Senior Citizens Lodge:- ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, the Regional Municipality of Durham, the Province of Ontario, and being composed of all that portion of Lot 29, in the Fifth Concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke and the former Village of Orono, all formerly in the County of Durham, more particularly designated as Part One (1) according to Plan 10R-454 said Plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on March 18th, 1975. .....2 · J , , \Q . . . - 2 - By-Law No. 77-41 TOGETHER WITH a right-of-way for ing~ess and egress along, over and upon that portion of said Lot 29 more particularly designated as Part Two (2) according to said Plan 10R-454. By-Law read a first and second time this 6th day of June, 1977. By-Law read a third and final time this . 6.g:. day of ...-1~. tf. .~977. G.B. Rickard~~~~ Mayor . Seal J .M. McIlro Clerk