HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-40 .... --. ~- .--- -. . C E R T I FIE D CO~.Y,", (..,; I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newc..tie, in the Region of Durha.n, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Humber...l].~O.... passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on the ...t>~J;l.... day of ...........JuQe......., 1971.. ". \ WITNESS my hand and the seal of The Corporation. e DATED 6th this........... day of September 7 A.D., 197... .................... Clerk Seal . t I ! h~t,.Hj TIlE CORPORATI<ll OF THE TCWN OF NiWCt\srLE . By-Law No. 77-/IJ Being u by-lnw to ostablish oortain one toot reserves on Reg1stered Plan II 6S4 as n pIIh1.1o highway. BE rr mAC'ED and it is Hereby !haated as 0. by-J.av ot the Town ot NewoastJ.e by tho Counc11 thereof as follows: 1 . The following land is hereby estabJ.1shed as n publ1e ~ to be and to form part ot the publlo hilhva1' lcno1m .a La...... Cresoent 1n the Town of Newos.stle4I The sa.1d land hereby establ15hed as a public ~ 1. ".J"I1I)rf as follows: All and stncular that oertain paroel or traot of lud ad ..._._ situate, ly1ng and beinc in the Town of lev.aUe, in .. ~____1 ltmio1pe.llty of Duril.&m (rormerlT in the Town ot ~, in tile County of Durhao) and be1nc OOIlp>sed of tAG .. 1'oot nil... at 11M sou.th llr:d. t or Lavrenoe Crescent as shown Oft R........ P.J.an , 614 and described as Block "CIl. . 2. The following land is hereby established as & pub1.1.o Jd.CbvIf' 110 lire and to form. part of' ti:1e pub1L4 h1&hwq lmotm ... I...... GIN..., in the Town or Ievoastt.. The R1d land hereby established as a publ10 h1~ 11 .......... as follows: . . All wd sinfpuAr that certain parcel or 'tract of l..aI14 ... ......... 81Wa't.e, ~ ~ be1nc in the Town of Nevoutle, 1ft .. I[,,~J Mani.etpallty of Durham (forr.l8r:Qr in the TO\II1 of B~.....u.:a.., 1ft .. County of I:Qri1am) aM being ~sed or t1l. ODe toot ...a.41~ at ... south llm1 t of Lawrenco Cresoent a.s shovn on ....tend PJ.- , _ and desoribed as Block "D". t . 7J . ~... Read a first and second time this ....... day of ... ..~..fi.n..... 1m ~/7~ _..-/ ." . . ,~4~. . ... Mayor, G. B. Rickard /. '7 Ree.d a third time and passed this . i.'.;.. dq of ......"'''1''...... ,"" .-~~~.~~ 1 r Mayor, . G. B. R1*e.'" ,8 (SIAL) 1./.'.. ~~ .,( (C _______~. /~:rk, .J~~ ........ W 11 ra . .. \i ~. 8517'6 No. land R~gistry Division of Newcastle (NQ, 10) I CERTIFY that this instrument is regl~tllrep @$ of 1/.o(JfI..M. SEP 8 1977 in the land Registry Office 9f1~ Town of Newcastle Ontario. REGISTRAR ~~ f\ 00 \d-t' PAID tAND lltG1S1R~ OHler, NO. 10 ,.. .. ...,1:l.a 'IY-lMi Bo. 71-40 to esulllian certal. one foot reserves OD. legistered Plan 1684 Block "c" and Block nO" Plan #684 former Town of Bowmanville ~'i~~ ~ .,'" .\,. . .. "-- .. .' THE CORPORATION OF THE TCMN OF NEltlCASTLE . By-Law No. 77-/1) Being a by-law to establish oertain one toot reserves on Registered Plan # 684 as a publio highway. BE :rr ENA01ED and it is Hereby Enaoted as a by-law of the Town or Newcastle by the Counc:U thereof as follows: 1. The following land is hereby established as a public highway to be and to form part of the public h1ghway known as Lawrence Crescent in the Tow of Newoastle. The said land hereby established as a pubJ.io highway is described as follows: All and singular that oerta.in paroel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Mun1cipal.i.ty of Durham (formerly in the Tow of B01rIllllmV1lle, in the Oounty of Durham) and being oomposed of the one foot reserve at the south limit of Lawrence Cresoent as shown on Reg.tstered Plan # 684 and desoribed as Block "0". . 2. The following land 1s hereby established as a publio highway to be and to form part of the publlc higll~ known as Lawrence OrQscent in the Town of Newcastle. The said land hereby established as a publio highway 1s desoribed as follows; . _ All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the RegionsJ. Manic1pality of Durham (formerly in the Town of Bowmanville, in the County 01' Durham) and being oomposed 01' the one toot reserve at the south limit ot La1tJrence Crescent as shown on Registered Plan # 684 and desoribed as Block IIDII. Read a first and second time this .~.~.. day of ...!.c!l'f.'t...., 1m M4?~ Mayor, G. B. Rickard Read a third time and passed this ..~.'-'t. day of ...:1.LtNI:-r.., 1m . 4A/~ Mayor, ,G. B. Rickard (SEAL) ~-~-~~ /Olerk, ~D.roy ~