HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-32 . . . REPEALED BY IY.LAW,J.<1:..lo:J THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPEALED BY IY.LAW ,:t~.:.C?lZ BY-LAW NO. 77-32 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 76-7 as amended by By-law 76-43, being a by-law to provide for the maintenance, management, and regulation and control of the Bowmanville Cemetery. WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle did, on the 3rd day of May, 1976, pass by-law No. 76-7; AND WHEREAS the Council deems it expedient to amend said by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule "A" - Tariff of Rates, as amended by By-law 76-43, on the 19th day of July, 1976, be further amended as follows: Section I - Sale of Plots Dimensions Land Perpetual Care To tal Single Grave $95.00 3 x 9 $61. 00 $34.00 Section IV - Interment Charges: (e) Extra Charges to Above Double Depth (1) Adult.........$25.00 Section VII - MOnument Foundations .............$4.25 per cu. ft. 2. This by-law shall come into force when passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle subject however, to the approval of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. ..... READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 16th day of May, 1977 . READ A THIRD TIME and finally passed this 16th day of May, 1977. SEAL Clerk t . ~ Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations 950 Yonge Street 9th Floor Toronto Ontario M4W 2J4 Cemeteries Branch 416/965- 6611 ~ (e May 25, 1977 Refer to File No. A-C-8-1-1 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. LIC 3A6 Attention: Mr. J. M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T., Town Clerk. Re: Bowmanville Cemetery Regional Municipality of Durham Dear Sirs: -...... .. The revised tariff of rates, (Schedule "A" to By-law No. 76-43), has been filed in accordance with the regulations under The Cemeteries Act and one copy, so marked, is returned herewith. ,;~::y truly, Chief C eteries Officer. - RMcC/dn Encl. RECEIVED MAY 27 \911 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~.! ',-"-~_. ".', . ..J>. . ;0".,. , ',(--, ;'1' ~1.".' .':""" .c. o ~F'- " ,. "'~Jh,,, ,;' ~ ... -.:.,. ' N~ .;; , "I >.-~J.~l' <' "~, ~ ~: .-. ,,;.', ~ TilE CORPCRATION OF THE TOWN OF }!EUCASTLE BY-LA';-l NO. 77.-32 being a by.-1aw to amend By-law No. 76- 7 as amended by By-laH 76-43, being a by-1m.. to provide for the maintenance, management., and regulation and controi of the BovJffianville Cemetery" WHEREAS, the Council of tl~.e Corporation of the Town of Newcastle did, on the 3rd day of May, 1976, pass by-law No. 76-7; AND HHEREAS the Council deems it expedient to amend said by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Tmm of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. Schedule "A" - Tariff of Rates, as amended by Ey-lm..- 76--43, on the 19th day of July, 1976, be further amended as follows: Section I - Sale of rlots Dimensions Land Perpetual Care Total Single Grave 3 x 9 $61. 00 $34.CJO $95.00 Section IV - Interment Charges; (e) Extra Charges to Above Double Depth (1) Adu1t.........$25.00 Section VIr - Monument Foundations ........,.... $tt. 25 per cu. ft. 2. This by-law shall come into force when passed by the Council of the Corporation of the TmvIl of Newcastle subject however, to the approval of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. , READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 16th day of 11ay, 1977. READ A THIRD TIl1E and finally passed this 16th day of Nay, 1977. ,l" ~:::;/// . /~..~. ~., /' .,.<_~~L_L&:~.,.,::'fa,,"--.-?'" l' SEAL Hayor ~/ , z--..---;::7 7,~.J :J~. CoPfI Clerk / / - I . d <~ -~ · ~PLV ~ ~ .. -.......-'.~--. .., ;b ~.. / ""/ ~. ~-~ 1- --,~, FILE!"') .. l.11NISTRY OF CON:';U;-iER a.. COMMERCtAL RELA-TI.C:>"NS ill accordince with the repl,tions Ull~' Th!,C.. 1ettries Act. These rates shall ~ :...' ,.:. '.,' Jv dlYS after the 4at~ of filill, ~h. .1 "1",'. fJ" l...t iil;.:g....<'?l.. ../!I.I?77....... N..i;:l.l.~I~.,f:- - -1-1 ....~.. ,.,_.~, i, f -,' , ~ . "-l~ .I ._-....... r'" ..