HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-30 " . r. . l, THE CORPORATION OF - THE TOWN OF NEWCASTlE By-la.w No. 77-30 :Being a. by-law to aJ.low an enoroachment onto lo'T.ill Street 1n the Ifam1et of Hampton, Town of Newcastle, Regional Munioipali ty of Durham. WR)imTilA~ FLOYD F. STEENBURGH and CAROL STEE:NBURGH are the registered owners of land and premises being composed of part of Lot 18, Concession 5, in the Geographic Township of Darlington, now designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 1 OR-85, registered on the 22nd da\Y' of June, 1973, and more particularly desoribed on Sohedule C attached hereto; AND 'WHEREAS a Surveyor's Certificate, dated the 1st da\v of April, 1977 A.D., and. signed by M. D. Brown, Ontario Land Surveyor, a COW of which is attached hereto as Schedule "B", states that the south west oorner of the roofed concrete stoop in front of the said dwelling encroaches onto Mill Street approximately 2.0 feet and the south east corner of the aforesBid roofed stoop encroaches onto Mill Street approximately 0.35 feet; NO\oT T.HEH.I!lI!'ORE the Council of the Corporation of The Town of Newcastle, plmNant to The MlmicipaJ. Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 354 (1) paragraph 93, HEREBY ENACT as follows: 1 . That the said Floyd F. Steenburgh and Carol Steenburgh or the owner or oocupant 1'rom time to time of the building on Part 2 on the said plan 1OR-85, as shown on the survey attached hereto as Schedule "A", be aJ.lowed to maintain and use the encroa.cbments of the roofed conorete stoop 1n front of the said dwelling as deocribed 1n the Surveyor's Certifica.te attached hereto as Schedule ''B'', for one year, and. year to year thereafter as CO'lmcil permits; 2. That the owner of the said residence property pay to the Town of Newcastle an annual fee of $1.00 in advance for the right to maintain and use the said encroachment. 3. That the permission hereby granted shall not confer upon the owners or occupants any right, title or interest in the said Mi.1l Street or the encroachment located thereon other than the right to maintain and use such existing encroachment fioom yea:r: to yea:r as Council ~ permit and such permission sba.ll te1'mi.na.te upon the encroachment or the building of which it forms part being demolished or otherwise ceasing to exist. . . . . l'.e . .. - 2 - Read a. first time this 16th IvIa\v .............~ of ................., 1977. G.:e. Ri_~.d~ ~or . ~ J. M. Mcilroy Clerk c::. (/ i..-o" ~ Read a seoond time this ...3pt~.....daJ of .....l~............, 1977. G. B. Rickard ~ ~ -pi Mauror /" J. N. McIlroy Clerk By-la.w read a third and passed this .. {~. f;-; ~ of ...J.1. it f." .. .. . . ., 1977. ,,' I I .... " I \ 1"1 .', ',", J ,:: \ ' r, ~ l .:. ~. . , ./ SC!1I1sD.,y. "Aft to :B7-law :No. 77- 30 ,1U!OF PLAN lOR-85 , REGISTERED JUNE 22ND, 1971 ~ ,,~ t~ *" Zl\, ~ \'I( , ~. . (::~~.. . ~. : ",: . 1\-\ I- flU I L I, U. Fd..t tt \\ N l.l J\\ 1 I L lJ .f .l.lm,J ~11'H'i.0n~J ami EIl~/i;U.t:.'l.b29 '21Q\JF r:N ~HH:t:'T I:lOWMANVI! L.f u~,n~RI() 1..1C 1M} l .~.~ ~., .:'.f: ."q:: i'1j~~\ 'co ,I ., SU~1VEYOt'.J CET['!1'<'ICAT:.<.: ,,'-,,' ,J, , .. I, . M. D. Brm-rn, an Onti.' {'1 ,., L,.;tnd SUI'\'e~'or, hereby cert.i t'y.' tMt a one and one-half Crame i,l1id stucco dwnlling is wholly within: . the limits of that part of l,nt Eighteen (IS) in the Fifth Coneession of'the Geographic' TO'Nn~hip; of DnrlinfSt.on, fonnerly in the Village of Hampton , . County of Thlrham and nt)W "lithin the limits oftbe Town . ot;Newcastle, Ree~on':-jl ~1unie1pality of Durham. more partiQularly :.:: designated asPaX't Two (2F.,'Plan 10 R 85: on file in"the Reei~try.'- Of rice ,for the Ref:;i~:tr)' Dtvif-'ion of Ne\'lc1istle (#10) )8xcept the. : outh- est co er. 0 ho t fr nt of tea ~ }_ ". ',1 'i :\ ~t. ~. I I'! -.' .'4t3.. ~,~ ~. .~{~~ ~~.. ;-: ..f~.~ t~ ~~ .~J _~-'l :~:~ d.' . :~H.'. . " '(.'- Dat.ed this 1st. day of Apri;L,"19,7? A.D. :~, ~'. -;. ..... ;'.,,~O"";;. '.t-. . ~.. ~.~,i.) .' }. ~-.-..?~ .:~~:.t .. f .::t .... .. .Ii' -:,<:";. -.( ,.~ ~-" { :. M. D. Brown, Ontario Land surveyor. ~. . ./; : 17"Bftto ~hw ~._77-301' .. .t~ . . ~~- : ; ";: ",', .~ w. ':'~ 1\, "~ ~ :i . _'. I" ,i -0 ~ iJ' . - . , Schedule "c" to BY-la.w No. 77-30 All and Singular that oertain paroel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in part of Lot Eighteeen (18) in the Fifth (5) Concession of the Geographio Township of Darlington, in the former Village of Hampton, now wi thin the limits of The To'\-m of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, more partioularly designated as Part (2), Plan 1aR-85, on rile in the Registry Offioe tor the Registry Division of Newcastle (# 10).