HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-24 ~ ~ * \ . ... . THE CORPORA.TION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 77-24 Baing a by-law to amend By-law No. 76-30 'WHEREAS the COlmcil of The Corpora.tion of The Town of Newcastle passed by.law No. 76-30 on the 17th dq of Mq, 1976, !lID WHmREAB The Ministry of Transporta.tion and COIIIIlUXlications did, on the 30th dq of Novem~, 1976, pursuant to the ~ Traffic Aot, approve of By-law No. 16-30, excepting certain items in Schedw.e "A" and Sohedw.e "B" of said by-law. AND WHEREAS tho P=PGII'. of this by-law is to amend :By-law No. 76-30 in accordanoe with the Minis~JfS letter of Maroh 14, 1977, N0\1 THEREFORE be it enacted and it is HEREBY ENACTED as a by-law of the Corporation of The Town of Newcastle as follow: . 1. Seotion I (1 )(g) of By-law No. 16-30 is hereby amended by deleting theretJ.'om the deiini tion of a "MOTOR VEHICm" and the following substituted therefor: "MOTOR VEHICm" includes an automobile, motoroycle, motor assisted bicycle unless otherwise indicated in thiQ Act, and arr:r other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by musoul~ power, but does not include the cars of electric or steam rail~, or other motor vehicles running only upon ra.ils, or a motorized snow vehiole, traction engine, farm tractor, self-propelled implement of lmsbandry' or road building ma.ohine wi thin the meaning of this Act. 2. Section I (1 )(s) of :By-law No. 16-30 is hereby' amended by strik:iDg out ''motor assisted bicycle II in the first line. 3. Sohedule "A" (Permitted Angle Parking) to :By-la.w No. 16-30 is hereby amended by striking out "(FOBMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE) Kf.ng Street South Baldwin Street to Beaver Street Anytime If . , - 2 - . 4. Schedule liB" (No Parking) (Foxmer Village of Newoa.stle) to By-law No. 76-30 is hereby amended, by striking out the fo1lowixlg words in item 8 thereof, ''King Street :Beaver Street to 6251 easterly and substituting therefore the following Both At arry time" liKing Street North f'rom a point 325' east of :Beaver Street to a. point 6251 easterly thereof At a;n:y time II 5.Schedule "0" (Parking for Restricted Periods)(Former Villaee of Newcastle) to By-law No. 76-30 is hereby amended by striking out items one, two and three and substituting the following, ~ :Between ~ 1) King Street North North Street and a 2 hours point 1381 easterly thereof . 2) Xing Street North from a point 138 t 15 minutes east of North street to a point 2481 east of North Street 3) King street North f'rom a point 2481 2 hours east of North Street to the westerly limits of :Beaver Street 4) King Street South from BaJ.dwin Street 2 hours to :Beaver Street. Read a first and. second time this .. . 16tlil. ..d.a\v of . ..April......., 1977 .~~~ Ma\Yor . ~u-" r.,4 ~O"Yerk _ Read a third time and passed this ....ki~.d.a\v of ..~......, 1971. -~~ Ke;yor L., 1tRl.~'A '61...; ~"OIerk . . . . S C H E D U L E "A" (re-r.I.sed .b:dJ. 18, 1977) PERMITTED ANGLE PARKING BIGll\'1AY ~r TmES OR DAlS SIDE . . S C H E D U L E liB" (revised - Apm.l 18, 1977) NO PARKING (FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE) HIGHWAY ~ 1. .Arthur street East 2. Baldwin Street West 3. Beaver street East 4. Caroline street North 5. Church Street West - 6. Mill Street Both (south seotion) 7. North street West 8. King Street North . BE'.t'\oIEl!lN Kings Highw8\Y' #2 to C.P.R. tracks South limit of Baldwin Street to King Street James Street to Andrew Street BaJ.dwin Street to Church Street Robert Street to King Street The south limit. of C.N.R. overhead. brid8'e to a point 1300 feet southerly and easterly measured along the oentre- lina of the road. King Street to Regional Road. II 17 from a point 325' east of Beaver Street to a point 625' easterly thereof TmES OR DAYS At Anytime At .Anytime At .Anytime At Anytime At mytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime , . . I . . . S C H E D U L E "C" (revised - AprU 18, 1977) PARKmG FOR RESTRICTED PERIODS (FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE) HIGHWAY 1) King Street SIDE BETWEEN Tll1ES OR DAYS 2 hours North North Street and a point 138' easterly thereof from a point 138' east of North Street to a. point 248' east of North Street 1.5 minutes 2) King Street North 3) ICing Street from a point 248 t east of North Street to the westerly limits of Beaver Street 2 hours North 4) King street from BaJ..dwin Street to Beaver Street. 2 hours South l' .. -- wi' . Ontario . Ministry of Transportation and Communications Corporation of the Town 0:1: Newcast~e, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanvil~e, OntarlO. Attention: Mr. J.M. McIlroy Town Clerk. Dear Sir: Re: Town of Newcastle Bylaw No. 77-24. // Jr> /~uf1 " '" t+l 9 tJ th >L" ttvi ~ ~~ Ferguson Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A lZ9. May 25, 1977. Enclosed is an approved copy of the aim bylaw. The approval relates to the provisions cont- ained therein affecting traffic on the connecting link, King Street, in the Town of Newcastle. Encl: c.c. V. Bernat - DV (w/BL) JRB/n Yours very truly, ~ J.R. Burns, Solicitor Drivers & Vehicles. RECEIVED JUN 1 1977 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ..-.., ,I . . . . I · . tp * ~ TEE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 71-24 :Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 16-30 WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle passed by-law No. 16-30 on the 11th ~ of~, 1916, AND ~"s The Ministry of Transportation and Communioations did, on the 30th ~ of November, 1916, pursuant to the Hig1:rwq Traffic Act, approve of By-law No. 16-30, excepting certain items in Sohedule "A" and Schedule liB" of said by-law. . AND WHEREAS tho purpoI8 of this by-law is to amend By-law No. 16-30 in accordance with the Minis~JIS letter of March 14, 1911, NOW' T.tlI!iH.I!itOBE be it enacted and it is .tll!l1i.I!i.Ijy ENACTED as a by-law of the Corporation of The Town of Newcastle as follows: 1. Seotion I (1 )(g) of By-law No. 76-30 is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the definition of a "MOTOR VEHICLE" and the following substituted therefor: "MOTOR VEHICLEll includes an automobile, motorcyole, motor assisted bicycle unless otherwise indicated in this Act, and art3' other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, but does not include the cars of electrio or steam rail~, or other motor vehicles ruzming only upon ra.Us, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, faxm tractor, self-propelled implement of husbandry or road building machi.ne within the mean:iIlg of this Aot. 2. Section I (1 )(s) of By-law No. 16-)0 is hereby amended by striking out ''motor assisted bioyolell in the first line. 3. Schedule "A" (Permitted Angle Parking) to By-law No. 16-30 is hereby amended by striking out "(FOBMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE) King Street South Baldwin Street to Beaver Street .Anytime " ,. t - - ~ J ! --1 ~ ..---..~ - "t .~~ - " . , , ." 1 s:: o . .jJ 4-I~ o 0 01 s:: 00 ~ s:: o nj E-I ~ E-I Q) .!:: U . .jJ -0-1 r-- r-lr-- s:: ..0 0\ -0-1 ::s r-l III .jJ :>t Q) Q) nj Q) .c: ~ ~.jJ .jJ 4-1 CI)~O Q) tit 'tl :>, s:: s:: nj -0-1 ::s ro ::::e::; ~.!:: s::s::.jJ 0-0-1 Lt) r-lN U -0-1 0' 00 4-1 S::-o-I 4-1 -0-1 .!:: nj.jJ.jJ ~ U .jJQ)'tl s:: Q) titS:::> .g~ UnjOl Q) nj 4-100 4-1 nj Q) nj ~ ro nj ~ Q) nj.jJ.jJ r-l nj U :>ts::..x: ..00' -0-1 .jJ 00 00 s:: -0-1 Q) Q) .c: '0 S .jJ Q) 00 :> 4-1-0-1 0 o ~ .!::Ol 00 U S S::-o-I H O.!:: -0-1 ~ :>, 00 nj -0-1 Q) ~ :> r-l .c: 0.jJ tit ~ 00 -0-1 Olnj:I:: U Q)~'O .a Q) s:: E-I Z nj . .. lo-I Q) 01 . CI) Z o H E-I ..x: U H Z ::> ~ o ~U o ZCl Cl)Z ..x: CI) I"ilZ ~8 IJE-I ..x: E-I p::; o III CI) Z ~ E-I ~ o p::; I"il E-I CI) H Z H ~ - 2 - 00 Q) r-l U ~ Schedule tlB" (No Parking) (Fomer VUlS8S of Newcastle) to By-law " 00 ~ No. 76-30 is hereby amended, by striking out the f01l.owi1:lg words Q) in item 8 thereof, 0-1 lo-I lo-I 0 -g ''King Street ~ :I:: 4-1 o and substituting therefore the following lo-I . nj P::; lo-I "King Street .jJ 00 .0-1 tit Q) P::; 5.Schedule "0" (Parking for Restricted Periods) (Fo:mer V1llaee of Newcastle) to By-law No. 76-30 is hereby amended by striking out items one, two and three and substituting the followi.ng, Both Beaver Street to 625' easterly At a:a:r time" North from a point 325' east of Beaver Street to a point 625 r easterly thereof At a:a:r time" Side - Between Time - 1) King Street North North Street and a point 138' easterly thereof 2 hours 2) King Street from a. point 138' east of North Street to a. point 248' east of North Street 15 minutes North 3) King Street from a point 248 r east of North Street to the westerly limits of Beaver Street 2 hours North 4) King Street from BaJ.dwin street to Beaver Street. 2 hours South Read a first and second time this ...1et~...~ of ..~pril......., 1977 ... ~~.tf k:J,,~ Ma\Yor k~?~. ~~~/~erk. / ~'--I fJ /: .hh ~.(J Read a third time and passed this ... t . ~ .. ~ of . Hfr... .. .. . .., 1977. b~~'~ ~~ ;k'll. ~ ~ Clsrk . . I' .. . . . S C HE D U L E "A" (revised April 18, 1977) PERMITTED ANGLE PARKING HIGmofAY smE :BETWEEli TIMES OR DAYS -'\ .... #' .,.1 , . S C RED U L E "13" (revised - April 18, 1977) NO PARKING (FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCABTIiE) HIGHWAY ~ 1. .Arthur Street East 2. :Baldwin street West 3. Beaver Street East 4. Caroline Street North $. Church Street West . 6. Mill Street Both (south section) 7. North Street West 8. King Street North . BElT\'IEEN Kings Highw8\V' #2 to C. P. R. traoks South limit of :Baldwin Street to King street James street to Andrew Street 13aJ.dwin Street to Church Street Robert Street to King Street The south limit. of C.N.R. overhead brid8e to a point 1300 feet southerly and easterly measured aJ.ong the centre- lina of the road King Street to Regional Road # 17 from a point 32$' east of :Beaver Street to a point 625' easterly thereof TmES OR DAYS At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At .Arl;ytime At Anytime '. _ .7 .... . . . . S.O HE D U L E "OP (~... A~ 18, 1977) PAFTC'llIn FOR ~~~ P.Ell!IODS ('FOBMER 'V"!LLAGE fJ1! NEWCASTLE) HIGHWAY 1) King Street SIDE BETWEEN TmES OR DAYS North North Street and a point 138' easterly thereof 2 hours 2) King Street from a point 138' east of North Street to a point 248' east of North Street 15 minutes North 3) King Street from a point 248' east of North Street to the westerly limits of Beaver Street 2 hours North 4) King Street from :BaJ.dwin S'b:eet to :Beaver Street. 2 hours South