HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-21 ~ I . ~ ~. r THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAY'] NO. 77-21 being a by-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle to appoint a Treasurer. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Section 218 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970. the Council of every municipality shall appoint a Treasurer, NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle by its Council ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Klaas DeGroot be and he is hereby appointed Treasurer of the Town. as of April 25th. 1977. 2. The said Klaas DeGroot shall perform all statutory duties of a Treasurer including the following: (a) He shall be the head of the Treasury Department and adviser to Council on all matters pertaining to the finances of the municipality. (b) He shall carry out all duties imposed upon him as Treasurer by the Statutes of Ontario, a familiarity with which he acknowledges by the acceptance of the office of Treasurer. (c) L~ head of the Treasury Department he shall be responsible for its organization and administration, includiag the deployment and training of Department staff, subject to Council's approval of staff complement and remuneration. (d) He shall be responsible for the installation and operation of a system of accounting which is in accordance with accepted principles of municipal accouuting and in keeping with the standard classifications, where applicable, of the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs of the Province of Ontario. (e) He shall set up and maintain, or cause to be maintained, a set of books faithfully and accurately setting forth, from day to day. a record of all moneys received by or disbursed on behalf of the Corporation and maintain an accurate record of all other accounting and financial transactions of the Corporation. (f) He shall be responsible for keeping account. at all times, of cash, investments, receivables, inventories. equipment and buildings and shall endeavour to account for and ensure payment at the proper time of all current, long term and debenture liabilities of the Corporation. (g) He shall administer and co-ordinate the preparation annually 2 ~.... ~ . - - 2 of the estimates for the financial operation of the municipality and shall be responsible for their submission to Council in accordance with the procedural and other requirements of Council. (h) Ile shall be diligent in ensuring the prompt collection of all rates and taxes on all rolls returned to him and all interest, penalties, rentals, license fees and other moneys due to the Corporation: instituting, where necessary, such proceedings as may be required for their recovery. (i) He shall be custodian of all debentures and securities of the Corporation and shall keep all such debentures and securities in locked safety deposit boxes in a security deposit vault and only such officials as shall be designated by Council shall have access to such boxes. (j) He shall set up and keep, or cause to be kept, the proper necessary books and registers for the purpose of recording the Debenture Debt of the Corporation and all changes therein, and the retirement and redemption of the maturing issues, both as regards principal and interest or of any other nature whatsoever. Such books and registers shall also set forth the provisions to be made with the Bankers and Agents of the Corporation, both in Canada and elsewhere, for the meeting of all principal and interest as these become due. . (k) He shall present to Council annually a statement of the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenditures of the Corporation and if required by Council shall present a monthly statement contain- ing similar information and he may also present a Special report which, in his opinion as Treasurer should be presented for the information of Council. (1) He shall, subject to the approval of Council, see that monies to the credit of any trust, reserve or general fund of the Corporation that are subject to or available for investment are invested in prop~rly authorized securities according to the by-laws or practices governing the particular fund. It shall be his responsibility to recommend to Council the type of investments that he believes to be the most acceptable for the purposes of the particular fund. (m) He shall be responsible for the maintenance of suitable and other insurance coverage on all property belonging to the Corporation. (n) He shall establish a Petty Cash Fund and such procedures as are necessary for the administration and control of the Fund and _ . ........ 3 \ . By-Law 77-21 - 3 - make recommendations to Council to allocate Petty Cash Funds to departments of the Municipality in such amounts as he deems necessary to meet the requirements of such departments. (0) He shall be the custodian of all bonds and securities of fidelity given for the faithful discharge of the duties of the officials and servants of the !1unicipa1ity, excep~ his own 9 which shall be deposited with the Clerk of the ~funicipa1ity. (p) He shall have the right to demand of any officer or servant of the Municipality any information which may be necessary for the carrying out of his duties as Treasurer. (q) He shall attend the meetings of Council and of its Committees as required by Council. (r) He shall, before entering on his duties, make and subscribe a declaration of office and give such security as Council directs for the faithful performance of his duties. (s) He shall be governed by such other by-laws as affect the duties of his office and perform such other duties as may be lawfully ( t J imposed from time to time by Council. 3. By-law No. 74-4 is hereby repealed. #', READ a first and second time this Ifth day of April A.D. 1977 READ a third time and FINALLY PASSED this 4th day of April A.D. 1977 G. B. Mayor /' RiCkard~~~ <- ----7 \..-. /' SEAL J. M. McIlro Clerk CtJ Ik /~ ~ t~" ~.~ ~. AI- /~.A- " /J.vf~ i ~!.,