HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-20 THE ~ Olil JfBE TmIN OT1tEWC.ASTLE , . By-Law No. 11-20 Being a by-law to amend By-la.w No. 16-72 WRJf!R1i!A~ -the Council of The C~tion of' The Town l>t Neveutle passed by-law # 76-72 on the 13th day of December, 1976; .AND WfIIi!R1ilAR there were minor errors in the description of those portions of road allowances so stopped up and closed. AND WRli!RF.M~ the purpose of this by-la.w is to correct the said errors. NOW T1:1&.i.w!.iJ!QRE be it ene.oted and it is .tU!lliJ!iJ:Jy ENACTED as a. 13y-law of the Corpcma.tion of the Town of Newcastle as follows: (1) Perl; 1 of :By-law # 76-72 is hereby ='l1TI91'la~ by deleting therefrom the description of those portions of the road allowance so stopped up and. closed. and substituting therefore the followiIlg description. - C(HltENCmG at the north easterly angle of said Lot 1, Concession S; THENCE Wl!5TERLY in and along the northerly limits of said Lots 1 and 2, in the Fifth Concession of the said Geographic Township of Clarke to the north westerly angle of said Lot 2; THENCE NORTHERLY in the production of the westerly limit of said Lot 2, Concession 5, to a point in the southerly limit of Lot 2, Concession 6; TBENOE EASTERLY in and along the southerly limits ot Lots 2 and 1, Concession 6, to the south easterly angle of said Lot 1, Concession 6; THENCE SOUTHERLY in a straight line to the point of oommencement. . ~ 1 /) . - 2 - SECONDLY ALL AND SINGULAR that oerta.in pa;rcel or t:ra.ot of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being oomposed of the easterly 332.50 feet of the original allowance for road between Lot Three (3) in the Fifth Concession of the Geographie Township of Clarke and Lot Three (3) in the Sixth Conoession of the Geographic Township of Cla;rke, southerly adjacent to Lot Three (3), Concession 6, all formerly in the County of Durham and now wi. thin the limits of the said Town of Newcastle. Read a. first and second time this..4tll.. daur of..~WH-.......... 1977 e G. B. Rioka.rd~ ~.-L-/ Ma\rOr . J. Me McIlroy Clerk ,.-.", Read a third time and finally passed this...!t!; day of... ft ! f. '. L;;. 1977 ,/?-A ,,&~~/ ~or . ~ Clerk .