HomeMy WebLinkAbout77-10 .. ~. , ;. ,. .. . '. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE \ BY-LAW NO. 7 7 - /6 Being a By-law to authorize the Town to borrow and to execute a loan agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of the Province of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Housing of the Province of Ontario for the provision of storm drainage in the area of Courtice. The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle . e enacts as follows: 1. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle be auth- orized to borrow from Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Housing for the Province of Ontario, the sum of Two hundred and eighty-two thousand seven hundred dollars ($282,700.00), interest free, on the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement annexed hereto as Schedule "A". 2. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign and affix the Corporate Seal of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle to the loan . Agreement in the form annexed hereto as Schedule . "A". 3. This By-law shall not take effect until approval has .. . . - 2 - . been obtained from the Ontario Municipal Board. READ a first and second time this 11,p.-... day of /I #IA~ V- . 1977. ,~" '> -- READ a third and final time this 1/ V- day of II /fIAC 1)- . 1977. /~~/ c./' C- c- ~ Clerk .. .. ~------, (".., " 1 '.' r II II Ii i, , I: ~ J II , 1; Ij *. H " i: q Ii i: !: ,- n J: ;; Ii ;1 " .. I' ,--",,---,"-"'~'~"" ._- -,.." ".._,' .__...-...... '. - ,', -....: ......c. ,~,~.w~"..,....,_......_..,..~......,.. ~.....:-_. .... __~"'! ... ......,'w.....'_~'~..,.-..,...-~~-_._- ,,""" <<'" .' I I I I , j \ I I f I ~ /J- ~- #'7irJ H 77- Ie; THIS AGREEMENT made this ~- day of 4u-~1' one thousand nine hundred and seventy~seven BET WEE N: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN THE RIGHT OF ONTARIO AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF HOUSING OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO hereinafter called "the Minister" OF THE FIRST PART - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOt1N OF NEWCASTLE hereinafter called "the Town" OF THE SECOND PART ~nlEREAS: The Minister in the discharge of his public duties is desirous of stimulating and expediting residential develop- ment in areas of need within Ontario, having particular regard P I to the housing requirements of low and moderate income families; II I; Ii 'I II III I Ii !! Ii II I, I !; Ii ji q ii " I Ii i AND WHEREAS: The Town has an interest in common with the Minister in the area within its jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS: The Minister has entered or will enter into an Agreement with various developers who hold land (hereinafter called "the Developer") concerning the development of certain land in Drainage Area # land 2 of the Town which land is more particularly described in Schedule A attached hereto (herein- after called the "Land"); AND WHEREAS: The Minister, and the Tm'ln have agreed that it is in the public ..: ....... .L L.. J_ _ __f .LHl-tJ-C:Ol- t.hat: the Latld be developed as expeditiously as possible to reduce the cost of residential units to the public and they are prepared to take certain steps in their respective jurisdictions to e:Kpedi te approvals, registrations, and issuance of building permits to provide for such residential development and they have entered into this Agreement to accomplish the objectives aforementioned. lj ! ;l 'i i' Ii 'I I I Ii I' I' I! I: ! I II ""c,Y Ii I 11 I I II 'I I, d Ii :1 11 i II I I I It :j I I. 'I 1 , ! , , i Ii .1 I j! I I ~ '1 \; I, :1 II il II :1 " " ." . II :j Ii II Ii Ii i' Ii II li II Ii !i H Ii -l- " II Ii II Ii !i " : l! !i lj ii P .:. I' I jl !: I: ': I: J: !, " 1r \: I ~ ... \'i' '~'i'- ... I I I 17 t ._~....~... '-""'~-'------'-'-'. . "'-._-~ ..._-_..-.~--_._"'''-~'''''-~'.'-'--'--' ~..~.- _.._~_.__.._.--_...__.._.- 2 NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained the Parties hereto covenant and agree each with the other as follows: 1. The Minister shall provide the Town with an interest- free loan in the amount set out in Schedule B designated as "total amount of loan from the Minister" to assist in payment of the project described in the said Schedule B upon the following conditions: (1) The Minister shall advance only such parts of the moneys on the loan from time to time as have been approved by order of the Ontario Municipal Board for the said projects pursuant to the Ontario Municipal Board Act. (2) Payment of the moneys in respect of any contract to carry out the projects described in Schedule B I II ,I I I Ii I; " ,I Ii i; shall be made to the Town when evidence satisfactory to the Minister of the awarding of such construction contract has been received by the Minister. ( 4) II II '. II !, I' :1 I; The loan or any part shall be repaid to the Minister 'I i I (3 ) The Minister may consider a request from the Town for an adjustment in the amount of the loan to reflect more closely the cost of construction. Ii Ii II Ii li " ., !\ !i :i II II I! !: II I! ,i II \: 'f !! ! in full on the fifth anniversary of the date on which the moneys were paid and if the loan ~s ad- vanced in more than one payment each of such pay- ments shall be repayable in full on the fifth anniversary from the date of such advance. (5) If residential growth in the area serviced by the project described in Schedule B does not result in the area being fully developed before the loan is to be repaid the Minister will upon application ! by the Town reconsider the obligations on the Town " " i .i Ii , ! I i I , , I I II ii, I' I I I i I Ii Ii II I II " i' I! 11 Ii 'I I, I II .,. I I I I I I '! I ,I _ ,I 11 '! I 1 I ,I Ii " " II , , Ii " tj I: II I ! I I II p H Ii ,I Ii ,! I I I I: i. r p l. i ~ il j; ;, !i ~ ~ " I!' ,I 11 !, !I " ; ~ " - t.~J ,. , . I ' , I i I I I I ; I I I II " !: 11 11 11 Ii :1 'I 'i !; /' 3. !, P iI I: 3 and may, subject to any approval required by the Ontario Municipal Board, make such adjustments from time to time in the terms of repayment of the loan or any part thereof as he may deem just and equitable. 2. (1) The Town shall cause the project described in Schedule B to be designed and constructed with sufficient capacity to service the Land in accordance with good engineering practice. (2) The Town shall cause construction of the project described in Schedule B to be completed, as far as may be practicable, in sufficient time to permit the Developer to fulfill its obligations under the Developer's agreement and to continue in appropriate stages, until completion. (3) The Town shall provide the Minister with evidence of Ontario Municipal Board approval of the project described in Schedule B and of approval to borrow and repay the loan amount set out in Schedule B. (4) The Town shall in consultation and concert with such other authorities as may be deemed necessary and appropriate, endeavour to expedite the granting of all planning approvals and the passing of any by- laws, and generally do everything within its juris- dictions to enable the Developer to fulfill its obligations under the Developer's agreement and to proceed with the developmen~ of th~ Land. The parties will in good faith and in the public interest co-operate with each other with a view to the expeditious achievement of the objects hereinbefore set forth and in the event of any dispute as to the meaning or application of any provisions of this Agreement each will promptly consult and negotiate with the others to resolve such dispute. i , , j " " Ii /, II , I' II Ii Ii II II II II Ii I' I: Ii r r Ii Ii I' ,t I 'i !i - .-T--'-:~ -~-.' ~- ...~ L ~-~......,;., ~ -___t~-....-;:;;......-..-~:.;;:;....~-'~-~.;..:.:....;;-~.------'-"-:--~.:... '... . .. '1 to ,# .. 1\ , . t I I - 4 - . 4. The recitals hereinbefore set out shall form an ihte~ral part of this Agreement and the Schedules mentioned in this Agreement and attached hereto shall form part of this Agreement and have the same force and effect as if contained in the body of this Agreement. Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement. 5. IN WITNESS WHERBOF the Corporate party has signed this document under seal and the Minister has signed pursuant to his authorization by Order-in-Council. \ ~. I MINISTER OF HOUSING I I I --;7 CL.-t:- ~ / i \ I II I' I I) '\ !I I: I I Ii 1\ Ii i , J I I \ .~ ~ i !I II ' t! II \ I I I , I Ii II I, II Ii [' Ii 11 Ii " [' II il Ii I, ,I I " q I' ~ Ii \i ,I i: :; I Ii I! Ii i " .- I ,: I' , :1 I I I I ; . \1 , I I i ,I II ! .. .. ",. . .. ~~_._--_...._..._.............-_..,--_...,..._,_...._,..._,,_...~._.;...-...---.'-~ SCIlEDULI': B - r? "1.J.vv II 7 -; -/ (;) Drainage Area #1 outfall to Farewell Creek from Prestonvale Road Storm Sewer Head Wall Erosion Protection Retention Pond $ 91,200 $ 5,000 $ 30,900 $ 25,000 Sub-total $152,100 10% Engineering and 10% Contingencies $ 30,420 Total Construction $182,520 Land Acquisition Surveying and Legal $ 56,000 $ 23,850 Total Project Cost $262,370 ~ Drainage Area #2 outfall to Black Creek from Nash Road -~~, e Storm Sewer Head Wall Erosion Protection $ 44,900 $ 2,000 $ 5,000 $ 51,950 $ 10,390 $ 62,340 $ 7,500 $ 6,990 $ 76,830 Sub-total 10% Engineering and 10% Contingencies Total Construction Land Acquisition Surveying and Legal Total Project Cost Total Gross Cost of Projects for Drainage Areas #1 and #2 $339,200 CMHC Grant Estimate $ 56,500_ Total Amount of Loan from the Minister $282,700 ... :....,,-,...:s<r:7'..-, -,-; ...--'r.nr-,..".-:-t , L jI. Ii> I 11 II . , ~ ~--,. Ontario Form E-15 (a'1~~ . ,. -?l~/O '''f ". . ; .' Ontario Municipal Board 416/965-1907 180 Dundas St. West Toronto, Ontario M5G lE5 r The Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3A6 Quote File Number E 77300 L ( April 21, 1980 Dear Sir: Enclosed is documentation as follows: [Kj Board's 'order dated February 26, 1980 os Invoice(s) for Board's order [J Board's order dated Validation of By-law Municipality: Yours truly, R€Ce:\\1t::O h;'?- 25 \9~() School Board: SC: rp ",~WC~Sl\.E lOW'" Of .. fi' (~.)d~~ \..,. M. S. Manj i Head of Capital Expenditures Enclosure NB If you are going to apply for the validation of a debenture by-law for the issuance of debentures for this undertaking, it is suggested that a draft by-law be submitted to the Board by you for consideration prior to its enactment. ~+1 ~ ~~ J:. . r ~ VV ~ 1(J~1 . . ... . . -. .. ~~~ ~Q1~ "'IIlmm" Onta ria E 77300 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Sections 63 and 64(8) of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, (R.S.O. 1970, c. 323) - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for an order approving: (a) an expenditure of $350,000.00 for the construction of storm drainage facilities in the Courtice Area and the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances not exceeding in the aggregate such estimated cost pending the sale of debentures, (b) the issuance of the necessary debentures by The Regional Municipality of Durham, chargeable to the applicant corporation, and (c) the entering by the applicant corporation into an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Housing in accordance with the draft agreement filed with the Board on the 1st day of November, 1979; and identified by the Secretary's signature for the provision of an interest free loan of $282,700.00 for the construction of said works on the security of debentures in such amount repayable over a term of five years and declaring and directing that the assent of the electors of the applicant corporation shall not be required B E FOR E : A.H. ARRELL, Q.C., Vice-Chairman J ] ] ] ] ] ] of February, 1980 Tuesday, the 26th day - and - C.G. EBERS, Q.C., Member , . .. . . - 2 - ''"'' .J. E 77300 ;- THE BOARD ORDERS that this application be grant~d and the applicant may proceed with the said undertaking and may now expend the sum of $350,000.00 for the said purpose, may pass all requisite by-laws and may exercise all its powers for the purpose of entering into said agreement for securing an interest free loan of $282,700.00 from the Province of Ontar~o Housing Action Programme, and The Regional Municipality of Durham may issue debentures therefor not exceeding $350,000.00 and not to exceed the net cost of such undertaking to the applicant, for a term not to exceed:flve years, provided that the applicant shall not make any commitment for the undertaking of a project out of the amount hereby approved until the Treasurer of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has certified to the council that funds can be provided under this order in payment thereof. SECRETARY ENT . ;..r~r r~ '-/~/-I - j O. B. t.Q...i.;;.(......~........ 1 fQlio No.....:.?:!?::.L............ A Pr, 2 () 1;''-'' I - l'I:, l-' ~Dv d~j ,//- ".,,,.',' ,it . //' ,.... . Jt~' , , ' _.,x..." " -\.~j;-; I ! \1 , . i ' I .' ,I 6 j~ ~31r il "", I .. .,,'f 'QH :'~. .~.",t!f.;',.!.'.,. __.__......~. .!,;. ..to' ~ /J- /t-- if 7 ,L,...v .. 77- Ie; THIS AGREEMENT made this ~- day of tJ1",~, one thousand nine hundred and seventy~seven BET WEE N: \ , I HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN THE 'RIGHT OF ONTARIO AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF HOUSING OE' THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO hereinafter called "the Minister" t OF THE FIRST PART - and - I ,I , THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NE\'iCASTLE hereinafter called "the Town" OF THE SECOND P~T --- r WHEREAS: The Minister in the discharge of his public duties III is desirous of stimulating and expediting residential develop- ~ ment in areas of need within Ontario, having particular r~gard ,I: it ill ,; AND WHEREAS: The ~own has an interest in common with the Ll- Minister in the area within its jurisdiction; I! AND WHEREAS: il Ii 1\ 'I tj \; r after called the "Land"); :! to the housing requirements of low and moderate income families, The Minister has entered ,or will enter into an Agreement with various developers who hold land (hereinafter' called "the Developer") concerning the development of certain land in Drainage Area # land 2 of the Town which land is more particularly describ~d in Schedule A attached hereto (herein- , I' " The Minister, and the Town have agreed that !t . AND WHEREAS I is in the public intetest. that th(: L~iid L~ dev~ioped as expeditiously as possible to reduce the cost of residential units to the public and they are prepared,to take certain steps in their respective jurisdictions to eJcpedite approvals, , registrations, and issuance of building permits to provide for such residential development and they have entered into this Agreement to accomplish the objectives aforementioned. j' :l " ,...;.;",:"" ,~ \ 'lll , I ~! I "I ,1 ~\ Ii! ,m : I., li~ i~i ;:1 ~. l~ i' r. r ~ ;- \i j, i " I I' .- , . I I I ! I I I ,', \ I , 'I ' I , ,: ~I , .,_ '~". " 1 . ...."': . , , t I :, ':1 I ,'j :j !I 1 / . ~ :. I ~..r' c---:..." I i I I i !I !I II Ii II II il II '1 I' \.. . . ";' , r' Ii I I Ii " it !: ;, i; '! " " " Ii P I:' , )::0 Ii i' .! I: '; ~ I l! " I, Ii i' I' " ./( ,. I /,4. 2 NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained the Parties hereto covenant and agree each with the other as follows: 1. The Minister shall provide the Town with an interest- free loan in the amount set out in Schedule B designated as "total amount of loan from the Minister" to assist in payment of the project described in the said Schedule B upon the following conditions: (1) The Minister shall advance only such parts of the moneys on the loan from time to time as have been approved by order of the Ontario Municipal Board for the said projects pursuant to the Ontario Municipal Board Act. (2) I Payment of the moneys in respect of any contr~ct , I I I shall be made to the Town when evidence satisfactory' I to th~ Minister of the awarding of such construction I contract has been received by the Minister. II II I. II to carry out the projects describe~ in Schedule B I II I I i I I I \! , ( 3) The Minister may consider a request from the Town for an adjustment in the amount of the loan to reflect more ciosely the cost of construction~ The loan or any part shall be repaid to the Minister in full on the fifth anniversary of the date .on which the moneys were paid and if the loan ~s ad- vanced in more than one payment each of such pay- (4) II I! I I ments shall be repayable in full on the fifth "... ....-. anniversary from the date of such advance. ,ol' I Ii II I' " (5) If residential' growth in the area serviced by the project described in Schedule B does not result in the area being fully developed before the loan " , " .4 ", is to be repaid the Minister will upon application " i! ! ;j by the Town reconsider the obligations on the Town " t: '~ ' 1;1 "I \' tl l~ ~' ~ ~ ~ I I , I ;; " I t f . I I t i' i , I I i I t' ;, \, .;. I. i , i . I , , i I ! J t I I ,j II il I i I I I I 1;1 ~3"~ ~ II I I I If :,:" 4!l ~,'J; ;; , 'i / ,,/' / ". 3 l"".""; and may, subject to any approval required by .1 I I I' :~ ,I I! I I I I II IL : Ir~ I H I ,! I I I I! II i I! II I. t! ii I! '! ,I I' i! '" , i'f\..'/ I I .: -: I ;; the Ontario Municipal Board, make such adjustments from time to time in the terms of repayment of the loan or any pa~t thereof as he may deem just and. equitable. 2. ( 1) The Town shall cause the project described in Schedule B to be designed and constructed with suff~cient capacity to service the Land in accordance with good engineering practice. (2) The Town shall cause construction of the project described in Schedule B to be complet~d, as far as may be practicable, in sufficient time to permit the Developer to fulfill its obligations ) 'under the Developer's agreemen~ and to continue in appropriate stages, until completion. (3) The Town shall provide the Minister with evide~ce Qf Ontario Municipal Board approval of the project described in Schedule B and of approval to borrow and repay the loan amount set out in Schedule B. (4) The Town shall in consultation and concert with such other authorities as may be deemed necessary and appropriate, endeavour to expedite the 9ranti~9 of all planning approvals and the passing of any by- laws, and generally do everything within its juris- 11 ,1,,' L :1 I " j : i ., ," , ' ;'___"_'0___-;\..--- ._..... ---p'J;.Qeeea--"Ill. ttl'- the -deve I oprnen t. , i' ' ; 1 3. The parti~s will in good faith and I ! i ;1 dictions to enable the Developer to fulfill its obligations under the Developer's agreement and to of the Li;md. in the public interest ! co-operate with each other with a' vi~w to the expeditious ':" '10 " ,;1 II Ii 'I :\ achievement of the objects hereinbefore set forth and in the event of any dispute as to the meaning or application of any provisions of this Agreement each will promptly consult and negotiate with the others to resolve such i' " I' " j: ! " j: dispute. ;' f; : I' I';i' I ' : I I . I, '~ ~}r2> II ,,, I r ' -~. ~.... ._~""f' . /"\ ,," \ ~'-:...: ' ,...~ '. ., <~': ';'f '. . ., -, 4 " .' ... " . ' 4. The recitals hereinbefore set out shall form.~ integral ~ ~. " part of this Agreement and the Schedules mentioned ih , ' . this Agreement and attached hereto shall form part of, this Agreement and have the same foroe and effedt as if contained in the body of this Agreement. , ,}',", . . '. ." .i ~ . '" , 5. . , ! . . Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement.. , " IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporate party has signed t~iB document under seal and the Minister has signed pursuant to his authorization by Order-in-Council. .............. \ '" 1 ~ " ' ~,' , ,. MINISTER OF HOUSING . .~ I ,\ I I I \ I '::?' ..-..".- , " ~: " ~. , " : ;i 'a; .',.' .',.'.' " I' I I \ I I I :~.. 1:', .. \ . :. 'i ',). , : .' :! lr'~' 11 I \ \ I Jl '\ II,..~,,~-j! -.. ---:-- I \1 ' , " I 1',' :1 , " \' : ,! 1\ II iJ II l' I, I I: \; I: i:, /;-, , , . ;'C~' I ~t. \) " Zt . , , ,',' '-..,', ' I: ~,..i :i,o, '.,' { ::l~J'~~I/~ i't.: ,- .,;; , 'V'l " '~.! ---........._.~,............... - ---~.......,........- ---~~ "",", II 1\ l:i'.: o /, i: ii , I " II II I I i I I I , "~,",I j · /0..1 ..{ '/1 xi, .! 'i i: !' I; II II 1\ 1\ II :' II ,.