HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-9 . . . , .. .1 1 '\ \. ';.... ", \ \ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTm By-law No. 16-9 A By-law to rename Iuoett Street. 'WhereaS By-law No. 1877, passed by the Counoil ot the tormer Town ot Bowmanville on the 28th dtq ot Ma\v, 1963, described oertain laDds as a publio street to be known as Iuoett Street and 'Whereas >>;r-law No. 7S-31, passed by the Council ot The Town of Newcastle on the 5th da,y of Mq, 1975, stopped up and olosed part of the publio street known as Iqoett Street and 'Wherees that part ot Iuoett Street from Simpson Avenue to Baseline Road has been erroneously but oormnonly known as Simpson Avenue for some considerable time and it is tel t that the ohaDging of the name to Simpson Avenue will avoid oonfusion ot said portion ot Iqcett Street. 'Whereas W. K. Iucett, Solioitor for William L. Iqoett, the graIltor ot the lands described as Iuoett Street in By-law No. 1877, has by letter, dated November 26, 1975, requested that the Street now named Iqcett Street, in the Town ot :Bowmanv1lle, be renamed so that such Street or 8ZJY part or parts thereot will no loneer be known or designated as Iqoett Street and Whereas the rATllQ.ining or north portion ot Iucett Street has been ~ioally separated from the portion commonly known as Simpson Avenue by reason ot the oloping up ot a part ot Jqoett Street and it is deemed desirable to rename odd remaining portion as Mutton Court, thereby go:.oent:i.ng~. Iuoett'a request. 'Whereas the Counoil ot The Town ot Newoastle now deem it advisable to rename those parts of' ~oett Street not stopped up by By-law No. 75-37. ~ ~~ ( -.l .___ .-" -- . . .> . . .~ - ~. " - 2 - NOW ~J::U!l1tl!&.I!OBE The Colmoil of The Corporation ot The Town ot Newcastle pursuant to The MunioipeJ. Aot, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 354, (1 )(91), Hereby Enacts as tolloWB 1) That Iqoett Street as shown on Registered Plan No. 652, be renamed Mutton Court. 2) That part ot Iqoett Street extending southerly from the south limits ot that part ot Lyoett street olosed by By-law No. 75-37, to the north l1mi ts of the Baseline Road, be renamed S~ Avenue. 's ~ tf /}lJvl1Y Read a first and second time this...y. ....dtq ot..............., 1976. Clerk Read a third time and passed th1s.a.~ of....... .1t.il1...., 1976. .~/f?~ l1a\vor Clerk