HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-78 <, r yo . e - ,t THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE _~W BY-LAW NUMBER 76-7~ A By-law to amend Zoning By-law 1587 of the former Town of Bowmanville WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Zoning By-law 1587 of the former Town of Bow- manvilleJ NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: 1. Map 4 of Schedule A to By-law 1587 is hereby amended by changing to C SPECIAL CONDITION 3 the zone symbol of the lands designated "ZONE CHANGE TO C-SPECIAL CONDITION 3" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 2. Schedule B to By-law 1587 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following Special Condition 3. "SPECIAL CONDITION 3" A parcel of land on the south side of King Street in Bowmanville, as shown on Map 4 of Schedule A hatched and marked "Special Condition 3" shall be subject to the special regulations hereinafter contained and where there is any conflict between the regulations hereinafter set out and any other provisions of this By-law, or By-law 1587 as amended, the provisions of these special regulations shall apply but in the event that this special condition is silent on any matter, then the provisions applicable to a C zone as specified in By-law 1587, as amended, will apply 1.1 Defined Area - The area subject to this special condition is shown hatched on Schedule "A" attached hereto. 1.2 Permitted Uses - All uses permitted in the Comm- ercial Zone except: - a drive in restaurant - a motel - a service station - a public garage t e e . 2 3. This By-law shall become effective on the date hereof, subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Munic- ipal Board. BY-LAW READ a first time this j~.~ay of ~. ,A.D. 197.( BY-LAW READ a second time this .!!.~ay of ...~. ,A.D. 197G~ BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this .I.~~ day of .....~ A.D. 197~ (5 E A L) ,~4.-L. -~ MAYOR ..,. ~._..,.,............-,._.~,,..~..,.,,_..._~o~,,,,___,,,,,,,,,,,,"~..,,-_,, f . CHURCH STREET l- I- W W W w 'l- 0::: ----+ r- t--. a::: -..- I- - I- (f) - ! \ (f) : I I I KING STREET w (9 I- 0::: a::: 0 w w en (!) -- ~ <{ t-= ..-J (f) I --- QUEEN STRt.ET , ~ TH I S IS SCHEDULE "X" TO BY-LAW 76- PASSED THIS DAY OF A.D. 1976- ~ ZONE CHANGE ~ TO C- SPECI AL CONDITION 3 ~~f-4"~ MAYOR ( SEAL) ._ SCALE IN FEET 200 0 200 400 600 ..~ .-~ . .. - -e e- e .t V'jvl ~, II WI" If' ."1 4 tkl'~i'h~;', ~ y~l.A... .. . I ~. i~ ,~ r\.~ l~ ..CU,,~d ~E:1]3lP (JrtaflO R 77222 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 ot The p*,~Au(r!i (a.s.a. 197~f c. . . , - and ... IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Oorporation of the Town of Newcas'tle for approval of ita Restricted Area By-law 76-18 BEFORE: A. L. McCRAE, Vi 0 e-C hairman -and- B. E. SNITH, Member Friday t t.he 18th day ot lJiaroh, 1917 ~ No objections to approval having been received as required; THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 16-76 1s hereby approved. ~~ c. SARUIAMA ACTING SECRETARY ENTERED Q. B. No.....!f.77::.l Folio No...../.. h.t;...... .................. ttMR 2 $ 1977 ~~ SECRETARY, ONTARUl MUNICIPAL ~t~