HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-61 , r I' ~" ,f ~f '~ ; ". . . ~t_ . '"'" ' 1'2,: "-,,.,..., :":1 f. '-~:"t" . C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle,ln the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true "copy of By-Law Nwnber...7~=~!.... passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on the ...!~!~... day of NEWCASTLE 6 ......................, 197... WITNESS my hand and the seal of The Corporation. ,18th DATED th~s........... day of November 6 A.D., 197... .................... -. J .M. McIlroy Clerk Seal hfllv( ~. "r ,flw~ V 'l/r:.t/-. 1/G ..,~ " .-t ~..~._-_...__.- ..--..- --- --.....---.-- ._.,,-" ....--. - L:~':~,:",:1. - Alai .~, l ",," ~--~'i ~-~------ J. ~--_._---- . .J ... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By.,.Law No. 76-61 . Being a by-law to declare certain lands to De part of a public highways (Hailey Court and Wilde Court). THE COUNCIL ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT Part 55 on Reference Plan registered in the Land Registry DtV:1-sion of Newcastle (NOlO) as Plan lOR 609 of Block C plan 698 in the Town of Newcastle in the Region of Durham is hereby declared to be a Public Highway known as Hailey Court and that Part 56 registered on the s~me Reference Plan is hereby declared to be a Public Highway known as Wilde Court, Read a first time by Council this 18th day of October, 1976. . Read a second tim~ by Council this 15th day of November, 1976, Read a third and final time by Council this 15th day of Novemher, 19]6, G,B, Rickard Mayor Seal Gertrude Gray Deputy Clerk . ~ - '- ----------- ~ ------ ~- . - . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By~Law No. 76-61 Being a by~law to declare certain lands to be part of a public highways (Hailey Court and Wilde Court), THE COUNCIL ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT Part 55 on Reference Plan registered in the Land Registrr Division of Newcastle (NOlO) as Plan lOR 609 of Block C plan 698 in the Town of Newcastle in the Region of Durham is hereby declared to be a public Highway known as Hailey Court and that Part 56 registered on the same Reference Plan is hereby declared to be a Public Highway known as Wilde Cou;rtt Read a first time by Council this 18th day of October, 1976, Read a second time by Council this 15th day of November, 19]6, Read a third and final time by Council this 15th day of Novemher, 19.76. Seal G,B, Rickar~~~ ~O~& /~!;. , . Gertrude. Gray. . Deputy Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO,76-61 BEING A BY-LAW TO DECLARE CERTAIN LANDS TO BE PART OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS (HAILEY COURT AND WILDE COURT). . . . ---~-...- -1 ~ .... ,,,," 80269 ~nd . Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) I CERTIFY that this instrument is regIstered as of .J. ~s cr.. ,M, NOV 2 B 1976 in the tend Registry Office cpCJi?~ Town of Newcastle "jJ~ Ontario, ,_ RDISTRAIl , -< 'I . i . . . . -'..-- --