HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-59 ~ r~ ~ t(v / , ~ ."~. ~ ~,/- . C E R T 1 FIE D COP Y I, Joaeph H. McIlroy. of the Town of "'t..Ue. in the Re8ion of Durh_. Municipal Clerk. DO HEI.EBY CER:l'IFY that attached hereto is a true aJlty of By-L.. ~-L.,er....7.4~;>:.:7 \ paaaed by the CouDdl of the CiDrforatloa of the Towa of llewca.tle.) at .1~. ...tiaa held/._ the .<<;-'.1-.... day of /, /" ( "...t.,.J 197 ........~..~..........., .. WITNESS IItY h.nd md the ...1 of The Corporation. e DATED I)/~ thi............ day of UuiL.J C A.D.. 197.... .................... Seal ~ . --/' I "'.,.Y 'I - '- THE COIlPCItlTION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE :BY-LAW NO. 76-59 Being a By-law to stop-up and olose oertain parts of a ~ in the Geographio Township of Da.'rl1ngton. WRJl!R'II!A6 Seotion 443 (1 )(0) of the Munioipal Aot, R.S.O., 1970, Chapter 284 and IlVTMlPnta theDtto provides that a Council m&\Y pass by-laws for stoPPine-up BZ17 ~ or part of a hi~, and WJIJI!I'RAlIl notice ot intention to pass this by-law was published onoe a week for at le.t t~ II'W)cessive weeks in tile Ccn:" ".en statesman and The Oshawa Times . required 'b7 the provisions ot Seotion 446 (1) (a) of the said Munioipal Act, aDd ~Aj:l a COIIIJIittee of Council has reoeived no objeotions !'rom pereons olaimi11g that their land would be prejudioally affected by this By-law and in aooordance with Seotion 446 (1 )(b) of the said Munioipal Aot. ~ WR'I!R1Ug the Counoil of the Regional Munioipal! ty ot Durham have not, 'b7 registered mall, objeoted to the stopping-up of the said ~, in acoordance with the pzov1a1ana of seotion 52 of the Regional NmUoipality of Durham Act, 1973. e BOW 'l"~ the Counoil of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS '- as tollow:- 1 . That.All ot that portion of the travelled road in parts of lots 31 and 32, COII1Oe..ioo 4, in the Geographio Township of Darlington, Town of Newoastle. Resicm. ot Durham, described in Sohedule "A" end attached hereto and torm1.ng pa.rl ot this By-law, be and the same are hereby stopped-up and oloeed. !.-I-t.L (' I./",t " Bead a First and Seoond time this .......~ of ......................, 1976. J. H.. Hollroy ~"~, ",,' ~ ",,7,<; .~. / ~ jC :// ,. ' ;------ j~- ,.- G. B. Rioka:rd ~or Clerk it, ( l (: 1..' I /) r 01 \.. Bead a Third time and finally passed this......~ of..................... 1916. G. B. Rio.kard . Mayor J. M. J.1onroy / .// ( 1""-> __/'~-:7 / SEAL l l Clerk ,,- ----- ,/' /-/ /~ ,----- .r/~- " ( "l- I/ . 4/_ ;J ~. ~ ;,I e \.J Schedule "A" to :By-law No, 76-59 .ALL AND S:I'!Q1LAR that oertain parcel or "-raot of land and premises 8i tuate, ~ and being in the Town of Newcastle J Regional Municipall ty' of Durham, Province of ~t8.l.'io, and being oomposed of all that portion of a travelled or foroed road ~ Northerly and Easterly through part of Lots Thirty-one (31) ezxl Thirty-two (32) in the Fourth Concees ton of the Geographic TolmShip of Darlington, formerly in the County of Du:rnam, the boundaries of the said road being more particularly described 88 foli "'\ws; PBEMIBDC that the Easterly limit of sud Lot 31 baa an astronomio bearing of Borth 18 degrees 00 minutes West, derived !'rom Plan 10 R 126, and relating all bearillgs herein thereto; CCIIBNCING at the point of intersection of a fence marking the Westerly lim1 t of the said travelled road with the Southerly limit of said Lot 32, said point distant 443.50 feet me8S'UJ:'ed North 72 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East in the last-mentioned limit from the South-Westerly angle of said Lot 32; ~ Northerly and Easterly along the Westerly and Northerly limits of the e atores&id road as fenced on the following oourses and distance: North 07 degrees 12 minutes 20 seconds East 719.58 feet to an iron bar; e North 09 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds East 190.84 feet to an iron bar; North 00 degrees 39 minutes 20 seoonds East 136.40 foot to an iron bar; North 09 degrees 49 minutes East 144.03 feet to. ':'Jl iron bar; North 12 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds East 558.66 feet to an iron bar; North 10 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds East 401.89 feet to an iron bar; North 73 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds East 373.94 feet to an iron bar; ~ South 13 degrees 57 minutes East along the Easterly extremity of the road to be hereinaf'ter closed, a distance of 47.10 feet to an iron bar planted in the line of a fence marking the Southerly l1m1 t of the aforesaid travelled road; THENCE Westerly and Southerly along the Southerly and Easterly limits of the aforesaid road as fenced on the following courses and distances: .. e '..... e e \,.~ ,. Sohe<lule "A" to By-law No. 76-59, oontinued Paee 2 South 12 degrees 59 minutes West 189.15 feet to an iron bar; South 10 degrees 55 minutes 30 seoonds West 115.03 feet to en iron bar; South 60 degrees 26 minutes West 32.00 feet to an iron bar; South 23 degrees 04 minutes West 39.00 feet to en iron bar; South 11 degrees 03 minutes West 492.90 teet to an iron bu; South 11 degrees 32 minutes 40 seoonds West 315.45 feet to en iron bar; South 10 degrees 08 minutes West 111.00 feet to an iron bar; South 27 degrees 23 minutes 30 seoonds East 20.18 feet to en iron b&T; South 0; degrees 43 minutes 40 seconds \'Test 321.00 feet to an iron b&T; South 09 degrees 19 minutes West 282.57 feet to an iron bar; South 01 degrees 12 minutes 20 seoonds West 314.45 feet to an iron bar planted at the point of intersection with the Southerly limit of said Lot 32; TB.E!I3 South 12 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds West aJ.ong the Southerly limit oC said Lot 32 a distance of 60.64 feet more or less to the POIm' OJ' O~. . . ) ... .. . 79603 No. Land Registry Division of Newcastle (No, 10) I CERTIFY that this instrument is registered as of d,S5 f,M. OCT 1 8 1976 in the land Registry Office 9f1~ Town of Newcastle Ontario. _ REGISTRAR . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 76-59 being a by-law to stop up and close certain parts of a highway in the former Township of Darlington. , . TEE CORPORATION OF TEE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 16-59 Being a By-law to stop-up and close certain pa;t'ts of a hi~ in the Geographic Township of Darlington. WHEREAS Seotion l.i43 (1 )(c) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1910, Chapter 284 and amendments thereto provides that a Council IIIB\Y' pass by-laws for stopping-up tmy hig'h;w'q or pa;t"t of a hi~, and W'fI'Iil'RW,Aa notice of intention to pass this by-law was published once a week for at least four successive weeks in the C!1tlr':nn Statesman and The Oahawa Times as required by the provisions of Section 446 (1) (a) of the said Municipal Act, and. "lBEREAS a Committee of COlmcil has received no objections from persons clAiming that their land. would be prejudically affected by this By-law and in accordance with Section 446 (1 )(b) of the said Municipal Act. WHEREAS the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham have not, by registered ma:l.l, objected to the stopping-up of the said ~, in acoordance with the provisions of section 52 of the Regional Munioipality of Durham Act, 1913. ~ NOW THEIREFORE the Counoil of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS ..as follows:- 1 . That All of that portion of the travelled road. in parts of lots 31 and 32, Concession 4, in the Geographic Township of Darlington, TOWIl of Newcastle, Region of Durham, described in Sohedule "A" and attached hereto and forming pari of this By-law, be and the same are hereby stopped-up and olosed. UA;e- (j r~ Read a First and Second time this .......d~ of ......................, 1916. J. M. Jl1cIlroy G. :B. Rickard. Ma\1or Clerk L-fM- 8 e-r~ h~(Lr Read a Third time and finally passed this......~ of...................., 1916. G. :B. Rickard Ma\1or - SEAL J. M. McIlroy ~-~ ~/L I Clerk t . Sohedule "A" to :By-law No" 76-59 ALL AND SOOULAR that oertain parcel or ",7'raot ot land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town ot Newcastle, Regional Munioipali ty ot Durham, P.rovinoe ot Ontario, and being oomposed of all that portion ot a travelled or torced road running Northerly and Easterly through part ot Lots Thirty-one (31) and Thirty-two (32) in the Fourth Conoession ot the Geogr.oaphio Township ot Darlington, tomerly in the County ot Durham, the boun.d.lu'ies ot the said road being more particularly desoribed as tollows; P.BEMISING that the Easterly limit ot said Lot 31 has an astronomic bearing ot North 18 degrees 00 minutes West, derived !'.rom Plan 10 R 126, and relating all bearings herein thereto; COMMENCING at the point ot interseotion ot a tence marking the Westerly limit ot the said travelled road with the Southerly limit ot said Lot 32, said point distant 443.50 teet measured North 72 degrees 17 minutes 20 seoonds East in the last-mentioned limit !'.rom the South-Westerly angle of said Lot 32; THENCE Northerly and Easterly along the Westerly and Northerly llmi ts ot the aforesaid road as fenoed on the following oourses and distance: e North 07 degrees 12 minutes 20 seoonds East 719.58 teet to an iron bar; North 09 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds East 190.84 feet to an iron bar; North 00 degrees 39 minutes 20 seoonds East 136.40 teet to an iron bar; North 09 degrees 49 minutes East 144.03 feet to, ':in iron bar; North 12 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds East 558.66 feet to an iron bar; North 10 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds East 401.89 feet to an iron bar; North 73 degrees 22 minutes 20 seoonds East 373.94 teet to an iron bar; TBENCE South 13 degrees 57 minutes East along the Easterly extremity of the road to be hereinafter closed, a distance of 47.10 teet to an iron bar planted in the line of a tence ~king the Southerly limit of the aforesaid travelled road; THENCE Westerly and Southerly along the Southerly and Easterly limits ot the aforesaid road as tenced on the tollowing courses and distanoes: . r I If . e . ~ , I tI Sohedule "A" to By-law No. 76-59, oontinued Pa6e 2 South 72 degrees 59 minutes West 189.75 feet to an iron bar; South 70 degrees 55 minutes 30 seoonds West 115.03 feet to an iron b~; South 60 degrees 26 minutes West 32.00 feet to an iron b~; South 23 degrees 04 minutes West 39.00 feet to an iron bar; South 11 degrees 03 minutes West 492.90 feet to an iron bar; South 11 degrees 32 minutes 40 seoonds West 375.45 feet to an iron b~; South 10 degrees 08 minutes West 177.00 feet to an iron bar; South 27 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds East 20.78 feet to an iron bar; South 0, degrees 43 minutes 40 seoonds \-Test 327.00 feet to an iron bar; South 09 degrees 19 minutes West 282.57 feet to an iron b~; South 07 degrees 12 minutes 20 seconds. West 374.45 feet to an iron bar planted at the point of intersection with the Southerly limit of said Lot 32; THENCE South 72 degrees 17 minutes 20 seoonds West along the Southerly limit oC said Lot 32 a distance of 60.64 feet more or less to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT .