HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-54 ,,,...., . . . . "-'0 THE CORPORATION OF THE o ~MENDEO bY ~Y'l.AW #.7.1:.9.1~ AMENDED BY BY.LAW #1.1.:.9.1.a TO\'/N OF NEWCASTLE By-law Noo 76-5"1 M1ENDEO BY BY.U,W #:1~::.~~ :Being a. by-law to provide for the lioensing and registration of dogs and for regula.ting the rll1l1'\ing at large of dogs 0 'WHEREAS Council deems it desirable to provide for the licensing and registration of dogs, for imposing a. license fee on the owner thereof and generally for regulating the running at large of dogs. NOW TEEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of The Town of Newoastle, pursuant to the authority granted by Seotion 354, s.s. 1 and 2 of the Munioipal Act R.SoOo 1970, Chapter 284 and Amendments thereto and by the Dog Licensing and Live Stock and Poultry Protection Amendment Act, 1975, hereby ENACTS as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) "dog" means a male or female dogo "Owner" of a. dog includes any person who possesses or harbours a dog and "owns" or "owned" have a correspondiDg meaning. "running at large" a dog shall be deemed to be running at large when found in any pla.ce other than the premises of the owner of the dog and not under the control of any persono "sps\yed female II means a female dog ,,,hich has been operated onb,. a licensed veterinarian to prevent conceptiono "pure-bred" means- (1) registered or eligible for registration in the register of the Canadian Kennel Club, Incorporated, or (2) of a. class designated as pure-bred in the regulations. "regulations" means the regulations made under the Dog Licensing and Live Stock and Poultry Protection Amendment Act, 19750 ''Dog Control Officer" means the person appointed by the Town Nel'Tca.stle Councilor a Committee thereof to enforce the provisions of this By-law and shall include a:ny Assistant Dog Control Officero 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF TEE OWNER (i) The O\'mer of every dog whioh is habitually kept wi thin the boundaries of The TOl'm of Newcastle, sha.ll each year, pq to the Town of Newcastle a license fee in acoordance with the provisions of Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law 0 . . . .. - 2 - (11) Every person who owns a dog shall, at the time of pqing to the Town of Newoastle the licenoe fee requixed by this by-law, register the said dog by !'1l:M'liB}1ing, to the person to whom the lioenoe fee is paid, the following information. (a) the l1LlDe and address of the owner of the dog, (b) the name and desoription of the dog to be registered, (0) suoh other information as IIlB\V be requixed by the issuer of lioenoes. (iii) No person shaJ.I keep or maintain azry dog in The Town of Newoastle unless suoh dog has been lioensed and registered under the provisions of this by-law and has on a oollar to whioh is affixed a dog tag issued for the current year for the said dog. (iv) The owner shaJ.I keep the tag seourely fixed on the dog at all times until the tag is renewed or replaoed, save and exoepting that the tag IIlB\V be removed while the dog is being lawfully used for hunting deer in the busho (v) The owner of a dog whioh has been duly lioensed and registered under this by-law ID.a\Y" obtain a dog tag to replace a dog tag whioh has been lost, upon payment of a fee as prescribed 1n Sohedule "A II 0 (vi) No person shaJ.l permit a dog Olffied by him to run at large, at azry time, in The Town of Newoastleo (vii) No person shall allow his dog to beoome a nuisance nor permit it to ho'\-11 or bark exoessivelyo l1ny person so aggrieved ID.a\Y" a.ppear before a. Justioe of the Peace and swear out an information oharging the owner with a breach of this seotion. 3. LICENSES (i) The lioense fee shaJ.l be paid at suoh places and to such persons as shall be determined by Resolution of the Counoil of the Corporation of The Town of Newoastle, and suoh persons so determined shaJ.l be issuer of lioenses for the purpose of this by-law 0 (i1) The lioense fee paid under this seotion shall be applied on1y to the dog respeoting whioh the fee is paid, and the dog tag issued shaJ.I not be transferable and shall not be used for or affixed to azry other than the dog for whom it was issued. \ . - 3 ... . (iii) The issuer of lioenses, upon ~ent of the proper lioense fee, shall furnish to the owner of every dog except as provided in Section 3, so s 0 (i v) a tag bearing a seriaJ. number and the yea:r in whioh it was issued and the said issuer of licenses shall also issue to the owner of a dog so licenced, a reoeipt for the lioense fee so paido (iv) Each pure-bred dog in a lioensed kennel may be registered and. the issuer of licenses may issue a dog tag for each dog in the kennel upon payment by the o'\mer of a fee as provided in Schedule "A" seotion 4(1)0 (v) The issuer of lioenses shall keep, or oause to be kept, a book in whioh shall be reoorded the name and address of the owner of every dog registered and licensed under this by-law, the date of registration and the seriaJ. number of the dog tag issued. (vi) The issuer of licenses shall keep, or cause to be kept, oomplete and acourate records of all revenue reoeived from the sale of licenses, pound fees, the sale of dogs or from any other souroe and to remit , or oause to be remitted, the revenue from same to the Treasurer of The Town of Newcastle 0 . (vii) Lioenses shall expire on the thirty-first da\y' of Deoember of the yea:r for which it was issued. 4. DOG CONTROL OFFICER (i) The Counoil of The Town of Newoastle, a Cormnittee thereof or any other person appointed by Resolution of Counoil, shall direot and. supervise the work of the Dog Control Offioer and to presoribe the manner in whioh his duties are to be performed. (ii) An:y person shall be entitled to take oharge of any dog found running at large and deliver the same to the Dog Control Offioer. (1ii) The Dog Control Offioer may seize and impound any dog or doga found running at large wi thin the limits of The Town of Newoastle or any dog found without a tag contrary to the provisions of this by-law. Any dog so impounded shall be fed and. watered for a periOd of not less than three (3) da\y's, exoluding the d~ on whioh the dog was impounded and exoluding the days tha.t the pound is olosed and if not redeemed at the expiration of the three (3) da\y' period, 1ll8\V, be sold or destroyed in acoordanoe with the requirements of Seotion 24 of the Animals for Researoh Aot, RoSoOo, 1970, Chapter 22, however, nothing in this seotion shall prevent the Dog Control Offioer from destroying an a.nimaJ., whioh is ill or injured and where in the opinion of the Dog Control Offioer it is inoapable of being cured, pursuant to Subseotion 7 of Seotion 24 of The .Ani.maJ.s for Researoh Act. . . . . e 5. . .. . - 4 - (iv) Dogs that are destroyed at the end of the threE (3) day period shall be disposed of in such a manner as Council may, from time to time, by resolution direct. (v) The Dog Control Officer of the Town of Newcastle shall within twenty-four (24) hours from the seizure of any dog bearing a tag, or within twenty-four (24) hours from the time any dog bearing a tag, is taken into the dog pound, when possible, notify the owner that the dog is impounded and the conditions whereby he may regain custody of the dog. (vi) The owner of an impounded dog shall, upon application and proof of ownership, be entitled to regain custody of the dog, subject to payment of the pound fees as set forth in Schedule "A". (vii) No dog shall be returned to the owner unless it has been licensed in accordance with the provisions of this by-law, and any owner of a dog without a tag and any purchaser of a dog shall obtain a tag for the current year before delivery is made. (viii) The fee for picking up a dog at the request of an owner and disposing of or selling same through the services of the Dog Control Officer shall be in accordance with the provisions of Schedule "A". PENALTIES (i) Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a penalty of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) and not more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) exclusive of costs for each offence. (ii) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, any person who has been served with a summons issued pursuant to this By-law charging that he was the owner of a dog running at large, contrary to the provisions of this by-law, may, where the summons specifi~s that a payment out of court may be made, present the summonS and submit payment in the amount of Ten Dollars ($10.00) plus court costs, at the Provincial Court Office at the address appearing on the summons excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and if such amount be paid out of court, no further proceedings shall be taken under this by-law in respect of the offence alleged in the summons. 9 .....' . ... . . . (iii) 6. ENACTMENT 5 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this by-lawt any person who has been served with a summons issued pursuant to this by-law charging that he was the owner of a dog and failed to obtain a licence as reqvired by the provisions of this by-law, may, where the summons specified that a payment out-of-court may be made, present the summons and submit payment in the amount of Ten Dollars ($10.00) plus court costs, at the Provincial Court Office at the address appearing on the summons within ten (10) days from the date of issue of the summons excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and if such amount be so paid out-of-court, no further proceedings shall be taken under this by-law in respect of the offence alleged in the summons. (i) The following by-laws are hereby repealed:- (ii) (iii) By-law No. 74-29,passed on the 18th day of February, 1974, By-law No. 74-51, passed on the 2lst day of May, 1974, By-law No. 75-28, passed on the 21st day of April, 1975, By-law No. 75-68, passed on the 2nd day of September, 1975, By-law No. 76-3, passed on the 19th day of January, 1975, By-law No. 76-4, passed on the 16th day of February, 1976, By-law No. 76-40, passed on the 5th day of July, 1976. The provisions of this By-law shall be read mutatis mutandis with the terms and conditions of any resolution, agreement or by-law enacted by the Council of the Town of Newcastle in respect of location of kennels, the keeping of pounds and the appointment of a Poundkeeper and a Dog Control Officer. This BJ-Iaw shall cJme into force and take effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. Read a first and second time this 20th day of September, 1976. Read a third time and finally passed this 2rth day of September, 1976. SEAL G. B. Rickard Mayor J. M. McIlroy Clerk. . SCHEDULE "A" to BY-LAW MOo 76-SLf. SECTION (1) Licenses shall be obtained on or before the fifteenth (15) day of Janua.ry in each yea:r:, except as provided for in section 2. SECTION (2) Every person who becomes the owner of a dog after the fifteenth (15th) dB\Y' of Janua.ry in each yea:r: shall register the same and pay the license fee therefore, provided in Section 3, wi thin fifteen days after becoming the owner of such dog 0 SECTImr (3) LICENSE :mE ~ (i) For the first, seoond and third dog 00..000000.00...0...00.0$10.00 each (ii) For the fourth and eaoh additional dog 00...0000.000.000.0..$50.00 each (iii) Kennel of pure-bred dogs registered in the Canadian Kennel Club, Inoorporated ..00.0.0..$25.00 (iv) The holder of a kennel license shall not be liable to pay, in respect of such pure- bred dogs, any license fee under Section 3, SoSo (i)(ii)o SECTION (4) DOG TAGS (i) For dogs in a lioensed kennel 0.0.00..000..000.00..00...00. .50~ each .259S eo.eh (ii) Replacement tog ~ '-- . .. . . . . - 2 - SEC~ION (5) SERVICES OF DOG CONTROL OFFICER (i) For picking up a dog, at the request of the owner, and disposing of or selling same through the services of the Control Officer .000000.00..00000.0.0 $8.00 (ii) For disposing of or selling a. dog brought to the Pound ........................................... $4.00 each (iii) Rega.1n custody of an impounded dog, For the first day or part thereof ....00000000.0.0 0 .~;5000 Each a.dditional day or part thereof ...00.......... $3.00 Fee for veterinary services incurred for treatment ordered by the Dog Control Officer ..00..0.0..000..000..00.0000.000.. Total This ScheduJ.e HAil to By-law Moo 76-5~, pessed the ..~.P.. da.y of . .;q.r:e:.-; !.~";- '19760 C6/?"CKA~P~ $.-~...,.y ~or ' ~