HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-48 . e . . , t ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LA"! NO 0 76-48 being a by-law to pemit Motor Racing wi thin llosport Pa:r:k, after 1: 30 0 I clook in the afternoon of the Lord 's DS\V \mEREAS the Lord's DS\V (Ontario) Act, Chapter 259, R.S.O. 1970 with amendments thereto, provides that where a by-law pasaed under Section 1 of the said Act is in force and subject to its provisions, it is lawful in the municipality or in such part or parts thereof a.a are specified in the by-law, for ezry person, after 1 : 30 0 I clook in the afternoon of the Lord' a DS\V or during ouch period or periods of time after 1: 30 0 I olook in the afternoon of the Lord's Da\v as are specified in the by-law, to provide engage in or be present at erry public game or sport that ia specified in the by-law and which but for this Act would be unlawful under section 6 of The Lord' a DS\V Act (Ca.na.da.) or to do or engage any person to do erry work busineas or labour in cozmection with erry suoh publio game or sport which but for this Aot would be unlawful under section 4 of the Lord' a DS\V Aot (Canada) 1960-61, c. 50, S.I.(1)0 NO\tT :c.tJ.l!i11lill!'ORE The CO'lUlcil of The Corporation of The Town of Newoastle hereby enacts as follows 0 (1) That Seotion I, a,s. (1) of the Lord'a DS\V (Ontario) Act, Chapter 259 R.S.O. 1970 with amendments thereto, is hereby declared to be in force from the first (1st) day of Ja.tl11m:'Y, 1976, to the thirty-first (31st) da.y of December, 1976, in the area hereina.fter defined. (2) Lands Subject to :By-law. Lots 33, 34 and 35, Concession 9, Geographic Township of Clarke, Town of Newoastle, Region of Durham, and more apeoifioally described as MOSPORT P.ARX. (3) Swcified Publio Game or S'Porto Racing for Motor vehicles. (4) COIIl'PUanoe with other restrictions. This By-law shall not be effective to reduce or mitigate arI3' restrictions lawfully imposed by a governmental authority having jurisdiction to make such restrictions. . . -- . ~ . . ,. - 2 - (5) :By-law Provisionso The public games and sports desoribed in Seotion three (3) of this by-law shall be oonduoted in acoordanoe with the following provisions, (i) No suoh game or sport shall be oommenoed before half past one in the afte:moon of The Lord I s DS\Y and. shall not oontinue after haJ.f past eleven in the evening of The Lord's DS\Y 0 (ii) No suoh game or sport shall oontinue into Sund.a\v from the previous day. (iii) Every suoh game or sport shall be oonduoted in an orderly and seemly mamlero (6) Violations and Penal ties 0 Every person who violates a;ny provision of this By-law or oauses or pe1'mi.ts a violation, shall be guilty of an offenoe and. upon oonviction therefor, shall forfeit and ps\y a penalty not exoeeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000000) exolusive of oosts for each suoh offenoe, and every such penalty shall be reooverable under The Munioipal Aot and The Summary Conviotion Aoto (7) Re~al of :By-la.ws By-}.o.w 1'100 .p5-5 pa.ssed by the Counoil of Tho Town of Nowoa.stle on the 20th d3\Y of Jonuory, 1975, be o.nd is here'by repeo.lodo Read a. first and seoond time this '7 /A- P ~.A..)-1/ ...~....~ of ....~......, 1976. ~~~ Mll\y"or SEAL -----/ ~'~ /' Clerk Road 0. third time o.nd passed this 7. ~ 0 t. 0 ~ of Clerk