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Aw,:r JDEO BY REPEALED BY i SH.WI #71.~.Q~ BY-LAW #:1.~~:.!~oo THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPEA;;.ED BY BY-LA';.. 1'9.1.:09.1.1 BY-UU~ NO. 76-43 Being ~ by-law to amend By-Law No. 7607 t being a By-law to provide for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of the Bowmanville Cemeteryo WHEREAS thehCouncil of the Corporatron -of the Town -of Newcastle, on the Third day of May, 1976 did p6l1lo8 ny..Law No.. 76.7 and : ~- ..- WHEREAS tbe Ministry of Consumer -ana Commercial Relations has requested certain amendments to the said By-law No. 76.70 THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation. of the Town of Newcl1stle hereby enacts as follows-- 1 1) That Section I(v) of By-law No. 76.7 be deleted end the following words substituted: Upon tFie transfer of a-lot by the' owner thereof, the Secretary-Treasurer shall upon payment of 8 fee of two dollars, prepare 9nd have executed by tne owner tbereof, " or by the autboriZed personal repre sent eti ire of a deceased owner upon satisfactory evidence of their authority, a transfer in duplicete, 1n the form set forth in Schedule "0' appended hereto, and shall enter the transfer in the Register and deliver one copy to the transferee and keep the other for his"recoras; -In tbe case of ft transfer where an owner r.B decease-d, a noiutrial copy of probate or of l"etters.of admfnistration shell- be procured ny-the Secretary-Treasurer - or a satisfactory statutory declaration with such particulars, inc1uoing"the names end addresse's of the heirs and-the-- name and addre.s of the person authorized to sign a transfero 2) Thl1t Section 11 (ii) (1) of By-la~ Noo 76.7 be deleted and the following words substituted: n--(ii) (1) Every-marKer shan be of a sing1.e block of granite or othe-r hard and durable stone"or any sufficiently durable and non-corrosive mefalo All markers except'~ronze or other metallic markers sha1.1 be mounted only on a stone or"concret'e b'ase or footing and such"stone or concre~te base shall be at least four inches thick and not more than eight ,,' f1, - inche s thicko '21 ,f~ el.9rue '~-(>, P,-~ __ _", -,.' l".ll....l-j. " ~ .F,.'J . . ~ A 'I ~ K:,-P ! That Scneaull! "At' Tariff of Rafcs be deleted and substituted '.1. f'V\ :h r~-tv. .---;7 by the ~:_ach<:o~' Schedule "~I Tariff of Rates. F3Ul\i~\:~:~;>// , By-Law-read the first and second time this ~ ~ 19th day of July 19760 ~ ~ 60- .. ...~ I '1 .a...- :3) BY~~~:yr::d Jt~f~~76~me and finally passed this C'.e illC/~A-AD ~ '7. M' H- C,it--I:l 0 Y c1 rv (] L- e. A 11.... . MAYOR 1---; ~.~. ~ ~~,~ >IH3J8 \ ........ ~ " By-law approved except Schedule "A" which is filed as.ofJuly 22, 1976 ,in accordance withtne regulations under The Cemeteries Act. ~~I~_'T<-40 ie, ", I .:, T'./ ~\;:' (~<) ;'-.1 c,:; U r'1 [~- R ~ n: ,~,' :''',';' (;';;':-'h'C::;_~\I-';~'~JS ~ -.....--.....-., ,...-..., ,..., -.....-.-.-.,..---.--- ',:.' '0 1 . "'" ~ '1 '( ,...., po' I '~~'HH i . ...........' ;~;':.;.;~I'I(J,:;~'i'.~f;'.. '-' LI c,.,~/t':/I~ p -,r) [,I.', . ..w'ir... ..S ?-;;2~~, ' ' "~~~~';..~_;;';";"~I ~~.~---'- ., -~---~ ~ .~ '" . . . -- .,. 'j */ .' v .I-j ~z4 . ,./ ':W' SCAFfVt,," "t.>> TARifF OF RATES "-'---'-"---'-'---'''--...- --'-.- .....'"'<>.1"'_ ...,.. ,..__<_.~ ...._,;_'.1 .. . "'""..-............ B~-l N Jot..L,'; filed under the pl\)\!IStOns of The Ct'n......tt'Tlt's Act. RSO 1910. Ch. 51 lot No......: ,......P'.tn O~ COflce~.SJon No, "...... ,.....,....f:.cvro~,n\t11l.~..............",. ......... ceMEteRY . f\ia~";:~ . ~~...N,~Y.fl'gtf7.........&a~~;\:~~l~~t~~~, ~ " ~...... . . . .. .... ~ . q ~ .. ~, . ~ . ", .. ~ . ' , . , . -', . . ...., . $ALE OF PLOTS DIMENSIONS L....~.....,ft. l( .....:J..... ...to . ...........".ft. lC ............... ..,h.! L....l..Sh l( ....3.........ftJ c..,..,........ft. )( ....... ..........ft.) L.....2......ft. )( ......2........ ..ft.! (m..'......".ft, )( ..................ftJ Shlgte 9ra;.e ,.'.;.Gta~e Plot L ,.nd .LotGt,vt Plot ,.. .....GtlliN! PrOt Cr"'ml't to'll ..,....Gt... Plot ........Grave P'Of NOTE: lAND PERPETUAL CARE TOTAL $ ~.R . GO s 32.00 S tJo. Qr; $ $ . $ 15.00 S 10.00 . 2'.00 $ S S S 13.00 S 1.00 $ 20.00 $ S $ Several prices and/or various seetioll prices should be listed ~s all appendix to this sheet. ,.,......SSave Plot S IV ft-n'ERMENT CftARGES (opening and clo~in91 ....Grave Plot S .........Grave Plot S ...........Grave Plot S PeflPETUAl CARE on Plots on w: .ich Perpetual Care Chaiges have not beeo paid is $1.00 ,tier squ,"re ., ".....Gra-ve Pfot $ " .... . ANNUAL CARE 00 Plots on which Perpetual Care Charges have not been paId Ld .ldult $ 75.00 ind\Jding ("~"ice ':il $. indudlllg device ""d dre-ssing S ..,.......G'ave P10t $ ioc.fudmg drening ~ S mr.:;' '~og orcUltlq @ $ r"'vtCf'ipTld Drl;ls&1.ng suppl1pc "'v fun~ul D!rf!'etClr.. , .Im opening S Win_I! ,Oe:!!,_r19s (i) aduh S 10.00 fa; adult. single d T:h S fii, cflild $ (b) mild. single dcr~h S Wi! infant S (el ,nfaot sin9!eOe~1:n S V SATUROAV AND lAte FUNERALS - PENALTIES- CREMATION d1ifd $ indlJdiog de\lK:e ~,~ S indudingde\iice and dre-sslOg $I 36.00 Cd infant S without device iVHl dressing .dl attmated cernai liS S 1;1) . 00 leI mausolea entombments e'1d opening S b~~.~9!~'!.~bove ~~! D.ep~ en Aher ....,....,..,.."......prn S (Zl Saturt:idy ~rning S t3lE.c.tc.~d.t.y.,s.............. S l.0000 v. OJSJN1EAMENT CHARGES (;aJ !).$IN!:(fT',f!nt. in<;l"dirtg rebl4rial ar another '0('..)1100 in same cCl1l(.'terv (bIDi~;(lterm(;!f,t. Including lowering fCl'!\aIliS at lame location k'Oisintermer.t. only for 't-buriaf in another cernefetv (dJOisinterment a.. in (al aooll-e from double depth (eJDisiqterment as in ee) above from double depth MONUMENT FOUNDATIONS S 3.25 . per (:ulric footJsJr:rarlr, ":JCX SETTING MAfUCERS.....F1et MPrk~r round"t6on 18 X 14 ",.. :; 20.00. ma~efS ( to io,)( 16 in,) S 9000 each Granite or Bronze Corner Posts S Bronze rnilrl<ets With ooncrete or granite attadled BtoMe markl1U with oonttete Of granite attached tSmMlI fl"..'Hk,,\ with r.QnCft!fl'l Of grllnir" lHf.1d\ffl ::::: ;::::~ ::::t~~::::: Sronze 1'I\arkers it'ld:.rding,aftadliog base v... : each ( io,)( t in.x t irue t, in.x << in,)( << in.)C fX RENTALS, wtthin Cemotttry fi) T.ot $ T'ftANSf:ER Fi'~ tllt)t to "lite'" $2:.(0) fiH Chttin S )( th\ (1,11# '''''tjfY~ .1\'~ .!l\ 1ii1'll,,"'lI.t,S dcubfe ~th double depth double depthS (4) Wockn B<;}K -penalty $ fmu't be aec/;ted to perpetual Qte fund) (5) Con : rete liner, aI/all able to lot own.. @ $ inst,,'!ed, Note :If a penal!';, is charged fOt a ~ il)Uter con:linenhe cemetery tnU'St haft for sale dirE!;t to its fot owners an ine)Cpensi"" ron::rete 'mer. $ 11So()() S , 100.00 $ 125.00 S 185.00 S 11 C. 00 s set of fOUl in.} $ in.! $ in) S S S $ . .....~ Pl,ntt"R of FIOWt~. Subject to R.ub-a md Rev.ulllUonS.... $ 5.00 t . I io.} in.' inJ .r.. 1 .j .,,~ .4 ,:\ ';":", ~:~ .... t.._ __-....-... A (ilil Ma~$ ":~; ..k', ":~ t~,~!' S.t~'ilfV\ t_lturlt~ ". I FI,L'ED .~:~w.~"\,.;.;;;._---..-"".-~ M \ N I 'j t i;~ 'y' C) FCC, f,j ~; LJ [\11 b R & c; 0 1\11 I\/] E f~ C I f\ L F~ S L !::, -( I 0 ~.J :; ~....--"'.._~---._,--,--'_._,. --,------_._--,~ in \\iiH\ the under Th"s\kJlI bcpul ih ",I 3\1 d:vs ;;ii~r till' d~ji of filing Sf';)i'!; l'e!,TN 1I^!1.0,1 :1'L" rJ//4;, -~, ,p1~ tld\(\ \"5~' ,f<{.4'(.'I' ,1cX-(I.~ NUI1!lWI 7t. "\~"L-::,,,J:'..,u""~,,;./ \ '. '. " \ '... ',\. '. , " \ ',~ ',~, . ~'~.. \ ,t -' .,A.. ..- .', .~-, ,.. CERTIFICATE NO, , . _ , . .76-:<3-:-20. . , , , . ~ Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations' Approval of Municipal By-Law . ~t is qereb~ certifie~ tIFtt the Ministry of Consumer & Commercial Relations pursuant to the provisions of section 65 (I) (e) of The Cemeteries Act, R.S,O. 1970 c. 57, has approved of by-law No,.",.,., 76-:-43"",.".., ,of the municipal corporation of. . .the . Town ,of ,.".,....".,'. , . . Newcastle, , , . , . enacted by the council of the said municipal corporation on the . , , , , .:l,Qt;q, , . . . , , , day of, , , . . , . . , , ,J:u)"y' _ . _ , , . , . _ . " 19,? Q " being a by-law to amend By-law No. 67-7, being a By-law to provide for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of the Bowmanville Cemetery_._--.------------- . // // // /// / /// / // / ATED AT TORONTO, THIS.....,. .10th......,.. DAY OF ......... August........ .19.76.. . 05147 I., . . . THE CORPORATION OF TIlE TOWN OF NEV1CASTLE BY-UUi NO. 76-43 Being -a by-law to amend By-Lew No. 7607, being a By-law to provide for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of the Bowmanvil1e Cemeteryo WHEREAS the.'Council of the Corporation -bf the Town .of Newcastle, on the Third day of May, 1976 did pAN Dy-Law No.. 76.7 and : .- ..- WHEREAS tbe Ministry of Consumer ~na Commercial Relations has requested certain amendments to the sltid By-law No. 76.7. THEREFOR"E the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby en8.Cts..as f01~ow~i- ~1 1) That Section \(v) of By-law No. 76.7 be deleted and the following words substituted: Upon die transfer of a--lot by the- owner thereof, the Secretary-Treasurer shall upon payment of e fee of two dollars, prepare end have executed by tne owner tbereoF, " or by the autborized personal representetive of a deceased owner upon satisfactory evidence of their authority, a transfer in duplicate, 1n the form set forth in Schedule ,,~, appended hereto, and shallente-r the transfer in the Register and deliver one copy to the transferee and keep the other for his"-recoras; -In the case of 1\ transfer where an owner r.:> decease-d, a nofa..lrlal copy of probate or of letters"of admlni stration shall- be procured by.-the Secretary-Treasurer " or a satisfactory statutory declnration with such particulars, :tncluaing"the names and addresses of the heirs and--the"' Dame and address of the person authorized to sign Q transfero 2) Th8t Section II (ii) (1) of By-law No. 7607 be deleted and the following words substituted: llh(ii) (1) Every-marker shall be of a single block of granite or othe-r hard and durable stone"or any sufficiently durable and non-corrosive met'a!. All markers except-'Bronze or other metallic markers shall be mounted only on a stone or.-concret:e Mlse or footing and such"'stone or concrete base shall be at least four inches thick and not more than eight inches thicko 3) That Scbeaule ,,~, Tariff of RBtes be deleted and substituted by the attsche:d' Schedule "A" Tariff of Rates. By-Law"read the first end second time this 19th day of July 1976. .. .... By-Law"' read a third time and finally passed th}s th day of -JrJf_/l976. Irj~ / .~- . ttl;>yirnum .r OClt. ~ni r;?, .It . os 1 44 \~ ,;,.: -~ SCHEr-UtE "An TARIFF OF RATES - "',...""........-..1~~,;;..;,'\~,,~i!".;;.,),,1'.;:C'/I; W-~~~~~__~:~~ :1 '~~ 'Ry-lpw 711.43 ...' . I"" Filed under th<J provisions of The Cemeterie~ Act, R,SO. 1970. Ch. 57 '.,...','. ...... ........",., ...... ................ ......, ..J).c.\m~.nY i U .'?..... ..... .....,.' ,'., ....,. CEMETE RY TO',,;~ of P tl R€l!;!o!1"t Munlctpdtty lot No.............,..Plan or Conc1?ssion No ,..'..........' ~~;o. ..........~~,E.~:~.~.~...~:..,........ (4Q...-of-..fJt."Th1"ft!........._.. SALE Of PLOTS OIMENSIONS LAND PERPETUAL CARE TOTAL (......}...,...ft. x ,.....9........ .,ft.) S 58.00 $ 32.00 $ 90.00 <.........".,..ft. x .., ...... ...... ..5t,) $ $ $ L....l.5.,h. x ......3...,......1t,) S 15.00 $ 10.00 $ 25000 c..............1t. x ....." ........ ...ft,) S S $ (.... ...2.... .Jt. x ......2...,.....fU S 13 . 00 $ 7.00 $ 20000 (..............Jt. x .........,..,....,ft.) S $ $ Single gtave ....",Grave Plot E-;" hy L I'nd .L.c.~rave Plot .......Gra.'e Plot Cr~m...tion .......Grave Plot ",....Gralie Plot NOTE. Sevt'fal pr;ce~ and/or various section prices should be listed as an appendix to this sheet. If PERPETUAL CARE on Plots on which Perpetual Care Charges have not been paid .........Gravl! Plot S ..........Grave Plot $ 15 $1.00 p<<>r squ,.re foot. .........,GravfJ Plot $ tH ANNUAL CARE on Ploa on which Perpetual Care Charges have not been paid .. ...,...Gr..ve Plot S ...........Grave Piot $ ..........Grave Plot $ VU MONUMENT fOUNDATIONS $ I 3.25 , per cubic footil.....iaotx Vtn SETTING MARKERS......Fl.t MprkE'r Foundl"t6on 18 x 34 == $ 20.000 Crf>lll"t ion Graoite markers { 10 in.x 16 in.) S 9.00each Granite or Bronze COfnef Posts $ each Brooze markers with concrete or granite attached in,x Bronze markers with concrete or granite attached in.x Bronze markers with concrete Of granite attached in,)( tV INTERMENT CHARGES (opening and closing) (al aault S 75.00 including devicle @ S including device and dressing S including device @ S including dressing @ $ < tb! ( ( ( lei chiid s including dressing @ $ Dpvicp pnd Dressing supplied hv Funprrl D1rpctor. 36.00 including device and dressing $/ s :nrant without del,ice and dreSSIng !dJ crem;,ted Hl!n3Hls S 1..00 lei mausolea entombments end opening S couch opening $ Extra ChaJ~~t~~~!.! Double OflPlh Wi(\ter ()p!ni~! ial ad\Jlt. single depth $ (h) child. single depth $ (c) infant. single depth $ double depth $ double depth $ double depth $ (H act) I t $ 10.00 (;il cn:ld S Iii i) jn;a~t S V SATURDAY ANO lATE FUNERALS. PENALTIES, CREMATION III After ...,...............,..p.m S /2: Saturday morning S (3) S.E.t.1:I:c.oty"s...".......,..., S 40.00 (4) Wooden Box . penalty $ {must be credited to perpetual care fund) (5) Concrete liner, available to lot owner @$ installed, Note:lf a penalty is charged for a wooden outer container the cemetery must have for sale direct to its lot owners an inexpensive concrete liner, VI DISlNTE RMENT CHA ROES (a) Disinterment. including rebLlrial at another location in same cemetery $ 175.00 $ 100000 $ 125000 $ 185000 $ 11 0 . 00 fbiDisin:errnent. including IO\\'ering remai.ns at same location leI Disin:erment. only for reburial in another cemetery {dlDisjnterrnent as in tal above from double depth (elDisintermenr as in (el above from double depth $ set of four Bronze markers including attaching base Bronze markers induding attaching base Bronze markers including attaching base in,) $ in.1 $ in,) $ $ $ $ P1pnting of Flowers Subject to Rules pnd RegullJtions-- $ S.OO Remov,l of Monument or H~rker --$ 15000. in.x in.x in. x in.l in.l in.' tX RENTALS. within Cemetery lil Tent $ X TRANSFER FEE (not to 8Kceed $2.00) (ij) Chairs $ (iii) Matting $ list othe- services as an appendix, Secreta ry. Treasurer '" .....' ............ ... ..........,...... .... ......................