HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-41 . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 76-41 Being a by-law to authorize the entering into a Development Agreement with Veltri and Son Limited. WHEREAS Veltri & Son Limited are desirous of entering into a Development Agreement with the Corporation regarding construction of a Conunercia1 and Residential BU,i1ding on Parts of Lot lOR NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as fol1ows:- 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporate Seal a Development Agreement between Veltri and Son Limited and the said Corporation dated the ..lath..... day of ...~~Q~........., 1976. . By-Law read a first and second time this 19 th day of July, 1976. By-Law read a third time and finally passed this 19th day of July, 1976. G.B. Rickard ~~~ Mayor J .M. McIlro Clerk c rU/ ",-,,,-'" /~ ..~"./ Seal ///~' ~~' . ~w., 'i.(, ~ ':}'i , '. ': " . H ~'"~'L':: " , .:, &,;~ J":' ;V~";" :" '_' "'\; (',. ';/ <...... -' -. I~. . .....: . -'~~~~~ ,~ /~~' :,,~ji\lr / , I"~ ~. . - '. .....i '!I.:... .'LI"'~~~~,*~ ~'.Li...ll.'>iIof'" .'~" !.k_~. .,>0; ~';'!Ji.<;n-'~i~;t:li~lf i.i~~~ 1 ';~III.-..;,L, i'~_,~".~~:1.~;.i.i:, ~',~~,}'.J."'-'~'1j.l~~~j,.i~>-~~i~"~1~:W:iIl.~t:~:,,';JiI.~"\'>';';";.J~~,1:~~~;':"~'~.l..t,: ", THE REGISTRY ACT DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 23 OF THE ACT Judicial District ) ) of Durham ) To Wit: ~ I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT, 1. I am the Clerk for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle one of the parties to a Development Agreement, dated the 28th day of June, 1976, between Veltri and Son Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, which does not contain a proper local description. 2. The said instrument affects the land hereinafter described: "ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parCElls or tracts of land situate lying and being in "the Town of Newcastle in the Regional Municipality of Durham formerly in the Town of Bowmanville in the County of Durham, and being parts of original TownShip Lots II and l2 in the first Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington and being composed of parts of Lots 28,29,3l,118 and 246 and all of Lot 30 in Block "R" according to John Grant's Plan of the former Town of Bowmanville more particularly described and shown as Parts l,2,3,4,5, and 6 on Reference Plan 10R-622 deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on the 30th day of June, 1976." And I make this solemn declaration, conscientiously believing it to be true and knowning that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath. DECLARED before me ) ) ) ) in the Regional Municipality ) ) ) ) ) at the Town of Newcastle of Durham this /sr day of A?ovt~ , 1976. k~~ ~A~ommission~r~~tc., T"'.',"','?""",,,y,.. " ~., _. 'j' 1 ~'~~:/~> 1"~~; .. , ~'~ gJV · ~ .~, . DEVFLOPMENT AGREEJo1l!NT, made in triplioate this ~~tp. day of .....cl1J~~....,A.D.,19'76. BE'lWEI!N : . ~(J . VELTRI AND SON LIMITED, hereina.f'ter called the II OWner" OF THE FIRST PART , } ~ ~ t ~ _'\-.. -&1l4- THE CORPORATION CF THE TOO OF NJ!1.ICASTLE, h~ called the "Town" . OF THE SWOOD PART '- WHllREAS Section 7.22 ot By-law No. 1'Xfl provides that CounoU may as a qond1t1cm of development or redevelopment ot land prohibit or requ1re the provision mainten- ance and use ot oertain faoilities and matters or any of them and mq replate the -.tntenAnoe and use of such faoilities and matters, AND WHl!RFAS Section 7.22(b) of the aforesaid by-law provides that Couno1l may re- quire that the owner ot the land enter into one or more developnsnt agreements with Couno1l de~Hng with such faoillties and matters; AND WHEREAS the Councll of the Tow of Newcastle requires that oerta:1n development obarges are payable as a oondition of the approval of any change of -oninc wb10b perm1ta an inorease in the number ot dwelling units which can be looated QI1 tq' l&nd; AND WBJRlAS the ().mer warrants that it is the registered Omer of Parts L ~.}~.~ ; s:- ot Plan 1 OR. .".~ I.. i . ., , (p j 1-. AND WHl!REflS the Owner of Parts or 1?lon. 10 "l ............. here1na1'ter oa.lle4 the su.b.1eot lAnds, desires to construct thereon a Commercial and Apa,rt'rrlent Res1dent1al Btrnding; NQl THJItEF(ItE IN OONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL AQREF}mrI'S AND OOVmAN'1'S ANI> l"BONlSliS OONTADED HmEIN, THE PARTIES HEREl'O AGREE AS FOLLCWS: ." " 1 . A C.r.Ti'~ct ' . The Owner agrees to provide and maintain driveways, wa.J.kwa,ys, &OOe88 ramps and, curbings in acoordance with plans approved by' the Town and to oontrol the direotion of tra.f'fio thereon in aooordance with the sa1d plans. a. nmcmG AND LOADING The CMner agrees to provide and maintain off-street parking areas and 1oad1ng areas and aooess drivew~s in aocordanoe with plans and specifioations approved by the Town inoluding the surfacing thereof' with ooncrete or bituminous asphalt. 3. ~.A.YS The Owner agrees to provide and maintain all walkways and other means or pedestrian acoess in acoordanoe with plans and spec1.t1aations approY9d by the Town. , 4. ~Otl RF.MOV AI.. The Owner agrees to remove aJ.l snow from aooess raznps, driveways, parking areas, loading areas and walkways within ..,~.... hours of' the oessat:ton of any tall of snow. . 5. ~ING AND DRADUGE The Omer agrees to undertake the grading ot and provide for the disposaJ. at storm, surfaoe and waste water from the subjeot lands a1Xl from any 'btt"1ii11'1gs or structures thereon in acoordance with plans and speoif'ic- ations approved by the Town. In the event that tI'mstruotion of the ..~ ~......- . . ~ .~. '.... . ',,,-. ........, , . 'e proposed ~1iJd1ng oocurs prior to oonstruction of a new storm sever on King street in front of the subjeot lands, the Owner agrees to provide a second outJ.et designed to oonneot with the sa:1il new storm sewer. 6. FLOOpLIGHTING The Owner agrees to provide floodlighting of the subj ect lands and m1ndi1'\gs thereon in acoordance with plans and specifioations AD- roved by the Town and to refrain from erecting or using any torm 'et '1) ,JYI.1l"\a tion which in the opinion of the Town wculd oause SW' traffio hazard or would oause any disturbance to any adjaoent residential use. 7. mtQ~G JiliD IA~DSCAP~G The Oiner agrees to erect walls and plant hedges, trees, shrubs, or other suitable oovering vegetation 1Ji' aooordanoe with plans and spec1f- ioat:1ons approved by the Town to provide adequate landsoaping of the subject lands and proteotion to adjoining lD.nds., Such landscaping shall include roof area required to be landSQ!ped in accordance tdth the pr0- visions of the Zoning By-law. . 8. ~G~ AND WASTE The OWner agrees to provide am maintain vaults, central storage and oollection areas and other faoili ties as may be required by the Town for the storage of garbage and other waste materials in c. looation '(..;..~'~)roved ~. tho To...:n we::. in :::.coo1'dcnoo '\11 th plM.D :"tnn apeoitoations ap~d by the Tolmo 9. PLANS"lW SPECIFICATIONS The Owner agrees to provide plans showing the location of all. bu:Ud- ings and structures to be ereoted on the said lands and the location of the other faoilities required by this By-law. 10. PERSPFgrIVES, m.,FNA~~ONS AtlD CRpSS SECTIONS The Owner agrees to provide perspective drawings and plans Mowing. building elevations and croas sections of any residential bn11tMl\gs oontaining 25 or more dwelllng un! ts. . 11. APPROVAL Or PIbNS AND SPECIFICATIONS the ().mer agrees that the issuance of any building permit in respect or the said lands shall be prohibited untll all plans and spec1t1oat1ons . " required pursuant to this agreement have been approved by the Town. ~: 12. D~ CHARGE e CNner agrees to pay to the Town, prior to the issuanoe of any ~11'':H''g permit in respect of the subjeot lands, a d.....lopment ahe.rge caloulated in aooordanoe with SChedule A hereto for the residential dwell- ing units proposed to be ereoted on the subject lands in aoOOtdaDoe 1rl1th the said building parmi t. 13. RmISTRATION AND EID'ORCFf'lENT The (),mer agrees that the Town may register this agreement against the title to the subject lands and that the Tow may enforoe the pro- visions of this agreement against the owner of the said lar.lds and subjeot to the proviSions of the Registry Aot and the Land Titles Act, R.S.O. 1970, any and all subsequent owers of the said lands. 14. RI~ EX;P~SE AND Dlt'AULT ..hie OImer agrees that the .tl:l. oUitles and IW3.tters required to be pr0- vided and maintained by the owner of the said lands shall be so prqided and maintained at the sole risk and expense of the owner and tv the satisfe(}tion of the Tow'! The (Mner further agrees that, should there be a.rry default in fulfilling the requiremantfl ofWds a.gl"aammt, the provisions of Seotion /lJ9 of the Municipal Act shall apply. 15. ~J{J1.nTNQ PEmUTS The T.,1.IIl agrees that upon the Owner complying with the provisions of this agreement respeoting development charges and approval of all pJ.ans and specifications required herein, building permits for the construction of the Commercial and Apartment Residential Building wID be issued in aooordance with the approved plans subject only to payment of the usual (2) ,~~- ~ . '. ~ . . , "'" rP"' "'"'" permit fees and other fees as are payable under by-laws ourrentll' in foroe in the Town. 16. CERT:gi'ICATION OF OWNERSHIP The Owner shall, at the time of exeoution of this agreement provide the Town with a letter signed by an Ontario Solioitor and addressed to the Town oertifying as to the ti Ue of the said lands and setting ~ out the names of all persons having an interest in the said lands and the nature of their interest. 17. SIDElIAlJ& RECONsrRUCT~ON . . ~. The Owner agrees to re2.2Jlstruct the sidewalk, ourb and gutter on the north side of King Street n15iK:XDl)vJJf~~:UJffifJEC~I~Om.I.H~~ in front of the subjeot lands in aocoxdt'.l3.CC witlr pltazlr.; ood opocific.e.tiollO [O~vod ~ "".i tho ~cnmo . .,~ '... IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have hereunder set their hands and seal.$ the dq and year first above written, and the Parties hereU\ have hereunto affixed their Corporate Seals by the hands of their proper officers du.1y auth- orized in that behalf'. SIGNID, SEALED AND DELIVERED THE 00Bi'9RATION OF 'IRE TOWN OF N&lOASTLE ( # in the presence of: ~ ~ ) ~ ~ ,O\iNlIR : 14~?i;~ )!Jr-e-Sek~ r (SEAL) '~. /~ ,/ <.--// /'/ ) ----- "- THIS AGREEMENT has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 7.~~~.........../ enacted and passed the ...'l-tfw..... day of ......~~-y..........,A.D., 1976\, -- 1 ! Y ','''If" . . ,: .~ '. . Ie . . ~h'llJ, r :~ SCHEDULE A to Development Agreement made the .4~to...... day at ... ..:r1ftl~....... DO DO' A.D. 1976 between VELTRI ~1.ND S)N LIMITED and THE OORPOR&TION OF THE TOWN OF N.E1~C'ASTLE S9!JED1JLE OF DEVELOPMEm' CHARGES fifE ~ ~~.T.TNG WIT .... Bachelor 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom :3 Bedroom or Hore B edrooma Redoution tor Previous Development Potential (Prior to Rezcning) AM:>UNT $150 &300 $450 $600 $5400 . " ~ , .. . . > . " 79851 No. land Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) I CERTIFY that this instrument is registered as of Ie> ,SO 4.M. NOV 1 1976 in the land Registry Office CJI(~ Town of Newcastle V''''' Ontario. KGlSTRAIt 77 . DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BEtWBER VELTRI AND SON UKITED AND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEVCASTLE. .. , .. '" .~