HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-39 . ... .. . ~ . THE CORPORATI~ OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 76-39 Being a by-law to allow an encroachment onto the Road Allowance of George Street, in the Geographic Village of Newcastle, now in the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS Maria Francisca Johanna DeVries is the owner of the lands and premises being composed of Lot 6, Block "L", North of George Street, according to C.G. Hanning's Plan, Village of Newcastle, now in the Town of Newcastle, Regional l>bnicipality of Durham, more particularly described in Schedule flAu attached hereto; AND WHEREAS a survey of the said lands and premises, a copy of which is e.ttached hereto as Schedule "B" has disclosed that the dwelling thereon has inadvertently been erected on the North boundaries of the George Street Road Allowance; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corpar at ion of the Town of Newcastle purSUant to The l>bnicipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 354 (l) paragraph 93 HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. That the said Maria Francisca Johanna DeVries or the owner or occupant from time to time of the residence property being Lot 6, Block "L", North of George Street, according to C.G. Hanning I s Plan, in the Town of Newcastle, formerly in the Village of Newcastle, in the Regional l>bnicipality of Durham be allowed to maintain and use the encroachments of their dwelling erected on the Road Allowance on the North side of George Street as shown on the survey attached hereto as Schedule "B" until such time as the said dwelling is demolished or for any reason whatsoever ceases to be situated as shown on Schedule "B" attached hereto. 2. That the siad Maria Francisca Johanna DeVries or the owner or occupant from time to time of the residence property being Lot 6, Block "L", North of George Street, according to C.G. Hanning's Plan, in the Town of Newcastle, formerly in the Village of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durhaa has a right from time to time to make all necessary repairs and renewals to the building but that this licence shall cease to exist upon the happening of the following occurrances: (A) The total destruction of the building shown in Schedule "B" as a one-storey frmne House (203 Beaver Street North); (B) Partial destruction so as to render the building, set out above, uninhabitable. 3. That the owner of the said r~sidence property, from time to time, pay to the Town of Newcastle an annual fee-Oj: $1.00 in advance for the right to maintain and use the said encroachment. By-Law given a first, second and third readings and finally passed thii-5th day of . July, 1976. Seal G..B. Rickard Mayor J.M. McIlroy Clerk . Lr . . SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 76-39 Being part of George Street being part of Lot 28, Concession 2, Township of Clarke former Village of Newcastle now being in the Town of Newcastle Regional Municipality of Durham being more particularly described as Part 4 Plan lOR 621 registered in the Registry Office Newcastle No. 10 on June 29th, 1976. 8LDC/< '1.J1 1 1 I ~oosr- -:E -l (91 'v.... C.) ~ '-..J _J QJ -~ ':8 Fd,S.B.(I0~_ 8LOCI< I I I,' ,- PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF LOTS 6 AND 7, BLOCK IL', AND PARTOF CEORGE STREET ACCORDING TO C G, HANNINGIS PLAN OF THE FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE (Being part of Lot 28, Concession 2, GeographIc Township of Clarke) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM (Formerly County of Durham) SCALE: I inch = 40 feet MD,BROWN OL,S, /976 /~Pt' l/~ f{y~ JG~ i Q I ()r-I/ I..J'- Iv \ 4996' L:~ ANDREW STREET f- lJJ lJJ ~ CJ) h I ~i ~ rlM9 f Q) -, Fd.1d FdO 001 ~ I ~ ~----~ z ~ --I.i..-. lb,~ Ot.s -J - f I c- -- r ~~ ..... __J _~ ~ ~ ..... I -, '" fI") CC: N Q .g E ;,,:rr crNm, ~'~~r-~ t 1~~-f--j~1 ; .~ J I I~''''OLS ~ ~ ~ _.~-:t tr~~ I I ~ .~ g; I I '" t'-""~l ~ ,., 1B ~ ~--~ PL1/lWil, .000 12540' E!1l V 'iD~- - cxt",o -:,.,00 ,., - - 0' _-2 2 I .IL-OT :::l c o is. '0 o <.6 0'\ r<) Inst, N'? 2899 [- + N71026'20i'E ~ /2:5. 40 'deed a set Remainder PART IV 74"29 r I~I IV, 9443 It "" (\J r<) 00 00 (\J /2!5.58 II> o Q) E 'Q) to .0 i1i LC)T PART ''!! ... .. 2 ~_ _c: _ z Q. - <l 0 0-, ~ vI>. - cD ~e~ ~,~ 00 -'" - 2~ ~ ~ 3 -8 () S ,...... R ::J I Vi 0) .s I I I Fd I P - PUll II I f F'LJI Wi I, 0:: lJJ ~ lJJ m LINE -", 0' ...... 2 0> '" &i ~ L()T I I I I '~I I Fd,~_ I I I . PART 8 g I STORY FRAME ~ V) ~ OWELLI IVG PL.Ii!fWIf .~ N71"26'20"E .. 12:5,40'deell8", 'lS ... ~ ~.~ -t- 25,75 --t.:--"J N7/o26'20"E :t~! PART 4 _~~ ~ GEORGE ~ Fd,li!f ben! ~ / PLS5.I.B. '--/' / N7,026~~~' *-* ,~~ ~:Y":J' ~ 69.~ N7/02620"E STREET 49,96' ---f I I 01 (1"1/ UL: )'v \ I,\] , S,S 1 B, Denotes'" square Iron Bar 3O"long, RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED AS , ,2./ PLAN lOR ______ .JFu ~~2 ?~--L9 71. Date - 9t~:R~r~Y DIVISION OF NEWCASTLE (N'? /0), , REQUIRE THIS PLAN roBE DEPOSITED UNDER PARTIr OF THE REGISTRY ACT. _ JUNE 29.L!~?~__ Date M. D. BROWN Name---,n--f5rTiit SURVEYOR1S CERTIFICATE S II: , HEREBY CERTIFY THAT: I. This survey and plan are correct and in accordance with the Survey's Act and the Registry Act and the regulations made thereunder. 2,The survey was completed on the 28th , day of June ,/976, June 28, /976, -~.~ M. D, BROWN On ana Land Surveyor BEARING REFERENCE The Easterly limit of Beaver Street, shown as N 18032'40"W (astronomic) on Plan 10 R 282, governs all bearings shown hereon, ~ Denotes 3/4 "round Iron Bar 24/1long, S,B Denotes Vi'sQuare Iron Bar 30"'ong, CAUTION: THIS PLAN IS NOTA A..AN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION 29, 32 OR 33 OF THE PLANN/NGACT. + Denotes5/8/1sQuare Iron Bar24"'ong, MERR/LLD. BROWN LIMITED LAND SURVEYING AND ENGINEERING /2/ QUEEN STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, PHONE 416, 623 - 725 I Date: June 28 ,/976, PL Denotes planted, 1 P Denotes Iron Pipe, SCHEDULE PART LOCATION AREA (sq, ft.) Lot 7, Block /lL" 2,641 2 5,116 3 Lots 6 and 7, Block"L" 8,778 4 George Street /38 Fd, Denatesfound, Scale: I inch = 40 feet NOTE: All hanging lines shown on this plan have been verif ied, Drawn by: File: 76028 J, D, L.