HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-33 ~~ ". .. .' 4J. . . -::- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW :If. 7 t- 7>, A by-law to allow an encroachment onto the Road Allowance between Concessions I and 2, in the Geographic Township of Clarke, County of Durham, now in the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS Leslie Peck and Phyllis Peck are the owners of the lands and premises being composed of part of lot eight (8) in the second concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke, County of Durham, now in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durhan, more particularly described on Schedule "A" attached hereto; AND WHEREAS a survey of the said lands and premises, a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule "B" has disclosed that the dwelling thereon has inadvertently been erected on the Road Allowance between Concessions 1 and 2, Geographic Township of Clarke, now in Town of Newcastle; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle pursuant to The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 354 (1) paragraph 93 HEREBY ENACTS as follows: 1. That the said Leslie Peck and Phyllis Peck orethe owner or occupant from time to time of the residence property, being part of lot 8, concession two, of the Geographic Township of Clarke, now Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, be allowed to maintain and use the encroachments of their dwelling erected on the Road Allowance between Concessions I and 2 -Geographic Township of Clarke, as shown on the survey attached hereto as Schedule B, until such time as the said dwelling is demolished or for any reason whatsoever ceases to be situated as shown on Schedule B attached hereto. That the said Leslie Peck and Phyllis Peck or the owner or occupant from time to time of the residence property being part of lot eight, concession two, of the Geographic Township of Clarke, now Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, have the right from time to time to make all necessary repairs and renewals to the building but that this licence shall cease to exist upon the happening of the following occurrances: A) The total destruction of the building shown in Scthedule "B" as a one-story frame and brick building. B) Partial destruction so as to render the building, s~t out above uninhabitable. 2. 3. The owner of the said residence property, frmm time to time, pay to the Town of Newcastle an annual fee of $1.OO in advance for the right to maintain and use the said encroachment. By-Law given its first, second and third readings and finally passed this / 7t-.. day of H 14"-( 1 seal ~ Rickard - Mayq /" -,- ...~~. .......... J.M. McI1roy- C1e F ~... . ~ H t' p - " , " ~ SCHEDULE "A" IJ Ii I, I' '! H II d I' I 'l :) L Ji< ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and irem1aes :: situateg lying and being in the'1'own of Newcastle, Reg10na Municipality of Durb,),m, Province of Ontario, and being cODIposed or part of Lot i! Eight(S) in the Second Concession of the Oeographic Townsh1p of II Clarkf:J, formei"'l~r in the County of Durham, the boundaries of the said II parcel being mOt-. particularly described as followsJ \\ II I' I, ,( H H Ii ~ I o ~ " PREMISlKG that the Westerly limit of' said Lot 8 has an astronomic Ii bearing of North 17 degrees 42 minutes West and relating all bearirlg it herein thereto J II i, n Ii I; !, L Ii !' I OOMMENCING at the South-Westerly angle of said Lot 8J H Ii , , 11 THENCE North 1'7 degrees 42 minutes West along the Westerly l1ll1t of said Lot g a distance of 78.54 reet to an iron bar. THERCE North 72 degrees 42 minutes East parallel to the Southerly limit of said Lot 8 a distance of 61.46 feet to an iron bar. THENCE South 17 degrees 22 nd.nutes East a distance of 78.'4 feet DlOre ;, or less to an iron bar planted 1n the Southerly 11m1t of said Lot g distant Easterly therein 61.00 teet from the point or commencement. THENCE South 72 degrees 42 m1nu~.s Weat along the Southerly 11ll1t of said Lot g a distance of 61.00 teet to the POINT OF COMMElfCBMEH'l'. ;! F H ;; 11 H ii 1! 11 Ii U I' . H !: n , p ~ 'i Ii " q 'I Ji .h ~, ---, ) 0. 'L s.~~"'-- ' M. . Brown, Ontario Land surveyor_I! , ~ j (\ :j . .~~ S"eJ.....e~ " ~ I' .' . '. #>- . en (X) c z - <( o. <X) Z 0 5 ~ ..:J - a::: z UJ ...J ~ <t Z 0 - fa ~ a:: :E 9 ...J ~ <( a:: ~ ::> 0 . .. li . ~ cIS ~ ,Ie ~I'lt z. ~ ... z ~~OI !ii ?t,-- ~ z-~ Ie 1 THE oeposited PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF LOT 8, CONCESSION 2, GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE, TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM (Formerly County of Durham) SCALE: I inch = 20 feet Fd,('IO~ LOT 8 INST N9 N37724 (N74"ESS,OO'INsrN2N2247S) ,~~......- FdW,t(Jl06) N72042'~a8,~ ^_f9JJlOS)~' ~~~6t:46rneo.. --~~ FRAME GARAGE ~ 01 ~ If) 2 ...... ~--~ /,~ ~ \S',)'- 146' =:J 01 2 2 FRAME IS':] Ga\JCESSION AREA = 1<,0 j~~'2' 603' Ie/i. 'ltez sq. .ft. ~~ z 01 C\/ f-' Z ~ ~ I \fz STOREY , ,... ;k I Z <D FRAME DWELLING ~ ~ ~ l700' GARAGE I--' (/) ~ L -~87' 4,809 2 STORY .~ ' . ;....::. '. -,.' ,,':, '-' .' ~l" BRICK FdWil, 1106 '" BUILDING S,W,AnOIe r -6~ LoIB,Con,2 I -~STORY FRAME AND BRICK 'm Q Q Concrele ~ SlOop ROAD 6/.00'meal. N72042'E meal. (N74"E. 6600': INSI N'lN22416) ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS KING'S HIGHWAY N9. 1029 2 Plan SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I H( RE8Y Cf "TII' Y TIl... T I TI1fS SURIIEY ~o PLAN ARE COIMECT AIIIllIN "'CCO!'OANC( WlTl11l4E SUIIV(Y'S ACT ...lIIO THE: REGfSTItY ACT .uw THE: REGUL"'Tf~5 .....DE THEREUfIIO€", 2 TI1f SURVEy WAS CoMPLETED ON Tl-1[ It II, [)jlY 01' FE8Il.lAIW , 191W_ Fd,(II06) __ .-- AND 2 RILL D.BROWN LIMITED LAND SURVEYING a ENGINEERING 121 QUEEN STREET BOWMANVtLLE,ONTARIO. -~_.~ =~::':~24~ TARIQ I....NO 5URIIE ~ Dote: Revisions: February 23,'976, ScoIe: I inch : 20 feet Drown by: J,O,L. File: 76032 ~23,l978, THE ASTRONOMIC BEARING OF THE WESTERLY LIMIT OF LOT 8. CONCESSION 2, BEING N17042'W ANODERlVED FRQrl DEPOSITE.D PlAN PLAN I029,OOIIERNS ALL 8E.ARIHGSSHOWN IERE.ON_ No Denotes found, No, genlilte8 ,leAtell. BEARING REFERENCE