HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-32 .. .. .,1. .J .. ) J! // /~-v1'j1, flUx {t I THE CORPORATION OF THE TO~~ OF NEWCASTLE By-LaY1 No. 76-32 Being a by-law to authorize the entering into a Site Plan Agreement with LoD.C.M. Investments Limited and Barmond Builders Limitedo WHEREAS By-Lm'1 No. 72-43 \las passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvil1e on the 10th day of October, 1972 autrorizing the signing of a Subdivision Agreement with L.D.CoM. Investments and Barmond Builders and; WHEREAS LoDoCoMo Investments and Barmond Builders Ltd. are desirous of entering into a Site Plan Agreement with the Corporation regarding construction of a Shopping Plaza on Block "A" on Plan 698; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows:- THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Ne~'1castle and seal ''lith the Corporate Seal a Site Plan Agreement beo1een LoD.CoMo Investments Limited and Barmond Builders Limite~nd the said Corporation dated oooo.ooo./oYo~o day of o.oooooooooooot!;;t.oooo., 1976. By-Law read a first and second time this 17th day of l1ay, 1976. By-Law read a third time and finally passed this 17th day of May, 19760 Seal G. Bo Rickard Mayor JoN. McI1ro Clerk ----. ;/ --,/'~'- ~ '~". }\-' ~ '.~C"'., r ". "..) .J:. r,.;') \.c., '1/ II t1f11 ~/l~ THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this /~ r<-v. day o~- 1976. BET WEE N: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, hereinafter called the "Town" OF THE FIRST PART - and - L.D.C.M. INVESTMENTS LIMITED and BARMOND BUILDERS LIMITED, both corporations incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, hereinafter called the "Owners" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owners wish to construct a commercial development on the lands owned by them comprising Block A, Registered Plan 698, in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham (hereinafter called "the Site"): NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. The Owners agree that the commercial development will be constructed in accordance with the annexed Schedule "A" (hereinafte called "the Site Plan") including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the provision for parking, for sidewalks, for vehicular and pedestrian access, for screening and for landscaping: provided that the OWners shall be permitted to make minor modifications that are reasonably consistent with the Site Plan and that do not detract from the aesthetics or quality of the I r commercial development as shown on the Site Plan. Any substantial changes which would affect the standard of development as represented by the Site Plan may be made only with the prior written consent of the Town. 2. The Owners agree to carry out all grading works necessary in the opinion of the Town Director of Works to provide for proper drainage of the Site, the said grading works to be /1 ,/' r'.1 ~ . ~ ~ ~il-,: ,,~ Ii I - 2 constructed in accordance with grading plans approved by the said Director of Works. The Owners further agree to forthwith rectify and alleviate any drainage problem to the satisfaction of and upon written notice from the said Director of Works. 3. The Owners agree to widen to the Town's specifications the south side of the roadway on the portion of King Street which abuts the Site and to construct thereon such structures and devices for the direction of traffic as may be required by the Town. 4. The OWners agree to construct, to the Town's specifications, a sidewalk along that portion of King Street which abuts the Site. 5. The Owners agree that the above road widening and sidewalk shall be deemed to be municipal services required under the terms of a previous agreement between the Town and the Owners dated the 22nd day of September A.D. 1972. 6. The OWners agree to install at their own expense such street lighting facilities as are necessary for the lighting of the roads and sidewalks adjacent to the Site, according to standard and specifications approved by the appropriate Public Utilities Commission. All electrical cables required to service the street lighting and the Site shall be installed underground. 7. The Town agrees that, forthwith upon the issuance of a building permit for the commercial development, it will convey to the Owners those portions of the one-foot reserves owned by it along Simpson Avenue and King Street that are located within the vehicular and pedestrian access areas shown on the Site Plan. The Town further agrees that the Owners shall have the right to pass over, along and upon the remainder of the said one-foot reserves ~ during the construction of the commercial development for the purposes of such construction. The Owners agree that upon conveyance of the above portions of the Town's one-foot reserves to the Owners, the OWners will convey to the Town a one-foot reserve along that boundary of the Site abutting Hobbs Drive, except where the boundary intersects the pedestrian access area shown on the Site Plan. .- / ""-- .~ r-, I r II r. I - 3 8. The Owners agree to pave all parking areas and driveways shown on the Site Plan and to provide such illumination of the same as is considered to be required by the Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission. 9. The agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. WITNESS the corporate seals of the parties hereto attested to by the hands of their proper officers, duly authorized in that behalf. . THE CORPORATION NEWC~~~ ..-- TOWN OF AI 14,,/,0A. C' (..- 6 AlA- Per: TS LIMITED L.D.C~f INVEST Per t/ ~\_/~ Secretary BARMOND BUILDERS LIMITED /! Per: President -1:1 I I .' SCHEDULE "B" I' 1 Ii Ii I II I' II fi Ii II n 11 Ii Ii p Ii . I ,! :i ~ 1 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, !i in the Regional Municipality of Durham, (formerly in the Town :i of Bowmanville, County of Durham) and Province of Ontario and !] Subdivision registered in the Registry Office for the Registry I: i! Ii ii H if being composed of the whole of Block "A" according to a plan of Division of Durham West (No. lO) as Number 698. Ii Ii " q it j: I: if 'I Ii H I :\ . ~ ... ..- ..~ i I) i I, , " ;1 Ii " I' i! ii l! ii ;1, 1: it i! I: Ii II !l j, 'I ..II ,. . No. 77550 land Registry Division of Newc~stle (No. 10) I CERTIFY that this instrument IS registered as of :1 . 0 '6 f M.. MAY 2 1 1976 in the land Registry Office 9f1~ Town of Newcastle Ontario. REGISTRAR PAID LAND ~y. OF~ ~ ~ DATED . .. t 1976 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEvlCASTLE - and - L.D.C.M. INVESTMENTS LIMITED and BARMOND BUILDERS LIMITED A G R E E MEN T WEIR &. FOULDS 330 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5G lS2 , ...L... ,">, ...". ~ ] ..~'" ',' .~,....,,", ''I' '1"1.......'I'.""r"'; I'"."...,.,. ......',.....'I..~ ~"""'~ . l!"i ~.I. ...\;,......t".'....-.I~.),.....,....."). .......,.". ~~.~....~14,....."..~ftr~........~.~..-'~."""".....~~ ~~ ~.........;lr'~'Jl'.......,~,_.......~......~......__~~W~ -----=~~~J.....~~~~... _.~ ..--- ;.\ H \ 'f( ~ ~ ~, ~ t \\ ~l ~, ~ ~ fe" fl ( , ~1 r r- ~! ~ t i I t , ~ ~~, " ), h n ~I '~I ~ i ~ l'l I'J ~I 4 il' ~ I, II l. u u II f. ..f ~ I I I II i ~~ . ~ h d n r ( r ~ ~ i~ t" !I l ~, il f ~ ! 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