HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-31 /j- '. ) . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 76-31 Being a by-law to authorize the entering into an Agreement with Memorial Park Association. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows:- 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the TOlm of Newcastle and seal with the Corporate Seal an Agreement between Memorial Park Association and the said Corporation dated 18th day of May, 1976. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 17th day of May, 1976. Seal G"B. Rickard Hayor J.M" McIlro Clerk (, V (.../" // d""" ,~ ~". . ~::.:~ . e .. . '1G.~1 flvl v // / AGi~3~:-E:;T made tr:.e / ~ V<--dny of 1'11111976 Betueen T~fE C0R~"~'(}~;'.T=C~; 017 'I\1E T01Il'! OF !L)E"~,~~C.,;13~~1.3 herein called the Corporation of the First Part and T:E :.S:10f{ I.AL P.h :i( P~S~30C=jtTION herein called the Association of the Second ?art. That the bUilci.lnf; lmoun :-;.s t.he .ie:aorial Parl{ Clubhouse situateu on t,ho eastorly 1UU foc:t of lots ,) and 10 in Block 26 O:l(.ue \Jest .:Jide of Libe....ti Stroot in BO'~lInan';ille \<laB buil t aLQ has be,-~.:. :l(:.:L~ain:;(( by the iissociation since /1 ? 52 , .J ,..,./' tLeretor'e ,..;iscco be rec06niz\~d as the r i gh tf'LU of tt1~; SEi~~.~ ',/11ilc:..ir1 . pOS~>2Sf;OI"~:; The Cor;<n"ution a:;r,-;3S t;lat tho} responsibili ty of running tb~ Club House lias exclusively with the Association. The Association cOl;,venants Hi th the Cor )oration to pay main tE:Lc...nce expenses, charges fol' gas, olec trici t:; [:.IlU tolep!lon:~ w1d to rc; (,all' r':-":;'t;:;io{,tiblo \Jeal' Qnd tf.w.r and do.1Uaga by fire, liGr. tnln:.> and telilpes t only exce pto:l. .rind \,:111 not carr.; on in the Club house any business that may be dee:..,;ed a rmi s<lnce, a.nd tha t i L is the As soc ia tion ( s responsibility to have.; the Build.ings and contents insured agahlst fire and otbdl' d.:lEW{;8 at all times. The Buill.iiu..; is to be c':-.:lled tLs Bm,nuanville :.felUorinl Pm'k Assocla !:.ion ClubLouse, for as Ion:; as the Associa'cion exis ts. Wi tho resp::ct to the full opera tion of the .0o\:manville l:e:'1orial l"ark Association Clubhouse, the Assoc:1.ation shall be allo"\::sd to conduct all ac ti vi ties as they see fit. tlm :-2UORIAL PARK ASSOCIA'rIOn AGRE&.:HBNT .PAGE2. The Bowmanville l4emorlal Parle ASciQciation Clubhoustlshall be insured under the policy through the Town of Newcastle, paid by the Association, with the a~reement that any loss to the Clubhouse will be rel~bursed to us through the Town. All ledbers reg~dln5 revenues and Qxpend! turae of Bo\r:anv111e :.1eraor1al Park Association ...,i11 besubml ttad for aur.l1tingeach year to ::1'. T. A.l"snn1n.;, Director of Pnrl{s and RecreEition. All monies earned and recai/ed 'Will be managed by the Bowmanv111e Memorial Park Association as they see fit. Th,is agreement shall be for the duration of one year and shall coqtinue froe year to year by a si:nple indication of the parties in wrl tlng. IN WITNESJ '~dEREOF the said parties hereto have herunto ~et their hands and seals and the hands of its proper Officers duly authorlsed 1n that behalf and its corporate seal. SIGHED, SgAL30 ANU ])8LIVi.m~D ) ) ) ) ). ) in the presence or ~:J-~ Clerk THE ME~10RIAL PARK ASSOCIATION ~~alt/~ 1!;;~~ President ~"p/~, /.......4!~ S cretary.' . ". ...... ...... . .