HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-29 ~ . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-law No. 76-29 Being a By-law to designate certain streets within the Town of Newcastle as "ONE-WAY STREETS" WHEREAS Section 102 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 202), defines "ONE-WAY STREET" as a highway designated for the use of one-way traffic only and where official signs have been erected accordinglYt vehicles shall be driven only in the direction 80 des1gnateo; AND WHEREAS Section 101 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.E.O. 1970, Chapter 202) defines "DESIGNATED" as designated by the Mini- ster or by any person authorized by him to make such desig- nation or designated by By-law of a Municipality; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle through its Council thereof as follows: . (1) The highways set out in Column I of Schedule "A" to this By-law, between the limits set out in Column II of the said Schedule, during the times or days set out in Column III of the said Schedule, are hereby designated for one-way traffic only in the direction set out in Column IV of the said Schedule. (2) The penalties provided in Section 152 of the High- way Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this By-law. . By-law 1784, Schedule fJf of the former Town of Bowmanville and By-law 69-10 of the former Village of Newcastle and any other inconsistent By-laws insofar as they apply to highways now under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle are hereby repealed. (4) This By-law Shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham and when signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW READ a first time this ~?":day of ..J:t /1. ':/..., 1976. BY-LAW READ a second time this (!.~ay of ... ttl1.j..., 1976. BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this <"l~;- day of .....J;f.I;I;.y..,1976. _M ~~ Mayor . (3) Clerk (8 E A L) 1 .. ~ t . r . . . COLUMN I HIGHWAY Beaver Street (former Vill- age of Newca- stle) Robert Street (former Vill- age of Newca- stle) SCHEDULE I A I ONE-WAY STREETS COLUMN II COLUMN III COLUMN IV BETWEEN TIMES OR DAYS DIRECTION Robert street to anytime North Bound James Street Durham Regional anytime East Bound Road #17 to Bea- ver Street ~Jf>.,i""" I,' y <<I., ~ I 1 f r_ I' /1-'- ,~{;."'..........' '-- J'y ~. THE REGIONAL tv1UNICIPALITY OF DURHAM CLERK'S DEPARTMENT C.W, LUNDY. A,M,C.T. REGIONAL CLERK ! I ~. t;; ~$:; t. f If~':;:; if? &'; ~ ft ~' ~. ~>.. t. ~j ~f ~. ' '!f ~'" t f f." ~;, July 2, 1976 605 ROSSlAND ROAD E, p.O.Bo" ~,a. WHITev, ONTARIO L\NGIU l41q ;;u.. m 1 Mr. J. M. Mcilroy, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Ll C 3A6 Re: By-laws No. 76-28 and No. 76-29 of the Town of Newcastle Mr. Mcilroy, the Public Works Committee of Regional Council considered the above by-laws of your Municipality and at a meeting held Ion June 23, 1976, Council passed a Resolution adoPting the following recorrmendation of the Committee: "REPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE \.IC-180-76 J. M. Mcilroy, Clerk, Town of Newcastle, forwarding by-laws #76-28 and #76-29 for Regional Council approval (225-76) .. ~i; RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL a) THAT by-law #76-28 of the Town of Newcastle be approved. r k',. b) THAT by-law #76-29 of the Town of Newcastle be approved." Returned herewith are certified copies of your by-laws with the Regionls approval endorsed thereon. e '-. ....; ,-, o(~j (=z_, , -4,. :/' :-.::7J C. W. lundy, A.H.C.T.. Regional Clerk. CWL:hs c.c. Mr. R. F. Richardson, Commissioner of Public Works RECEIVED JUL 6 ij76 . .fjofu" !..JvAlv~ :; J/'/l,. ,- ~ I TOWN Or f:-'.., CASTLE -