HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-25 /~~:" , , . COMPREHENS~VE SIQN ~Y-LAW TOWN OF NEWCASTLE . BY-LAW NO. 76-25 . ----" .~. I .. I t .',_~. ~.:. . ; -. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 76-25 A by-law to regulate signs in the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS The Municipal Act provides that the council of a municipal corporation may pass by-laws for prohibiting or regulating signs and other advertising devices and the posting of notices on buildings or vacant lots within any defined area or areas or on land abutting on any defined highway or part of a highway. AND WHEREAS any by-law passed under the above paragraph may provide that a sign or other advertising device that on the day the by-law comes into force does not comply with the by-law, shall be made to comply with the by-law or removed by the owner thereof or by the owner of the land on which it is situated, on or before the expira- tion of five years from the day the by-law comes into force. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of The Town of Newcastle ENACTS as tollows: SECTION 1 TITLE AND SCOPE . (1) IITki OF BY-LAW This By-law may be cited as the "Sign By-law". (2) SCOPE OF BY-LAW (a) LANDS SUBJECT TO BY-LAW: The provisions of this By-law shall apply to all lands within the corporate limits of The Town of Newcastle. (b) CONFORMITY WITH BY-LAW: No sign shall hereafter be erected, altered, displayed, or repaired except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. (c) COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER RESTRICTIONS: This By-law shall not be effective to reduca or mitigate any restrictions laWfully imposed by a governmental au- thority having jurisdiction to make such restrictions. . (1) .~ ~l ( I . ','\. <( I ~ ~ .. a .. , , . . . SECTION, 2 INTERPRETATION For the purposes of include the future; words 1n the plural 1s mandatory. this By-law, words used in the present tense words in singular number include the plural and include the singular number; the word "shall" SECTION 3 DEFINITION~ In this By-law, the following definitions and interpretations shall apply, unless the context requires otherwise; (1) "CORPORATION" means the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. (2) "COUNCIL" means the Council of the Corporation of the Town ot Newcastle. (3) "REGION" means the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham. (4) "ALTER" means to change anyone or more of the external dimen- sions of a sign; or to change the type of construction of such sign; or to change the location of such sign; or to change any of the' names symbols, descriptions, illustrations, or devices on such sign. (5) "BUILDING" means any structure which is enclosed by walls and a roof. (6) "BUILDING BY-LAW" means any building by-law of the Corporation passed under The Planning Act, as amended from time to time. (7) "BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER" means the officer or employee of the Corporation charged with the duty of enforcing this By-law. (8) "ERECT" means to build, construct, reconstruct or relocate and, without limiting the generality of the word, also includes: (a) any preliminary operation such as excavation, filling or draining; (2) . I . '\'" ',t, \ '\ e' 'to. . .. ." ~ ... . , SECTION 3(8) DEFINITIONS . (8) (b) any work which requires a building permit from the Corporation. "ERECTED" and "ERECTION" shall have corresponding meanings. (9) "EXISTINGtl means existing on the date of passing of this By-law. (10) "FINISHED GRADE" means the elevation of the finished surface of the ground at the base of a structure. (11) "HEIGHT", when used with reference to a sign, means the verti- cal distance between the finished grade immediately below such sign and the hign,st point of such sign. (12) "PERMITTED" means permitted by this By-law. (13) "PERSON" means any human being, association, firm, partnership, corporation, agent or trustee, and the heirs, executors or other legal representatives of a person to whom the context ~ can apply according to law. (14) "SIGHT TRIANGLE" means the triangular space formed by the street lines of a corner lot and a line drawn from a point in one street line to a point in the other street line, each such point being 30 feet from the point of intersection of the street lines (measured along the street lines). Where the 2 street lines do not intersect at a point, the point of intersection of the street lines shall be deemed to be the intersection of the projection of the stree~ lines or the intersection of the tangents of the street lines. (15) "SIGN" means a structure, or portion of a structure, having thereon any name, symbol, description, illustration or device which is used to identify or advertise a person, place, product, object, organization, activity or event. (16) "SIGN AREA" means the area within the periphery of the entire display portion of a sign. For the purpose of this By-law, any double-faced sign shall be deemed to have one face only provi- ded both faces are identical, contiguous and parallel, or div- erging at an angle of not more than 15 degrees. . (3) . . . ,')- '.,,1- { ,'J _ . , SECTION 3(17) DEFINITIONS (17) "SIGN, ACCOMMODATION" means a ground sign or wall sign loca- ted on a lot for the purpose of indicating the availability of rental or lease accommodation on such lot. (18) "SIGN, BARN" means a sign painted on a wall or roof of a barn to identify the name of the occupant and/or of the farm on which such barn is located. (19) "SIGN, GROUND" means any sign permanently affixed to the ground by one or more self-supporting poles, uprights, trees or braces or supported by, or painted on, a fence or free-standing mas- onry structure. (20) IISIGN, GROUP IDENTIFICATION" means a ground sign located on a lot in a Commercial or Industrial Zone for the purpose of in- dicating names of the occupants and/or the use of the lots ad- joining such lot, provided such adjoining lots have a combined lot frontage of 100 feet or more. (21) "SIGN, IDENTIFICATION" means a ground sign, wall sign or roof sign which is located on a structure or lot for the purpose of indicating the occupant's name and/or the address and/or the use of such structure or lot. (22) "SIGN, ILLUMINATED" means any sign which is illuminated directly; indirectly, internally or externally. (23) "SIGN, INTERNAL" means any sign which is designed and located so that it is not intended primarily to be visible from any street or parking area. (24) "SIGN, MOBILE" means any sign which is not permanently affixed to the ground or to any structure and which is designed to be towed by a motor vehicle. (25) "SIGN, OVERHANGING" means any sign which projects from a lot across a street line to a horizontal distance of more than 18 inches. (26) "SIGN, PROHIBITION" means a ground sign or a wall sign located on a lot for the purpose of indicating that certain activities such as fishing, hunting or trespassing are prohibited on such lot. (4) r -., Ie e . "I "" : ... ,t.,. . .' SECTION 3(27) DEFIN IT IONS (27) nSIGN, PUBLIC USE" means any sign used for public services by the Corporation, or the Region, or any agency of the Corpora- tion or of the Region, or any Board of Education, or any Min- istry, Commission, Authority or Corporation established by the Government of Ontario or by the Government of Canada. This definition may include a flag, emblem or insignia of a nation, province, school or religious group. This definition shall not include an election sign as defined herein. (28) "SIGN, ROOF" means any sign affixed to a roofed structure where the lowest part of the sign display surface is above the level of the adjacent eaves or top of the parapet wall. (29) "SIGN, TEMPORARY" means any sign of a type described herein used to advertise an activity or event which is transitory or impermanent in nature. This definition may include banners, pennants, streamers or similar devices. (a) lICOMMUNITY SERVICE SIGNIl means a temporary sign for the purpose of announcing a community function or event s~onsored by a non-profit organization. (b) IlCONSTRUCTION SIGN" means a temporary sign located on a lot for the purpose of announcing a construc- tion or development project on such lot. (c) IlELECTION SIGNIl means a temporary sign related to an election of candidates for an office of the Corporation, the Region, the Province of Ontario or the Dominion of Canada. (d) "PROMOTION SIGN" means a temporary sign located on a lot for the purpose of announcing a business opening, a sale or other such event on such lot and includes any sign announcing any commodity for sale on the lot and/or the price thereof. (e) IlREAL ESTATE SIGNIl means a temporary sign located on a lot for the purpose of announcing a sale, lease or rental of such lot or of a building cr part of a building located thereon. (30) IISIGN, WALL" means any sign which is painted on or pelmanently affixed to a wall or canopy of a structure. (5) . . . ',' ", . .\ t' " . SECT'ION 3(31) DEFINITIONS (31) "SIGN, WINDOW" means any sign within a building which is loc- ated within 10 feet of a window and is intended primarily to be visible from a street or parking area. (32) "STREET" means a public highway under the jurisdiction of either the Corporation, the Region or the Province of Ontario. . This definition shall not include a lane or private right-of- way. "STREET ALLOWANCE" shall have a corresponding meaning. (33) "STREET LINE" means the limit of the street allowance and is the dividing line between a lot and a street. (34) "STRUCTURE" means anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires that it be located, or attached to something located on the ground. (35) "USE" (when employed as a nODu) means the purpose for which a lot, building or structure, or any combination thereof, is designed, arranged, occupied or maintained. "USE" (when employed as a verb) shall have a corresponding meaning. (36) "ZONEIl means a designated area of land use shown on any Scho- d~e or Plate to any Zoning By-law. (37) "ZONING BY-LAW" means any zoning by-law of the Corporation passed uner Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970), or a predecessor, as amended from time to time. (6) .,' \ . .. ~ " . GENERAL PROVISIONS No person shall erect or alter or cause to be erected or altered or permit to be erected or altercd any sign the contont of which would indicate or abet the contravention of any Zoning By-law or any Act or Regulation enforceable in the Corporation, or which would identify, advertise or provide information in relation to a use or occupancy prohibited by any Zoning By-law. (2) EXEMPTION OF CERTAIN SIGNS The provisions of this By-law shall not apply to internal signs or public use signs. (3) ILLUMINATION RESTRICTIONS (a) RESTRICTIONS IN CERTAIN AREAS: . Where lighting facilities for signs and/or illumina- ted signs are provided, they shall be designed and installed so as to reflect or emit light away from any adjacent Residential Zone, residential uses or streets. (b) RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN COLOURS: No illuminated sign which uses the colours red, green or amber shall be located within 300 feet of a traffic control signal nor within 300 feet of an intersection of 2 or more streets. (c) RESTRICTIONS ON CLEARANCE: No illuminated sign shall be less than 5 feet above finished grade. (4) MATERIALS AND STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS All sign materials shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Building By-law and all sign structures shall be designed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Building By-law. All signs shall be constructed and maintained so as to withstand the effects of time and weather conditions. . (7) , . S~CTION 4 GENERAL PROVISIONS 4It (5) PROHIBITION OF CERTAIN SIGNS No sign which moves, other than a mobile sign, nor any sign with moving parts shall be permitted. No overhanging sign shall be permitted. No sign which uses flashing, animated or inter- mittent illumination shall be permitted. (6) RESTRICTIONS ADJACENT TO STREETS (a) SETBACK FROM STREET LINES: No sign, other than a wall sign or a window sign shall be located closer than 10 feet to any street line. (b) RELOCATION FOR STREET WIDENINGS: 4It In the event that the width of a street is increased by the Authority having jurisdiction thereover, then the said distance of 10 feet shall be measured from the new street line and any sign existing prior to the widening of such street shall be moved at its owner's expense to comply with the provisions of Section 4(7)(a) hereof. (c) PROHIBITION IN SIGHT TRIANGLES: No sign, other than a wall sign or a window sign shall be located within a sight triangle. (d) PROHIBITION IN STREET ALLOWANCES: No sign, other than a wall sign or a public use sign shall be erected within any street allowance. (7) REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY SIGN No temporary sign shall be erected or displayed earlier than 60 days preceeding the activity or event which the sign is usee-tO advertise, and every such sign shall be removed by the owner thereof or by the owner of the 'land on which it is situated within 10 days of the occurrence or termination of the said ac- tivityor event or in any case within 90 days of the erection of the sign. (8) RESTRICTIONS ON ROOF SIGNS No roof sign shall be permitted except in Institutional Commer- cial and Industrial Zones where such sign is affixed to peaked, ~ gambrelled or other sloping roof. (8) . \ . . . , , '" ..' " , SECTION 5 ZONES (1) ZONE CLASSIFICATION For the purpose of this By-law, all lands within the Corpor- ation are divided into zones and are classified as follows: ZONES Residential Zones Rural Residential Zone Estate Residential Zone Estate Residential Zone Residential Estate Zone General Residential Zone Residential Zone Single-Family Residential Zone Residential Type lA Zone First Density Residential Zone Second Density Residential Zone Third Density Residential Zone Residential Type 1 Zone Residential Type 2 Zone Low Density Residential Zone Residential Type 3 Zone Third Density Residential Zone Established Residential Zone Medium Density Residential Zone Apartment Residential Zone Low Density Apartments Zone High Density Apartments Zone Institutional Zones Insti~utional Zone Restricted Institutional Zone Gene'ral Institutional Zone Community Facility Zone Commercial Zones Commercial Zone Local Commercial Zone Local Commercial Zone Local Commercial Zone Downtown Commercial Zone Downtown Residential-Commercial Zone (9) ZONE SYMBOLS RR BE ER RE R Rl Rl RIA Rl R2 R3 Rl R2 R2 R3 R3 R3 RMl RM2 RM2 RM3 I 11 12 CF C CL Cl C3 CD CRD . . . ,~ \. "'.. ;"'" ' ZONES ZONE SYMBOLS C3 C CA- CH C2 HC C3 CM c6 c4 General Commercial Zone General Commercial Zone Automotive Commercial Zone Highway Commercial Zone Highway Commercial Zone Highway Commercial Zone Highway Service Commercial Zone Marine Commercial Zone Marine Commercial Zone Recreational Commercial Zone Industrial Zones Industrial Zone Restricted Industrial Zone Light Industrial Zone General Industrial Zone Heavy Industrial Zone Open Storage Industrial Zone Extractive Industrial Zone Quarry Industrial Zone Disposal Industrial Zone Waste Disposal Industrial Zone Ml Ml Ml M2 M2 M2 MX MQ MD M3 Open SaDce Zones Open Space Zone Public Open Space Zone General Open Space Zone Planting Zone OS 02 o P Environmental Protection Zones Environmental Protection Zone Conservation and Hazard Zone Greenbelt Zone EP 03 G DeveloDment Zones Development Zone Deferred Development Zone D D Rural Zone~ Agriculture Zone Rural Zone Rural Zone A A RU (10) . e . !'. . " . ., ZONES Restricted Rural Zone General Rural Zone (2) ZONE BOUNDARIES AND LOCATIONS ZONE SYMBOLS Al A2 The boundaries of the zones set out in Section 5(1) hereof and the locations of such zones shall be in accordance ,~~' with Schedule "A" or Plete "A" to the Zoning By-laws, as amended from time to time. (11) -', , . ,~ I 'SECTION 6 RESIDENTIAL ZONES ~ (1) SIGNS PERMITTED No person shall, within any Residential Zone, erect, alter or display any sign except one or more of the following permitted signs; (a) SIGNS PERMITTED IN RR,RE,ER,R,R1,R1A,R2 and R3 ZONES: an identification sign; a prohibition sign; a temporary sign. (b) SIGNS PERMITTED IN RM1 AND RM2 ZONES; (2) an accommodation sign; an identification sign; a prohibition sign; a temporary sign. SIGN PROVISIONS No person shall, within any Residential Zone, erect, alter or display any sign except in accordance with the following sign provisions: (a) SIGNS PER LOT (maxima); (i) accommodation signs . (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) identification signs prohibition sign - 1 for each street line on the lot - 1 1 for each 500 feet of lot front- age 1 for each 500 feet of lot front- age 1 real estate sign (b) SIGN AREAS (maxima): other signs (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) . (vi) (vii) (viii) accommodation signs community service signs construction signs election signs identification signs - 12 square feet - 10 square feet - 20 square feet 8 square feet 12 square feet in all RMl and RM2 Zones, 4 sq.ft. in all other residen- tial zones 8'square feet - 8 square feet 6 square feet prohibition signs promotion signs real estate signs (12) , , . . , . . . ~ #,.. .'h " .' SECTION 6(2) (2) (6) SIGN HEIGHTS (maxima): (i) ground signs (ii) wall signs RESIDENTIAL ZONES - 6 feet - 12 feet (d) GENERAL PROVISIONS: In accordance with the provisions of Section 4 hereof. (:.3) . - . , ,- . \ ~ - .' . SECT ION 7 INSTITUTIONAL ZONES (1) SIGNS PERMITTED (2) No person shall, within any Institutional Zone, erect, alter or display any sign except one or more of the following per- mitted signs: (a) SIGNS PERHITTED IN ALL INSTITUTIONAL ZONES: an identification sign; a prohibition sign; a temporary sign. (b) SIGNS PERMITTED ON LOTS OCCUPIED BY A CHURCH: any sign permitted by Section 7(1)(a) hereof; a church bulletin board. SIGN PROVISIONS No person shall, within any Institutional Zone, erect, alter or display any sign except in accordance with the following sign provisions: (a) SIGNS PER LOT (maxima): (i) church bulletin boards - 1 for each street line on the lot - 1 plus 1 for each street line on the lot - 2 - no maximum (ii) identification signs (iii) (iv) real estate signs other signs (b) SIGN AREAS (maxima): (i) church bulletin boards (ii) community service signs (iii) construction signs (iv) election signs (v) identification signs (vi) prohibition signs (vii) promotion signs (viii) real estate signs (c) SIGN HEIGHTS (maxima): (i) ground signs (ii) wall signs - 12 square feet - 20 square feet - 20 5quare feet - 50 square feet - 30 square feet - 16 square feet - 20 square feet - 30 square feet - 12 feet - no wall sign shall exceed the height of the wall to which it is affixed (1+) . . . . . ;. ~ \ ."" . . "," '.. .' t SECTION ? (2) (c) (d) INSTITUTIONAL ZONES SIGN HEIGHTS (maxima): (iii) .roof signs no roof sign shall exceed the height ~f the roof to which it is affixed GENERAL PROVISIONS: In aceordance with the provisions of Section 4 hereof. (5) , , , " . . . , ' ... ... .. . .. , , SECTION 8 COMMERCIAL ZONES (1) SIGNS PERMITTED (2) No person shall, within any Commercial Zone, erect, alter or display any sign except one or more of the following permitted signs: (a) SIGNS PERMITTED IN C,CL,Cl,C3(Local Commercial), C3 (General Commercial), CD and CRD ZONES: a group identification sign; an identification sign; a prohibition sign; a temporary sign. (b) SIGNS PERMITTED IN CA,CH,C2,HC,C3(Highway Service Commercial) CM, c6 and c4 ZONES: an accommodation sign; an identification sign; a prohibition sign; a temporary sign. SIGN PROVISIONS No person shall, within any Commercial Zone, erect, alter or display any sign except in accordance with the following sign provisions: (a) LOT (maxima): accommodation signs group identification signs identification signs in C,CL,Cl,C3,CD and CRD ZONES SIGNS PER (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) identification signs in CA,CH,HC,C3(Highway Commer- cial)CM,C6 and c4 ZONES (v) (vi) real estate signs other signs 0.6) -1 -1 -1 for each street line on the lot plus L~QL..e'aeh busin~ s.s,e&t~i~ shment on the'lot plus 1 additional sign if the lot frontage exceeds ...J.OO feet -1 plus 1 addition- al sign if the lot frontage exceeds 100 feet -2 -no maximum . - . \ J ~ .- ,', <10 , , 'I . SECTION 8(2) (2) (b) SIGN AREAS (maxima): (i) accommodation signs (ii) community service signs (iii) construction signs (iv) election signs (v) group identification signs (vi) identification signs (vii) prohibition signs (viil) , promotion signs (ix) real estate signs (c) SIGN HEIGHTS (maxima): (i) ground signs (ii) wall signs (iii) roof signs COMMERCIAL ZONES 12 square feet - 50 square feet - 20 square feet - 50 square feet 30 square feet - 30 square feet - 16 square feet - 20 square feet - 30 square feet - 20 feet no wall sign shall exceed the height of the wall to which it is affixed no roof sign shall exceed the height of the roof to which it is affixed (d) GENERAL PROVISIONS: In accordance with the provisions of Section 4 hereof. (17) i" " ~ ( "~ ,'t .. ' , ; . . (2) INDUSTRIAL ZONES No person shall, within any Industrial Zone, erect, alter or display any sign except one or more of the following permi- tted signs: (a) SIGNS PEm~ITTED IN Ml AND M2 ZONES: a group identification sign; an identification sign; a prohibition sign; a temporary sign. (b) SIGNS PERMITTED IN MX ,MQ,MD AND M3 ZONES: an identification sign; a prohibition sign; a temporary sign. SIGN PROVISIONS No person shall, within any Industrial Zone,' erect, alter or display any sign except in accordance with the following sign provisions: (a) SIGNS PER LOT (maxima): (i) group identification signs (ii) identification signs in Ml and M2 Zone s ... 1. ... 1.for each bus- iness establish. ment on the lot plus 1 addition- al sign if the lot frontage ex- ceeds 100 feet ... 1 - 2 .. no maximum (iii) identification signs in MX and MD Zones (iv) real estate signs (v) other signs (b) SIGN AREAS (maxima): (i) community service signs (ii) construction signs (iii) election signs (iv) group identification signs (v) identification signs (vi) prohibition signs (vii) promotion signs (viii) real estate signs 50 square feet - 20 square feet - 50 square feet ... 30 square feet -100 square feet - 30 square feet - 20 square feet - 30 square feet (18 ) '. . . . ~ I ) ..". : , I"'" .... I- fl SECTION 9(2) INDUSTRIAL ZONES . (2) (c) SIGN HEIGHTS (maxima): (i) ground sign (ii) wall sign (iii) roof sign - 20 feet - no wall sign shall exceed the height of the wall to which it is affixed - no roof sign shall exceed the height of the roof to which it is affixed (d) GENERAL PROVISIONS: In accordance with the provisions of Section 4 hereof. . . (19) .... ,^ 1 '.. ,~ ... ... ,/ ~ :. , . OTHER ZONES 'SECTION 10 . (1') SIQNS PERMITTED No person shall, within any Open Space, Environmental Prot- ection, Development or Rural Zone, erect, alter or display any sign except one or more of the following permitted signs: (a) SIGNS PERMITTED IN OS, 02, 0, P, EP, 03, G AND D ZONES: a barn sign; an identification sign; a prohibition sign; a temporary sign. (b) SIGNS PERMITTED IN RURAL ZONES: a barn sign; an identification sign; a prohibition sign; a temporary sign. (2) SIGN PROVISIONS . No person shall, within any Open Space, Environmental Protec- tion, Development or Rural Zone, erect, alter or display any sign except in accordance with the following sign provisions: (a) SIGNS PER LOT (maxima): (i) barn signs (ii) identification signs (iii) real estate signs (iv) other signs . (b) SIGN AREA (maxima): (i) barn signs (ii) community service signs (iii) construction signs (iv) election signs (v) identification signs (vi) prohibition signs (vii) promotion signs (viii) real estate signs (20) . - 2 2 - 2 - no maximum - 20% of the area of the wall or roof upon which the sign is painted - 50 square feet - 20 square feet - 50 square feet - 12 square feet - 16 square feet - 20 square feet - 30 square feet t" it,.. " , _ t '. .. ~ l .. ' , , . . . SECTION 10(2) OTHER ZONES (2) (c) SIGN HEIGHTS (Maxima): (i) ground signs (ii) wall signs - 20 feet - no wall sign shall exceed the height of the wall to which it is affixed (d) GENERAL PROVISIONS: In accordance with the provisions of Section 4 hereof. (21) " " .. f"~. , " t >,t 04 ( ~ ' . .. , . ADMINISTRATION ~ SECTION 11 (1) ADMINISTRATION This by-law shall be administered by the Chief Building Off- icial and/or a representative thereof appoint~d by Council. (2) REMED IES If any sign or part thereof is erected, altered or displayed in contravention of any provision of this by-law, such con- travention may be restrained by action at the instance of any ratepayer or of the Corporation pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act in that behalf. (3) PLANS REQUIRED ~ No person shall erect, alter, display or repair any sign ex- cept an internal sign, a public use sign, a temporary sign or any other sign having an area greater than 4 square feet un- less plans for the said sign have been inspected and approved by the Chief Building Official or his representative. Such plans shall show the true dimensions of the sign and any symbol, description, illustration, or device thereon and shall show the location of the sign on the lot and on the elevation of any building or structure to which it may be affixed. (4) PERMIT REQUIRED No person shall erect, alter, display or repair any sign ex- cept an internal sign, a public use sign, a temporary sign, or any other sign having an area greater than 4 square feet, unless a permit has been issued by the Chief Building Offic- ial or his representative certifying to the approval of the plans for the said sign. The Chief Building Official and any representative thereof are authorized to refuse a permit for any sign that, if erected or displayed, would be contrary to the provisions of any by-law of the Corporation. A change in the message displayed by a sign does not in itself constit- ute an alteration which required a permit unless such altera- tion constitutes a change from one class of sign to another as defined in this by-law. (5) FEE REQUIRED No plans for any sign shall be approved by the Chief Building Official or his representative until the following fees have been paid for the inspection and approval of the said plans. . (22) . , . (~,,' ., . .. ... --. , , . . , , . SECTION 11 (5) . (5) (eontinued) . . . . SIGN APPROVAL FEES Sign Area Not Exceeding 10 Sa.Ft. New Sign $ 5.00 Alteration or Repair $ 2.00 (6) REMOVAL OF EXISTING SIGNS ADMINISTRATION Sign Area Exceeding 10 Sa.Ft. $15.80 $ 5.00 Every existing sign which does not comply with the provisions herein contained, shall be made to comply with the provisions of this By-law or such sign shall be removed by the owner thereof or by the owner of the land on which it is situated, on or before the expiration of 5 years from the date of pass- ing of this By-law. (7) REMOVAL OF CONTRAVENING SIGNS ~ The Chief Building Official or any other employee or agent of the Corporation may, upon authorization by resolution of Council, pull down or remove at the expense of the owner any sign that is erected or displayed in contravention of this By-law. Any person who (a) has caused a sign for which a permit is required to be erected, displayed, altered or repaired without first having obtained a permit to do so; OR (b) having obtained a permit has caused a sign to be erected, displaye~ altered or repaired con- trary to the approved plans in respect of which the permit was issued, shall make such sign comply with the by-laws of the municipality it it does not so comply or remove the same within 3 days of being so directed by the Chief Building Official in the case of a temporary sign and within 10 days of being so directed by the Chief Building Official in the case of any other sign. (23 ) . . , ~ v' ," ""(> ~,. ~." ~ "10 ..' . , I , . SECTION 11(8) ADMINISTRATION "'e (8) VALIDITY If any section, clause or prOV1S1on of this By-law is for any reason declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the By-law as a whole or any part thereof, other than the section, clause or provision so declared to be invalid and it is here- by deelared to be the intention that all the remaining see- tions, clauses or provisions of this By-law shall remain in full force and effect until repealed, notwithstanding that one or more provisions thereof shall have been declared to be invalid. (9) VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES Every person who violates any provision of this By-law or cuases or permits a violation, shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction therefor, shall forfeit and pay a penalty not exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) exclusive of costs for each such offence, and every such penalty shall be recoverable under The Municipal Act and The Summary Convic- tions Act. . (10) EXISTING SIGN BY-LAWS All by-laws of the former Town of Bowmanville, former Village of Newcastle, former Township of Clarke and former Township of Darlington passed under Section 3)4(1)126 of The Municipal Act (R.S.O. 1970), or a predecessor, are hereby repealed. (a+) . -.' . I. i..# .. ; . ~ .., ...~, . . SECTION 12 APPROVAL THIS BY-LAW shall become effective on the date of final passing hereof. THIS BY-LAW given its first reading this h-t... day of /'1/1. t.'. .197 ~' THIS BY-LAW given its second reading this ~. day of f1.rt. ';, .197 &. THIS BY-LAW read a third time and passed thiS'~..... day of .....t1~:J. 197 , SEA L CLERK (~, )