HomeMy WebLinkAbout76-22 THE CORJ?ORATIOl! OF TEE TOVlN OF NEWCASTLE .~ By-law Number 16-22. Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 1587 of the fomer Tow of Bowmanville (Durham Christian High School) vnm::BEAS the Counoil of the Cor:i.)Qration of the Hegional l'hmioi;?ali ty of Durham did on July 1 u, 197!~p adopt Amendment No. 1 to the Offioial Plan of the f01'mer Bowmanville Planning .Area~ Am> 'WBERE.AS the Minister of Housing did on Deoember 2, 1915, approve the said Amendment No,- 1 with modifioations, NOW TEIEJlE:roRE, the Municipal Counoil of the Corporation of the Town of Newoastle, pursuant to Seotion 35 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 349, and amendments thereto, hereby ENACTS as tollowsg 1. By-law Number 1 S81 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following Seotion 21A Institutional I-1 Zone: - ~01\L2jAL~~T.I~I~_J:=.:L~. No person shall wi thin any !neti tutional I-1 7JOne use arJy lend or ereot, a.l ter or use 8.."1Y building or struotl:o:e exoe~)t in aooordanoe with the following provisions: 21 A. 1 Pe~..tt.!A !Tses a) A private secondary school b) Uses, buildings and struotureS acoessory to the foregoing }Jerm1 tted USEl 21A. 2 ~~~.t..i,9A.S~ !o~.l~iy~t~oglld~.. S_o.h.o..9-~IlI. a) IvIinimum Lot Frontage 100 feet b) Minimum Lot .Area 4 acres 0) Nin1mum Lot Frontage 100 feet d) Hi.n1mum Front Ya:rd 50 feet . . . . t - 2 - e) Minimum Side Y~d 25 teet 35 feet f) Minimum Rear Yard g) Minimum Setback from Rear Zone Boundary 35 feet h) r"'axi1l'l1Dll Lot Coverage sa;6 i) Ma.rlmum Height of Buildin~ 60 feet 2. Seotion 7.16 of By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by adding after 15 of the table entitled "Mi.niJmml Parking Requirements for Certain Uses" the followiDg item 1 Sa: 15a: Private Seoondary Schools -- The greater of 6 spaGes per olass-room or one space for each 10 people, maximum designed oapaci ty of Aasenibly H&l.l or Au<1itorium. 3. Section 7.17 of By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by the table entitled "Itinimum Loa.di.ng Requirements II the following item 3: Private Secondary Schools -~ 2 loa.d.ing spaces 4. Section 7.22 (a) of By-law 1587 is hereby amended by adding the words "L-1 !nati tutionaJ.." immediately below the words IlRM3 High Densi ty Apartments 11 5. Map 1 of Schedule "A" to :By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by changing to I~1 the zone designation of the lands indicated "ZONE CHANGE TO I-1 on the attached aahedule "X" hereto 6. No part of the :By-law oomes into force without the approval of the Ontario Munioipal Boa:rd , but subjeot to such approvaJ., this By-law takes effect on the date hereof. .. . - 3 - THIS BY-LAvl read a first time this ~. d.a\Y of ..,-ff ft l A..11.1976 THIS BY-LAW read a seoond time this. Y dq of N fJ- '/ A.D. 1916 ~-- , THIS BY-LAvl read a third time and finaJ.ly passed this 5vvf dtq of ~ A.D. 1976. SEAL ~/~~/ MAYOR . cum..T{ . . . . . ~ '"0 It) U) f't) It) SCHEDULE X TO BY-LAW ZONE CHAMt. TO I-I ~ THIS ISl.~CHEDULE "X" TO BY-LAW NO. 76- ?PASSED THE . DAY OF , 1976. ~~ , MAYOR e;~ & "" C'G-Q.", ~ vl--v"'';/ 0<;, ~LEkK I -~- ~g \.." Scale: Iin.:I 100 f1. iJ', ~ 50 0 100 , "" 155-11 * A , , . ~ "4__'-- Ontario Form R-6 416/965-1912 1$0 Dundas St. W. Ontario Municipal Board Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 r The Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance St., BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LIC 3A6 , -L.. e . Quote File Number lL7~1~,21- July 20, 1976 Dear Sir Re: Town of Newcastle Restricted Area By-law 76-22 Enclosed is documentation as follows: o o Copy of Decision dated Copy of Decision dated (Signed Duplicate Original to follow) Duplicate Original of Decision dated Copy of Board's Order made Duplicate Original of Board's Order made July 16, 1976 Appointment for Hearing o o [] o Yours truly ts Enclosure C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration RECEIVED JUL 22 1916 " /,g, . . ,'; r 1../ ));.;t..~ ~ \::1 1 " 11'fB l ,\~~ l!litl1ro:n.. ,~ 'lIlU.illI!Bl'- Onte ria R 761151 . /' . L.~'" ./ ,/, \.,. , ;' Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section .35 of The Plann1n~ Act (n.s.o. 1970, c. 30J, - and - IN THE ~~TTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town or Newcastle for approval ot its Restricted Area By-law 76-22 rF... ~ B E FOR E : A. H. ARRELL, Q.C., Vice-Chairman . -a.nd- Friday, the 16th day of July, 1976 F. G. BLAKE, Vice-Chairman No objections to approval having been received as required; THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 76-22 is hereby approved. . ~ C. SARUYAMA ACTING SECRETARY ENTERED O. B. NO..li..?t.:.~~........... folio No...~.?::t.............. J 1..1 L ~ n '\97..) YkrL~ (JIAJilt~" ~ ~ t) i"vll'ffl<>iI (!",{,{~...", ct,. ,/,. et,(rt>\./t, d~~! SlcaET".Y. OMtAllIO MtlNICII'fd. oo~" ~ ~. ~ f 1r/?>4^",~- /i W,411 /" .-;-' Q.. J J ;.ru...../(.<t~.~- RECEIVED c76 9)1 JUL 22 1976 '1~~_,....,..j"""'''''''':I<-W~''''''_'~''''9.~'''''''O''''''''' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ...-- ~,