HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-93 . - - ;, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-law Number 75-93 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Darlington WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it adviseable to permit the use of certain land in the' Township of Darlington for the purposes of a tourist camp; NOW THEREFOREr the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcast e hereby ENACTS as follows: 1. Section 2 of By-law 2111 of the former Township of Darlington is hereby amended by adding after sub-section (b) thereof the following sub-section (b)(a): (b)(a) "CAMP LOT" means a parcel of land within a tourist camp occupied by a tent, a tourist vehicle or a tourist trailer. 2. Section 2 of By-law 2111 of the former Township of Darlington is hereby amended by adding after sub-section (z)(f) thereof the following sub-section (z)(f)(a): (z)(f)(a) "TOURIST CAMP" means any parcel of land which is used to pro- vide accommodation for the public or members of an organization in tents, tourist trailers 1 or tourist vehicles whether or not a fee is charged or paid for such accommodation. 3. By-law 2111 of the former Township of Darling- ton is hereby amended by adding the following Section IlD: SECTION lID: TOURIST CAMP (TG) ZONE (1) USES PERMITTED No person shall within any Tourist Camp (TC) Zone use any lot or erect7 alter or use any building or structure for any pur- pose except one or more of the following TC uses, namely: . . e . . . . 2 (continued)...... (1) USES PERMITTED (a) RESIDENTIAL USES: a tourist camp (b) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: recreational uses serving the occupants of a touri s t camp (2) ZONE PROVI SI ONS No person shall within any Tourist Camp (TC) Zone use any lot or camp lot or erect, alter or use any building or struc- ture except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) CAMP LOT AREAS (minima): (i) a tourist trailer (ii) a tourist vehicle 2,200 square feet 2,200 square feet (b) CAMP LOT FRONTAGE (minimum): (c) SET BACKS ON CAMP LOTS (minima): 25 feet No tent, tourist trailer or tourist vehicle shall be placed closer than 20 feet to any driveway hor closer than 10 feet to the limits of any camp lot. (d) LOCATION OF CAMP LOTS (minima): No part of any camp lot shall be located closer than 50 feet to any public road nor 100 feet from any residential use on another property. (e) LOCATION OF BUILDINGS: No building shall be located closer than 50 feet to any public road, nor 100 feet from any resi- dential use on another property. (f) LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE (minimum): 30% (g) ACCESS: All Tourist Camps that provide accommodation to the public, as opposed to members of an organiz- ation, shall have direct access on to Class A Public Street. ....3 . (2) ZONE PROVISIONS - (continued).... (h) ACCESSORY USES, PARKING, ETC: In accordance with the provisions of Section 4 hereof. (i) EXCEPTION: Notwithstanding any provisions of Seetion 4(f) to the contrary a building which 1s accessory to any permitted us in the Tourist Camp (TO) Zone may be erected within the Zone whether or not the lot upon which the building is located fronts upon a Class A Public Street which has been opened and which has a width of 66 feet or more. -......---------....- . 4. Section 3(a){i) of By-law 2111 of the former Township of Darlington is hereby amended by adding after the words "Zone D Deferred Development", the words "Zone TC Tourist Camp"; 5. Key Map 5 of "Schedule An to By-law 2111 of the former Township of Darlington is hereby amended by changing to TC the zone designation of the lands indicated ItZONE CHANGE TO TC" on the attached Schedule IXI hereto; 6. This By-law shall come into effect on the day it is passed by Council subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. /sr &CtCl1~l5fi- THIS BY-Li~W RE~\D a first time this ..... day of ........~~D., 1975 /5 r iJI!C,(Htr~fl.- THIS BY-~ R&\D a second time this .... day of ........A.D., 1975 Is F- THIS BY.LAW READ a third time and finally passed. this..... day or ~I}~:::~~~.D., 1975. . SEAL (' ~ .. ~ ".''''~ ,., ,,,',1:j:." ....'7' . ~.'., ' ';;:-. ., 'J . ,- :', , - ~'.: .,.....,~... >.~.,. .,.,.,..., .......-'"",....,'~..~_""1".-I" ... '."'., ' ~. _.. ""',--~ < SCHEDULE X TO BY-LAW NO. 75-93 / ZO"E C~A"GE TO TC ~ :IJ o . o ~ ,... I 2 n '" 1282'25 ft. ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS 9 a 10 LOT 5 . SCALE IN FEET .... CONCESSION X ~_ 2?:0 4~0 600 DARLINGTON __...~. ______ __..,...,.,,' J.____,THIS IS scmmULS "X" TO Bt..Lt.I NO. 75-93 PASSIW THIS .1 '3>( 1)41 ~nu~"~~~, 19~;</< __ ..MAW I C~ ,.,. ;..,. . .LB~ -,...,..- Ontario ->"'...." ., Form R-6 e Ontario Municipal Board 416/965-1912 123 Edward Street Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 r The Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance St., BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LIe 3A6 Quote File Number R 76-121 L May 18, 1976 RECEIVED MAY 21 1976 Dear Sir Re: To.m of Newcastle RRestricted Area By-law TOWN OF NEWCASTLE o o Copy of Decision dated 75-93 t-rw.~J;; ~) Enclosed is documentation as follows: e Copy of Decision dated (Signed Duplicate Original to follow) [J Duplicate Original of Decision dated [] Copy of Board's Order made ~ Duplicate Original of Board's Order made on the 13th day of May, 1976 [] Appointment for Hearing Yours truly C. Saruyama ~ d Supervisor ~~~shre Planning Administration P. S. Please be advised that, in future, the affidavit should state that "no other objections" were received. Also, the exhibits should be carefully marked e.g. Item 9 should read as slated in Exhibit "E" and ttFtt. e ~. ~ f- ". . . . e ~ ._... .....c. _._ .-'-O-.'="""'.......:,,""""...:..~.c_~~_.,......- # ...- ~. . '.. IAI ~~ R 76123 -'mm,. Onta ria Ontario Municipal Board IH '1'HB M!'ftit 01" Seot.ion .35 of ~ ';r"lft9 Act (a.s.o. 1910.. c. 34 , - and - Dl ftB Ma.'f'l'JSR OF an application by 'lhe CorporatiOll of the l'cMl of _HUe for approval of iu _.u:1ch4 Ana By-law "-93 BBrORBa J.. B. AlUt'ILL, Q.e. Vlce-duaLnan ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 'lll...a" the lJt.h day of May, 117' - aD4 ... w. SIlOB, Q.C. V.t._-cbalnan '1'be ob:JM1roz:. toappz:oval of the .ald by-law haYil'l9 w.t.:tll4b'awn tlteir obje01:1cma, BB BOAID OllDSU tbat By-law7S-11 1s hereby appJ:fMt4. jJ K. C. MDDD lacanJ.aY ENTERED o. B. No...!!1.2~::!............ . .3 ~ - folio No..........2.7.':............. i Mt\Y '\ 8 I'Jr) I dt.4 J ,:.1 ~~~ SlCHTAAY, ONtARIO liWl/lCIf'ti i'll'l\1J ! V{~J( A ;/II-~~rtv,- Id WI i tI -r; 1\' r\,'ry~ C/ !!w _' (~ \.