HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-89 \ , . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 75-89 Being a by-law to authorise the entering into an Agreement with the Bowmanville Jaycees to carry out certain work in Soper Creek Park. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorised to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporate Seal an Agreement between the Bowmanville Jaycees and the said Corporation dated I ~ "......day of IJ..~-(.....,J_/ ,1975, to carry out certain works as described in said Agreement which is attached as Schedule "A" to this By-Law. By-Law read a first t~e this 17th day of November, 19750 . By-Law read a second time this 17th day of November, 19750 By-Law read a third time and finally passed this 17th day of November, 19750 ....oe.o..o o~:~ -----7 G. B. Rickard Mayor J.M. McIlroy .........o..enooo Clerk ~~~ Seal :. . I . SCHEDULE "At! TO BY.LAW NO. 75-89 This Agreement made the ..oll~o~ day of BETWEEN: ~ ..~o..............., 1975. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle herein called the Corporation of the First Part - and - The Bowmanville Jaycees herein called the Jaycees of the Second Part. The Corporation agrees to allol'T the Jaycees to enter upon, to grade, _ f-. landscape and clear as necessary, lands owned by the Corporation in TOlfflShip ~ of Darlington Lots 8 and 9, more particularly described as Block D of ~ ~ Registered Plan 698, TOl'ffi of Bowmanville and Part of Plan IOR2t1 registered. · in the Registry Office for Durham West as outlined in Red on Schedule "A" / attached hereto; . This Agreement may be amended or assigned by mutual agreement in writing. Jaycees agree to obtain all necessary permits regarding lighting of fires, placing of fill, construction or demolition of buildings and will observe all necessary and pertinent laws and conditions imposed by relevent jurisdictions. Jaycees agree to assume liability for all members and persona in their employ in caoe of accident up to the limit of their Insurance Policy 14081042, etc. All workers in the employ of the Jaycees shall be covered by Workmen's Compensation as required by the rules of the Workman' a Compensation Board. The COrPOration agrees to supply office space for the duration of the project if available. The duration of this Agreement will be one year to be renel-Table if both parties are agreeable. In witness whereof the said parties hereunto set their hands and seals and the hands of the proper officers duly authorised in their behalf and its CorPOrate Seal. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of . ~~ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE y ", . . . '" SCHEDULE "Au TO BY-LAW NO. 75-89 This Agreement made the ............. day of ...................., 1975. BETWEEN: The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle herein called the Corporation of the First Part - and - The Bowmanville Jaycees herein called the Jaycees of the Second Part. The Corporation agrees to &110l-T the Jaycees to enter upon, to grade, landscape and clear as necessary, lands owned by the Corporation in Township of Darlington Lots 8 and 9, more particularly described as Block D of Registered Plan 698, Town of Bowmanville and Part of Plan lOR238 registered in the Registry Office for Durham West as outlined in Red on Schedule "A" attached hereto; This Agreement may be amended or assigned by mutual agreement in writing. Jaycees agree to obtain all necessary permits regarding lighting of fires, placing of fill, construction or demolition of buildings and will observe all necessary and pertinent laws and conditions imposed by relevent jurisdictions. Jaycees agree to assume liability for all members and persons in their employ in case of accident up to the limit of their Insurance Policy 14081042, etc. All workers in the employ of the Jaycees shall be covered by Worlanen's Compensation as required by the rules of the Workman's Compensation Board. The Corporation agrees to supply office space for the duration of the project if available. The duration of this Agreement will be one year to be renel-Table if both parties are agreeable. In witness whereof the said parties hereunto set their hands and seals and the hands of the proper officers duly authorised in their behalf and its Corporate Seal. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Mayor Clerk THE BOWMANVILLE JAYCEES .J' )' ~,. ;' .' COPY, DONEVAN a Fb.IISCHMANN co. LTD. OFFICE PLAN OF SUBDIVISION OF PARTS OF LOTS 1-14,BOTH INCL.,PARTS OF LOTSI7-20,BOTHIN~L.t ALL OF LOTS 21-33,BOTH INCL., AND ALL OF QUEEN STREET, ALL ACCORDING TOA PLAN OF BUILDING LOTS KNOWN AS J.A.CODD'SPLAN, (DEPOSITED IN THE REGISTRY OFFICE MARCH 26,1882) PARTS OF LOTS 8 a 9, CONCESSION I, AND PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 8 a 9, CON. I ,TOWNSHIP.OF DARLINGTON, now all tnthe OF PLAN CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION I CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN IS DULY REGISTERED IN THE .~,' .. fa RE. GISTRY . OFFIC. E .. FOL,. TH,fi..., REGIST__.. DIVISION OF i/lJi& COUNTY ... OF DURHAM WEST A~!:~~'CLOCK.M, OF THE ..'~~_ DAY OF.<<~M'_ ,19"-& AS NUMBER,---;;-tr-r----. ~ I-- ~ 1(*, 727,94' ~S 16~ (;~ 8w. ~t 7"0 ~ TOWN COUNTY scale OF DURHAM BOWMANVILLE ----- OF ~ ~ 1 DETAIL / (N.TV I" 1001. H .F. GRANDER, O.L:S., 1972. = DETAIL ~ N.T.S, -N ~ ) , Fd OHM 01 - \ N 73041'E -=:jZ \~':)v TI-II:: 1<II\jG'S HI G /-IV" !-\ Y i'J () . ~ ~ .\OUTH 'LIMIT OF HIGHWAY NQ 2 PLAN No, N J26 2 5 BY DEPOSITED PLAN No, 727.94' , N 34525. 677-94' ~ 226'99' ~ N73041'E 162'1~~oo' 399'58' I I N!I' E I Fd, 1666'54' I 130'21' _~ r I I I s,~~' 266'96' I ~ffI Fd, 163'13 \ IV I.~ 1 I BLoclK ',' 1"0' RESERVE, I I I ~~ ~"M ":"."., 1'-- I I- I :; I 0__ 1 7 1_ S_ 9 I Il1 j ;: i f:2 I : 3 I : 4 : 5 IS I 8l~I_~"' G! L ,) I ~ I ':'0- _ ~~II:. -+wm _ (' t 6\ ~M''''''1 I.h aN L~)f 9 I I I c~ .I~ ---1-' , +(DU ,'- I , E!) 'iN I~EGI TillY .:; -I-ICE iMAHCH I~r, 188<1) _ '! - I -r- 1- --'---1 '-+-T-=-f' -I ~t- ~ I 'A' I I I SLloCK I 'S' --I-H~ - 1--iN, I I I I --t JNsr. 29 28 I 27: ~ L J I 25 I 24 I 23 I 22 I 21 I 2~ I 19 I 18 I I I I I : I; I I I I I ! 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I"E NI044'26"W N 62045'W N59022'22"E N 30"26'03"E N 1"41'19"W N 62045'W N 27-15' E N59047'II"E N 32050'44"E N 3053' 26"E N 56007'40''W N46036'II"E N 710 35 '23"E N 76035'50"W N 450 11'34"W N 130 07' 0 I" W N 9054'12"E N 330S0'40"W N 0006' 15" W N 3r032'36"E N 63002'37"E' N 8 70 30'35"W N27015'E N62"45'W N 33052'20"E N80I5'27"W N IOSI'49"W N 46047'36"W N 49035' 55"E N 20 42'31" E 8 ~. , '0 o N It) 55.00' 20.01' 49.89' 48,37' 17,55' 43,76' 45.18' 45.18' 54,86' 54,86' 54,86' 21.21' 66,86' 83,00' 83.00' 21.21' 21.21' 69,06' 80,00' 80,00' 2 1,21' 24.38' 44,70' 43.00' 43,60' 44,SI' 18.83' 50.28' 42,55' 44.70' 42,16' 39.17' 2121' 21.21' 21.21' 35.05' 43.03' 22.45' 17,27' 85.00' 54,93 20,00 24,99 1.51' 26 110.00' 25,00' 1,51' <=> o ,.; III 27 110.00' N 72015'E ~9'~ 00 ". '6 ~ !!! lo,od :R g II 06) I, 110.00' - 121,72' N 72028'30" E 28 FIELD- NOTE CERTIFICATE Z I - ~'E ~10~ L _tl /' / ~n .,..' Fd(N 150.00' 150.00' 150.00' 15.00' 15.00 160.00' 160.00' 160.00' 15.00' 80.00' 80,00' 80.00' 80,00' 80,00' 80.00' 80,00' 80.00' 80.00' 80.00' 80.00' 15.00' 15.00' 15,00' 350. 00' 350.00' 15.00' 15,00' 208.95' 571.00' CERTIFIED A TRUE COpy OF FIELD - NOTES OF SURVEY N~ INST. N 30752 Approved under Se.etion 3301 THE PLANNING ~.. ~ . . ThiS..,.......1. .It;-,.." ,dltv fJf.:))<<.,~__..,,~.l'~ V,,:"?; t# (:- f' ,~".\..."" ,t. " Nt2. INST N 30323 SEPT, 13 1972, DATE, / OWNER'S CERTIf;-tCATE. THE CORPORATION orTHE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE. 23.56' 69.61' 80,86' 80,86' 23_56' J~.48' r 45.30' 43,54' 44.16' 45.41' 18.87' 51.15' 43.07' 45,31' 42.66' 39.S7' 23.56' 23.56' 23.56' 35.07' 43.05' 25.57' 18.41' 8S.60' 64 77 78 79 80 89 90 91 92- 93 94 97' 98 99 100 101 122 123 133 135 136 136 137 13-9 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE OWNER'S CERTI FICATE ~.~s~ . ..", , J. M. Me ILROY , CLERK. /f/tJlI. 1() ."1J. DATE -J L5 en I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT. I. THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE REGISTRY ACT AND THE REGULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. 2. THE SUR VEY WAS COMPLETED ON TH E _ L9~ _ DAY OF ~~I~M~~R_,1972. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT i I. LOTS 1-172, BOTH INCLUSIVE, BLOCKS A,B, C, D, E 8 F, THE STREETS, NAMELY HOBBS DRIVE, ASHDALE CRESCENT, DEERPARK CRESCENT 8 MORGAN DALE CRESCENT, THE STREET WIDENINGS ,BLOCKS G 8 H, THE 1.0' RESERVE BLOCK I, AS DESIGNATED WITHIN THE AREA OF SURVEY OUTLINED, HAVE BEEN LAID OUT IN ACCORDANCE WITH OUR INSTRUCTIONS. 2 THE STREETS 8 STREET WIDENINGS ARE HEREBY DEDICATED AS PUBLIC HIGHWAYS. o CHA"..... .. ~ z: Tlea.w&[ of Ontaxio and Mixdfter of Lconomlcs and Intergcver:nmental Mam. -",,, 40 "7~ DATE NOTE .--'-~ THE N 890 30' E (ASTRONOMIC) OF A SOUTH LIMIT OF THE KING'S HIGHWAYN92, ASSHOW.N ON DEP. PLAN N9 N31849. (HWYS.) GOVERNSALL8EARINGS SHOWN HER~ON. STANDARD IRON BARS SHOWN THUS c--- SHORT STANDARD IRON BARS SHOWN lHUS~ 5/8" IRON BARS, 24 "LONG SHOWN THUS . MONUMENTATION FOUND, RI. .. " PLANTED /-7". F"' H.F. ANDER ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR SEPT,13,1972, DATE: ~. D. C. M. INVESTMENTS ~ED. ex..\" 11..\'\1l.. ~ 'DATE H,M. GREEN, PRES. BA:~~~~.D ~ BUILD7~~ /~ DATE ~ S. DIAMOND , PRES. DONEVAN a FLEISCHMANN CO. LTD. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS II ONTARIO ST., OSHAWA ONT., SEPTEMBER 18,1972. JOB Nt 18412.