HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-88 I c"t ." """~! '.,i~:\:J: ,~, ~'H." . ~ ." ',j .,:}l:t,:,,~<j ,,;;"p' .1', 'I , .~!, ,:'..,""," ""\-'" ~ .-.. . ~:';.\ .' "~"" : '" f , 1,.:, -,'j':~, :' .fi~'.;I~'~, "~W;I'II rf-fr- '" i; . " "-.t 'nil, CJHPOf{ATION OF' THB TOWN Olt' NEWCA.STLI By-law N~b~r 2S:aa 4 hy~14w tQ ~mend. Zoning By-law N.umber 2111 of tne for11)er Township of Darlington as amended ~~~Sthe Council of the Corporation of the Town or N$woe.tl. did ~y By-law 75-78 assume a.nd dedicate certain land,8 abutt1n& Maple~treet1n Haydon as a p~bl1c tdghwaYI AIm ~~~AS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of New. castle deBln$ it advisable to amend By-law Number 2111 of tn, fprmar 'DQwn~h.i;p of Darlington as amended; No..; l'HZREFOHE) the Council. af the CQrporat1on of the Town ot N..,.,cn 9tl~ her~by ENA.C rs a s follows I 1. By",law l'Jumber 75-79 ts bereby fr.;pealftd. 2. Key Nap 9 of Schedullil A to By..la\rl Number 2111 ot the former Townshtp ot Oarlinston is h.reby a.m~nd~d by changing to Clase A Public Street the d~:Jlgnat1on of the s\~ction of the road shown a. nCHANG~ !O CLASS A PUB1JIC STRiE'l'" on the attaehfd Sche.dule 'X' hereto, 3. 'I'M $ By...lHw snall tJecQme affect! ve on tn. <Sat, h~rE)of subject to reeelvlng the approval ot tn. OptarlQ Ml;lrUcipal Boa~. , 17 t:C 1'I-'Ii/~rll!,tP-, J3Y~LAW REAQ ~ fi.rst and second time ttl1,., __ dal or " ,,1915' dY...I~w n~.-w a third time and t+nally p8.ssed th1.'1'~~-d.Y at ,., f((tt4~tt ~97r s ~ A ~ ~..~.~ ,,~~ ~ CLASS A PUBLI C S fREET ~ '11 . C'-AS5 B PUBI-IC $TRf:ET ~ CH~NGE TO C~ASS A 'PUBLIC STREET . . - . ~ A ..,"::" ';'. ,..,. . LOT 14 " . CONCESSION 8 , .. i DARLINGTON .~ tId. 1. loAedul. -X" to 13J-1.. ~ber 7~88 ,...ect ~. -?U:, ~ qt 1i1/1ft! ,191../' '.' ,/?~ ~~ '....... ...~~~ ."..'.'... 01.\ , I ';'j R2 ..'9tbir~ , , . . . ~\' \W ~"~'!<. ",<Vi . ~~J':~'} ~~t' 1 ,q~~ im1:::i:'.~~;~;rr;m,,; . :!(I R 771064 Ontario Municipal Board ([ ,... If r ) , IN THE gATTER OI<~ Section 35 of 'rhe Planning Act (n.s.a. 1970, c. 349), - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 75-88 B E FOR E : A.. H. ARRELL, Q.C., Vice-Chairman ) ) ~ l I'Tonday, the 2nd day of Iviay, 1977 -and- . H. E. STE~IART, Member No objections to approval having been rec8ived as required; THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 75-88 is hereby approved. e A "h /; 4 JI- K. C. ANDREWS SECHETARY ENTERED Q. B. No...tf.~l?-:-.-I........, \?)/() .......... Folio No.... ...l":.......... MA~ 3 '977 Ii ilf; ~ 1-1 -r r I "I &" )- t"l I,r j . ." .4~ nv ONll.RIO MUNICIPAl. IlOARD SECRETA.. . .