HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-87 ..:9t'-: . e . ~ TBE CORPORATION OF f!'BE TO\oIN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 75-87. A by-law to enact a new Schedule "A" to by-law No. 7$-45. WQJi!Rli!AS the Counoil of The Town of Newoastle deems it advisable to enaot a new schedule "A" to by-law No. 75-45, BOW :1!JflSW!lJ.l'UBE the Counoil of The Town of Newcastle enaots as follows; 1) That by-law No. 75-45 as amended by By-law No. 75-63 is hereby further amended by deleting Schedule A-I thereof aDd by substitut1ng therefore the revised Schedule "A" attached to this by-law and me;t'ked Schedule "A". /7 J.,G AI () Ve-"/ (' ~ /l-. Read a first and seoond time this.......dq of............., 1975. ~~~ Mqor Olerk 1'7~ /IIdy~-r- Read a third time and finally passed thi ....... dq of........., 1975. ~~/ ~or Olerk . . SCBEDtJI.Jl: "A" . " .t ~ ... ~ ~ BY-LAW NO. 7S-4~ as amended by By-law No. 7S-87. streets or Parts of Street From To Side or Sides of Streets Period A point 1300 feet south & east thereof Said distance being measured along the centre line of Mill ' Street. 4) Bea.ver Street, Village of Newcastle North limit of Newcas le A point 290' south ".. Eut side Public School ProPert: thereof, said distanc ~ being measured along the centre line of Beaver Street. 1) Road betweeXl Concession 2 & Concession 3 (Nash Road) in the Geographic Township of Da;rlington 2) Road between Concession 7 & Concession 8 (Hq-don) in the Geogm.phic Township of Darlington 3) Mill Street, South, Village of Newcastle. The East side of Lot 29 The west side of Ki.nB Street, The south limits of the Canadian National Rail~ overhead bridge. The West side of Lot 30 The east side of Church Street, North Side At azry time South side At any time Both sides At 8ZJy time At SZf3 time