HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-80 \(",. . . . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOViN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 75- 80 A by-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Darlington WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of New- castle deems it advisable to amend BY-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Darlington, as amended; NOW THEREFOREt the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as rollows: 1. Section 6 of By-law 2111 as amended is hereby amended by adding as Section "Cd) Sepc.ial Provisions" the following sub-section: tll. Cl-l; Lot J.J., Cone. ? Notwithstanding any provisions of Section 6(a)(i) to the contrary, the land designated "Cl_l" on Schedule "A" shall be used only for the purpose of a custom meat cutting and smoking operation, provided that any building erected or used on said land shall be set back not less than 150 feet from the front lot line and 80 feet from building used for any residential purposes. A custom meat cut- ting and smoking operation shall not include the slaughter of any animals or fowl". Schedule "A" of By-law 2111 is hereby amended by changing to Cl-l the lands designated "ZONE CHANGE TO Cl-l" on ihe attached Schedule "XU hereto. 2. This By-law shall become effective on the date hereof, subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. 3. BY-LAW READ a first and second time this Uct ()'~ day of 1975~ ~d- day of BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this (j c/A61-/ 1975. SEA L "I> . ! . LOT II CON (/$1 \ "--- DARLI,NGTON MANVERS ROAD ::0 . o ZONE CHANGE TO CH &:SJ )lit r r o ~ l> Z (') m LAND DEDICATED FOR RO AD WI DENING m m m -t ~ [TI [TI z (') o z 249 I (JI g) 0. I I i, ~..., This 1s Schedule "X. to By-law Number 75-80 passed this ,,~p- day ot (J or:;;lLJ ,197 J::: r&jfj---L-<---( -~~ r~'ji~ ..LW_ 'IIIIl.." Ontario . ~ Form R-6 e Ontario Municipal Board r Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE Ontario L1C 3A6 L Dear Sir 416/965-1912 123 Edward Street Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 Quote File Number R 752440 April 6, 1976 Re: Town of Newcastle - Restricted Area By-law 75-80 Enclosed is documentation as follows: o o . o o Ii] D :jj Enclosure . Copy of Decision dated Copy of Decision dated (Signed Duplicate Original to follow) Duplicate Original of Decision dated Copy of Board's Order made Duplicate Original of Board's Order made April 2, 1976 Appointment for Hearing Yours truly C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration .....~. ...... JIll' .J.' / -- -- -'----"'----,----~----::------~ III (J 1" . .' t It 752440 ONTARIO e ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349), - and - ~ IN THE MATTt;H OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approval of its Restricted Area Uy-law 75-80 BEFOHE: W. H. PALMEH, Chairman - and - Friday, the 2nd day of A pri1, 1976 A. H. ARRELL, Q.C., Vice-Chairman e THE BOAHl) ORDEHS that By-law 75-80 is hereby approved. ~ :f' ENTERED O. B. No...Lr.Z~..t?........ folio No....L..z:.-?::............ K. C. AlmREWS Sb.ChETARY APR 7 1976 4~. Sll:IlETMY. OIltAltt MUNIClf'M. ~11 L, ',--e RECEIVED I " APR 8 1916 " - I4fr- ;ff~ Ii. Wi ~/w( --?- TOWN OF NEWCASTLE . IfYr6 ./ C'?' LII?) '- I / _-- / /' ~__ Ontario '; Ontario Municipal Board \. 1,0, 3~- :;J3f. * porm R-6 ,r Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street BO\ifo.1ANVILLE Ontario Lle 3A6 '- Dear Sir 4161965-1912 Quote File Number h 752440 -.--- April 6, 1976 Town of Newcastle - Restricted Area By-law 75-80 Re: Enclosed is documentation as follows: o o o o (i] o :jj Enclosure Copy of Decision dated Copy of Decision dated (Signed Duplicate Original to follow) Duplicate Original of Decision dated Copy of Board's Order made Duplicate Original of Board's Order made April 2, 1976 Appointment for Hearing Yours truly 123 Edward Street Toronto Ontario MSG 1E5 ~L-;fD /1-/," I~ -;Lt:e~! 7:r=t6 C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning AdministratioIR E eEl V E 0 THE aNT ARia MUNICIPAL BOARD SEP 13 1984 AM PM 718191~~u,U,1,21314,SI6 "'-\ . ONTARIO c H 752440 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THI!. JvlAT'fEH OF Section 35 of The PlAnnin~ Act (x. S.D. 1970, c. 349), - and - IN THE MATTc;H OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approvAl of its Restricted Area Uy-law 75-80 ... (lJ B E }o~ U }( E . ) . ) 'II. H. PJ\~R , ) ) Chairman ) Friday, the 2nd day ) - and - ) of A pr i 1 , 1976 ) A. H. A}{}{~LL, Q.C., ) ) Vice-Chn irrMn ) THE BOAIW ORU.bHS that By-law 75-80 is hereby approved. K. c. AldJHEvlS Sb.ChETAItY ENTERED LO'?S--.~' o. 8. No... .J.".~....,.",."...... 1(/5- folia NG...... .fh"................... APR 7 197,) d~' tlCIIU;..'. OIIt... .,1ltCIPM. ~i'~ Co I __ ___ 1 L IE It 752440 ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THh MATTEH OF Section 35 of Thp. Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349), - and - '--' IN Tim MATTJ:.H OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approvfl.l of its Restricted Area By-law 75-80 BEFUHE 'IJ. H. PALMhR, - and - Friday, the 2nd day of April, 1976 Chairman A. H. AHRELL, Q.C., Vice-Chnirman THE 130AHlJ ORlJI:.HS that By-law 75-80 is hereby approved. ENTERED o. 8. No..B2~~r... -... fGlia .......t..~~~...... .... K. c. Ai~DH.EWS Sb.ChETARY APR 7 1976 ~~ .....-. -_ _0"''''''&':& '-- J f' Dl ~ It 752440 ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THr.. "';ATTbH OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349), - and - ''-" IN Tim MATTi;;H OF an application by The Corporati~n of the Town of Newcastle for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 75-80 BEJt'UHE vi. H. PALMhn, Chairman - and - Friday, the 2nd day of April, 1976 A. H. AHRELL, Q.C., Vice-Chn irrnan THE 130AHD ORDI:.HS that By-law 75-80 is hereby approved. ENTERED ~ l..b- S>- O. B. tto...-,.~. ......~_......... /~-- fllio 1Io............~............... K. C. AIWHEviS SbChETARY APR 7 1976 d~ "'U'. OIrtAIII ...rncu:r;::.t;; , -- ltj Ontario Form R-6 416/965-1912 123 Edward Street Ontario Municipal Board r Tmi!1 Clerk Tovm of bmrcn f'tle , 4J Tel",peranet; :,treet b') if .nLV ~L.:..L OntETio L1C 3h6 '- Dear Sir Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 Quote File Number it 7524,,"0 Hpril 6t 1976 rrm:n of l:ev;castle - hestl'ictPO hrt.:a Ly-1mJ 75-80 Re: Enclosed is documentation as follows: o o o o ~ o :jj Copy of Decision dated Copy of Decision dated (Signed Duplicate Original to follow) Duplicate Original of Decision dated Copy of Board's Order made Duplicate Original of Board's Order made hpri1 2t 1976 Appointment for Hearing Yours truly C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration Enclosure ....~., ".,...~...,.~._......... ~ ~ Ontario c Form R-6 Ontario Municipal Board r Gor.i!!liss toner of ?ld nn inf~ &. Deve10 pment HeSi'Jfw1 {fiunicipa1ity of Durham ? . 0 . box 623 .n-iI'l'Bi t)n1~'1rio L1J 1C4 416/965-1912 123 Edward Street Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 Quote File Number H 752440 Aj)ril 6, 1976 '- Dear Sir 'I"JHn of iiewc:lstle - Hestric;ted Are::t 0:r-la\J 75-~O Re: Enclosed is documentation as follows: o Copy of Decision dated o Copy of Decision dated ' (Signed Duplicate Original to follow) [] Duplicate Original of Decision dated G Copy of Board' s Order made April 2, 1976 o Duplicate Original of Board' s Order made [] Appointment for Hearing Yours truly :jj C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration Enclosure @ Ontario ii, Ministry of Agriculture and Food 416/965- 9433 Parliament Buildings Queen's Park Toronto Ontario March 22, 1976 R C' ,...,. 0;:::' · \ / ro ~- .. .. :t....., .... ...... '\l . I 1.' Ai., 2 r., 1976 !Yo. .t, " Mr. . C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration Ontario Municipal Board 123 Edward Street Toronto, Ontario M5G IE5 THE 0 NT;.... i:'; j oJ MUNICIPAL BOARD Dear Mr. Saruyama: Re: By-law Number 75-80 Town of Newcastle Your File No. R 752440 Staff of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food have reviewed the above by-law, and consideration has been given to it in view of the present goals and objectives of the Ministry and the guidelines on land use which support these goals and objectives. As you may be aware, it is the land use policy of this Ministry to retain in food production wherever possible and practical, agricultural lands which have a high capability for this use. High capability or prime agricultural lands are defined as: - All lands where soil classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 predominate as defined in the Canada Land Inventory. - All lands which have a high capability for the production of specialty crops due to special soils or climate. - Additional areas where farms exhibit character- istics of ongoing viable agriculture. ..../2 \.. - 2 - Mr. C. Saruyama March 22, 1976 - Additional areas where local market conditions ensure agricultural viability where it might not exist otherwise. - Lands which may not have a high agricultural capability but will serve as a buffer between farming and urban development. Our review of the situation indicates that the owner of a 75-acre dairy farm on Lot 11, Concession 5, in the former township of Darlington proposes a cutting and smoking operation on a parcel of 31,800 square feet. A severance is not requested in this case. The permitted use requested would not include the slaughter of animals or fowl. Thus, the noise and odour problems associated with abattoirs are not encountered, and the distance requirements to surrounding lands would not need to be as stringent as those associated with slaughterhouses. The difficulty with this by-law does not relate to its technical format as much as to the general planning philosophy this Branch uses to attain our land use policy. In this connection, this Branch works with municipalities in formulating planning documents which in turn promote the retention of agricultural lands for food production. According to the Region of Durham's Draft Official Plan, the subject lands fall within the Permanent Agricultural Reserve land use designation. This Ministry strongly supports this land use designation because it permits only agriculture and farm-related uses. In an area which has traditionally been a farming district, like the one surrounding the subject lands, the 'agricultural reserve' designation is an attempt to maintain the area homogeneously in farm use. Also inherent in the Permanent Agricultural Reserve c1assifiation is the protection of high capability soils, as defined by this Ministry. This definition includes the soil class which applies to the lands subject to the proposed by-law. The subject lands as well as the entire farm qualifies as a mixture of Classes 1 and 4 soils according to the Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture. Therefore, with respect to agricultural potential according to soil capability, we feel a cutting and smoking operation should locate on less productive lands. ..,. ..,"_. ,,- ,. , ..../3 ( - 3 - Mr. C. Saruyama March 22. 1976 The question arises as to whether a cutting and smoking operation would fall into the category of far~re1ated uses. and might in fact. be a permitted use under ~he Permanent Agricultural Reserve classification. The proposal is for a commercial use - a commercial use which involves a farmer selling the service of processing one form of farm produce. It 1s our feeling that only those uses necessary to primary food production should fall into the category of fa~re1ated uses. and that the proposed smoking and cutting operation is only indirectly related in that the applicant intends to retail a service which depends on unprocessed meat products. The intent of the Agricultural Reserve classification is to maintain large blocks of agricultural land for the production of food; the indiscriminate scattering of non- farm uses such as the proposed commercial use is not conducive to this objective whatsoever. Therefore. in consideration of the present use of the surrounding district. the potential for food production indicated by the soil class. and the proposed land-use designation noted in the draft Regional plan. this Ministry cannot support the approval of By-Law 75-80 in this location. If you require any further clarification of this matter. do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours. 8t~~ ~.~ S. Bailey Plans Review SB:pd Food Land Development Branch cc: Mr. A.a. Dalrymple Agricultural Representative Durham Region l J R 752440 !.ja rch 12, 1976 Miss S.A. Bailey Food Land Development Branch Ministry of Agriculture 1200 Bay Street 2nd Floor Toronto, Ontario Dear V.adam: Re: Town of Newcastle - Restricted Area By- law 75-g0 Further to your telephone conversation with the Board this date, enclosed herewith please find a copy of By-law 75-aO as requested. Yours truly. CS:rab Encl. C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration I i ~,-; , j\ ( !h THE REGIC ."-.AL MUNICIPALITY 0.. ~ URHAM VI.... F. H. MCADAMS. ...T,P,I,C. COMMISSIONER 10S CONSUMERS ORIVE P.o. I:iOX 623. WHlorSV, ONTARJD t.''''' lC" t4'6J 1168-7731 I I I I ,i DEPARTtv1ENT Or- PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT January 15, 1976 Mr. K. C. Andrews, Secretary, Ontario Municipal Board, 123 Zdward Street, Toronto, Ontario Dear Mr. Andrews: Re: Restricted Area By-law 75-80 Town of Newcastle We have reviewed the provisions of the above by-law having regard for the guidelines for Regional comments a5 suggested by the Board. A copy of our report is attached herewith. YtdZ~.r Hm. F. H. NcAdams, H.C.I.P. COIill7lissioner of Planning & ,.Developwent Idb Encl. c.c. Mrs. A. Bea~~ont, Direct.or.. Official Plans Branch, Minj,stry of lio~sing J.M. McIlroy, Clerk Town of Newcastle, G. Howden, Director of Planning Town of Newcastle j,,~,~ V" ' ~v i\1i- f rrr/'b J~ Restricted Area By-law 75-80 Town of Newcastle January 14, 1976 O.M.B. File R 752440 LOCATION: West side of Regional Road No. 14 and north of Regional Road No.4; Lot 11, Concession V, former Township of Darlington, Town of Newcastle. PROPOSAL: a) To amend By-law 2111 by the addition of special development standards and provisions to permit the development of the subject site for a custom meat cutting and smoking operation. b) To rezone the subject property from "A" Agricultural .to "C-l" - Local Commercial - Special Provision 1. CONFORMITY WITH OFFICIAL PLAN: The Official Plan of the Darlington Planning Area, approved by the Minister on October 31, 1960, designates the subject site "Agricultural." Commercial uses related to the farming community in which they are located are permitted within this designation. The Interim District Plan of Town of Newcastle (recom- mended by local Council May 8, 1975) designates the supject site "Rural". Small-scale agriculturally oriented commercial uses are permitted within this designation. The proposal therefore conforms. COMMENTS: i) The Regional Works Department has stated that sewer and piped water are not available to the site. The 17'-0" land dedication as indIcated by the By-law, is to be granted to the Region of Durham for road widening purposes. A copy of this correspondence is attached for information purposes. ii)The Durham Regional Health Unit has examined the proposal and has stated that they have no objection . subject to the completion of various requirements which have been discussed with the owner. The proposal would be serviced by a private septic tank system and individ- ual well subject to the approval of the Health Unit. A copy of this correspondence is attached for information purposes. iii)We have no objections to the subject by-law. Q tIt~/P . ) Wm. F.H. McAdams, M.C.I.P. Commissioner of Planning & Development I , fJRHAM ;-.- t i I R~GIONAL 'H~LTH U f'U T __........ . _ ._ "'. .r'" ...-.,_~_ . ." Mr. G.D. Cameron. Manager, The Regional Municipality of Durham, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario. LIN lC4 j \.. December 1, 1975 )~, ~~//' Pi=('Lt"C'jI ......uL.;; i.....J :~ 1~n5 L ':~,; ... "t: .;J ,:~ ~~,; _ ~,", ~ \..: '; .......,~1 .,'t:.~.?"; /~'~:~'!: :~;.~ :-'~IF~d \~l~'{\~'~]'; Z.o.'lI!'l.j , . '.~:-: d t" V :~,~.":,, ;~-; ...:.~:, i ":~ i>RSl:<.(.-f Resttii-ctedArea'Zoning By-Law. 75-80-, Town of Newcastle ; ~ ._ r. ~~.. . , 'i ",~' . ,. " ,',' ----- ._- -.-..... -,. ",-, \ ... a__.'" ... '._"" _._~""" r." - _ ,:". Dear Mr. Cameron:' .. ,>y(:u: [',,- , .,,' c,.:._,:},.,.,~ " I The Durham Regional Health Unit has nO objection to completion of various requirements which have been discussed with the owner. . .. At thls t~e we cannot attest to an adequate septic tank disposal system and water supply, since they have not yet been installed. JEW/rjh j- c. c. Mr. H. Malcolm Chief Public Health Inspector Ajax, Ontario. Yours truly, ;/~6t1/ J.E. Watt, D.V.M., D.V.P.H., Director, Environmental Health Services. ~ .. 1 ,", '..... " ~ THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM WORKS DEPARTMENT R.F. RICHARDSON, P.EngjCommissionerof Works 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, P.O. BOX 623, WHITBY, ONTARIO UN 1C4 TELEPHONE: \4161668-7721 December 9, 1975 -(r_ ;< -' ':"' ,. I" ,- I R E C-. ~ ! , ~ - D ~. l " t~ ;:. \, *-. . l..... i .,-' Regional Municipality of Durham Department of Planning and Development 105 Consumers Drive WHITBY, Ontario .DEe I i). 10.'::, Att: Mr. G. D. Cameron, Manager Current Operations Branch i . r [';L;~I ;/,!"';"i~~.'.: L r~ D.fvt. , 'C/ u' ' "r~ hIe P.ef:-.~. .. .-~.... Dear Sir: Re: .. Restricted Area (Zoning) By-Law 75-80 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle . This is to advise you that sewer and piped water service are not available to the lands affected by this proposed by-law. ',,;e~;;d ; (h~'" 'The~,lJ,'-O'~ land. dedit;:ated for road" widening:'as:'-.sbown ~ori Schedule. 'lg"'.i' ;'" .- ,i' :-.;: ~,:s:rodl.',:.i"J" :"t.o,' the' by~~aw; is- to, be, dedicated tb::the -Regional:;.lMunicipaiity.~,ofo:Dui:baIll~'~:: ..;.s.;! ,-':';',,:: c: '\ J . .' I Yours truly, . 'i' ,l-' ~. "..~: I .'. ':.' , vl ,', / .~~~~ B. Annaert '- D Engineering Services . ".- -. . ~ i i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TELEPHONE 623-3379 40TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO L1C3A6 ' January 28th, 1976 AECEIVED JAN 2 91978 1'HIi: ONTARIO MUNIC:".AL. IlOAAD Mr. C. Saruyama, Supervisor Planning Administration Ontario Municipal Board 123 Edward Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 1E5 Dear Sir: Re: Town of Newcastle - Restricted Area By-Law 75-80 - Your File No. R 752440 Thank you for your letter dated January 26th, 1976. Enclosed herewith is my further affidavit as requested in your letter. I note what you say regarding future affidavits and objections. Yours very truly, JMM: If Enclosure II i-~ Joseph ~;.A.M.C.T. Town Clerk " . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 359 and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Town of Newcastle for approval of the Restricted Area By-law #75-80, passed on the 6th day of October, 197~. I, Joseph Main McIlroy of the Town of Newcastle in the Regional Municipality of Durham hereby make oath and say as follows: 1. That I am the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle and the Official responsible for sending out the Notices of the above application and By-law. 2. On the 6th day of November, 1975, I caused Notice of this application, a true copy of By-law #75-80 and Explanatory Note of By-law #75-80 to be forwarded by prepaid first class mail to all owners of land in the municipality within the area to which the by-law applies and within 400 feet of such area according to the last revised Assessment Roll at the addresses shown therein. SWORN BEFORE ME at the ) Town of Newcastle in the ) Region of Durham this ) 28th day of January, ) 1976. ) ) ) ) ~f,~ 'A Commissi~ner, etc. RECEIVED JAN 2 91976 THE ONTAFt MUNICIPAL 10 GOARD . R 752440 January 26, 1976 Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Tenperance Street Bowman ville, Ontario Uear Sir: fie: Towr. of Ne"Jc:lstle - Restricted Area By-law 75-80 Further to the Board's letter of Dccenher q, 1975, a further affidavit is reQuired statine that notice was mailed "to all owners of land in the municipality within the area to which the by-law app~ies and within 400 feet of such area" p1rsuant to Direction l.-(l)a) of the Board' s I-~ules dated December 20, 1968. In future, when there are no objections the affidavit should include the clause as set out in Direction 8(2) of said Rules. Upon receipt of the aforementioned the application will be reaay for further processing. Yours truly, CS:jj c. SaruyaMa Supervisor Planning Administration Ontario Form R-26 Ontario Municipal Board 416/965-1912 123 Edward Street Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 r ,.~. .J .... ~..cIlroy, ~,..~'1\. Town Cl~r" Town oi h~wcd5tld '40 Temperance St. Bv~'.. ..'\~'';'' l..L.., In,,i;4r10. L Quote File Number _li 752440 uece~oel' 9th, 1975 Dear Sir: Re: '.Lown of Nowcd~t,la - hestl'ict.e~,l .i e. ~)y-law 75-,~O Thank you for your letter dated 16oveo:r.ber 24, 1975 and enclosures. Please be advised th~t the Board is awaiting comments from the heg10nal i'~unicil,~lit;; of jJuri~a1.~. Upon receipt of comments from the Regional Municipality the Board will give further consideration to your application. Yours truly, .,-' ac c. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration c.c. Regional Municipality of Uurham bOX 623 605 nosslanu hoad hast Whitby, untario. Ontario Form R-2 -..--.-----.--- Ontario Municipal Board 416/965-1912 123 Edward Street Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 r The Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance St. Eowmanv1lle, Ontario LlC )AS L Quote File Number ~75~449 December 5. 1975 Re: By-law Number Passed Oct. 5/75 75-eo Your Reference Receipt is acknowledged of your letter dated November 24, 1975 and enclosures, which will be given consideration. When communicating with the Board in connection with this matter, please quote the above file number. Enclosed is invoice for the Board's tariff fee, for which your remittance would be appreciated. Yours truly ~r~ C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration Encl. c.c. Regional Planning Commissioner/Director -M-cm-c;l.5v.L .-~i ci:8l-"Pi'eIts--Brencb-, ~:l:atrS'"1hha-.iul3'tl-tlM-on-~ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TELEPHONE 623-3379 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 November 24, 1975. Mr. K. C. Andrews, Secretary, Ontario Municipal Board, 123 Edward Street, Toronto, Onto RECEIVED DEe 11975 THE ONTARIO MUNIC!PAL BOARD Dear Sir:- Re: Town of Newcastle Restricted Area By-Law 75-80 We wish to make application for the Board's approval of By-Law No. 75-80 which amends restrictive area By-Law 2111 of the former Township of Darlington. The following supporting material is enclosed: 1. My affidavit concerning service of the notice of application, which I trust you will find in order. 2. Certified copy of Resolution #C-75-1271, passed by the Council on November 3, 1975, relative to the By-Law's conformity with the Official Plan. Yours very truly, JMMcIjgg Attach. -----? J. M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk II\. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 349 and IN THE MATTER of an application by the Town of Newcastle for approval of its restricted area By-law No. 75-80 passed the 6th day of October, 1975: I, Joseph Main McIlroy of the Town of Newcastle in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Municipal Clerk, HEREBY MAKE OATH AND SAY:- 1. I am the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle and the Official responsible for sending out the Notices of the above application and by-law. 2. On the 6th day of November, 1975, I caused Notice of this application, a true copy of By-law No. 75-80 and Explanatory Note of By-Law No. 75-80 to be forwarded by personal delivery to the various persons and organizations shown on the list annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit "A". 3. Annexed hereto and marked Exhibit "B" is a true copy of the Notice of Application and Explanatory Note of By-Law No. 75-80 which was so forwarded to the persons and organizations as set out in Schedule "A" hereto. 4. Annexed hereto and marked Exhibit "C" which was also forwarded to persons and organizations as set out on Schedule "A" hereto, is a true copy of By-Law 75-80. . 5. No letter in support of, or objections to By-Law No. 75-80 have been received. &A~-~ A;'~ ~ 41 / ' A Commissioner etc. SWORN BEFORE ME at the ) Town of Newcastle in the) Region of Durham this ) . .&If.day of~...) 1975 . ) ) ) ) ) ) j , \. LIST OF OWNERS PERSONS AND ORGANIZATIONS TO WHOM NOTICE OF APPLICATION WAS SENT RE BY-LAW 75-80 Ministry of Housing, Plans Administration Division 8th floor, 56 Wellesley St. W. Toronto. - 2 copies. Mr. Gordon Walter, Secretary-Treasurer, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, 1650 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Onto D. H. Palmer, SEcretary-Treasurer, Ganaraska Conservation Authority 56 Queen St. Box 328, Port Hope, Ontario. Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Parliament Bldg. Toronto. Municipal Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, Box 623, Whitby, Onto Commissioner of Planning, 105 Consumers Drive, Regional Municipality of Durham Whitby, Onto Mr. T. J. Donovan, City Clerk, 50 Centre St., Oshawa,Ont. Miss D. VanCamp, Municipal Clerk, Township of Scugog, Port Perry, Onto Mr. R. Davidson, Municipal Clerk, Township of Manvers, Bethany, Onto Municipal Clerk, Township of Hope, Box 85, Port Hope, Onto Frances Aird. Mr. L. A. Hooton, Municipal Clerk, Township of Cavan, Box 189, Millbrook Secretary Consumers Gas Co. 19 Toronto St.. Toronto, Ont. Secretary Planning Board, Township of Manvers, Bethany, Onto Secretary Treasurer of Planning Board, Mr. George Stapleton, Township of Hope, R. R. # 4, Port Hope, Onto Secretary Planning Board, Township of Cavan, Box 189, Millbrook, Onto Mr. & Mrs. Melville Sucee, R. R #5, Bowmanville, Onto Exh',blt ~ Referred to In the""'" ........ I"'" tit, A 'i Alfid:.vit of ..7J.~,~..,..~........, :.........('- c Sworn E~'--~ ;";i" :\'i3 ..l..!J.::,~ day 1 ..-.~ ' ' ~ of ..::,.l(..4.~(~~~,~"'''''' 1975. ~ ~~,~j A Comrni;;.sloner for tl.e SW~~../. of Affidavits _<nO ..' ~-".. _ _ __ RECE'.~ .-...., DEC ~I:-'- THE C MUNIC!~':' ".. ,..' ,"~ j \. xhlblt ..~.. Re:erred to In the J II . -r: J1 rt 11, It C. '- I" 01 .ffidavlt of ..\!,~'>'F.J:,..,........'''''''''''''' B f~-- ....' ",i- J.~..J,. 'da,/ ~v_'orn ~ <.;it\; 'Hh: ......'.,;; ................ : If ,........,N.ptlP.:,~g~.fl-.1975. ,~ ;i "",........"..,',................~) ~'c'~';;;;;;;~::i~~er for the swearin~J ;)1 Allidavits _ ,-' ..- ...,. NOTICE OF APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the TOWN OF NEVlCASTLE for approval of a By-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law 15-80 passed by the Town of Newcastle on the eth day of October, 1975. Any person may within fourteen (14) days after the date of this Notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. Any person wishing to support the application for approval of tbe by-law may within fourteen (14) days after the date of th'.s notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle notice of his support of approval of the said by-law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving the name and address to which such notice should be given. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any Hearing that may be bcldyWill be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support, and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. The last day for filing will be the 21st day of November 1975 ~, DATED at the Town of Newcastle this 6th day of November 1975. J. M. McIlroy, A.H.C.T. Clerk, Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF BY-LAW NO. 75-80 The purpose of by-law 75-80 is to amend the Darlington Zoning' By-law to permit the erection and operation of a custom meat cutting and smoking operation on a farm located in Lot 11, Concession 5, Darlington. The By-law would not permit the slaughter of any live animals or fowl. , . \. \.. THE CORPORATION OF Tm: TCWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 75- 80 A by-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Darlington M <ts \ g A - C::>'{~ I ~'0\ WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of castle deems it advisable to amend By-law Number 2111 of the Township of Darlington, as amended; NOW THEREFORE! the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as rollows: ~ 1 \~<) New- former 1. Section 6 of By-law 2111 as amended is hereby amended by adding as Section It(d) Sepoial Provisions" the following sub-section: "1. Ol-li Lot 11, Coqc. 5 Notwithstanding any provisions of Section 6(a)(i) to the contrary, the land designated' "01_1" on Schedule "A" shall be used only for R the purpose of a custom meat cutting and ECE'VED smoking operation, provided that any building DEe 1 erected or used on said land shall be set ~75 back not less than 150 feet from the front lot line and BO'feet from building used for. THE ONTARIO any residential purposes. A custom meat c{NYN'C'PAL S; 't") ting and smoking operation shall not include - , '- the slaughter of any animals or fowl". 2. Schedule nAil of By-law 2111 is hereby amended by changing to Cl-l the lands designated "ZONE CHANGE TO Cl-1n on ~he attached Schedule ,HX" hereto. 3. This By-law shall become effective on the date hereof, subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. BY.LAW READ a first and second time this ",-u. day of c.C'T,,~t:-e...- 1975. BY-LAW RE,,\D a third time and finally passed this ,t1- day of ," D6o~E~ - SEAL 1975. e.. f\ ~terred to in ttlH ' I't elL.- (7.. () 1 e...tiicit".. -r < '" I H,....,,,,,".".... ~ .,!,If, ~ ............' ...t\ida"it 0"'......: , ~,daY , " fi"-- ,~~iJh.. ., I $lIlorn aefore"~ " ~ IZ.-:... 1975. . AJ M,(.I.:,~ j).... , ~/.,~,v. ~ o ........ ..I,d, . . .... ~ , ' ihC s~~ Q /' ..' . ioner tor _,,- ',.. COl'l\ml~S ."_ ---' l 9t ,..ttiQa~'\$""""""- C.B.R, 'cK,AtH) MAYOR ~,.,. Hc1"L.Ro,/ LERK .. .f ,:,1, .... . <.~...,.- . :~.'~ .. l LOT II CON 5 DARLI,NG'TON - "'ITARIO MUNICIPft,! ~THIS.~.DAY 0 ItJJ~.~." ~~ 1'/':". .:\ .....,..u.._~,_.......... .. ____.., ~RET AR ( J :0 ~ o ~ ZONE CHANGE F TO CI-I~:: z o 1'1'1 LAND DEDICATED FOR ROAD WIDENING m MANVERS ROAD CD ", -4 ~ 1'1'1 1'1'1 Z o o z (JI SP en e.rli~.J :lru, eo 'I J. M. tAc1lR ~l ~ler" This 18 Schedule "X" to ,B1-1av Nwlber 15-80 passed this ~tL Dc:'Io&C~ t 191 ~ 4&7 ot G.8.R,-CJ/M(}) MAYOR S. M. ;"lc r t..Ro'l CLKRlC. Certified 3rd Moved By J. (. ( - THE CORPORAXION OF TIlE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE C 7)"" /].;7/ True Copy of Resolution I pa8se~ on the day of November J 19 75. c C> ~. /Z '" 71-1/'1 J" IS- Seconded By CON' ,4'-',-" AI And Resolved That the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that By-Law No. 75-80 passed by Council on the 6th day of October, 1975 is in conformity with the Official Plan of the former ~ownship of Darlington in force at this date and also with the District Plan of the Town of Newcastle, adopted by Council on the 21st day of Aprt1, 1975, but not yet approved by the Minister. Seal "CARRIED"