HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-78 .. e~ . { -~._~ .' .,; .-.~~ C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By~Law Number..)~~)ft..... passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on the ...~t~... day of 5 ..Q~tgQe.............., 197... ~ ! WITNESS my hand and the seal of The Corporation. DATED . 30th th1S........... " 5 197... ,October day of ............-........ A.D., Seal .. 'i';:;; ,:,!,; r~ ,:': ,-, ^.. e THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NliMCABTLE BY-LAW NO. 7S-78 A By-law to assume and dedioate as a public highw8\V, certain lands situate in part of Lot 14, Conoession 8 in the geographic Township of Darlington. vJ!IEREAS Charles T. Skerratt and Lorna SkerTatt, his wife, of 'IDle Town of Newoastle in the Regional Municipality of Durham have by Indenture, dated the thirteenth (13) ~i of August, 1975, granted and conveyed to The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle, a parcel of land situate in lot fourteen (14) in the eight (8) Concession of the geographio Township of Darlington formerly in the County of Durham, more particularly designated as Part 4 on Plan 10R 3137 deposited in The Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on the 30th d8\V of July, 1974, and e WEEREAS John L1ptay and 11a.ry Liptay, his wife, of The Town of Newoastle in the Regional Municipality of Durham, have by Indenture, dated the thirty-first (31 st) dey of July, 1974, granted and conveyed to the Corporation of The Town of Newcastle, a parcel of land situate in lot fourteen (14) in tq.e eighth (8) Concession of the geographic Township of Darlington formerly in the County of Durham, more particularly designated as part Three (3) according to Plan 10R 381 deposited in The Registry Offioe for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on the 30th day of July, 1974; NOW' THEREFORE the Council of The C.orporation of The Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows ~ ' That the part, bell~ composed of all that portion of lot fourteen (14) in the eighth (8th) Concession of the geographic Township of Darlington formerly in the County of Duxham and more particularly described in Schedule A attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, is hereby assumed and dedicated as a public highwc\y which highway is hereby named Maple Street. t .t.~ (i c 70 I; /: {L Read a first and second time thiso......d~ of ............., 1975. tj~ - IS 12 ( ( ,-'. ;'J I" .v Ma\yor "Jo. H ---.-- Clerk H (1.....,.2 c / ---. / . t ,(.t., 6'... To'" t,: IL Read a third. time and finally passed this po.... dB3 of.. 0 . .. 00 .. Of 19 '""')) !/- it, ,).. I (. i-<.' .1 /)..,11, Ma...vor ... 'J H /'1 t /1.- ,J. t ;/. ~.:.."~...........- Cler).: ~ .... e SCBEDULE "A" to By-law No. 15--18. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Ih,ll1ici,iali ty of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of unsubdivided Lot Fourteen (14) in the Eighth Concession of the Geographic ~!ownshi) of Darlington, formerly in the County of Durham, accord.i.ng to J01m Grant' 8 Plan of the Village of Charlesvi1le (now lmown as HBiYdon) ~ the boundaries of the said parcel bein8 more particularly described as follows~ I'llEMISING that all bea.riD8s herein are astronomics derived from Plan 10 R 387 deposited in the Land Registry Offices for the Registry Division of Newcastle (Noo 10) on July 30, 1974. COMMENCING at a point in the Easterly 1imi t of Maple Street as shown on John Grant's Plan of the said Village of Charlesville (Ha.Ydon) which is distant 569015 feet measured North 18 degrees 00 minutes 10 seconds West from a 3?oint distant 184.93 feet measured North 17 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds West from the point of intersection of the easterly limit of 11aple Street wi th the Northerly limit of Mill Street as shown on the said Plan of the Village of Charlesville (Hlwdon); e TIIENCE North 72 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 11.51 feet to a point in the Easter1-:Y" limit of the lands designated as Part Tl1..ree (3), according to said Plan 1 b R 387 ~ TTIENCE North 17 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds \-lest along the Easterly limits of the lands designated as Part Three (3) aforesaid a distance of 497, 34 feet to a point distant 150.00 feet measured Northerly therein from the South- vTesterly angle of the lands designated as :Var"i; Two (2) according to acid Plan 10 R 387; THENCE South 72 degrees 19 minutes 30 socondes "[sot a distance of sixty-six feet (66') to a point in the Westerly limi-c of the lands designated as Part Four (4) aocordi.ng to said Plan 10 H 387; TIIENCE South 17 deg.L'ees 40 minutes 30 seconds East along the 1astmentioned limi t a distance of 491.09 feet more or 1MS to the most South-\'ieaterly angle of the lands designated as Part Four (1;.) aforesaid; ( THENCE North 74 degrees 01 minutes 50 aeconds East along the Southerly limi ts of the lands designated as Part }i'oU'l;.' (!~) aforesaid Iii distance of S.25 feet to the South-Easterly angle thereof., THENCE North 72 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 46.24 feet more or less to the POINT OF COMMEHrnll:ill'fr. e - . THE CORPORATION OF TEE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 15-78 .) A By-law to assume and dedioate as a publio highwa;y, oertain lands situate in part of Lot 14, Conoession 8 i.D the geographio Township of Darlington. WHEREAS Charles T. Skerratt and Lorna Skerratt, his wife, of !he Town of Newcastle in the Regional !.funioipaJ.i ty of Durham have by Indenture, dated the thirteenth (13) ~ of AUBUSt, 1975, granted and oonveyed to The Corporation of The Town of Newoastle, a parcel of land situate in lot fourteen (14) in the eight (8) Conoession of the geographio Township of Darlington formerly in the County of Durham, more particularly designated as Part 4 on Plan 10R 387 deposited in The Registry Offioe for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on the 30th da;v' of July, 1974, and - WHEREAS John Liptq and Mary Liptq, his wife, of The Town of Newoastle in the Regional Munioipali ty of Durham, have by Indenture, dated the thirty-first (31st) de}" of July, 1971~, granted and oonveyed to the Corporation of The Town of Newcastle, a paroel of land situate in lot fourteen (14) in the eighth (8) Conoession of the geographio Township of Darlington formerly in the County of Durham, more particularly designated as part Three (3) according to Plan 10R 387 deposited in The Registry Offioe for the Registry Division of Newoastle (No. 10) on the 30th da;v' of July, 1974? NOW THElBEFORE the Counoil of The Corporation of The Town of Newoastle bereby enacts as follows ~ That the part, being oomposed of all that portion of lot fourteen (14) in the eighth (8th) Conoession of the geographio Township of Darlington formerly in the County of Durham and more particularly desoribed in Sohedule A attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, is hereby assumed and dedioated as a public high'w'q which hi~ is hereby named Maple Street. . . 6~ tJ ~ Read a f1rst and seoond time thisoo...o.~ of ............., 1975. . ~ d/~--/ , M1\yor ~ (A;V" ;:Z-- ~ ~ t}dp:D / Read a third time and finally passed this ,.....da;v' of.... 0.0.... ,19 ? ) /~~~/ -~-' - , ~or Clerk -7__- Clerk . . e . ~ , . r SCHEDULE "A" to By-law No. 75-78. ALL Am> sntGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional. }funi.cipal.i ty of Durham, Provinoe of Ontario, and being composed of part of unsubdivided Lot Fourteen (14) in the Eighth Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington, f01'merly in the County of Durham, acco~ to John Grant's Plan of the Village of Charlesville (now known as Ha\vdon), the boundaries of the said parcel being more particularly described as follows~ PllEMISING that all beari%l8a herein are a.atronomic~ derived from Plan 10 R 387 deposited in the Land Registry Office~ for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on July 30, 1974. COMMENCING at a point in the Easterly limit of Maple Street as shown on John Grant' e Plan of the sa..i.d Village of Charleeville (lliWdon) which is distant 569.15 feet measured North 18 degrees 00 minutes 10 seconds West from a point distant 184.93 feet measured North 17 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds 'vest from the point of interseotion of the easterly limit of Maple Street with the Northerly limit of Mill Street as shown on the said Plan of the Villaee of Charlesville (lIa\vdon) ~ THENCE North 12 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 11.51 feet to a point in the Easterly limit of the lands designated as Part Three (3) according to said Plan 10 R 381 ~ TTIENCE North 11 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds "lest along the Easterly limits of the lands designated as Pa"cti Three (3) aforesaid a distance of 491.34 feet to a point distant 150.00 feet measured lTortherly therein from the South- vTesterly angle of the lands designated as l)a.rt Two (2) according to said Plan 10 R 3817 THENCE South 12 degrees 19 minutes 30 secondes West a distance of sixty-six feet (66') to a. point in the Westerly limit of the lands designated as Part Four (4) according to said Plan 10 it 387~ THENCE South 11 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds East al.ong the lastmentioned limit a distanoe of 491.09 feet more or less to the most South-Westerly angle of the lands designated as Part Four (4) aforesaid~ THENCE North 14 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds East along the Southerly limits of the lands designated as Part Four (4) aforesaid a distanoe of 8.25 feet to the South-Easterly angle thereof, TBENCE North 12 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 46.24 feet more or less to the PO:rnT OF COI'1MEIi.'l'CErtm:NT. THE COROPORATION .. .', ~e . . :e . a , ~ ."-. . -. ',"".,~ 74910Q ~::...f . No. .\'}.t~' fc~~~~fstry Di~isi~n of Newcastle (No. 10) that thIs Instrument is registered as of '3 ~- fl .M. /D. NOV 3 1975 in the land Registry Office Town of Newcastle Ontario. 9'1-,1...-.. PA.ID D REGISTRY OFFICE NO. 10 . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY LAW NO. 15-78 A b'):-law to 8ssuae and dedicate as a public highway certain lands situate in part lot 14. Concession 8 Geographice Township of Darlington.