HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-7 t . ,. /. -... 1 , f , CERTIFIED COpy I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-law Number 75-7 passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on the 24th day of January, 1975. I hereby certify that the Block "B" of Plan 702 referred to in By-law No. 7,&7 refers to Block "B" of Plan 702 in the former Town of Bowmanvi11e, now the Town of Newcastle. WITNESS my hand and the seal of The Corporation DATED this 15th day of April A.D. SEAL ,vi/ 1 l.,;(,!()/ J. M. McIlroy Clerk Town of Newcastle AMENDED BY A BY.LAW _:l~.;~.. ;~t . . . ~ '. . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No.. 75-7 Being a by-law to amend a Site Plan Agreement with G.R..W. Construction Ltd.. and Hillside Heights (Oshawa) Ltd. as per By-Law No.. 74-70. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle did on the 23rd day of Sep ember, 1974, enter into an agreement with G.R.W. Construction Ltmited and other parties with respect to the development of Block ,B of Plan 702, and; WHEREAS the signing of the said agreement was authorised by By-Law No. 74-70, and; WHEREAS the parties to the said agreement now consider it adviseable to substitute a revised Schedule "A" to the said agreement; NOW THEREFORE be it hereby enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle that the Mayor and Clerk be authorised to sign on behalf of the Corporation the supplementary agreement attached hereto. This By-law read a first and second t:"1e this 24th .......... day of .!.~~~1.........., 1975.. Seal ~ G.B. Rickard Mayor J. M. McIlro Clerk This By-law read a third time and finally passed this ..........01.. day of January 975 000.......0.....0........., 1 G.B.. Rickard Mayor Seal J. Mo McIlro Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 75-7 Being a lyy- law to amend a 8i te Plan Agreement with G.R.W. Construction Limited and Hillside Heights (Oshawa) Ltd. as per By-Law No. 74-70 No. 71339 Land Registry Oi~si.on of Newcastle (No. 10) f CERTIFY that this Instrument is registered as of I J. ~gn .M. APR 1 5 1975 in tile land Registl'yOffice 9'ly Town of Newcastle Ontario. . 1E8mrwt . . . . . . ,~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No.. 75-7 Being a by-law to amend a Site Plan Agreement with G.R.W. Construction Ltd. and Hillside Heights (Oshawa) Ltd. as per By-Law No. 74-70. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle did on the 23rd day of Sep ember, 1974, enter into an agreement with G.R.W. Construction Limited and other parties with respect to the development of Block B of Plan 702, and; WHEREAS the signing of the said agreement was authorised by By-Law No. 74-70, and; WHEREAS the parties to the said agreement now consider it adviseable to substitute a revised Schedule "A" to the said agreement; NOW THEREFORE be it hereby enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle that the Mayor and Clerk be authorised to sign on behalf of the Corporation the supplementary agreement attached hereto. This By-law read a first a~d second t~~e this 24th .......... day of Januarv .......d.........., 1975. Seal G. B. Rickard Mayor J. Me McIlro Clerk This By-law read a third time and finally passed this January ..0.......00....00.....0.., day of ...0......... 1975 G.B. Rickard Mayor ,..--, Seal J. M. McIlro Clerk ,.l ~ 2... ~.;;... ~ ..;:......- -" >~-- II ji J II II It II 11 r II r II Ii II jl II II II 'I I; II II II II II II it ~ i li 11 " I ~ Ii !I U II p il ~ t : , :: II ;i iI I t' I II I :' 11 Nai, "J.1IeREroRE in consideration of these premises ana the I ~'..I...;...t. ii... sum ~f ONE (~l.OO) OOLLAR and other good and valuable consideraticn, the II ~ 1. ~ parties here1n <b ~ and agme as follows: Ii , :i 'I2:fJ.r; I.:.. 1. '!hat the Site Plan - _ . on file with '!he Corporation of the. Town ,11'11 ;; , JPIflt ;! of Newcastle indentified as Schedule "Aft to this agreenent by the . [1 signatures of the signing officers of the TcMn and the CMners be and II :; ii the sane is hereby substituted for the Site Plan which fonns part of II ~ , " II the Ag1:eenent dated the 23rd day of Sept.eItb!r, 1974 be~ G.R.W. III 11 Construction Limited and Hillside Heights (OshaWa) Limited, '!be (' I 11 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and the Bowmanville Public utilities I! <brmdssion, and Wil ~&Wa,r Entexprises Limited, and is indentified as I II Schedule itA" to the last mantioned Agmen-ent. Except as hereby ! Ii specifically anenOed, the 'last mantioned Agreement between the said I 11 II Ii parties is hel:eby confil:ned in all respects. 11 II I !I 1'1' . N Ii II Ii a ""'ll Ii \i II I " I! ii II" ~ ~. ./ j1 Ii Ii 'j Ii ;i 11 ,. j) 'I If Ii if j! :1 I. :! ii ;1 JJ .1 '1 q I, iI I! ,. :j " ii H It It 11 h H H :1 ; Ii. ''4' n " Ii !I jI 'l " ,. it l. H H i) ~ \ 'i I: Ii j; " :1 q ., '; i! :1 . II :1 \ '1 i! 'j :1 '..,......I.t 'i. 11 !; :j d II , 'I I, r I! II II I I I , THIS AGREEMENT made this 24th day of January, 1975 BETWEEN: - and - 'IHE COWORATION OF 'mE 'lOWN OF m~ (hereinafter called the "'lbwn") OF '!HE SECOND PARr - and - THE ~ PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (hereinafter called the "COnmissiontt) OF THE THIRD PAR!' - and - WIIr-SWAR EmERPRISES LIMI'IED p G. R. W. cnlSTRUCl'ION LIMITED and HIILSIIE HEIGITS (OS~WA) LIMITEO, all carpanies inco:tpOrated under the laws of the Province of Ontario (hereinafter called the "M:Jrtgagees") OF 'mE FOlJRllI PARI' I WHEREAS by an Agxeement dated the 23rd day of Sept:eIrber, 1974 and registex:ed in the IeJistI.y Office for the Registry Di visicm of Durham West, in the Tam of Newcastle Q'1 the .3 J s r day of 7T14--;J..,"'" A. 7, 1975 as Inst.:runent No. 7 ~ tJ. ;{- 7 , G.R.W. construction Limited and Hi J ll'?ide 1fei.ghts (Oshawa) Limited as owners and Wil-&Wa,r Entexprises Limited as nortgagee, ent.el:ed into an Agreem:mt with '!he, Corporation of the ibwn of Newcastle and the Bcwranville Public Utilities Ccmnission. AND WHEREAS 296107 Ontario Limited has acquiJ:ed the said lams lNhich axe ~ subject of the said Agreement as evidenced by the certificate attached hexeto as Schedule liB". AND ~ it is desirable to anend' the said agreement. !: II Ii " " i H , I, , " 2 " 'I . , ~ \j " Ii l;"-' " Ii , Ii ;; H II Ii ;; '. Ii ,\ r I it " :i i; i: ;; \i " )1 \: !i .;1 " , H 11 . ~t il II I' Ill' '!he CMner of the First Part hereby assunes all the cbligations'of G.R.W. Cbnstruction Limited and Hillside Heights (Oshawa) Limited under the II Site Plan Agreerrent with The Cbrporation of the rrtMn of Newcastle and II the Bo,.,n1anville Public Utilities Conmission, dated the 23rd day of II I, Septenber, 1974 and covenants and agmes to carry out all the terms II and provisions of the said AgreeIrent as fully as though it had itself If ti been a party to and executed the said Agreenent with The Corporation of the 'I'a.vn of Newcastle and the Bowmanville Public Utilities f1 Ii L H if Ii n " II 11 II ,I " " Ii I! )j II Ii it ,I I' 11 d Ii 'I [I II H 1\ " 11 II !: ~ ! Ii p Ii II 11 I' ,I P II II l' l! n ji " /'t! / Ii II LI Clerk jl :I THE ~ LIC UTILITIES roMMISSION if p~: il 4 I' h.JrrJ ~ ~'~ II Olairman' Ii Ii 1f J_ -r-: !i ',,{./ ~-..-. ,If Manager Ii :~SWAfl ENTEWRISES LI,~~El),- _ " ~#'", !! ~ >!,J ~~ __ ii, - '--- ' pm~~~ ~ 2?t---(' ~~ -' ;1 G. R. w. OJ~1STRUCl'ICN r..nll~j::aI:Y-TreaS !! / I' Per: / U Ii - 2- Camlission. l! 3. 'lhis AgreeIrent affects the lands which may be descril::ed as follaNs: j' ;; ALL AND smGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and pxemises situate, lying and being in the Ta.m of Nacastle (fo:merly in the Town of Bownanville), in the legional Municipality of Durham am Province of Ontario and being all of Block B, according to a Plan filed in the aagistty Office for the foresaid ToNn of Newcastle as Plan 702. " !\ 1 1) 1: Ii , " , 1: " ;! i. ~ ; Ii j1 I I, l: 1: I; !' 4. 'Jhi.s Agz:eement shall be :read with all necessaJ:y changes of gender and changes fran singular to plural which nay be required by the oontext. :! jl !: Ii m WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have heremto affixed their ool:pOrate seals attested to by the hands of their proper signing officers in that behalf. \; I: ~ ( 296107 ONTARIO LIMITED Pert2 /.' -e.J:~._ Pms:tderIt THE COWORATION OF THE r.ocmN OF ~TIE Per: l: , I- j'. :: i 'ATT.T SIOE HEIGHTS Per: P:-esidem: I: j! j: t! I. If Ii !1 r I; II Ii " (l it jl ---. - ~ j:~- '.. ~=-~- .. ...... This is Schedule"A" to the Agreerrent dated the 24th day of Januax:y, 1975, between 296107 Ontario Limited, '!he Corporation of the 'l'oNn of Newcastle, 'Ibe Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission, wil-swar Enterprises Limited, ~- . " " ....t1l.W. Constructim Limited and Hillside Heights (Oshawa) LL'l\ited. 4 ~ " e 296107 ONI'ARIO LIMITED Per~ . . ~4~~ Pres], nt '!HE CORPORATION OF '!HE TOWN OF NE'"tl"AS'l'LE Per: )' . f.~ '!HE BavMANVIUE PUBLIC tJI'ILITmS CDMMISSION Per: ~ ~.Jrn .. Olainnan ~~r~ WIL-SWAR EN'lERPRISES LIMITED Per: e Manager C,lj ~ &)lfi <4 .~, ' Secreta:ry-Treas G.R.W. CONSTRUcrIOO LIMITED Per: .'/ Q~ SecretaJ:y LIMITED ,. Presldent e ~/..'. , fi.... j, A ~ , " . . 1 , /J -: ~ \...."" Cl L 4.::: a 5", r- " . } ~ t"'\ '" l v.uU ~1 II ~ '^ - - -""1. I \...+ 't ~ uJ 1,-".1 V 10 - - P "':\' I"" I . ..I C\ L i~ 1 \1 9 - 'I "''''/1'/ l O-v I-vO s.q =b1/"')/)01 ", ~. UU Ie l LO (C{') \. I ')\ 1 "u() o~ "1 -+v) t ~ ' 10 I * '100 I \. , , \ if' ,,~ - f- II; 'f r ! l I I \.' C) . w."') G) ('1 ( , ~ ~ ~, .:, 1\ I \ > J t ; ~ \ " \ \" -1>"\' .~. ,,\' Ii '"' ~\i. ~~ ~ ,- ,- k~ .., .. ~ ....'ri;;.; ~. \~/ ':' ;',r .'" , w \: ~ Ai ,. t.' ~ . '" ~...~u ~ -':ot:;"~ "'h~ .. . ('O;~ ... ~ ~~ ~ II ,,~, l"',,~ I,... . 100'''':;' \;....' ~ j r I ~t I_/" """t' i -0U .~ I; t . -~~ a I , .. ., 'v ..~~-.,. ~ ..............-...:. ............... ~~~'>It'-""-.c~~~ __ UcoI ""'or':'~_-"""",_ ~","~."~~~,..I.-;.." ~$"r~'" ,;;,r,. I , -. b.al;il*tll __"'" _ll. .. -- ~ l- I~ e SCHEDULE "B" ;';' WIS AGREnENr made this 24th clay of 1975, BE'IWEEN: January, 296107 ON'mRIO LIMI'lED - and - THE COFPOFATION OF THE '1:'CWN OF NEWCASTLE - and - THE BCWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COr-MrSSICN - and - WIIrSWAR ENTERPRISES LIMITED, G.R.W. CONSTRUCI'ION LIMITED and HILLSIDE HeIGHTS (OSHAWA) LIMITED I, IRVING Gt,F.T"8'RRMAN a solicitor of '!he Supreme Court of cntario, do hereby certify that 296107 Ohfuio Limited is the, sole owner in fee sinple of all land shown in Paragraph 3 to this agreenent dated the 24th day of JanuaJ:y, 1975. I, further certify that there are no nortgages or other encu:n- brances upcn the said land or any part thereof save and except the following: WIL-SWAR EN'1EFPRISES LIMITED G.R.W. CONSTRUCl'!ON LIMITED and Hm..SIDE HEIG!TS (OSHAWA) LIMI'IED 'Ihis certificate is given by Ire to 'lbe Co:rporation of the Town of ~tle for the pw:pose of having the said Corporation act in reliance on it in entering into the agreement. DA'IED AT TOroNro, this 24 th day of ) )' , '10: '!he Corporation of the TcMn of Ner..,castle ( ..J ....>._.,oc;... < - I' ~ ,-- ___~_,..---e"~",.,..~.. ,~---~-,---,--~_.._~---~-,.:..:_,,--,,-_.._-"---",----,----_..----1.... .....,~- .----- .~. - .~ ,~_",__.. ~._~_._...'_._....._""'""'___a_._~_.....;__._r___ .. -.' ~ -.. ---~-..,........~--- ~---= '-'-.'--'~:::,".;.,z.:::':"~':::"'-:;:'.;.:;-:,,-:'~~ . . .. .. . . .' , . :; oMED: January 24th, 1975 _______,.......>___~_.,.._.,_. ..._,.".. .~_~.~ _,_,'_c_'_ _ _'" -..-,.~._-_...,-~, _..~..,.~- =,- J _==-===--'==--::c-==--=-_.__.__-::-----..---~ " , No. 7134:0 land Registry Di~isi!,n of Newcastle (No. 10) J CERTIFY that thIs Instrument is registered as of /1-' .51 'p.M. APR 15 1975 in the land Registry Office ~~ Town of Newcastle Ontario. REGISTRAR 296107 ONTARIO LIMI'lED - and - '!HE CDRPORATION OF '!HE ~ OF NEWCAST!E - and - 'rUE BCmMANVILLE PUBLIC urILITJES COMMISSION - and - WIL-SWAR EN'lERPRISES LIMITED, G.R. W. CONSTRtJ:TION LIMITED and HILISlIE . HEIGiTS (OSHAWA) LIMrTED AGREEMENT SANDLER, OOROON & GLEmE~ Barristers and Solid tors 464 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario :;;~;::~-::::.;t~-:.:;..::..':"'.:;:;;:_:::;;~~_'~:,:::_'":;:..::::_.:.::::;:::::::.::.:;_~::==_:_~,,:,. ~~::::_:~::..~.::::.'.::"':;.:.";:::::::;;;;:~~::_:::::,~.:;::::,:::::::.::...-:;_::::;:::.:=__::;:_..::,':;';=;::;:::"-.:':.:.:::.:':";"::.~;:::'::;:-~;.:..:.;';:':::=':::"::':::':';;':::.::~:::;'.-~:;:';''; :-;":';;'::".;:,:::;~-::-",:'.:::.;;;,:,:::::==:,,~:'=.::;:::::.::..:.::::.::-:::;..::;;;.;::;;::;:=;.;::-;:.:..:::::::::;;;::;;;;:.,.:;;;~ "'-'''--',''''''.-'--' ,--,,---~.-.. .__.'- -_.,_...~'.-,_-.~."',,,--,_...__.-.'-'.- ...-..,-"",-~-,, ". .--- ...="_........i'!':.=.=.~...-::~~:....:.. · -' ,. ,-- -',- ''''-, '," ",' -,-,------..-'~ . n _, V ,_" M ,_"'. ~,',_. ~:_._ .."- ~ ._~__._'_.N ."'~.., ,..' -,~..._~'.__..,_,"," ,_,___".__-.'-,e"'" -" -- ~._...-....,,' -_..,~,<--,..,_.~,~.._...,- -- ,. -'~.' ..." ,,,.--,,,,, ,,'-"" ,'---." ,." ,,".-_..,"'- --,----, .,,-_. - --.'.-----... --..--. -.-.,"." 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