HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-67 / ,.' - +- ...,. .. . e . II i"- .. REPEALED BY .....,q ~050 BY-LAW #.1....... .... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF :NEWCASTIiE BY-LAW NO. 75-67. A By-law for prohibiting the obstruoting of azry drainage or water-oourse within the Town of Newoastle. Wfl'Ji!RR~R the Counoil of The Town of Newcastle deems it neoessary to prohib1 t the obstruotion of any drain or water-oourse wi thin the 11m! ts of The Town of Newcastle, and 'WJ.l1i!R1i!~S the Counoil of The Town of Newcastle deems it necessary to require the person oausing the obstruction to remove it, and W{Ui!R1i!AS the Council of The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle, pursuant to The Municipal Aot, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, Section 352, SUbsection 19, has authority to enact this by-law. NOW ~'.t:LI!il:U!i.r the Counoil of The Town of Newcastle enacts as follows. 1. No ~on or persons shaJ..l obstruct, block-up or divert any drain or water-course or cause to be obstructed, blocked up 01' diverted any drain or ,,,ater-oourse within the boundaries of The Town of Newoastle without first receiving written authorization from Council and/or the Director of Public Works to so do. 2. Arq person or persons who obstructs or blocks up any drain or water-course without having obtained the written authorization of Council and/or the Director of Public Works, shall remove the said obstruction at the request of Council and/or the Director of Public Worlcs and failure to do so shall constitute an offenoe. 3. Violations and Penal tl&L Every person who contravenes any provisions in this by-law shall be guilty of an offence and liable, upon conviction, to a penalty of not less than $100.00 and not more than $)00.00, exolusive of oosts, for each offenoe. 4. Validi~ If any provision of this By-law is for any reason deolared by a court of competent jursidiction to be invalid, the same shall not affeot the validity of the By-law as a whole or parts thereof, other than the provisiont so deolared to be invalid and it is hereby declared to be the intention that all remaining provisions of this By-law sli.all remain in full force and effect. ~,s,:- ~ . . . J " ~ \, - 2 - 5. Repeal of Existing By-laws The following By-laws are hereby repealed. a) By-law No. 1639 of the former Township of Clarke. b) Any or all By-laws or parts of Bylaws of the former VUlage of Newcastle, the former Township of Darlington and the fo:mer Town of :Bowmanville, inoonsiatent with the provisions of this By-law. 6. Effeotive Date This By-la.w shall beoome effeotive on the date of the final passing thereof. . J q L-- 11.. ~ u{-1 Read a first and seoond time thisJ....daJ of.....!~........,1975. ./.,.;;7 .~~~ /' Mator Clerk ve,4,./V I , () 1---' ~, 4 u.-J -I Read a third time and passed this. .C..da\v' of................, 1975. ~~ ~or Clerk .~--~ .' , (,. ,,(-