HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-66 . -_.'. .-. ..... .... . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOVlN OF NE\hJCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 75-66 Being, a by-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 1587 of the former Town of Bowmanv.ille WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Newcastle wishes to permit the construction of a mixed use corrmercial and residential develop- ment on certain lands located on the north side of King Street between Division Street and George Street in Bowmanville; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 349, and amendments thereto, hereby ENACTS as follows: 1. By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following Section l6A: SECTION l6A DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL CRD ZONE (1) USES PERMITTED . No person shall within any CRD Zone use any lot or erect or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the following CRD uses; namely: (a) RESIDENTIAL USES: an apartment house located above one or more permitted non-residential uses and contained in the same building therewith. (b) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: a billiard room; a business office; a clinic; a commercial school; a dry cleaning or laundry outlet; a financial office; a laundromat; a merchandise service shop; a personal service shop; a professional office; a public use; a restaurant; a retail store; a theatre . . e . , .. 2 (2) ZONE PROVISIONS No person shall within any CRD Zone use any lot or erect7 alter or use any building or structure unless such lot is served by a public water system and a sanitary sewer system and except in accordance with the following provisions: (s) LOT AREA (minimum): (i) Apartment house containing not more than 6 dwelling units - 10,000 square feet (ii) Apartment house containing more than 6 dwelling units (b) LOT FRONTAGE (minimum): (c) FRONT YARD (minimum): (i) Non-residential uses (ii) Apartment house (d) EXTERIOR SIDE YARD (minimum): (i) Non-residential uses (ii) Apartment house - 900 square feet per dwelling unit - 90 feet - 10 feet - 35 feet - 10 feet - 25 feet (e) INTERIOR SIDE YARD (minimum): - none required, provided that where the interior side lot line abuts a zone other than a Commercial Zone, the minimum interior side yard width shall be - 25 feet. (f) REAR YARD (minimum): (i) Apartment house (ii) Non-residential uses (g) MINI~illM FLOOR AREA PER DWELLING UNIT: (i) Bachelor dwelling unit (ii) One bedroom dwelling unit (iii) Two bedroom dwelling unit (iv) Three bedroom dwelling unit (v) Dwelling unit containing more than three bedrooms (h) LOT COVERAGE (maximum): (i) Non-residential uses (ii) Apartment house - 35 feet - 35 feet - 450 square feet - 600 square feet - 750 square feet - 850 square feet - 925 square feet, plus an additional 75 square feet for each bedroom in excess of 4 - 75% 35% 3 . (2) ZONE PROVISIONS (continued).... (1) HEIGHT (maximum: - 40 feet, except that if any portion of a building is erected above a height of 40 feet, the required yard dimen- sions applicable to such portion of the building shall be increased by 1 foot for each 1 foot by which such building exceeds a height of 40 feet. Such provision shall not apply to an interior side yard if the interior side lot line abuts a Commer- cial or Institutional Zone nor shall such provision apply to a rear yard if the rear lot line abuts a Commercial or Institutional Zone. (j) LOCATION OF DWELLING UNITS: No dwelling unit shall be located except in any storey above the first storey. (k) DWELLING HOUSES PER LOT (maximum): - 1 only (1) HABITABLE ROOM WINDOW: Where the exterior wall of an apratment dwelling house contains a habitable room window, such wall shall be located no less than 25 feet from any interior side lot line. e (m) LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE (minimum): Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3(51) hereof to the contrary, the lands designated as landscaped open space for an apartment dwelling house may be located above finished grade but not above a height of 30 feet. (i) Apartment house - 35% which may include a play area (ii) Non-resdiential uses - 10% (n) PLAY AREAS: A play area shall be provided on each lot contain- ing more than 10 dwelling units in accordance with the following: (i) Minimum area (ii) Location - 4% of the lot area - not in a required front yard . (0) PARKING: Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7.16 hereof to the contrary, off-street parking facilities shall be provided and maintained upon the same lot on which . e . . '" 4 (2) ZONE PROVISIONS (0) PARKING: (continued).... the principal use is located in accordance with the following provisions. TYDe of Use Minimum Parkin~ Soace Reauirement Apartment house - 1.25 parking spaces per dwelling unit Other uses None (p) INDOOR PARKING BONUS: Notwithstanding the provlslons of Section l6A (2)(a) hereof to the contrary~ if more than one half of the required parking spaces for the apartment house are provided within the main building or underground on the same lot therewith~ the minimum lot area per dwelling unit may be reduced to 800 square feet per dwelling unit. (q) YARD MEASURElJIENT: Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.90 to the contrary, no area of land shall be deemed not to be a yard appurtenant to an apartment house solely because such area of land is occ- upied by a permitted non-residential building, structure or use whose height does not exceed 4 feet above the floor level of the lowest dwelling unit in such apartment house. 2, Section 5.1 of By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by inserting it1mediately below the word "Commercialll, the words IIDowntown Commercial Residentialll and be inserting immediately below the symbol "c" the symbol "CRDII. 3. Map 3 of Schedule IIA" to By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by changing to CRD the zone des- ignation of the lands indicated "ZONE CHANGE TO CRD" on the attached Schedule "XII hereto. 4. Section 7.22(a) of By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by inserting the words IICRD Downtown Commercial-Residentialll immediately below the words "RM3 High Density Apartmentsll. . . . . ,;. 5 5. No part of this By-law comes into force without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board,but, subject to such approval, this By-law takes effect on the date hereof. / q.1.#'- ~tfJ, f Y THIS BY-LAW read a first time this day of . A.D. 1975. THIS BY-LAW read a second time this /qJ# day of !tt4u,rr A.D. 1975. THIS BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this / t{ .u'L day of 4-u, fu ,-r A.D. 1975. ~~ ,/ ~. MAYOR" SEA L (.... c- ,-. fl' c..c- -"~;-. . . .. .... ,f.... ~ - 2 (j) C/) -; .::0 fTJ fTJ -i ~ 5 C H E 0 U L E .X. - -4 jJ llc:J .... CHANGE TO CRD ZONE tt:. to ... t . GE OR,GEo~. STREET I Tni' 18 Schedule -.x.. to By-Lew N....r75-66 pas.ed tne Jll~d'Y .r Id-u flU.~-r ,t975., //" '~/ V ~~ :::--- r' IS"O ~. ... ~ v, ... oC ~ ~ l' . ~~. ~.>...- ~'-'!"~,~ t ltl. ..-" Ontario , e Form R-6 Ontario Municipal Board 416/965-1912 123 Edward Street Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 r The Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance St., BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LIC 3A6 L.. I?U1~ ~~ ~urber March 18,1976 Dear Sir Re: Town of Newcastle Restricted Area By-law 75-66 Enclosed is documentation as follows: e Copy of Decision dated Copy of Decision dated (Signed Duplicate Original to follow) [] Duplicate Original of Decision dated [] Copy of Board's Order made KJ Duplicate Original of Board's Order made on the 17th day of March, 1976 o o [] Appointment for Hearing Yours truly GD./ed: Enclosure C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration . RECE:IVED (A..]n"" ~' /f F'~+ If. il ~' MAR 18 tltt , TOWN 'Of NlWCAI1U \ 1 . e e e f tG"f~ a)f, vV t? ~~~ .-.- "IIImml" Ontario ~ R 751957 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c.349), - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 75-66 ) ) ) WedneSday, the 17th day of ) ) March, 1976 ) ) BEFORE: W. H. PALMER, Chairman - and - A. L. McCRAE, Vice-Chairman No objections to approval having been received as required, approved. THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 75-66 1s hereby --' K. C. ANDREWS SECRETARY W _ t/ ~ ~,f?vJ.~R'~'!V' t M('"'t.t.1.<tJf'~' ~.J..JA INFo/). l"fil<'1# ~rl6 j t (; (J i {(j '1 1 fl ;..J4~ If: I~ v' (' 1'1 I (~~ 'It ./ un fili'. . ....... (l 8. ~.~.~~;.s.:: folio No.......;l.;t................. MAR 1 9 1976 ~~' SlCllETAIY. OHm..'~__ IfJ I 1cY~" c:~7 r: ~7 $ "A: . ii" ~M,~ " li J' .1' "! ( . f- ~. , . e, , e '~. . . .,x- ~ ~.,,- IN/"o/J t~Pl ~ii ~ ~ "'_~--':"1I ~~ Cj(:~~"c R 751957 Ontario Municipal Board IN THR MA'l"l'BR OF SeoUon 35 of The Planning Act (R.s.a. 1970, c. 349), - and - I, H' IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 75-66 BEFORE: w. H. PALMER, Chaiplan - and - ) ) ) Wednesday, the 17th day of ) ) March, 1976 ) ) A. L. McCRAE, Vice-chairman No objections to approval having been received as required; . THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 75-66 1. hereby approved. K. C. ANDREWS SECRETARY O. B. :'~.!r~:.L f. Nca. I..} :.' ... ."f-y... ..... .......... MAR 1 9 1970 '? V ().l;".A * (~^ '",'~.el<-~l~, If 1+-4'(..4,{h.....~ ~~ KCI(J.". ..............., H'" OJ'-:,, rJ ~~', .)' ( 0 j! J f1 JoJ II,. Ii- v' ( /1' ,,: I' A _/ /J U I(J} I } 1 t .. , ., , "'J '~l:"(' ,;.:T,--," I ' .....