HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-64 ; .... " . . ,. . ~ '. . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 75-64 A By-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Darlington WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of New- castle deems it advisable to amend By-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Darlington, as amended; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: 1. Key Map 17 of Schedule "A" to By-law 2111 is hereby amended by changing to Class A Public Street the designation on the section of the road shown as "CHANGE TO CLASS A PUBLIC STREET" on the attached Schedule "XU hereto. 2. This By-law shall become effective on 'the date hereof subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LAW read a first time this THIS BY-LAW read a second time this f'll"- LA day of 1tu9a~"/. A.D. 1975. day of ~-- A.D. 1975. ./~ passed this I~' . clay of THIS BY-LAW read a third time and finally ~ A.D. 1975. SEA L '? /~~: ./' MAYOR {..v/ v' /'../ c,;{./l/ /- /' CLE~_.. ~~ '., .. .. . ( k. ,. . 'T 5 C H E D U L E "X" To lJy-Law Number 75-64 ~ ..... , . II r.' ~ \1 "T '" 'i- .., -I' ~ ~ \.) ~ l A '1 oi: ~ I I SCALf: .. 'UT _ _ 9 . - -- - Change to Class A Public Strset This is Schedule "XU to By-Law No. 7 !:/ ,6 f passed this If (..t..; dey of S~, 1975. /7./ ~~/~1/ MAVOR ~~,,'L'V ....~L CLERK ;- ...... . ~~"~.~'~'~".~'" c..."......~...~..~... '."'"'" -~. gg.~.".J>";i; 1 ,~ ^' Il~ ~ ~ "Ib'ihli" Ontario Form R-6 . r The Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LIC 3A6 Ontario Municipal Board 416/965-1912 123 Edward Street Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 Quote File Number R 7~,!t9_ L May 4,1976 Dear Sir Re: Town of Newcastle Restricted Area By-law 75-64 Enclosed is documentation as follows: e o Copy of Decision dated [J Copy of Decision datsd (Signed Duplicate Original to follow) o o Duplicate Original of Decision dated Copy (If Boa:cd' 5 Order made fr~plicate Original of Board's Order made April 30, 1976 00 D..'"" .. Appointment for H~aring Yours traly JJ:ht Enclosure / If ~~,t1f.~4 C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration RECEIVED. . MAY 6 1916 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~ . ~ ~mma" Onta ria a 764,0 - Ontario Municipal Board III THE Y1AftER OF Section 35 of' Th. Pl<:.l.nnini Aet (R. s.o. 1970, c." 349 ), ,- ,.... - and- III THE ~1AtTSR 01 an applioat1on byTbe Corporatio!l of tbe Town of Newcastle for approval of 1t$ Restricted Area By-law 75-64 BE' 0 R E . \'1. SHUI" Q.C., Vice-chairman - and - A.L. MceR.AE, V1ce-C.b.a1rman Friday, the 30th day of April, 1916 J e ~ I~ fJvA, A. fA. " /I .L . n,,, ~~~~t:;:~1 I 'l,~ ..v~,1'ot.,,,,, No objeet1Qo$ to $.pproval having been received as required: TIm IOAP.J10RD!R.S that By-b.".J' 75-6l.. 1s hereby appro1'ed. . ~ ~ENTERED lC. C,, AXDREl"JS /." 7 0-l SIORE! .lRY o. B. NO..f.t....................... , ol' N 2> ;:;- I f 10 ,10..................,.......41.... UI r\: l, - 'Y76 ,.l.f-\ . _, I , ~~ . J~ 11 ~ tltvl~~....,~, -. WI4 i~l 14.,1\1' ,. f/ i.'> II.,:; tV -z-I:' '" "'Ii. 313 I"~ /~, o~~" +"2-