HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-62 .J ,. . . .. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 75-62 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 1587 of the former Town of Bowmanville (L.D.C.M. Investments) WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the former Town of Bowwanv11le did on February 26, 1973, by by-law 73-14, change the zoning of Block C, Plan 698 to permit row dwellings to be constructed on the said lands; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Newcastle did, by by-law 74-83, further change the zoning of the said Block C to permit row dwellings at a reduced density to be constructed on the said land s ; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Newcastle did on approve an application for permission to construct approximately 50 terrace dwellings detached above grade on the said Block C; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 349, and amendments thereto, hereby ENACTS as follows: 1. Schedule A to By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by deleting from Special Condition I the lands included in Block C, Registered Plan Number 698. 2. Schedule B to By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by deleting from Special Condition I the words "containing not less than 68.52 acres". 3. Schedule B to By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by deleting from Spe~ial Condition I, 1.3 Permitted Uses the sentence "Block "c" shall be used for ter- race and row dwellings and accessory uses". 4. 5. By-law 74-83 is hereby repealed. By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by adding thereto the following Section 13A Medium Density Residential RMl-l Zone. SECTION l1A: MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL RMl-1 ZONE No person shall within any Medium Density Residential RM1-l Zone use any land or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accord- ance with the following provisions:- 13.1 Permitted Uses (a) Terrace Dwellings detached above grade or attached by garages only ~,.. . . 2 13.1 PerJt!.itted Uses (continued)..... (b) Uses, buildings and structures accessory to the foregoing permitted uses. 13.2 Re~u1ations tor Terrace DWe~lin~s Detacheg Abov~ Grade (a) Minimum Lot Frontage per dwelling (b) Minimum Lot Area per dwelling unit (c) Maximum Lot Coverage (d) Yard Requirements (i) Minimum Front Yard (ii) Minimum Interior Side Yard 24 feet 2400 square feet 20 percent 20 feet 4 ft. except that an attached garage may extend into an Interior Side Yard to any property line not being a zone boundary (iii) Minimum Exterior Side Yard (iv) Minimum Rear Yard (v) Minimum Distance Between Buildings (vi) Minimum Distance Between Portions of Dwelling Units Above Grade 20 feet 35 feet 10 feet 8 feet except that an attached garage may be located not less than 4 feet from any adjacent dwelling unit or may be attached to the garage of an adjacent dwelling unit (e) Minimum Floor Area (f) Maximum Height 1000 square feet 30 feet . . . .... 3 13.3 Reeulations for Accessory Buildines (a) Minimum Yard Reguirements - (i) Except as provided in paragraph (ii) of the Clause, no accessory building shall be located within 4 feet of a side or rear lot line. (ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (i) hereof, the minimum yard abutting a public street shall be 30 feet. (b) Maximum Lot Coverage - 5 percent provided that lot coverage of all buildings on the lot does not exceed the maximum lot coverage for dwellings as set forth in sub-section 13.2 of this Section. 6. Map 1+ of Schedule "A" to By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by changing to RM1-l the zone designation of the lands indicated "ZONE CHANGE TO RMl-l" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 7. Map 4 of Schedule "A" to By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by changing to 03 the zone designation of the lands indicated "ZONE CHANGE TO 03" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 8. Section 7.22(a) of By-law Number 1587 is hereby amended by inserting the words "RM1-l Medium Density Residential" immediately below the words "RMl Medium Density Residential." 9. No part of this By-law comes into force without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, but subject to such approval, this By-law takes effect on the date hereof. THIS BY-LAW read a first time this 21sttay of July A.D. 1975. THIS BY-LAW read a second time this21st day of JulyA.D. 1975. THIS BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed thjs 21st day of July A.D. 1975. ~~~ MAYOR ~'1:-:7- 'Gertrude E. Gra CLERK SEA L DEPUTY- '" ~~..,. ~ Oji..po .." ..,.... tr '....'................' :>:'" , '-, " ". ,I, I..... ...c.....::...'...:,.....- , .. .'" ,,}: -' . : ". "0" ~ . ~.... . . .., .. . . ...2; ~..~, ......... " . \ \ \ '\ 'tv '~ Q: Q (J) en OJ o :r T\-. ~ .= ~.. j ... 1~3~:clH:)(<'ulp "::11 to By-la~ Nurr'1:er 75-6:!;).'lssed the ,1../) r dav of -'UL.~j 1?7 t..F. " __.....s;L.J"~_" ,-J ~. ~~. ~-r~ A1r?' ' CLERK Block 0 " ',,- ~ " BLOCK C PLAN 698 ZO~~E CHANGE TO RM1-1 Block 0 \ -_!:~\,il::i..,;,;":,,.i.;_:::< , @ ~ R 751834 -- Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Sec~ion 35 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, o. 349), - and - IN THE MATTER OF an applioa~ion by The Corporation of the Town of Newcast.le for approval of it.s Restrict.ed Area By-law 75-62 BEFORE: -and- ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Monday, the 6th day of October, 1975 C. G. EBERS, Q.C. Member ~. L. P. D. STAPLES, Member No objeot..1.ons to approval having been reoeived as required; THE BOARD ORDERS t.hat. By-law 75-62 is hereby approved. ~. K. C. ANDREWS SECRETARY ~' frJ~rE~iE:S -- Ii o. o. r;o...t!.:Z:f:.2......... j "'''1'0 MOo ~ :!l Z 1 r.... 11 ... 11 "'. a. ".". .... ...... ... ........ I () t,: j ~._~ 'i~ ?~,) ! .11 " c../--"'~";> /~,f /". >i...'~r~<' -'.' ...:C t _ ~~ '1t/plt ,!c{.V) ~". '15-0 /;,; ," 6 Ii It " I ~ Itrf (}'I.(',t /S'/L.. r", IF -7 1";6 It tt 7 ;it,. ' t (1'/(: ~ ttrl.. , I :;.1 t'1.Jfte.t,;I14Lt. /1 / (; -~'~'>fo\\, J N f () p... fllrtl' i'i ~c c . ,111J.~.,- ,~ C l W ~4.'" t , . " i , ..:....7:::,,~ -(:,~~':.~ \D..'~" ! " ....,....... . . '. :1 i' , .:' I. - ~ "'-, . , . ~ .,~(.~- I ' " l>:.# IN '".F .<;~ r ,'; f, , J V >t 71- r. , ~ l ~"." '." :~.J ~2~?~ _ ~~'0.'. ., ;t:i~\Fr- ", ~.''''r ;I ~ 7~ ~ll~~,~~~~~ 'l!1U'!T,~~ (Jnt(1t"iu R 751834 UllLlIll) Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of 1'hc Plannina....1\1\..,. ct (R.S.O. 19.70, c'~ --::r4.~T;-~-- . -and - U~ THE .HATTEn OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Ne~<lcastlefo1: approval of its ReatriptedAreaBY_law 75-62 ~.., E F ~) It .E ; C. r;. EBi.:R..S, Q. c . ..\fe Inb I':; 1..' t: u(i '. 1:." .~f. D. S1'2!.PLES, flember ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Monday, the 6th day of October, 1975 l~u 01.'JCct.i.ons to approval having been received cH, rl:cruj.r,,~d, '1'1,<; BOAkD O1'DEl'.8 "hat BY-law 75-62 is hereby ;'I'!'l'O'\l(it! . .1 I I\. C. ANDREWS SECI<ETARY '~_':":'~~:"-;-:::;''''':''':.~,,:~,:,~'~r.:~f1,~~.r..r.''''TllLl;~.l' l:.M"'~' j L.. h ;~ t-o/f ~., -.. ._, /: ,~]',.c..r ;J'''ff".'.:~~~) "'7:~:""""" , ;; 1'(;,10 1.0..... .....;.;..,.;..,. n....... if :1 !{ !i ii' , . ! : ~ . i r ; ,...j/ ,'.'J 1 dJ ~"Y" ,. f'O.. ..' fr~ rrP ."-0(. . 'J.. ~ {I , ' ~. ;1. '~.,~ , t,' /' ~.:t//. , \.' ~.\ -< " ,'.,,'