HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-6 . . The CORPORATION OF THE '. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 75-6 Being a By-Law to prohibit HEAVY TRAFFIC on certain travelled roads or highways wi thin the Town ot Newcastle. WHEREAS The municipal Act, section 354, sub-section 107, of the R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, provides that Councils of cities, towns, villages, police villages and townships II1B\Y' pass by-laws prohibiting heavy traffic on highways under their jurisdiction; AliID WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it expedient to prohibit heaV7 traffic on certain highw8\Y'S; NOW T~'ORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows:- . 1. In this By-law "heavy traffic" means the use of a highway by a vehiole or other mechancal device, for loads having a gross weight, including the vehicle or other meohanical devioe, in exoess of three (3) tons. 2. When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display, heavy traffic is prohi bi ted on the highways or parts of highways named hereunder:- HIGHWAY - thS t~a.velled or forced road running North-Westerly through Lot thirty-one (31) in the eighth (8) Conoession of the Geographic Township of Clarke, fo:rmerly in the County of Durham, FROM - a point in the Easterly limit of Lot 31, Concession 8, said point being distant southerly 3382.35' more or less, from the North-East angle of Lot 31, Conoession 8. TO- a point in the Westerly limit of Lot 31, Concession 8, said point being distant Northerly 4880.43' more or less from the South-West angle of Lot 31, Concession 8. The said road being more specifically described in Schedule "A" to By-Law No. 75-6 hereto attached e e Page 2. 3. The provisions of this By-law shall not apply to the use of the said highways or parts of highways for the following uses. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) for deliveries to or removal from any premises abutting thereon; a pr\1.vately owned vehicle driven to or from the owner's premises abutting thereon; ambulances or police vehicles; fire department vehicles; hydro or telephone service vehicles; road maintenance equipment operated under the authority of the Director of Publio Works of the Town "f Newcastle. 4. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-Law is guilty of an offence and upon conviotion is liable to a penalty of not more than $100.00 dollars for the first offence and not more than $300.00 dollars for every subsequent offence, exolusive of costs, and all such penalties shall be reooverable under the Ontario Summary Convictions Act. 5. This By-Law shall come into force and take effect upon the date of the final reading thereof subject to the approval of the Regional Municipali ty of Durham and of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. e C) 0 I.k Cr.., A thie~.....day Of.~!...., 1975. ~~y~ Mayor /) k-~~ Read a first and second time Clerk .,;;;;../ Read a third time and passed this..~('.~ of .. ........ ,...,1975. . _~/Z~.-/ Mayor ~ Clerk /~, L..............""'-""..~.. ~, J .' .~ ,.1. " SCHEDULE A '1'0 Ly-Law No. '75- 6 .l,!;.IJL ;-._..~\ ;_,'~fj:j.l..J that certain parlc~l or tract of land and r:'" e;ti:30S, i ;"...0. te, lying and oeinr i:l the TOvm of Newcastle, ::83,;':;1;,: 11unieipality of Durham, Prc'rince of Ontario, and ~ ':. in? CiJc.lposed of a trave~ led Dr forced road running North- ~.0s~e=1~ through Lot thirty-one (31) in the eighth Concess- L.Jtl of t ~le Creogra}~ [lie Towns hip of Clarke, formerly in the C Ot(1\':/ of Durham, t he boundaries of t be said road being more pl~.ttculnl'ly described as follows; F>'.:::;HS:L!G that U',e Easterl~r limit of said Lot 31 has a bearing of HartL 17 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds West and relatin~ all bearings herein thereto; COH~:EhCL'.JG at the point of intersection of the South-Easterly production of a fence marking the North-Easterly limit of the aforesaid road with the Easterly limit of said Lot 31, said point distant 3382.35 feet measured South 17 Degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East in said Easterly limit from the North- Easterly angle of said Lot 31; THEl~CE North 61 degrees 23 minutes 40 seconds West to and along the said fence a distance of 171.90 feet to an angle therein; i 'J THENCE North 56 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds .West continuing along the said fence a distance of 854.25 feet to an Angle therein; THENCE North 50 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds West along the said fence a distance of 296.25 feet to an angle therein; THENCE North 51 degrees 00 minutes West along the said fence a distance of 283.75 teet to an angle therein; THENCE continuing North-Westerly along the said fence on a curve to the lett having a radius of 1450 teet and a chord equivalent of 309.51 teet measured North 62 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds West, an arc distance of 310.10 feet to a point; THENCE North 63 degrees 27 minutes West continuing along the North-Easterly limit ot the said travelled road a distance ot 219.86 feet to the point of intersection with ,the Westerly limit of said Lot 31; .~ ,.~~,l:..._~;,~,;" , -'J , ~ . ~ " ,........'......... ". ' ~ ~.: ~'{...... . ",:,:},;:~ . '.. ..: '.' "~"" '" -l. ' I r ,~ .,.'~":';h Page 2 SCHEDULE A To By-Law No. 75-6 T:mdCE Saute, 16 degrees 46 minutes East along the Westerly limit of sale Lot 31 a distance of 80.83 feet to the point of intersection i','~ th a fence running South-Easterly, said fence ;lliJ.:,l:ine:: the Sout h-~'Je..:~ terly limit of the aforesaid travelled road; TIrE CB Sou:h-Easterly alon~ the last-mentioned limit on the followin<; courses and distances: South 66 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East 175.60 feet to a point; South-Easterly along a curve to the right having a radius of 1400 feet and a chord equivalent of 568.57 feet measured South 58 degrees 28 minutes 10 seconds East, an arc distance of 572.56 feet to a point; South 49 degrees 11 minutes East 299.70 feet to a point; South 56 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds East 856.70 feet to a point; South 51 degrees 57 minutes Bast 257.97 feet more or less to a point in the Easterly limit of said Lot 31; THENCE North 17 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds West along the Easterly limit of said Lot 31 a distance of 110.94 feet more or less to the POINT OF CQt'll-1ENCEMENT. :Ii'''- ~ I i~ ~~.- .'