HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-5 I .~' ,. . THE CORPORATION OF TEE TOW OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 75-5 ~ being a by-law to permit Motor Racing wi thin Mosport Park, after 1: 30 0 I olock in the afternoon of the Lord I s D~ WHEREAS the Lord IS D8\1 (Ontario) Aot, Chapter 259, R. S. o. 1970 with amendments thereto, provides that where a by-law passed under Section 1 of the said Act is in force and subjeot to its provisions, it is lawful in the municipaJ.i ty or in suoh part or parts thereof as are specified in the by-law for any person, after 1: 30 0' clock in the afternoon of the Lord' s D~ or during such period or periods of time after 1: 30 0' clock in the afternoon of the Lord's Day as are specified in the by-law, to provide engage in or be present at any public game or sport that is specified in the by-law and which but for this Act would be unlawful under section 6 of The Lord I s D~ Act (Canada) or to do or engage any person to do any work business or labour in conneotion with any such public game or sport whioh but for this Act would be unlawful under section 4 of the Lord' s D~ Act (Canada) 1960-61, c. 50, S.I (1). . NOW THEREFORE The Council of the Town MunicipaJ.i ty of the Corporation of the Town of Newoastle hereby enacts as follows. (1 ) That Section I, s. s. (1) of the Lord's Day (Ontario) Act, Chapter 2$9 R.S.O. 1970 with amendments thereto, is hereby declared to be in force from the first (1st) day of January, 1975, to the thirty-first (31st) da7 of December, 1975, in the area hereinafter defined. Moaport Park, Lots 33, 34 and 35, Concession 9 in the former Township of Clarke. (2) That Section I of the said Act shall apply only to those public games and sports more specifically defined a9 racing for motor vehicles. (3) The public games and sports desoribed in Section two(2) of this by- law shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions. (i) The proprietors of Mosport Parle shall continue to work with and co-operate with the Du:r.he.m Region Red th Unit to insure that adequate sani ta..."'"Y facilities axe provided and maintained at all times wi thin :'~:)sport Pa.rk. (ii) Every such game or sport shaJ.I be conducted in an orderly and seemly manner. (iii) No such game or sport shaJ.I be commenced before half past one in the afternoon of The Lord I s Day and shall not continue after half past ele"1'cn in the evening of the Lord' s D~. . . - . "" ~ . ,/1.. - 2 - By-law No. 15-5 (iv) No suoh game or sport shall oontinue into Sunday from the previous day. (4) That by-law No. 14-41 of the Town of Newoastle be and is hereby repealed. Read a First and Seoond Time this jfHJr:: .......d~ of ... ....... ....., 191,. ~~~L-/ Ma\Y'or ~? .../ . Clerk Read a Third Time and Finally paseed th1t.q.~.dq of ~.. ,1975. .~/_~ Mayor Clerk Jt~ I t:.- ---