HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-49 . . . ... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 75-49 being a by-law to dedi~ate Public Highway (Lovers Lane) WHEREAS Owen James Presson has by Indenture dated the 16th day of June, 1975, gran~ed and conveyed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, a ~arcel of land composed of all that portion of Town Lot 1, Block 34, fronting on Liberty Street, according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the Town of Bowmanville, formerly in the County of Durham, forming part of Township Lot 11 in the First Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington, now within the ltmtts of.tbe said Town of Newcastle, more particularly designated as Part 1 according to Plan 10R-474 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on May 12, 1975, for the purpose of a public highway. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: That the part, being composed of all that portion of Town Lot 1, Block 34, fronting on Liberty Street, according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the Town of Bowmanville, formerly in the County of Durham, forming part of Township Lot 11 in the First Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington, now within the limits of the said Town of Newcastle, more particularly designated as Part I according to Plan 10R-474 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on May 12, 1975, is hereby assumed and dedicated as a public highway which is hereby named "Lovers Lane". READ A FIRST SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this ..7th...... day of . . July. . . . . A.D. 1975 (Signed) G. B. Rickard Mayor SEAL (Signed) J. M. McIlroy Clerk ,)'" . ~::.f ~ ~\ l/ ~ :~ -. . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 75-49 being a by-law to dedi~ate Public Highway (Lovers Lane) WHEREAS Owen James Presson has by Indenture dated the 16th day of June, 1975, granted and conveyed to the Corporation of the Town of Ne,,,castle, (1 ~larcel of land composed of all that portion of Town Lot 1, Block 34, fronting on Liberty Street, according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the Town of Bowmanville, formerly in the County of Durham, forming part of Township Lot 11 in the First Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington, now within the linits of,tbe saLd Town of Newcastle, more particularly designated as Part 1 according to Plan 10R-474 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on May 12, 1975, for the purpose of a public highway. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: Th:l t th~ p:u:t, being composed of all that portion of Town Lot 1, Block 34, fronting on Liberty Street, according to C. G. Hanhing's Plan of the Town of Bowmanville, formerly in the County of Durham, forming part of To"~ship Lot 11 in the First Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington, now within the limits of the said Town of Newcastle, more particularly designated as Part 1 according to Plan lOR-474 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (Nd. 10) on May 12, 1975, is hereby assumed andded.J:cated as a public highway which is hereby nam",d "Lovt'.rs Lane". READ ^ FIRST SECONb AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this ..7th...... day of ..J\lly..... A.D. 1975 (Signed) G. B. Mayor SEAL (Signed) J. M. McIlroy Clerk ~.. .. # .; ':. \...dlo . . e C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durhan, }~nicipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number...:7. .)':.:. * q. passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on the.. ..11:fi. day of ..........~~~~....., 197.~.~ WITNESS my hand and the seal of The Corporation. DATED ~his.....1f.";; day of .......~f.-:1..... ../' A.D., 197.j. Clerk v) Seal J:j1 I if \ .. e ,f . , .. \ ----- ~~. rao~d RegiS(~i,;-oL:w~Slle (No. 10) I CERTIFY that this instrument is registered as of / / .SOI1.M. JUt. 1 0 1975 in the Land Registry Office tJ.i<~ Town of Newcastle f'v; Ontario. . ",""AA' ..~~ --""......_.,;-~....-..t'...-- _ rilE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW No. 75-49 BEING A BY-LAW TO DEDICATE PUBLIC HIGHWAY (LOVERS LAnE) -----.c-. .... ~~-~~~'-~2.;#~c:,,'-..:::::h.',u;~ . 'I