HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-46 . ',) . . . v . -AI' REPEALED BY BY-LAW llfJ.;.l.VIJ THE CORPORATION OF TEE mffiT OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 75-46 A By-law to prohibit the throwing, placing or depositing on any highwa;y or bridge under the jurisdiction of the Council of the Town of Newcastle, any dirt, filth, glass, hand 171l1s, paper or other rubbish or refuse, or the carcass of any P.,f\imeJ. and for prohibiting the obstruction of ditches or culverts upon the said highwa;ys. WHEREAS Council is concerned about the litter and dirt on streets and roads in the Town of Newcastle; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle pursuant to the provisions of Section 460 (5) and (6) of the MunicipaJ. Act, R.S.Oo 1970, Chapter 284, hereby enacts as followsg 1. In this by-law the presence of any dirt, filth, glass, handbills, paper or other rubbish or refuse, or the carcass of any animal in a place contrary to the provisions of this by-law shall be deemed to be "prima faciell evidence that the originaJ. owner of the same or his agent did place or cause to be placed thereon the offending article or articles whether the actuaJ. situation was witnessed or not. 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person to throw, place or deposit on any highwa;y or bridge under the jurisdiction of the Council of the Town of Newcastle, any dirt, filth, glass, hand bills, paper or other rubbish or refuse, or the carcass of any animaJ., except the same is placed in a barrel or box or other receptable to be picked up on regular scheduled basis. 3. That it shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct any ditch or culvert on any highwa;y under the jurisdiction of the Council of the Town of Newcastle. 4. That every person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this by-law shaJ.l, for the first offence be liable to a fine of not less than i~100.oo and not more than ~~500.oo exclusive of costs and for the second and any subsequent offence be liable in ea.eh case to a fine of not less than :1~100.00 and not more than $500000. exclusive of costs. 5. That By-law No. 68-32 of the former Corporation of the Town of Bowma.nville,By-law No. 2146 of the former Township of Darlington and By-I.." .Noo 1360 of the former Corporation of the Township of Clarke be hereby repealed. .... ',' . ' . - 2 - 6. That this by-law shn1l become effective from the date of the passing thereof 0 t t/.. () I Read. a first and second time this.. /0 o.day Of.~..., 191$. ~~ ~. ~ ,,,,' // ~or ' Clerk Read a third time ond finally passed this. !.~ .tids;y ~.... 1975. t/ . ~~/ M1:wor 'J ~~G,Lv, Lf!n - /Clerk / .