HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-45 . . . (~ ~ t . . . AMENDED BY ~ BV.LAW#1~.;~~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 75-45 A BY-LAW PROHIBITING AND REGULATING PARKING ON CERTAIN ROADS IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTIiEJ WHEREAS the Municipal Act being R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284 provides that the Council of any Municipality may, subject to the provisions of the High~ Traffic Act and amendments thereto, pass a by-law regulating traffic wi thin such Municipality; AND WHEREAS Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has deemed it advisable to regulate traffic by the prohibition of parking on certain Public Streets and High~ within the Town of Newcastle: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: PART I DEFINITIONS a) Park or Parking, when prohibited, means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily for the purposes of and while actuaJ.ly engaged in loading or unloa.d1ng merchandise or passengers. b) Street or Hildlwa.v, includes a common or public hiehwa\Y, street, avenue, parkwa\Y', driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, designated or intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles. c) Vehicles, includes a motor vehicle, trailer, tractor engine, farm tractor, road-building machinery and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does not include motorized snow vehicles, the cars of electrio or steam:; rnil~s running only upon rails. d) Stend or Standing, when prohibited, menns the halting of a. vehioles, whether oooupied or not, except for the purposes of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers. PART II PARKING ~TRICTIONS a.) In Specifio Places No person shall park a. vehiole in any of the following places. (i) On a sidewalk (ii) In front of a private or public drive~ (iii) Wi thin an intersection ... :f " .- <.,. . . . ,. - 2 - !iV) On a:ny bridge or in any BUbw~ or the approach thereto. v) On a:ny street in such a manner as to obstruct traffic vi) In such a position as will prevent the convenient removal of any vehicle previously parked or left standing. b) On Specific Streets When properly worded signs have been erected and are on displ~, no person shall park a vehicle on any of the streets or part of streets bereina.:f'ter set out in Schedule "A", hereto attached and b>:rming part of this by-law. PART 11.1 REPEAL OF :BY-LAWS That By-law No. 2315 of the former Municipality of the Township of Darlington be and is hereby repealed. PART :ry PENALTY An:y person violating a:ny of the provisions of this by-law shall be subject to a penalty of not more than Ten Dollars ($10.00) for the first offence and not more than Fifty Dollars (350.00) for every subsequent offence, exclusive of costs, and,all such penalties shall be recoverable under the Ontario Summary Convictions Act. PART V EFFECTIVE DATE The Provisions of this By-law shaJ.l become effective whe8 read a third time and Finally Passed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle. . d- Read .. firat and ...cond time ~dq Of.~... 1975 #d.., L 1/ ~or : --- Clerk . (]. Read a third time and finally PaBsedthis..!~ o':'d~ Ofp'eL..~yi-'~... ,1975. ~#~-/ Mayor . 1/.7 /c6:J~'..,u't,~ JJJ~ Clerk .. . . . a" ,. . . .. . SCHEDULE "A II to BY-LAW No. 7$-45 Streets or Parts of streets Side or sides of Streets Period 1. Road between Conoession 2 and Conces- North Side At any sian 3 (Nash Road) through Lots 29 time. and 30 in the Geographic Townsllip of Darlington. 2. Road between Concession 7 and Conces- South Side At any sion 8, between King Street and Church time. Street, Hamlet of Hqdon, in the Geog.t'8.phic Township of Darlington.