HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-43 . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 75-43 A by-law to authorise the construction of a Community Hall at Tyrone. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as fo1lows:- 1. THAT a Community Hall be constructed at Tyrone. 2. THAT the estimated cost will be $150,000. less Community Centres Grant of $33,000. and funds contributed by the Tyrone Community Hall Board of $47,000. 3. THAT the estimated balance of $70,000. bedebentured over a period of twenty years, such funds to be recovered from a Mill Rate on all rateable property, offset by funds to be contributed by the Hall Board under Agreement. . 4. THAT the said construction shall be under the supervision of Totten Sims Hubicki, Consulting Engineers. 5. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorised to do all acts and sign all documents and affix the Corporate Seal of the Town thereto as may be necessary in connection with the making of contracts and other matters for the completion of the said undertakings including the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. 6. THAT the Treasurer of the Municipality is hereby authorised to make arrangements to sign any necessary documents to arrange temporary advances of money to meet the cost of the work pending the completion of the work and the sale of the debentures. READ a first time this 3rd day of June A.D. 1975. ........ ................. READ d" h" 9th d f June a secon t1me t 1S ....... ay 0 ................. A.D. 1975. READ a third time and finally passed this .:711:: day of 'J".u c---/ .........~...A.D. 1975 . (Signed) J.M. McIlro Clerk / r (Signed) G. B. Rickard Mayor SEAL . . . . . ~ 'IIIIDll!II" Ontario l+ /J. L-'V .r[,J/fP>> bJ ( <)"---11 J~k7t--_._--,_._----, W r--- - 416/965-1912 .. Ontario Municipal Board 123 Edward Street Toronto Ontario M5G 1 E5 r The Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance St., BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. L LIe 31\6 Quote File Number E 75929 June 17, 1975 Dear Sir Enclosed is documentation as follows: [J Copy and certified copy of order made o Duplicate original and copy of order made IiJ Duplicate original of order made - June 13, 1975 [J Copy of order made ~ Invoice(s) for Board's order [J Duplicate original of order Validation of By-law o Copy of order. Validation of By-law Municipality: ..... RECEIVED School Board: JUN 19 1915 Yours truly SC :mb Enclosure .TOWN OF H~W.CASnE f (~JJ2// (Mrs.) M. Fraser Supervisor Capital Expenditures ./ -'/ -- . , " .. . e . .. ENTERED ,...'\: o. B. No..J:~'.7 ~.-:'"d::, folio flo.. ....Id.~.. ." ..... ~ E 75929 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 64 of The Ontario Municijal Board Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 3 3) - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for an order approving: (a) the construction of a C~mmunity Hall in the Hamlet. of Tyrone at. an est.imated cost of $150,000.00 and t.he borrow- ing of money therefor, and (b) the issuance of the necessary debent.ures by The Regional Municipali ty of Durham, chargeable to the applicant. corporation BEPORE: R. M. McGUIRE , Vice-Chairman - and - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FRIDAY, the 13th day of JUNE, 1975 P. G. BLAKE, Vice-Chairman THE BOARD ORDERS that this application be granted and the applicant may proceed with the said. undertaking, and may pass all reguisi t.e by-laws, and The Regional Municipality of Durham may issue debentures therefor not. exceeding $70,000.00 and not. to exceed the net. cost of such undertaking t.o the applicant., for a term not t.o exceed t.wenty years. R. C. ANDREWS SECRETARY 1\1 "I "j vR 't~7 r:., \.." \,.. Pr _ t...... ~., SECRffAllV, CllTARIO IoIU!llClPAl E:l ~