HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-42 . ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 75-42 A by-law to approve of the rece1v1ng of land and easement for the construction of a swimming pool in the former Village of Newcastle WHEREAS by agreement authorised between the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and the Newcastle Lions Club wherein the Club agreed to construct a swimming pool and on ground owned by the Town of Newcastle and WHEREAS J. H. and M. L. Jose have deeded the required land to the Town and WHEREAS Lhc No,..t:hnmhpl'l ~l1d and Nc......castlc Board of Education ~ has-gpantod'an 9aSOIDcnt frulU Beavor ~tr88t to the- swimmiug peel pr~tb THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: THAT the deed of land from J. H. and M. L. Jose, a copy of ~WhiCh is attached to the By-law as Schedule IrAIr &nd tho gFant of- easemehL fI61D tho NorUulIRDerland and Newc~~t:le Board of F.nncatio, B, I a~py of whicb i ~ Rttached t:o thi s Ry-J aw as ~chedtll.e-!J-B." be and a.e. 15 hereby accepted by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle to be used in connection with the beforementioned swimming pool. . '10 READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND finally passed this 2nd day of June, 1975. SEAL (Signed) Ih1 ~ tL B. .....vA~u d Mayor (Signed) J. M. Clerk I, ' 1_..1 , ,..J r- (t' ... ,:" ',- c-:..r,-': , " '-' ~ --... , . J.~ :~~:~ . I l__ ~-:. ) I I I i I 1 : , Edward Street i i i 1 I I I , 1 I 1 , I ! I . l !.J ,,.... " -' f: -.- '.... . -. J I -...1 --- , _._~ " .., .:-:- ~:[ I -...l ') 1_- James Street (t) , I' " , .:.,. !;= --;. C:,_ . -, "..:- r"'. '..... -j- , r-, '- , ) '- I ' I " /""\ -~- '" I I I' L_"J , Kino's Highway Number ~~-~It~~r%~~ f;~" . ~:~L i+ Fd (ltJ8l . ~ g ':.'p I ~ · l._....J ,(' '" I ;jj t..~ ~ ~--~. . o,'r:~l' I <r '_'L_ --m li S o-trI. co I___treet . _~serve -i::' Fd, f Wit, i" 19: ;,,' I! i- I__~~ i -t- II I~. 8C I --+- --'-1 -,'1."'.:.1 ! -7 " , " 'liIii... ..,,-' ..... 14. $"" 2, King Street .. SCHEDULE L.OCATlON ' Lot 24, 1'2,8Jocfl4Z' Lot 27,28, ConceSS/Oil f ____~.x-ffi~L9~____ Date MRT AREA I REOURE tHIS. PLAN :roSE DEPOSITED UNDER PART.If OF THE: ~STRYAC;T. PkI> RD. Original NGrtharlv l.1ft'''! at ,Lot Z7 2 2' , ~ I 1'-,-,- I , l' l_\...... , ~i- ~ '-/ CI) go .i< i I I I i--- -..- ! I -t- I .. ~ : ~ 0<} .. -,"':;' 1'_' :0 1'_1 PART 3 --t- I j --- ~- ----- I:_~, J ,-.j i :~l"..~ ~J:;! 'tl 1') :::1 .7-,? I --- -J ! -,,- -'-'" -+- .: cc I ~ j----' --,_. -;--- ~ I ~ ! Z I ' I 8 Fd ~l L --I ,',/1:', II'.....r-,,-'''''/-,/\, 7'~ \ ,I I \ ,f /- "} .....) I( J I \ , .___/ 'f- \I './L_"..... '- 1,-",' oJ q ,4 --J: oc, I ~ 0 g I?:, o --'li ~ ~ : -~.J I 290 40' ,-- I I I I I ' '- j-'--- ----- --t- -- Q)> j' ii' -7(- o .. I :':~ Q) en iii 71"44 30"" - ~."I :'+ \(~.~ ,PART 2 -, ., " .-) PlCll Ililf044' ,3C"E 66,00 I Fd and' 29040 ' 22440 iii W AI1QIe /' INST '-01 24" L.. Block '42' ';<, ,_ T PL -_P_-~,' ,N7 44 30 E : -f. -~." T~-6- ~ -- ~,"' j Wire 546/0 iv! .~.~ I >;j liS i \.0: I Ol i Cj.. !:::! is I . --- -~ Robert Street (\J '0 <t ~ Z Inst o. 2 Vi E 6 Fd IllTe J - u ,-_o..... ---- __dP_ '---'T'-'- ,_. to) Q) to') ~ '1<) ~ .. J' 45 ,-, --;J "" I L_ ,_ :1,,\0 ~O) ~ 0,502 acres 11~~- N.E, Anp.--.J CD LoI 27 Uc ConcenlOfl I ~ ..2 <( Lot 27, CoricessJon I 1000 acres 29/1 '0CteS wt27, ConcesSKll1 I 3 --~~ "'0 ~ ----~.;...Q._~~~~------- Name In Prlnr RECEIVED AND 0EP0Stm:l 4$: ',,' PLAN 'o'R...3~ ~ ,'. ' - l~~_~~rJ'\S. -~~-~~~--- ., REG, ' ISTRAR FOR THE REGISTRY D1~/ON OF Nf'WCASTt.,E (NQ 10) PLAN of SURVEY OF PARTS OF VILLAGE LOTS 24 AND 72, BLOCK '4.2' AND PARTS OF UNSUBOIVIDED LOTS 27 AND 28, CONCESSION I I ACCORDING TO C, G. HANNING'S PLAN OF THE VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE (Formerly In the TownshIp of Clarke, County of Durham) NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE Town of Newcastle REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM SCALE' / Inch = 100 feet M D BROWN o.L.S. /975 I , , I SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE BEAelNG REFERENCE I HEREBY CERTlFY THAT rhe nort"erly. i,m,t Of 101 27, concess.o< I, shown os J\J71oI4'E (AstronomiC) On Pial" R 0 45, governs 0: : Oeor/ngs shown '1ereon ! ThiS survey and pion ore correct, and m accordance with the Survey s Act ant! the Reqrsiry Act and l'1e regulatIOnS mode 'hereunder 2 The survey \\us completed on the 1st do)' of May, 1975 MTC Deno'e~ MInIstry of fronsporralton and CommurlloollOns May 6, 1975 ~~_ L-___~ MD Brown IOriO Land SU"veyor + Denoles Standard Iron Bar ,". i". 48" long + Denotes icon Bar 5/8"1 5/8". ,)4" long ~ Denotes 3/4" Round Iron Bar 24" long + Denote:: Iror: Pipe PL "d, (/t06) bent -c +----..-,.--. \-----1 Fence J ~ N<2 Plq! 56993 NOTE: All "'ging 'ines floWll on this plan have be<<! verified. Pl Denotes Planted . Fd Denoles ~ound CAUTION: This plan is' not 0 plan of subdivision within the meaning of Sections 29, 32 or 33 of the Planning Act. ... MERRILL D. BROWN LIMITED Land Surveying and .Engineet i1g 121 Queen Street Bowmanville, Ofttorio. Dote RevisIOn:; : May 6, /975, Scale I inch: 100 feet Phone ' 416-623-725/ Drawn by File: 73366 D G C, / v)! /?0 ~ Dye & Durham Co, Limited Toronto. Canada Form No. 9.12 r . Deed - With Dower wqis alttbrulurr 'I · made (in duplicate) the 9th one thousand nine hundred and day of May seventy-five )n l)ursuance of t!l:lJe ~lJort jforms of q[:onbepances ~ct Jljttwttn -and.. ~ of the Town of Newcastle, ~-Munlclpallty of DurhUl, formerly Township of Clarke, County of Durh_. hereinafter called the Grantor of tlJe jftrst ~art ~ ~ORppRA't12~ pF,lP ~ OF~,~~ hereinafter called the Grantee of tt)e ~econb llart ...and- =1,~A!n~ of the 'town of Newcastle, eg ona c: pali ty of DurhUl. Wi Ie of the said Grantor hereinafter called the part!' of ttJe t!l:tJtrb ~art .itnt~~ttb that in consideration of other 'Valuable conslderation and the aum of ..............ONE DOLLAR .................... ........................($1.00) ................... Dollars of lawful money of Canada now paid by the said Grantee to the said Grantor (the receipt whereof is hereby by hill acknowledged), the said Grantor 1)0 th .rant unto the said Grantee in fee simple. ~ll anb 6ingu{ar that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, R89lonal Jlunlclpallty of Durhem, Province of ontario, and being coaapos.d .. all that portion of Lot Twenty-.....n (27) in the Pust Conce.slon of the Geographic Townshlp of Clarke, formerly in the Vl11age of tlewcastle, County of Durb8ll. more particularly ...ignated .s Part Two (2) according to Plan lOR472 deposl tee! in 'the Land Reglstry Offlce for the _egiatry Division of lCewca.tle ('10) on May 7th, 1975.. Ii L !I i ,I , ~ 11- J . I I I I I I II I' I I II I L . t Deed of Land PaKe 2 - Dye Ir Durham ".."....,~'.'......e.'.._........_._-----_.. ,----'-"~..- ," } I / /" / /' / succe.sors tto babe anb to bolb unto the said Grantee ita I __ and assigns, to and for it and their sole and only use for ever. 6ubjttt JIltbtrtIJtltss to the reservations, limitations, provisoes and conditions, expressed in the original grant thereof from the Crown. -----"".'""~-_....~---"."".,_....,-- ~ //~ /../.-/ / /" ,/ 1...... / - . .. Deed - With Dower, Page 3 - Dye" Durham tl[:fJe said Grantor ({obenant- with the said Grantee ha . the right to convey the said lands to the said Grantee ing any act of the said Grantor . ~fJat he notwithstand- ranb tl)at the said Grantee shall have quiet possession of the said lands, free from all encumbrances. ~nb the said Grantor ~obenant with the said Grantee that he will execute such further assurances of the said lands as may be requisite. ranb the said Grantor €obenant with the said Grantee that he ha. done no act to encumber the said lands. ranb the said Grantor ~tlea~e- to the said Grantee claims upon the said lands. rail hu raub the said 8t Mar" Louis. Jos. wife of the said Grantor hereby bars her dower in the said lands. --................... .,......,.._....,...._---~ ./' /' // " ,..... / ./ ,.~~,/ .' ./' ,,~.., ,/'~ /// ...,/ (/----- 3Jn .itnt~~ _btttof their hands and seals. the said parties hereto have hereunto set ~ignt~. ~talt~ an~ :!fJtliUtrt~ IN THE PRESENCE OF ~,......_,.........-~""--.",...,~ t ~ IJ .. .. ...... John *nr:y Jo.. / l '.li..r;u~i. ~~. ~.. ....... ~ Lout.. Jos. ~ 'See footnote 'See footnote Amended. Ian. 1975 Identify the parties to the conveyance This affidavit may be made by the purchaser or vendor or by anyone acting for them under power of attorney or by an agent accredited in writing by the purchaser, or vendor or by the solicitor of either of them or by some other person approved by the Minister of Revenue. AFFIDAVIT OF .SCRIBING WITNESS 41 I, {b( (c tf/C,i,vo/r!l.O k Vlt-/(,i ~ Town of Newcastle. Regional Municipality of Durham.J0t,t:;i?-d"z make oath and say: of the in the I am a subscribing witness to the attached instrument and ,1 was present and saw it executed at by . John Henry Jos. and Mary Louise Jos. Newcastle, SWORN before me at the 'town of I verily believe that each person whose signature I witnessed is to in the instrument. NewcaeUe in the Regional JI.m&f;i&tal~ tJ ~f r;;zDurh8l!9 7 o REG\SiR~R q M ~ ~ t N Registry Division 01 A COMMISSIONER FOR TAKINGA~VI:S~ ETC fat t~~wcast\e lNO. 10) o Where a party is unable to read the instrument or where a party signs by making hi. mark or in foreign characters add "after the instrument had been read to him and he appeared fully to understand it", Where executed under a power of attorney insert "(name of attorney) as attorney for (name of party)"; and for next clause substitute "I verily believe that the person whose signature I witnessed was authorized to execute the instrument as attorney for (oomeY', this THE LAND TRANSFER TAX ACT, 1974 AFFIDAVIT OF VALUE OF THE CONSIDERATION IN THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE made ....... ...... ..,;J:~,11....~~y.... ~,~~~...."'f.lt1,,~,..~~,~,~"'...-1.,~~l!l..,. . ,.........., .........., ,. ...\'ib.".c.Q~PQ~.UQi.a','.Q,...~fi..".~~~...'.~~,',.~~~...,~'~.~..,..::::':::':::::.':::::::.::.::.'. by:. to:... on the. . I,.. of the.. in the.. .~y ...........',.........,...,'..,...,....'.........'.'.'... :::::: ,::::::,::.:~~:1:5.,::: .9.th, ....,..,.........day of ..,1.Qtm..~n~y... ;1.Q...~.. ...............i=o.::.i~,t:l;:tj.~......Qf...,.....~.6.'~,...,...........,'.....'........................,...,'....................,'.........................., MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I am .................t.he...Gr..n.t.or....he.r...1.n...L............................................ ......................... named in the within (or annexed) conveyance. 2. I have a personal knowledge of the facts stated in this affidavit. 3. (1) The total cons~d~ratiot;l for this transactio? has been allocated as follows: 2 (!)ou (:;:;,6 (a) Land, bUlldmg, fixtures and goodWill .....................................................$.........1..............:::-:,. (b) Chattels - items of tangible personal property (see note) ..................$....JYi~............ TOTAL CONSIDERATION ..............$..7,...Qt?u.,;.~!?, (2) The true consideration for the transfer or conveyance for Land Transfer Tax purposes is as follows: .<. ()OO ).~ Monies paid in cash ............... , ............... ...................,$............................ Property transferred in exchange (Detail Below)............., ....$.........../~/.~........, Securities transferred to the value of (Detail Below) .. ...............$........./l!,i?:-.........., Balances of existing encumbrances with interest owing at date of fv(f-.. transfer .................................... ......... .......... .."................ ........... ...................$ ..........,.................. (e) Monies secured by mortgage under this transaction ......,........,..$.........,/Y.'(J:-:.......... (f) ~iens, .lefacies. annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer fl/! /-. (g) ~~~:J~~etail Below) :::,::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::: :::::::: ::::::::::: ::: :E!.~:::: ::::', :: TOTAL CONSIDERATION (should agree with 3(1) (a) above) .$ ....:<+.tf)CX!..~t... All blanks must be filled in. (a) (b) (c) (d) 4. If consideration is nominal, is the transfer for natural love and affection? .........,..............................., 5. If so, what is the relationship between Grantor a~d Grantee? .....0.......................................'.............. 6. Other remarks and explanations, if neCessaryh..AN,O.......,Q..e./I!!.,f?.~.........~;/fJ\/..I!.1..1'!!:O .:..:::r::v.!:;~r~::::.:l!.~:g2:::::~::i:~74.(;5$C,!::::/F?t:~1~:~~::?9:::,::::::::::::::::::::::: SWORN before me at the Town }. ... clil/~ of lIewcastle. this day of M A 't 19 75 NOTE TO PARAGRAP 3(1) (b): Retail sales tax is payable on the valuation of items shown in 3(1) (b) unless otherwise exempted under the provisions of The Retail Sales Tax Act. R.S.O, 1970, c,415. as amended, For the purpose of this affidavit insert above only the value of chattels. the total value of which in the opinion of the deponent exceeds $100,00, This does not ~xonerate a purchaser from the payment of Retail Sales Tax on any tangible personal property as part of this transaction. When chattels are purchased as part of this transaction with a value of less than $100.00, the applicable tax should be paid by the purchaser to the Treasurer of Ontario and remitted to the Minister of Revenue. AFFIDAVIT AS TO AGE AND MARITAL STATUS liD John Henry Joa.. of the "own of Newcastle, in the R4f9ional MunicJ.pality of Durham, . If attorney see footnote make oath and say: When we executed the attached instrument, liD was at least eighteen years old, S trike out inapplicable clauses. married/~ ~ Louise Jos. ....... was my wife~ and at least eighteen y...s old. I was We were married to each other, We are both residenta of Canada wi thin Section 116 of the :Enco.. "ax Act. 'f' l\esident of Canada, etc. fl.'H,rl .~ it: (SEVERALLY) SWORN before me at the Town this of Newca8tle in the Regional Municipal! ty of Durham q-nrrday of I1A1. 1975 ~~'c~'__'\ ~-- ----- F . Where affidavit made by attorney substitute: "When I executed the attached instrument as attorney for (name), he/she was (marital status, and if married, name of spouse), and when he/she executed the power of attorney, he/she had attained the age of maiority", . i ,~ .. ~~ ~ " ) co .. ...) ~ .! ~..~ fU . e- N ~ ~ .... Qi q p;;( .tJ ." I ~ ~ 0 .tJ .. f ~ CO .tJ ~ ril J co .. 8 E-t <=> \:! ,~ ~ <: ~ 0 ,~ ~ Eo-< ~ ~ ~ Q ;:J ~~ .. 0\ . E-t E .. J I " ~ ~ l-l :::; >- '.;j . 'k ~ ~ 6 l- I ~ ~ u ~ .~ &I ~ w .. .. ~~ .J tl. !J J 1= ~ .J 0 ! " 0 ~ . t- ~ D ~ tl. ~ 0 o(l ~ '" I- U. . VJ >- z 0 lit D u.l W u.l ::;: {/) Q.) {/) {/) a\W "" {/) w "C w tr "C tIl 0 {/) 0 <: <l: <l: ~ ~ ~ ii j CJ\ r I "C j Q.) .... ~ ~ (J) .s= .... '\) --~ 0-0 -~ ~~ ~'6D -<1> i.~ ~1: Q)Q) 2:E _::I OJ:; c::"" 0,5 :~ fn >'- oS ~2 ~.... 'ff~ :i Q! j:: ('.. '. -oQ!~ o~~ ~ 2: -I _ !""'{ ........ << ~ th f3 l .5 U") ,..... en - Q~ Lt:l r- ~ f"- 0') ~ == ~ "" 8:3 =~ 02: ~oo ..... .- -0 'Q i ~ cQ)Oc ~ct::1-0 ~ NOLLVHiSI~3H "l0 3iV::lI"lliH3::l. C3^H3S3H 38 Oi 3::lVdS SIHi .$a c:> z ~ ,....G: ~~ <~ ~t; ~ ~ o , j <3 \ ..... c ~ "- X w <l: l- X w <l: IJ.. a:: I- W Z IJ.. (/) 0 (/) w i= z ..J <l: <l: <l: a:: a:: (/) l- I- ..J (/) 0 <l: Cl Z I- W <l: w a:: ..J a:: t .. . t - . . . 'l'IUS GRAlft' OF EASEMENT made in duplicate the 23rd day of May, 1975. BE'l'WBER : 'mE NORTImMBERLAND-NEWCAS'.rLE BOARD OF EDUCATION -hereinafter called "Grantor" -AND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOn OF JlEWCASi'LE -hereinafter called "Grantee" WJ:TNESSftH: 1. The Grantor is entitled to in fee simple and in possession of the land berein described, free of encumbrances. 2. IN CONSIDERATION of the SUII of .....on DOLLAR ........ ...................($1.00)............................. Dollar of lawful money of Canada, now paid BY tbe Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (the receipt whereof is bereby acknowledged) the Grantor bereby grants and conveys, a) In perpetuity all underground hydro, sewer and water works across the berein lands described and b) Access over and across the said described parcel for a period of five (5) years and c) The Grantees will erect along such easement, to the satisfaction of the Grantor a chain link fence on the herein described lands. ALL ARB SDlGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, proviDce of Ontario, and being composed of all that portion of Lot 'twenty-seven (27) in the First Concession of the Geographic: Township of Clarke, formerly in the Village of Newcastle, County of Durhaa, more particularly designated as PART ONE (1) according to Plan lOR472 deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle UJlO) en May 7th, 1975. con't.... - . . Page two ... - 3. The Grantor covenants and agrees not to erect in the strip any buildings, structures, or other obsi:ructions of any nature whatever. I. The Grcmtee shall be responsible for any damage to the property of the Grantor caused directly or indirectly by the acts or omissions of the Grantee or of persons actung under the authority of the Grantee. and to save harmless the Grantor from any claims arising out of the use and exercise of the within easement. s. 'the rights cmd easements hereby granted are and shall be of the same force and effect to all intents and purposes as a covenant running with the land and this grant, including all the covenants and conditions berein contained, shall exteDd 1:0, De binding UpOB cmd enure to the bemefi t of the heirs executors, administrators, successors in title and assigns of the parties bereto respectively and all covenants herein cODtained shall be construed to be several as well as joint, and wberever the singular or masculine is uses, it shall be construed as if the plural or the femine or the neuter as 'the case may be, had been used, where the context or the party or parties bereto so require, and the rest of the sentence shall be constured as if the grammatical and terminological changes hhereby rendered necessary had been made. The Grcmtor covenants with the Grantee that he has the right to convey 'the said rights and easements to the Grantee notwiShstanding any act of the Grantor. ADd 'that the Grantee shall have quiet possession of the said rights and. easements, free from all encumbrances, save as aforesaid. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee that he will execute such further assurances of the said rights and easements as may be requisite. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee that he has done no act to encumber the said land save as aforesaid. :III w:tTHESS WHEREOF the said parties of Grantor and Grantee have hereunto set their hands and seals. SJ:GJfED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in presence of Ii IhilAl ) NORTH'DMBERLAlfD-NEWCAS'l'LE BOARD OF ) EDUCA~ ~;/' r7< 11--- ' ) .~ ~L~.: ~ ~~A~ ~.,.. . ..~.~. .....,,;.....' ) . . - .. ............ ...........\~~4~6A<1 Grantor ) ) CORPORAfiON OF THE TOWH OF NEWCASTLE ,................................. ) ................................. ) Grantee .......,. . . ~ Da ted: May 23rd, 1975 ............................... Between: NORTHUMBERLAND-NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWC.&STLE. ................................ . GRAN'!' OF EASEMENT ................................ LOVEKIN & cmmATZ BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS BOX 9 NEWCASTLE, ONto -~