HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-4 ~ .. "-.../ .::'::'-=-4 ~"" ~-t ~/1 t/ rl /(/~ I,,,p" t/ "-' , ' ,\. ,~" ;", ; :;;';":-.! ,~ " ''''';'~''..'\ . ,. " --' n 75652 RECEIVED MA Y 24 1977 Ontario Municipal Board IN TIlE HATTE,( OF Section 35 of 1he Pfannin~ Act (n.s.o. 1970, c. 3h9), - and TOWN OF NEWCASTLE IN THE !1A TTK1 OF an application , by The Corporation of the TOvITI of Newcastle for approval of its nestricted Area By-law 75-4 BEF 01 E ) ) 1>1 . T. SIUIVES, ) ) Hember ) Friday, the 29th day - Clnd - ~ ) of April, 1977 S. S. SPEIGEL, ) Hember ~ THIS APPLICATION having come on for public hearing on the 16th day of August, 1976 and this day at the Town of Newcastle and after the hearing of the application; By-lah' 75-h is hereby dismissed. THE BOkm OrrDEi~S that this application for approval of ,.,..,o/,.,^""'A.\ f" '.' ., "\. f f t'l t '"t~ / \ , ) ~ ~ ~ p \. .t L .~ L~ . ...)..J \... -J.J \...vvvvvv"'; K. C. AND :illWS SECnETA:LY f.,,>lA.- t.;.~-:- ;.:.~-~r v"'. ~ .? , ILJ'-.e"~C J\^ ;'r./' v ~.i.' '\. ~ l- I / r~-'-~-'--'" ..._".,-_....-~-" "_"""ft'~~ r 1,;.,~. . . · r i I' ,~ :~': '<.a'r"..,~,.~.....': ';/:. . .111, mc:I\~I.J ~'., ....,. "lCr~~:::',:.:..~l,E!::~.,,-..a......~,.~ ~,,... - "" f1..~ . /J< " ..t ~-r."'7 r k " ." I ;'":t' rI \t' l' '''i (;- "" .~ "......r> /: (: K f. ;, . ENTERED o. B. No....8.:Z;-,~.~...., Folio No......!. .;L ~f............ ~~AY 1 8 1977 d~ ?7r,mt{ __ SECRETARY, cmARIO MUNICIPAL Bo,~iiIf ~:saa::. - . . j, THE CORPORATION OF THE !OWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 75-4 A :By-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 1653 or the former Township of Clerke WBEREAS the CounoU of the Corporation of the Town 01' Newoastle deems it advisa.ble to amend By-la.w Number 1653 of the tomer Township of Clarke. NOW THEREFORE the Council at the Corporation of the Town of Newoastle ENAO'l'S as follows: 1. Map 2 01 Sohedule "A" atte.ohed to and fo1'D1ing pari 01' By-law Number 1653 1s hereby amended by ohang.ing to RR the lands desisnated "ZONE CHANGE TO RR'I on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. 2. This By-law shall become effective on the da.te hereof, subjeot to zoeoeiving the app1'OV8l at the Ont~io Munioipal Board. UJOf4 ;).. Read B. first and seoond time this .~o.....d~ of .~;..., 1975. ~~L Mayor d) ~f)- O~ Read a. third time and finally passed thiB...~.....d~ Of.J.........,1975 Seal M~. c:.-w'" ~or t L~l~ Clerk / , t / ,p'" .. . " .. z ~ C) . <t 0 u.. 0 a.. :c (/) z ~ 0 t- to w ~ a:: <t -.J U I..l.. 0 0- :c (/) z ~ g SCHEDULE TO BY- LAW NO. "AU 1;-4 . . . " . . .' . .. . ...... . . . - .. PART OF LOT 35. CON. III FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE . . . . .. .... ..... 0 ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . g ,:::>::", :"<:.'. ,:' ',>.::: N :',:'. . ':'::':'." 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