HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-37 '\If:.'--'-- ~ ~-.""'~ p" . fill" ' " I, II! ~~,~ ~~;:\ Ie -1(P - 009 ',t.'l:<"..;_"l',II""lle', ,. . C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph M. 'McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number...:?'~"?7 passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of f:/r/tl Newcastle at i~s meeting held on the .......... day of ..........t:!. 1'1. :-(...., 197. S " " ... WITNESS my hand and the seal of The Corporation. ;;J 11 Ii ' " DATED this... ...~. day of ..........!-............. . A.D., 197.~' ; Clerk . " Seal ~ 4 ... .. " "~', : '. ( . ~, . . THE CORPO~\TION OF THE TOWN OF NEHCASTLE By-Lml Noo 75-37 A by-law to stop up and convey part of the public highway known as Lycett Street, in the Town of Newcastlco HHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Tm'ln of Ne",cilstle haD decided to stop up and convey part of Lycett Street in the Town of NC\'1castlc; AND wtlliR&\S notice of this proposed by-law haG been published in the Canadian Statesman, a weekly, newspaper published in the Town of Newcastle on the fol10wing dates:- ' Narch 5th, 1975 March 12th, 1975 March 19th, 1975 March 26th, 1975 AND WHEREAS no person has claimed that his lands ",ill be prejudicially affected by the by-law or has applied to be heard; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED and it is hereby enacted as a by-law of the Corporation of the To,~ of Nevlcast1e by the Council thereof as follous: 10 That part of the public high"laY lcno,'ln as Lycctt Street in the TOlm of Ne"7castle, .(formerly in the TOvffi or no"manvillc) more particulc.r1y clcscrilJed in Schedule "A" to this by-la,,,. is hereby stopped up and c10(;Oi..'~ 2. The said portion of Lycett Street stopped up and closed by this by-la,l, uh:1l1 be sold for the sum of $15,000000 and the OHners of the land abutting th~:r:con shall have the right, ,dthin 30 dayn of the pncGin[; of this by-l.:m, to p;Jl'ChilSC that part of the closed up high..my ,'lhich tI-.~y arc respectively entitled L) put'chase, on payment to The Corporation of the Tmm of Newcast h::. 0.( ~, s,,;, of money l1hich bears the same proportion to the GUI7l of $15,000000 ClS the :<1"e.:1 of land ...,hich they are entitled to purchase under Section 461 of the Hunicipal Act, bears to the total Mea of the land cleocribed in Schedule "A" to this by-la...,o . By-law read a first time this / 5~ o 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . o. 1975 day of .00 J:t lJ 0 -+ 00 . .000 By-la,'1 reaci a . d t' h' S u- sccon 1me t 15 oooo.oooooo~ day of o . . 0 ot'!.(t Dj. . . . o. 197~). B 1 ..l th' d' nd f' 11 d h' '~{L" '~', f' Ii r1" I y- aw rea~ a ~r t~me a ~na y passe t 1S .OOOOODO u~y 0 00.0000010.., 1975. Seal .;/ , /' G.Bo Rickard~ ~~~ Mayor ~1 l c L ;//> I . L.l0 JoM. l1cIlroy r.l ",..1, / ./ ~ - . v '. " ,- ,,/ . . .. ./ ?" -~ ~ , / By-Law' No. 75-37 SCHEDULE "A" ALL t~D SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and prcmiseG cituate, lying a.nd being in the To,'1O of Ne;vcactle, Regiona.l Hunicipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lot Ten (10) in the First Concession of the Geographic Tmvnship of D.::.rlington, formerly in the TOHn of BOIl!T!anville, County of Durham, and being part of Lycctt Street as established by By-L~: NumDcr 1~77 of the former Corporation of the To~vn of BO\lmanvill e, elated Hey 28, 1963, the boundaries of the said parcel being more particularly described as fol1ous:- PRffi1ISING that the South limit of Registered Plan 652 has a bearing of North 72 degrees 08 minutes East and relating all bearings herein thereto; Beginning at the intercection of the South linit of said Lot 10 uith the production Southerly of the East. limit of Lycett Street as shoun on said Registered Plan 652, said interoection being distant 735071 feet meaGurcd North 72 degrees 46 minutes 30 oeconds East along the South limit of s,::id Lot 10 i'ror. the South-West angle thereof; Thence North 17 degrees 52 minuteo West alone said production Southerly of the East limit of Lycett Street a eistancc of 519.62 feet r:lOrc or lesG to the South-Hesterly angle of Lot Thirty-nine (39) according to RCijiGtered PIon Number 652; this is the point of commencement of the: 1c.nds to be herein desc~ibed; THENCE South 17 degrees 52 minutes East along the Easterly limit of Lycett Street, being the Westerly limit of Lot One (1) according to Registercd Plan Nu~ber 697, a distance of 115000 feet to the South-Hesterly an[;lc: of Lot 1, Rcgi::;terccl Plan Number 697; THENCE South 72 degrees 08 minutec Host in the Hcstcrly production of the Southerly limit of r~cgistcrcd Plnn 697 t~ diGtoncc of GG.OO Iv('L to ;J point in the H..:sterly limit of Lycett Street aforcsaid; THENCE North 17 degrees 52 minutes Host in 1c..st-mcntioncd li~it a cistance of 115.00 feet more or less to the South-Easterly an31e of Lot Forty (i.c.~) nccordinp, to Registered PIan Number 652; . THENCE North 72 degrees 08 minutes East along the South limit of 0 one foot reserve as sho~m on Registered Plan Number 652, a distance of 66000 reet more or less to the PO INT OF CONNENCEMENT 0 ~" . . . . .. THE CORPOMTION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 75-37 A BY-LAW TO STOP UP AND CONVEY PA!tT OF THE PUBLIC HIGHWAY KNOWN AS LYCETT ST~EET, IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. No. 71795 land Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) I CERTIfY that this instrument is registered as of _~..~~fJ .M. ~ MAY 1 3 1975 in the land Registry Office ?fiY Town of Newcastle Ontario. ~ REGISTRAR .. ., .. . . .~ . ,. THE CORPORAT ION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 75-37 A by-law to stop up and convey part of the public highway known ns Lycett Street, in the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has decided to stop up and convey part of Lycett Strect in the Town of Newcastle; AND w1IEREAS notice of this proposed by-law has bcen published in the Canadian Statesman, a weekly newspaper published in the Town of Newcastle on tho following dates:- March 5th, 1975 March 12th, 1975 March 19th, 1975 March 26th, 1975 AND WHEREAS no person has claimed that his lands will be prejudicially affected by the by-law or has applied to be heard; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED and it is hereby enacted as a by-la\-1 of the Corporation of the To,~ of Newcastle by the Council thereof as follows: 1. That part of the public highway kno~m as Lycett Street in the To~m of Ne\-lcastle, .(formerly in the TOvm of Bm'lffianvillc) more particularly described in Schcdule "A" to this by-l a,., , is hereby stopped up and closedo 2. The said portion of Lycett Street stopped up and closed by this by-la,l, shall be sold for the sum of $15,000000 and the owners of the land abutting thereon shall have the right, within 30 days of the passing of this by-law, to purchase that part of the closed up highway which they are respcctively entitled to purchase, on payment to The Corporation of the Tm-m of Newcastle, of a sum of money ,.,hich bears the same proportion to the sum of $15,000000 as the area of land which they are entitled to purchase under Section 461 of the Municipal Act, bears to the total area of the land described in Schedule "A" to this by-lawo 5 d.:- ,-I By-law read a first time this 000.00..00.0. day of .00~v1010.0...00 , 1975 By-law read a second time this ..~~oooo. day of o....t1.~otf..ooo. , 1975. ..5lk 1111,-1 By-law read a third time and finally passed th1s 0.0..000 day of .0..00001.0., 1975. G.B. RiCkard~ L-L ?"" Mayor Seal , J.Mo McIlro Clerk It/(./" vt-.. ~ .. ." . . . . .. By..Law No.. 75..37 SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Tmm of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lot Ten (10) in the First Concession of the Geographic To,qnship of Dcrlington, formerly in the Town of Bo~~anvi1le, County of Durham, and being part of Lycett Street as established by By-Law Number 1877 of the former Corporation of the To,m of Bo~Jmanville, dated May 28, 1963, the boundaries of the said parcel being more particularly described ac follm'1S:- PRm1ISING that the South limit of Reeistercd Plan 652 has a bearing of North 72 degrees 08 minutes East and relating all bearings herein thereto; Beginning at the intersection of the South limit of said Lot 10 llith the production Southerly of the East limit of Lycett Street as shovm on said Registered Plan 652, said intersection being distant 735071 feet measured North 72 degrees 46 minutes 30 seconds East along the South limit of said Lot 10 from the South-West angle thereof; Thence North 17 degrees 52 minutes West along said production Southerly of the East limit of Lycett Street a distance of 519062 feet more or less to the South-ilesterly angle of Lot Thirty-nine (39) according to Registered Plan Number 652; this is the point of commencement of the lands to be herein described; THENCE South 17 degrees 52 minutes East along the Easterly limit of Lycett Street, being the Westerly limit of Lot One (1) according to Rcgistered PIan Number 697, a distance of 115000 fcet to the South-Westerly angle of Lot 1, Registered Plan Number 697; THENCE South 72 degrees 08 minutes t-lest in the Westerly production of the Southerly limit of Registered Plan 697 c distancc of 66.00 feet to a point in the Westerly limit of Lycett Street aforesaid; THENCE North 17 degrces 52 minutcs West in lcst-mentioned limit a distance of 115000 feet more or less to the South-Easterly angle of Lot Forty (40) according to Registered PIan Number 652; THENCE North 72 degrees 08 minutes East along the South limit of a one foot reServe as sho~m on Registered Plan Number 652, a distancc of 66000 feet more or less to the POINT OF COM}mNCm1ENT.