HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-34 .. . . r f' ~ . \:~ a' '. , AMENDeD BY AMeNDED BY 13 I vt\ -13 t BY-LAW" -05 BY-LAW.y,..':......... " ............ AMENDED BY BY.LAW .~.I.;.g!~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 7 S- . 3 1- A BY-LAW TO LICENSE t REGULATE AND GOVERN THE OPERATION, OF TOURIST CAMPS IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. WHEREAS The Municipal Act provides that the council of a municipal cor- poration ~ pass by-laws to license t regulate and govern the operation of' tourist camps. . NOW THEREFORE the Council of' the Corporation of' the Town of' Newcastle ENACTS as follows: SECTION 1 TITLE AND SCOPE (1) TITLE OF BY-LAW This By-law mq be cited as the "Tourist Camp By-law". (2) SCOPE OF BY-LAW (a) LANDS SUBJECT TO BY-LAW: The provisions of this By-law shall apply to all lands within the corpore.te limits of the Town of Newcutle. .". (b) CONFORMITY WITt! BY-LAW: No person shall establish t enlarge or operate a tourist camp except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. ( c ) COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER RESTRICTIONS: This By-law shall not be effective to reduce or mitigate any restrictions lawtully imposed by a governmental authority having jurisdiction to make such restrictions. (1) . ,. \ ' .. ' . . . ......... SECTION 2 INTERPRETATION For the purposes of this By-law, words used in the present tense include the future; words in singular number include the plural and words in the plural include the singular number; the word "shall" is mandatory, the words "used" and "occupied" shall include the words "arranged" and "de- signed" to be used or occupied. SECTION 3 DEFINITIONS In this By-law and in any license, form or notice issued hereunder, the following definitions and interpretations shall apply, unless the con- text requires otherwise. (1) "CORPORATION" means the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. (2) "COUNCIL" means the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. (3) "REGION" means the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham . (4) "BUILDING BY-LAW" means any building by-law wi thin the meaning of The Planning Act. (5) "BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER" means the officer or employee of the Corporation charged with the duty of enforcing this By-law. (6) "CAMP LOT" means a parcel of land within a tourist camp occupied by a tent, a tourist vehicle or a tourist trailer. (7) "CONVENIENCE STORE" means an establishment where food, tobacco, drugs, periodicals or similar items of household necessity are kept for retail sale to the registered occupants of the tourist camp where such establishment is located. (8) "DRINKING WATER" means water which is certified by the Ministry of Health as being fit for human consumption. (9) "EXISTING" means existing on the date of passing of this By-law. (2) Revised: 18 February 1975. ,. " "I. ') ;;.s. , . . - . SECTION 3(9) DEFINITIONS (10) "HEALTH OFFICER" means an officer or employee of the Ministry of Health or of the Ministry of the Environment or of any' Health Unit having jurisdiction in the Corporation. (11) "LICENSE" means a license issued under the provisions of this By- law for the establishment, enlargement or operation of a tourist camp. (12) "MOBILE HOME" means a prefabricated building having a fioor area of not less than 600 square feet, designed to be towed on its own chassis (notwithstanding that its running gear is or m~ be re- moved), equipped for year-round occupancy and containing therein facili ties for COOking or for the installation of cooking equip- ment as well as sanitary facilities including a flush toilet and a shower or bathtub. (13) "OPERATOR" means the owner of, the lessee ot, or the person des- ignated by the owner to operate, a tourist camp. (14) "SERVICE BUILDING" meane any permanent building in a tourist camp providing toilet, bathing, laundry or COOking facilities to the occupants ot the tourist camp. (15 ) "TOURIST CAMP" means any parcel of land which is used to provide accommodation for the public or members of an organization in tents, tourist trailers or tourist vehicles whether or not a fee is charged or paid for such accommodation. (16 ) "TOURIST TRAILER" means any vehicle designed to be towed on its own chassis (notwithstanding that its running gear is or may be removed) and capable ot being used tor the temporary living, sleeping or eating accommodation ot persons. This definitioD shall not include a mobile home as defined herein. (17 ) "TOURIST VEHICLE" means any selt-propelled vehicle capable ot being used for the temporary living, sleeping or eating accom- modation ot persons. This definition m~ include a bus, motor home, truCk or van. (3) Revised: 4 February 1975. , . r . . SECTION 4 LICENSE PROVISIONS (1 ) LICENSE REQUIRED No person shall establish, enlarge or operate a tourist camp unless a license for such tourist camp is issued pursuant to this By-law. Following the thirty-first day of July, A.D. 1976, no person shall operate an exis'ting tourist camp unless a license for such tourist camp is issued pursuant to this By-law. (2) NUMBER OF CAMP LOTS Every license shall state the number of camp lots permitted in the tourist camp for which such license is issued. No person shall increase the number of camp lots in a tourist camp unless a license for such additional camp lots is issued pursuant to this By-law. (3) LICENSE APPLICATION AND FEES e Every application for a license shall be made in triplicate on the Corporation's ilApplication for Tourist Camp License" form. License fees shall be $5.00 per year for each camp lot, payable upon application. (4) POSTING OF LICENSE AND BY-LAW Every operator shall ensure that the current license, together wi th a copy of this By-law, is posted at all times in a conspic- uous weatherproof location on the premises of the tourist camp. ( 5 ) EXPIRY OF LICENSE Every license shall expire on the thirty-first day of December of the year for which such license is issued. . (4) Revised: 18 February 1975. \. . . - . SECTION 5 DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS (1) LAND USE No land in a tourist camp shall be used for any purpose other than the purposes shown on the most recent site plan of such tourist camp which has been approved by the Corporation. ( 2) LOCATION OF CAMP LOTS No part of any camp lot shall be located closer than 50 feet to any public road, nor 100 feet from any residential use on another property. (3) SCREENING Screening in the form of fencing, natural vegetation and/or plant- ing shall be provided: (a) between any service building and the adjacent camp lots; (b) along any public road abutting a tourist camp; and (c) between any adjacent residential uses and the camp lots. ( 4 ) CAMP LOT AREAS The minimum area of each camp lot used for: (a) a tourist trailer shall be (b) a tourist vehicle shall be - 2,200 square feet; - 2,000 square feet. (5) CAMP LOT FRONTAGE Each camp lot shall have a minimum frontage of 25 feet on a dri ve- wq. (6) SETBACKS ON CAMP LOTS No tourist trailer or tourist vehicle shall be placed close~ than 20 feet to any driveway nor closer than 10 feet to the limits of any camp lot. Revised: 4 February 1975. (5) I' .,. (10) . (11) SECTION 5(1) DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS (1) SIGNS Each camp lot, drivew~ and service building shall be provided with a clearly visible identification name or number. ( 8 ) TABLES Each camp lot shall be provided with a table constructed and fin- ished to withstand outdoor use. (9) PARKING AREAS There shall be 1 parking space for each camp lot plus 1 additional parking space for each 4 camp lots. Each parking space shall be at least 10 feet wide and 20 feet long. DRIVEWAYS Each camp lot shall. abut upon a drlvew~ which is maintained with a stable surface which is treated so as to prevent the raising of dust or loose particles and which is well drained. The dri vew~ shall have a minimum width of 20 feet. No parking shall be per- mitted in any driveway. PEDESTRT AN vlALKWAYS Pedestrian wa1kw~s shall be provided to every service building, shall have a minimum width of 3 feet and shall be so constructed as to provide a sound walkway surface reasonably smooth and free from mud, dust, snow, ice or standing surface water at all times when the tourist camp is in operation. (12) LIGHTING . The driveways and pedestrian wa1kw~s shall be provided with lighting fixtures of at least 25 watts and at least 15 feet above grade. Such lighting fixtures shall be placed at intervals of not less than 100 feet along each dri vew~ or pedestrian walkway. (6) Revised: 4 February 1915. 18 February 1915. . . . , , SECTION 5(13) DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS (13) ELECTRICAL FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT All electrical facilities and equipment installed to service a tourist camp shall comply with the requirements of the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario and, where ground condi- tions permit, wiring shall be placed underground. (14) LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE Not less than 30% of the area of a tourist camp shall be used for trees, bushes, flowers, grass or other vegetation. The required landscaped open space shall not form part of any camp lot. (15) RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Not less than 10% of the area of a tourist camp shall be devoted to recreational facilities which may include playground, com- muni ty buildings, swimming pools, and similar uses. (16) BUILDING CONDITIONS All buildings shall be erected in accordance with the Building By-law of the Corporation and shall have all windows and other openings adequately screened between the first day of May and the first day of November and be well ventilated. (17) SERVICE BUILDINGS No camp lot shall be located closer than 50 feet nor farther than 300 feet from a service building. However, existing service buildings which substantially conform, on the date of passing of this By-law, may be exempted from such locational provisions by a resolution of Council. Each service building shall have: (a) floors of smoothly finished concrete or other suitable material, impervious to water, and properly graded to a floor drain; (7) Revised: 4 February 1975. 18. February 1975. . SECTION 5(17)(b) DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS (b) walls finished inside with smooth and washable material; and, in the case of toilet, shower rooms and laundry, with smoothly finished cement plaster or other sui table material impervious to water; (c) adequate and suitable lighting facilities. (18) SANITARY FACILITIES Every tourist camp shall be provided with separated and marked bathing and sanitary facilities for males and females containing flush toilets and/or urinals, wash basins and showers as required by The Tourist Establishment Act. Outdoor privies shall not be permitted. (19) LAUNDRY FACILITIES (20) - (21) Every tourist camp containing 40 or more camp lots shall have, on the premises, at least one building containing laundry facilities. WATER AND SEWAGE FACILITIES All water supply and distribution facilities and all sewers and sewage disposal facilities constructed and used to service a tourist camp shall comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Environment. WATER FAUCETS One drinking water faucet, at least 18 inches above the ground shall be provided for each 10 camp lots. (22) CENTRAL GARBAGE RECEPl'ACLES Every operator shall construct and maintain a central garbage re- ceptacle having a concrete floor so constructed and drained that it can be properly washed out, serviced and is flyproof. (23) GARBAGE CANS - Each camp lot shall have a garbage can constructed of metal or hard plastic, having a cover and hung securely on a post above ground level. (8) Revised: 4 February 1975. 18 February 1975. . . . " SECTION 5(24) DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS (24) FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Every tourist camp shall be provided with one l5-lb. carbon- dioxide fire extinguisher, or one 10-lb. "dry powder" fire ex- tinguisher for every 10 camp lots so located that no camp lot is distant more than 200 feet from a fire extinguisher. All fire extinguishers shall at all times be kept in effectual working order and properly housed in a wooden or metal cabinet with glass front which m~ be readily opened, or the glass broken when desired. (25) TELEPHONES (26) Every tourist camp containing 20 or more camp lots shall have, on the premises, at least one telephone for use by the occupants of such tourist camp. ACCESSORY COMMERCIAL USES An accessory convenience store shall be permitted in a tourist camp of not less than 40 camp lots. Such store shall be sub- ordinate to the residential use and character of the tourist camp. SECTION 6 OPERATING PROVISIONS (1) REGISTRATION OF OCCUPANTS Every operator shall keep a register which shall be available for inspection at all times by law enforcement officers, the By-law Enforcement Officer, the Health Officer and all other officers whose duty necessitates the acquisition of the infor- mation contained in it. The register shall contain the follow- ing information: (a) the name and address of each occupant; (b) the make, model, license number and year of each motor vehicle and trailer; (c) the province or state issuing such licenses; and (d) the date of arrival and departure of each occupant. (9 ) Revised: 4 February 1975. 18 February 1975. ... - . '. SECTION 6(2) OPERATING PROVISIONS (2) OCCUPANCY OF CAMP LOTS Every operator shall ensure that no camp lot is used or occupied by more than one tourist trailer or tourist vehicle at any time. Every operator shall ensure that no sleeping accommodation is provided or permitted to be provided except in an area where sleeping accommodation is permitted in accordance with the most recent site plan of such tourist camp which has been approved by the Corporation. ( 3) SUPERVISION OF TOURIST CAMP Every operator shall be in charge at all times and shall keep the tourist camp facilities and equipment in a clean ~ orderly and sanitary condition. (4) INSPECTION OF DRINKING WATER Every operator shall cause the drinking water supplied by him to be tested by the Ministry of Health once during each month of operation, and where the results of the test disclose the water is unfit for human consumption ~ the tourist camp shall cease to be operated until such time as water fit for human consumption can be made available. (5) MAINTENANCE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES Every operator shall maintain the sewage disposal facilities provided for herein, in sanitary condition, and in accordance with any directions which may be given by an inspector of the Corporation or the Health Officer. (6) MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT Every operator shall maintain all buildings, equipment ~ facilities and furniture in the camp in good repair and appearance. (7) HEATING OF BUILDINGS Every operator shall ensure that all buildings are adequately heated during the season in which heat is reasonably required. (8) PROVISION OF HOT WATER Every operator shall ensure that an adequate supply of hot water is available at all times, for use in connection with the laundry and washroom facilities. (10) Revised: 4 February 1975. 18 February 1975. ~ . .... . .. - . SECTION (,(9) OPERATING PROVISIONS (9 ) MAINTENANCE OF DRIVEWAYS Every operator shall maintain the dri vew~s in such a manner that there is no interruption of services or traffic to or from the camp lots. (10) COLLECTION OF GARBAGE (11) (12) Every operator shall provide for the collection of garbage at least twice weekly in the months of Junet July and August and at least once weekly for all other times in the year that the tourist camp is occupied. Such garbage shall be disposed at a dump site approved by the Region. DISPOSAL OF WASTES Every operator shall ensure that no person shall depositor dis- charge any solid or liquified waste or ref'use of any kind in or about the tourist camp except in a covered garbage container or central garbage receptacles. CLEANING OF CENTRAL GARBAGE RECEPTACLE Everj operator shall ensure that the central garbage receptacle at all times is kept clean and sanitary by means of washing and the use of chloride of lime or other sui table disinfectant. (13) CONTROL OF PETS Every operator shall ensure that no owner or person in charge of any dog t cat or other pet animal shall perm! tit to run at large or commit any nuisance within the limits of the tourist camp. (14) MAINTENANCE OF LIGHTING Every operator shall ensure that all service buildings, dri vew~s and pedestrian wa.lkw~s are adequately lighted. Revised: 4 February 1975 (11) 1 . . . t. ~ I., I ... . . .- ~ SECTION 6(15) OPERATING PROVISIONS (15) PROHIBITION OF CERTAIN SALES Every operator shall ensure that no land wi thin the tourist camp is used for the sale of mobile homes, tourist trailers or tourist vehicles. (16) CONTROL OF FIRES Every operator shall ensure that no person shall light or use an open fire except in a stove or fire pit designed for such purpose and having a water supply sui table for fire fighting purposes within 100 feet of such stove or pit. (17) PERIOD OF OCCUPANCY Every operator shall ensure that no tent, tourist trailer or tourist vehiole shall be occupied on the premises for more than a total of 150 d~s in any one calendar y.ear. SECTION 7 ADMINISTRATION (1) INSPECTION The By-law Enforcement Officer and/or the representative of any other public agenc,y are hereby authorized to enter any tourist camp or service buildings therein to ensure compliance with the provisions of this By-law. The operator of the tourist camp shall comply with every direction issued by the B,y-1aw Enforce- ment Officer and/or the representative of any other public agency which relates to such tourist camp. (2) VIOLATION AND PENALTIES Any person who violates any of the provisions of this By-law shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction therefor, shall be liable to a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), tor each such offence, and shall take such steps as m~ be neces- sary to comply with the provisions of' this By-law. Each da.v of violation shall constitute an offence. (12) Revised: 4 February 1975. 18 February 1975. ~ . .' . . . ' ) -, . < .t. SECTION 8 APPROVAL THIS BY-LAW shall become effec i ve on the date of final passing hereof. ... r (, , AK' HA~ THIS BY-LAW read a first time this..~.... d~ ot........ . A.D., 197 ~ It, t:t- . (). _ n .-- THIS BY-LAW read a second time this........d~ Of~'~., A.D., 197~ d THI~tBY-~l read a third time and finally passed this... .I.~..... .d~ Of~..., A.D., 197~ ;?' \ /~~/ Mayor (SEAL) ~r;~ ' +7 0 "Clerk"" - (13)