HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-25 'a " ~ (' '~ ~.._ v-'.' (' . . . .... , -.-;11' C E R T I FIE D COP Y It Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that _ . 7.5 ~ <j j attached hereto 1S a true copy of By-Law Number............ passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town. of Newcastle at its meeting held on the ...:z~.. day of ..........ft f.t:-.'<;-::..., 197:r:- WITNESS my hand and the seal of The Corporation. DATED this....~~~. day of I) fJiA IV- .................... A.D., 197 b-: Clerk Seal /1 J fl i, - I J- .. . f . 4 THE CORPORl\.TION OF THE TOlIN OF NE'VlCI.STLE 13Y-Uloti HOn 75-25 Beinf, ,1 by-l;n-; to rD,iGe money to nid in the cons tru c t Lon of dr ninnge \'1or leG under The Tile Drninnge Act, 1971. The ...:ouncil, pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act, 1971, enncts as follmvs:- 1. The Corporation may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this by-lnw, borrow on the credit of the Corporation such sums not exceeding in the ",hole $200,000 (T,vo Hundred Thousand Dollars) as mo.y in m:mner hcrcini~ftcr provided, arrange for the iGsue of debentures on beh.:llf of the Corporntion for the illnount so borrowed as provided in the Act payable to the Treasurer of Ontario at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Hhich debentures shall reserve the right to redeem the debentures at cmy tiDe on pnyment of the vlhole nmount of principal nnd interest owing at the time of such repayment. .2.. llhcre an Llppl ic.::.tion for " lonn under the Act is approved by the Council ;~nd the inspector of draino.gc haG filed ,vi th the Clerk an inspection and completion certificate, the Council may apply to the Regional I1unicipc.lity of uurham to include a sum, not exceeding the amount applied for or 75 per c<'nt of the totnl cost of the drainage \-lork vlith respect to which the laim i:; niHIl" in n debenture pnynble to the Treasurer of Ont:1rio in nccord.:mcl' 'lith the Act, .:md mD.Y approve of t.he Corporation lending the S.:lid SUI.! to the appl icanto / 3. :\. special annuo.l rete [;hal1 be ir.1Poscd, levied and collected OVer nnd above all ether r.:ltes upon the l.:lnd in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the paynent of the principal and interest as provided by the ~ct. ~. The following By-laws arc hereby rcpealed:- ( a) (b) (c) Tmvn of N\..'\';C:1stlc Tm-mship or. Clcwke Tm-mship of Darl ington Dy-L1\" No. 7L:-3l By-L':M No. 17lLf By-L::lw Noso 2076 cmd 2482. Read a first and second time this 7th dny of ii.pr il 19750 OOGOOOOQGI OQQOOooo.ooeOQOO, . /;/ G. D. RiCkard/~~.....~ Hnyor Read a third tine and finally passed this .1~..o.0 Go B. TU ckar d Nayor ~ .d.t!fJ:!h:... , 1975. ~ ~~-v~.___ /J , _/ ~.t lLU~~' I' ~/:.--:- ----- .c::::/"-- Seal J a Ho Nell ray Clerk --- -------------,---~-_._~-~-_._._---_.._-._~--_..-._-,-.~-- ----__------11 ... "'". "' . . No. 71323 400 Reaistrv Division , CERTIfY tbit this ~ ~Ie {No. 10) fl . IS re,istered as of /~.'53 '. lanct APR 14 1915 in lie ~ 0Itice '-. of ""-4 Ontario. tjif--7. ....... . BY-LAW No. 75-25 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle to raise money to aid in the construction of drainage works under the Tile Drainage Act 1971. RE?t::Ai.ED BY vi -0:27 BY.LAW '~J.......... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE . BY-LAH HOe 75-25 Being a by-law to raisc money to aid in the construction of drainage works under The Tile Drainage Act, 1971. The Council, pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act, 1971, enacts as follows:- 1. The Corporation may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this by-law, borrow on the credit of thc Corporation such sums not exceeding in the whole $200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand Dollars) as may in manner hereinafter provided, arrange for the issue of debentures on behalf of the Corporation for the amount so borrowed as provided in the Act payable to the Treasurer of Ontario at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, which debentures shall reserve the right to redeem the debcntures at any time on payment of the whole amount of principal and intcrest owing at the time of such repayment. 20 l~ere an application for a loan under the Act is approved by the Council and the inspector of drainage has filed with the Clerk an inspection and completion certificate, the Council may apply to the Regional Municipality of Durham to includc a sum, not exceeding the amount applied for or 75 per cent of the total cost of the drainage work with respect to which the loan is made, in a debenture payable to the Treasurer of Ontario in accordance with the Act, and may approve of the Corporation lending the said sum to the applicanto - 30 A special annual rate shall be iQposed, levied and collected over and above all othcr rates upon the land in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and interest as provided by the Acto 40 The following By-laws are hereby repealed:- (a) Town of Ncwcastle By-LmV' Noo 7Lf-3l (b) Tovmship of Clarke By-Law NoD 1714 (c) Township of Darlington By-Law Noso 2076 and 24820 . 7th npril Read a first and second time this oooeooooo day of 00000000...00000, 19750 G.B. RiCkard~~-'~ Mayor Read a third time and finally passed this o7.~ooooo o!t.t!~!koo. , 19750 ~~~-- tt~ I~~~ Go B. Rickard Hayor Seal J 0 110 McIlroy Clerk -., "" ...".. --~~ , ~ (j) Ontario r:. ~ . I ( Ministry of Agriculture and Food Parliament Buildings Queen's Park Toronto Ontario 416/965- 1091 FOOD LAND DEVELOPMENT BRANCH M7A 2B2 May 26, 1975. Mr. J.M. McIlroy, Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Onto LlC 3A6 Dear Mr. McIlroy: RE: The Tile Drainage Act, 1971 This will acknowledge receipt of a certified true copy of Borrowing By-Law No. 75-25, and the related Affidavit of Clerk. In accordance with the terms of this Act, the by-law has now been approved for borrowing, upon request to the Regional Municipality of Durham. Yours very truly, f) /?~~ /jr P. Burton, Liaison Officer. c.c. Mr. G.A. Paterson Manager Financial Services, Regional Municipality of Durham. ...... RECEIVED r~ ---- MA Y 29 1975 TOWN OF NEWCASl1.E ~ i-.. 8 ) l- tft-- . . . . . "., ,. ~'~,~'~,'::' , "~' "':::'-.. ~! ~ ...ez::rtm ~!mD" OnteriD E 74251 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MAT'l'EH OF Section 64 of The Ontario MuniciEal Board Act, (n.s.a. 1~70, c. 323) - and - IN 'I'lli': MATTEh OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Ne1tJcastle for approval of the borrowing of its behalf by 'l'he Hegional lcIunicipality of the sum of $200,000.00 to be used by the applicant for the purposes of The Tile Drainag;e ~, 1971, c. 37 BEFORE: A. H. ARRELL, Q.c., Vice-Chaiman -and- D. s. COLBoUln~E, IJIember ) ~ .4ednesday, the 12th day of ~ February, 1975 ) ) THE BOARD OliDER3 that this application be granted and that The Regional Dlunicipality of Durham may now proceed with the borrowing upon debentures on behalf of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle in a total sum not to exceed $200,000.00 and for such purpose both the said regional municipality and the applicant corporation may pass all requisite by-laws. J~~~~~, K. C. AN ])H.1:,'~3 SECRETARY ENTERED o. n, r:o..../if: ~M{0, Folio Uo...........,.,..,............ f160 2? 'l'j/o . ~ ,/;1 /' ..41 ; t .~ t(:QtJ{..t4f:f _" . t... J", 1, l ':A'lic M\lN'~IP~1 tr~ I .'jllIlf.~A~~~~~~tF"1Id '~~~ R'Er,.~,. f,,'. --"~ ..,,~;; ~D APH 2 1975 TOWN OF NEV'/C4STU!