HomeMy WebLinkAbout75-23 AMENDED BY . AMENDED BY AMENDED BY AMENDED BY AMENDED SY AMENDED BY BY.LAW 1.]:1.:91;). BY.LAW #~.(:.i.~Q.. BY.LAW '!~:!!.9...BY-LAW #.r.'f.:.9.~. BY-LAW tlli.~;.'.~J. BY-LAW tI.l.y:.:.,W;:" .;1.f;l/tNDW BY AMENDED BY AMENDED qBOY AMENOED BY AMENDEO BY '" '. "W S7_JI'"I/ BY-LAW#~-077 BY-LAW' 07' q '],J I .. :,.,,-., #....{,.. no... ............. ......:....:f. SY-LAW #.I.~.:Q;t7.. BY-LAW #. .,.;9.~..Q, AMENDED BY BY-LAW I............. _... AMENDED IY BY-lAW # 9 / -'n~-") .........~ ~ . I BI-LlV 10. 2~' 2 3. ';.;;>}/h! ::{':t .~~" ,:~ ,":,oC ,q J - o5<i?~ ('\If ";',,-\-/<; "i'~{7 ~:,""w':l":'>:'..\tif OlP ". THE CORPORATION OF THE '1'OIN 01 lfBIIClS'TLB being a By-law to deaigna te certain HighwaY'a 1d thin 'lbe Corpora ti01l of the Tcnm of Newcastle as "Through HighwaY's". WHEREAS Clause 33 of Sub-section 1 of Section 1 of The Highway Trattlo Act, defines ll'I'hrough HighvaY'8" as a HighwaY' or part of a Highway .e.ipated a. suoh by the Minister or bT By-law of & !bdoipal1 tY' .p~ed b.r the Deparw-t, aDll every such Highway shall be marked bT a .top .ign . Yield Rigbt-ot-wq aip 1a oOllpliance w1 th the regula tlona of the Departaat. N(Jl THEREFORE BE IT l!J(ACTm> All!) IT IS HlREl _arID aa a BT-law of tM Corporation of the ToWll of I_caatl. through ita Counoil thereot .. toll...., 1. That the HighV&7s .et out in 001_ 1, ot the Scbed1lle. i,B,C,D,E,F,a ad I, to this BY'-law 'Detve. the l.1Jd t. aet _to in oolu. 2 or the aid Slbed1l1e an, except aa prorlded in Seotion 2 ot thi. By-law hereb,r deatpaW a. 'Jbnqh . Highwaya. 2. The de.ignation in SectiOD 1 ot . H1pwal' or porUoD ot H1ghw.1' a. a .~ Highval'- shall Dot boWe ~ iDterHOt1oll thanoD vbere the HtPWI' iIrW...... ia a 11Dc' a BighV87 or whare trattio OODtN1 aipala are lut.a1l... 3. AD7 peraOD Yiolatac the pNYia1.a et thi. l7-la" aball be _bj..t. to tM paa1ty proYided tflr neb Ylolati_ iD tha Hi....y 'fJ'attlo Aot. . \ 4. .y-lava 1784, 18SO, aI6, 1893, 1894, 61-47, 70-4, 70-23, 71-1~, 73-43 aD4 7"'" ot the l"orwR !eVIl .t lo-.nrilleJ Iy-lav. 1lI9, 1390, 1391, U64, 1465, 1?07, 17" ... U90 .t the hi.. 'lWD." ~ Clark., 17-1&va 2031, 20S4, 21M, ae, 2'37, 2413, 24If1, aDd 2457 et the "'I'MI" TRaabi, et Dar1J.ac1;ea, I;r-lw IOJ It.ea 7 . . et the JW~ Yi1.lap .t .__.t.la .... ..., e*. s...l..., .--- illaotar a. thq appq to J1cbwT. u4 .... the J.-l.uou.a et Uae o.,.r.u.;t, or the T8tm .r '..aUa .a eataWaba4 b,r tbelal10ul Mlad.el,.litr ., 1_- iot are h....b7 repPl". ! " .~~ '. .tf '. . +, 2 5. '!'hi. BT-law shall c~ into tore. UpoD reoeb1.ng th. approval ot th. RegioDAl Mlmicipal1 ty ot Dlarbaa and WeD .ip. to the eftect are erected. BY-UW read a tirst tiM this /1 it'." BY-UW read a ..cODd tiM this /1.1.A:::;- BY-UW r..d a third tiM and pa.Hd thi. G. B. RICKARD, MAYOR Approved by the Council of the ~eqional Municipality of Durham on April 30, 1975 ~.1~ l.O-~ C. W. Lundy, A. .C.T. Regional Clerk day of 1'11f/J..-C It fI J/J' fJ...C No- 1975. 1975. day ot I -, );t:- IA J4- J).,c. ,., 1971:: rl ~. da10t J. M. McILROY, CLl!m{ \ " -.', -.. . ~. I \ '-, .~ A .... A c\l~, ',0 'f-::'- " ":',(:2~ n ''l\. 1'(\ " _.3~t":J i.l~ It^Utlldpa\ Clf;;dr. }iJ/ -. .'t,;V .:-A U-ti' / _ ," '. . . ~ , tIST 9F SCHEDULES CONT~INEP WI~ SCHEDULE 'A' SCHEDULE 'D' SCHEDULE fC' SCHEDULE 'D' SCHEDULE 'E I SCHEDULE 'F I SCHEDULE 'G' SCHEDULE 'H' Former Township of Darlington Former Hamlet of Hampton Former Township of Clarke Former Hamlet of Kendal -1 Former Hamlet of Newtonville 1 .': -, , _:1 ~' .' Former Police Village ot Orono ., Former Village of Newcastle Former Town of Bowmanville . . . 4 . SCHEDULE 'A' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE THROUGH hIGHWAYS Former Township of Darlington IT~H ..JU..... CJLr~1N I :~ i g!lway 1. Concession Road No. 1 and B6.seline Hoad (in combination) (Road between Concession No. 1 and Broken Front Concession) 2. Concession Road No. 2 and Concession street (in combination)(Road between Concessions 1 and 2) COLC'MN 2 Between - the east limit of Pres- tonvale Road and the west li~it of Durham Regi~nal Road No. 34 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) - the east limit of Durhaa Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty street) and the west limit of Training School Road (Road between lots 6 & 7) - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 and the south limit of King's Highway No. 2 - the east limit of Elgin Street and the west limit of Townlin~ Road (Raod between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) . . . ITEM COLn1N I ~1 Ld.I.W3.Y -~ 3. Conces.ion Road No.3 \ .Q~d tet~ee~ Conces- <" 1",,,,,.. ) a"d 1) "_, _.....-.. I. ,.:) (:::. ,- ~ 1 -'.J 4. Concession Road No.4 (Road between Conces- sions 3 and 4) 2 COLUHN 2 Bet{"l~en _ the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 55 and the west limit of Trull's Road (Road between lots 30 and 31) _ the east liTJit of Trull's noad and the west limit of D~trham Regional Road No. 34 _ the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 and the west limit of Solina Road (Road between lots 24 and 25) _ the east limit of Preston Road (Road between lots 20 and 21) and the west limits of Durham Regional Road No. 57 _ the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Lib- erty street) and the west limit of Townline Road (Road between Former Darl- ington and Clarke Townships) _ the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 55 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 _ the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Lib- erty street) and the west limit of Road between lots 6 and 7) _ the east limit of Road between lots 4 and 5 and the west limit of Town- line Road (Road between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) " . . . ITEM NOt.. COLUMN I Ei~hway~ 5. Concession Road No. 6 (hoad t9tween Conces- siuns 5 and 6) 6. Concession Road No. 7 (Baod between Conces- sions 6 and 7) 3 - COLUMN 2 ~etween - the west limit of the Town of Newcastle and the west limit of Dur- ham Regional Road No.34 - the east limit of Dur- ham Regional Road No. 34 and the west limit of the Old Scugog Road (Road tetween lots 18 and 19) - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 and the west limit of Town- line Road (Raod between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) - the west limit of the Town of Newcastle and the west limit of Durhaa Regional Road No. 34 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road Mo. 34 and the west limit of the Old Scugog Road (Road between lots 18 and 19) - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. S7 and the westerly limit of the junction of the seventh Concession and Durham Reg- ional Road No. l~ - the easterly limit ot the junction of the seventh Concession and Durham Regional Road Ho. l~ and the west limit of Tovnllne Road (Raod between tormer Darlington and Clarke Townships) . . . " TlIE~A CO:"UHN I Ei~hwfiL _LG. '7 I . C8n'eS310n Road No.8 (hoa:: h~~.'....een Conces- s iC'[lS 7 ~ni 8) " r<. '-'. Concession Road No. 9 (Road between Conces- sions 8 and 9) 9. Concession Road No. 10 (Road between Conces- sions 9 and 10) 10. Prestonvale Road (Road between lots 32, 33, 34 and Concessions 1 and 2) 11. Road No. 16 (Road between lots 31 and 32, Concession NO.3) COLUMN 2 lletween - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the west limit of D'lrham ~egional Road No. 14 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 and the west limit of Town- line Road (Road between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) - the west li~it of the Town of Newcastle and the west limit of the Old Scugog Road (Road between lots 18 and 19) - the west limit of the Town of Newcastle and the west limit of the Old Seugog Road (Road between lots 19 and 20) - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the north limit of the Town of Newcastle - the north limit of Conces- sion Road No. 1 (between Concession 1 and Broken Front) and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 22 - the north limit of Durham Regional Road No. 22 and the south limit of King's Highway No. 2 - the north limit of Conces- sion Road No. 3 (between Concessions 2 and 3) and the south limit of Concea- slonRoad No.4 (between Concessions 3 and 4) ","^:~~: .. 5 I:IEM COLUHN I i-i ig-hwiJY . ~ 1-, Trull'2 r.o['c1 Goad te!~ .~ lots ]0 and 31, r y ~ ., ,.,.; ,- r' ',' - 3 ~ v "'_' .,....... .. J...'.) . .l.1U. I ..i.. c... l~. ;~ r }'(lc>d (load t~t~een lots ]0 and 31, \' !) rl'" e co <: ie" ',] (> 4 ) '-' l.... ........ .., 11 ~ ..11 . 14. ie~t Side Street (rt~sj tet~een lots 29 and )0, Concession No.3) 15. Sol ir.a Road (Road between lots 24 and 25, Concession No. 's 2, 3 and 4) . 16. Gravel Pit Road (Road between lots 22 and 23, Concession No. 's 2, 3 and 4) 17. Preston Road (Road between lots 20 and 21, Concession No. 's 2, 3 and 4) 18. Road between lots 20 and 21, Concession No. 5 19. Old Scugog Road (Road between lots 15 - 20 inclusive, Concession No.'s 3-10 inclusive) . COLUMN 2 Between_ - the north limit of Kings ~ighway No. 2 and the south limit of Concession Road No. 4 (between Con- cessions 3 and 4) - thp. north limit of Con- cession :.oad Xo. 4 (bet- ween Conce~sions 3 and 4) and thp. south limit of Dllrham Fegional Road No. It - tLe r.ortn 1 in:i t of Conces- sion Road No. 3 (between Concessions 2 and 3) and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 - the north 1 in:i t of King's Highway No. 2 and the south limit of Curham Regional Road No. 4 the north limit of Kings Highway No. 2 and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Kings Highway Bo. 2 and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. It - the north limit ot Durham Regional Road No. 4 and the south limit of Conces- sion Road No. 6 (between Concessions 6 and 7) - the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the south limit of Durham Regional Roaq No. ~ _ the north limit of DurhaDl Regional Road No. ~ and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 3 _ the nbrth limit of Durham' Regional Road No. 3 and the north limit of the Town of Newcastle < , 6 . IT?,~ Nv, COLUMN I hi~hwaY 20. Roaj tetween lots 13 ri~:d Ii., '::uncession No.8 21. ~'1,; oJle Eoad (noad tetween lots 12 and 13, Concession No.'s 2, 3 and 4-) 2~. Road between lots 6 and 7, Concession No.4 23. Road between lots 2 and 3, Concession No. 4 . 24. Road between lots 2 and 3, Concession No. 's 9 and 10 25. Townline Road (Road between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) . 26. Road between lots 6 and 7, Concession No. 3 COLUMN 2 ~ween - thA north limit of Con- cession Road No. 8 (between Concessions 7 and 8) and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 20 - the north limit of Scu- gog Road and the south limi t of n'.1rham Regional Road No. 4- - the north limit of Con- cession Road No. 4 (between Concessions 3 and 4-) and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Con- cession Road No. 4 (cetween Concessions 3 and 4) and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Durham Regional Road No. 20 and the north limit of the Town of Newcastle - the north limit of King's Highway No. 2 and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Durham Regional Road 10. 4 and the south limit of the southerly junction of Durham Regional ROad No.20., - the north limit of the northerly junction of Dur-' '"" ham Regional Road No. 20 and~ the north limit of the TOQ~ of Newcastle ,1 - the north limit of Cancel. sion Road No. 3 (between Concessions 2 and 3) and tb.e' south limit of Concession Road No. 4 (between Conc.s- sions 3 and 4) ;~~s,;!: . '. '. SCHEDULE 'B' TOWN OF ~~~CASTLE Tr-.l\l;UGri HI'Jn'I'iAYS Po rY~8 rly Hamlet of Hampton IT E: i1 COLtJHN I hifh."Jay ~ , ~. Division street 2. Mill Street and King , Street (in combination) 3. Ormiston street 4. Perry Avenue 5. Temperance Street COLill1N 2 Betw~ - the southerly limit of Division street and the south limit of Tem- perance Street - the north limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 and the west limit of the Old Scugog Road the east limit of the Old Scugog Road and the east- erly limit of Ormiston Street - the south limit of Perry Street and the north limit of Perry Street - the east limit of the 014,,>;, Scugog Road and theeast.":!ct erly limit of Tempe~anc.,y'f~~; Street ~,? t:;,;'-.;:,; _!:'\-.r_:~~,ii,~_,,_;_,.._j:,; '1 J ~ " .. \ . '. (e SCHEDULE I C I TOWN OF NEWCASTLE THROnGh HIGHWAYS Former Township of Clarke I TE1-~ _NO. COLUMN I E.i~hway Boulton Street and Lake- shore Road (in combina- tion) (hoad between Broken Front A and Broken Front B) 1. 2. Concession Road No. 1 (Road between Concession 1 and Broken Front Conces- sion B) 3. Concession Road No. 3 (Road between Concessions 2 and 3) COLUMN 2 Between - the east limit of Mill Street (in former Village of ~ewcastle) and the . east limit of the Town of Newcastle - the east limit of Mill street (in the former Village of Newcastle) and the west limit of the Highway between lots 16 and 17 - the east limit of the. Highway between lots 16 and 17 and the west lim1t of the Highway between lots 8 and 9 - the east limit of the Highway between lots 8 and 9 and the west l1lli t of the Townline Road (10" between the Town of New- ' castle and the Township of Hope) - the east 1im1 tot. the Townline Road (Road bet. ween former Darlington and Clarke Townships) 'aJUf the line between lots 15' and 16 .i. - the east 11111 t of Durh8'. Regional Road No. 18 an4 ' the west limit ot the Townline Road (Road betw..n the Town ot Newcastle .., the Township 01 Hppe) . ' ;~: " 'L.:~I'L,.......J--,';t,;;,},_:~,~ . :. i,. \ 2 - I'l'WV ..- i. ~ COLUMN I Highwav -1i.9.a. 4. Concession Road No. 4- (Foad between Conces- s ion s 3 and 4) 5. Concession Road No. 5 (hoad between Conces- sions 4 and 5, includ- ing the Forced Road in south half of Conces- sion 5, Lot 19) 6. Concession Road No. 6 (Road between Conces- sions 5 and 6) COLUMN 2 Between - the east limit of the Townline Road (Road betw- een Former Darlington and Clarke Townships) and the west limit ot Durham Regional Road No. 18 - the east limit of Dur- ham ~egional Road No. 18 and the west limit ot the Townline Road (Road between the Town of New- castle and the Township of Hope) - the east limit of the Townline Road (Road bet- ween former Darlington and Clarke Townships) an4 the west limit of Durhaa Regional Road No. 17 - the east limit of Durh.. Regional Road No. 17 and the west limit ot Durhaa Regional Road No. 18 - the east limit ot Durh.. Regional Road 10. 18 and the west limit of the Tovnline Road (Road bet- ween the Town ot Newcastle and the Township ot Hope) - the east limit of Xine'. Highway 115 and 35 and the west limit ot Durhaa Rec10nal ROad Ro. 18 - the east Ii.it ot Durbaa Regional Road 10. 18 and the east l1alt ot the Tova of lewcastle '" . . . .. 3 ITEM _NO. COLU~1N I hiihwav 7. :oncession Road No.7 (hoad between Conces- sio[',$ 6 and 7) 8. Concession Road No.8 (Road ~etween Conces- sions 7 and 8) 9. Concession Road No.9 (Road between Concessions 8 and 9) 10. Concession Road No.10 (Road between Conces- sions 9 and 10) 11. Highway between lots 32 and 33, Concession No.'s 9 and 10 12. Highway between Lots 30 and 31, Concession No.~ 13. Highway between Loti . 30 and 31, Concession No. .8 COLUMN 2 Between - the east limit of Townline Road (Road between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) and the west limit of King's Highway No. 35 and 115' - the east limit of the Town- line Road (Road between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) and the east limit of the Road Allowance bet- ween lots 14 and 15 - the east limit of Highway between lots 10 and 11, Concession 7 and the east limit of the Town of New- castle - the east limit of H1ghwa7 between lots 30 and 31, Concession 8 and the west limit of Highway between lots 28 and 29, ConcessionS - the east limit of the Road between lots 32 and 33 and the west limit of King's Highway No. 3~ - the north limit of Conces- sion Road No. 8{Road betw... Concessions 7 and 8) andtbt south lim1 t of Concession <ii; Road No. 10 (Road between Concessions 9 and 10) - the north limit of Conce.s10D Road No. ~ (R_od between ConcessioDs 4 and 5) and ~ba south limit of Durham Rel- " ';" ional Road No.lt- - the north l1ait ot Conc...laD Road No.8 (Road bet"eenO. cessions 7 and 8) and tbe ' south limit ot Concessl~ Road No. 9 (Road between Concessions 8 and 9) . . . '. . . 4 - ITEM COLUMN I Hi2hwa:x Highway between Lots 28 and 29, Concession No. 8 l'JO a 14. 15. Arthur Street (Road between lots 26 and 27, Concession No.2) 16. Highway between lots 16 and 17, Concession No.'s 2 and 3 ' 17. Highway between lots 10 and 11, Concession No. 's 2 and 3 18. Highway between lots 8 and 9, Concession No.'s 1 and Broken Front B 19. Highway between lots 14 and 15, Concession No. 7 20. Highway between lots 10 and 11, Conaession 7 COLUMN 2 Between - the north limit of Con- cession Road No.8 (Road between Concessions 7 and 8) and the south limit at Concession Road No.9 (Road between Concessions 8 and 9) - the north limit of King's. Highway No. 2 and the south limit of Concession Road No. 3 (Road between Concessions 2 and 3) - the north limit of Lake. shore Road (Road between Broken Front A and Broken Front B) and the south limit of King's Highway No.2 - the north 11ait at KinS's Highway No. 2 and the south limit ofCone..sloft Road No. 4 (Road between Concession 3 and 4) the north limit ot Lak.- shore Road (Road between- Broken Fronts A & B) and the south 1i1li t .ot Kine' .;. Highway No.lt-Ql . -the north l1alt of Our.. Resional Road ,10. 9 ani, ~'. the .0uthl1tlt o~ Cono.~, alon Road 10. 8 (Road between Conc..slona 7 and" 8) - the north 11.Jait ot Durhalw Reliond Road' No. 9 and the south 11Dllt ot Cone.... slonRoad No.8. (Road ~'''L~' we.nConeeas1ons 7 and 8)< ~~>4;~~~ . ..~:"~.r.'4':;:,.""" . . . " ',., 'J' .. e- . . - . 5' - ITEM COLUMN I H1llh'fav v 10. 21. Town11ne Road (Road between the Town of Newcastle and the Township of Hope) COLUMN 2 Between - the north limit ot Lakeshore Road (Road between Broken Front A and Broken Front B) and the south limit of Concession Road No. 5 (Road between Concea- s ions It and 5) . . {e , . ITEM -1Uh._ 1. 2. 3. 4. ~hEDULE 'D' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TnRorUH HIGHWAYS For~erly Hamlet of Kendal C CUTXN I EL::hwav ~~ill Street ~~onck Street l~ater :::treet Church Street COLUMN 2 Between - the westerly limit of Mill Street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 - the east limit of Church Street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 - the westerly limit of Water Street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 - the north limit ot Mill Street and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 9 ,i.;....;-1" . . . " :..;c:. '-'T\r:~ 11' ,-, , ~~~-~ :'~"\~LI" _~IE'vLCAS=LE r~: ~!\,-,~..,'!.:i___~~ I:;!:'~'"iYS itiC'.l":,Jy :.~~mJ-",~~~ 01 \;e""t,)'wille -: ""1. \.( ..l J.,l,....l.. .'-, I ;:M" T ~, ..... ....J ~'\ .l..i. '. ~ ..-:.'~\.:~.!. . . .: 'J' 1--\ \ 'r\" ~:.!\\.~ 1. :::.,ll!'~n Street ') c.... .lI j II Street 3. Jones Avenue :, \..: L ~ J1.W 2 Between the east lirr.~t of Dnrham negional Eoad No. 18 and the east- erly li~it of Church Street - the east limit of High- way between lots 10 and ll,(formerly Township of Clarke)and the west limit of Durham Regional Road ~o. 18 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 and the easterly limit of Jones Avenue . . !, ~ 1 ! ~. i ~: ~, H' tl ~GHEDULE 'F' TOw~ OF NEWCASTLE THROUGH HIGHWAYS Formerly Police Village of Orono ITEM NO. COLl'"MN I Highway 1. Andrew's Road 2. Church street 3. Centre street COLUMN 2 ~tween - the north limit of Peter's Pike and the south limit of David's Crescent (north junction) - the north limit of Con- cession Road No. , (between Concessions 4 and ,) and th~ south limit of Cobbledick . street - the north limit of Cobble- dick Street and the south ' limit of Station street - the north limit of Centre street and the northerly limit of Church street - the east limit of Durham Regional RO,adNo. 17 and the easterly limit 'of Centre street - the east limit of Durhaa Regional RoadNo.1? and the west limit or King. Highway No. 35 and 11; - the west limit ofAndrew"~" Road (south junotion) and:r~ the west limit of Peter's Pike the north 111111 t of ConcH~s- 8ion Road No.', (between Concessions 4'and;,> and the south limit otCobble- dick Street - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 and the west limit of Kin's, Highway No.3; and 11; 4. Cobbledick Street 5. David's Crescent 6. Division street 7. Mill street .' . ":. . . ;. ITEM _tW! p. 9. 10. -~~------- 2 CO LUM1\ I Highwav Par\ :.)treet teter's Pike station Street COLtn1N 2 Between - .the east limit of Durham Eegional Road No. 17 and the easterly limit of Park Etreet - the S011the rly limit of Peter's Pike and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the east limit of liighway between lots 30 and 31, Concession No. 4 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 and the north limit of Cobb1e- dick Street .' - ,+ e . . -.:.., . ~EDULE 'G ' 'IO',':l~ OF NE~jCASTLE TiUUtTGH ::IGfr,.:AYQ. ~ ,>:r~, ::"1 y Vill::l.,~e of Newcastle : ~/ .J. ~_ 1; C C LUEl; I :..:.d:W3V _~J_ 1 . .h.r,cl rcw E t reet 2. bald win Street 3. Beaver Street 4. Church Street ~. ,.i. higtway between Lots 30 and 31 6. King's Highway No.2 7. Manver street 8. Mill Street COLVHN 2 ~E;twe~n the east limit of XiII Str6et and the west lim~t of Arthur street - the north limit of Edward street and the south limit of King Street the soutnerly limit at Beaver Street and the south limit of Andrew street - the north limit of Robert Street and the south limit of King Street - the north limit of Sunset Boulevard and the south limit of King's Highway No. 2 - the west limit of Bald- win Street and 625 fee.t . east of the east limit of Beaver Street - the north limit of Queen Street and the south limit of Metcalfe Street (between Broken Front B and Concession Road No.1) - the southerly limit ot Mill Street and the north limit of King's Highway No. 401 - the north limit of Dur-. ham Regional Road No.1?' and the northerly limit of Mill Street e . . ... ,...... .... . . . 2 ITEM Nj. COLUMN I hiehwav 9. North ttreet 10. Orchard Heights 11. Queen street and Park Street (in combination) 12. Sunset Boulevard and Robert Street (in combination) 13. Toronto Street COLUMN 2 Between - the north limit of King Street and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 - the west limit of Arthur Street (between lots 26 and 27, Concession 2) and the south limit ot Andrew Street - the north limit of Bou- lton street and the east limit of Mill Street - the east limit of Highway between lots 30 and 31 and the west limit of Mill Street - the southerly limit ot Toronto Street and the west limit of Mill Street '7t . '. . . . . SCHEDULE 'H' ~. OF NEWC~ST~ TEROUGH HIGHWAYS Formerly Town of Bowrnanville ITFlf: 1';0 t COU:-1>1N I higqwav 1. Alonna Street 2. Argyle Street and Duke Street (in combination) 3.. Brown Street 4. Centre Street 5. Chapel Street 6. Church Street ""i" COLUMN 2 Betwe~ - the north limit of Roser Crescent (south junction) and the east limit of Martin Road - the southerly limit of Duke Street and the south limit of King~ Highway No. 401 - the north limit of Base- line Road and the west limit of Ontario street - the north limit of Vic- toria Street and the south limit of Queen Street - the north limit of Well- ington Street and the south limit of Concession Street ~...~~~. ...._--~ ..- .. " '. 2 . ITEM COLUMN I ...1!Q..,. highway 7. Cole Avenue . . 8. Division Street 9. Elgin street 10. First Street and High Street (in combination) 11. Fourth street 12. - ". ...-.., --".- .. '/~t.h~~ingt()nFjDi:i.i; ,~ 13. Hobbs Drive 14. Highway No. 2 (King street) 1,. Hunt Street 16. Jackmans Road 17. Jane street COLUMN 2 Between - the north limit of Law- rence Avenue and the north limit of Cole Ave- nue - the north limit of King's Highway No. 2 and the south limit of Lowe Street - the north limit of Well- ington Street and the south limit of Fourth Street - the east limit of Elgin Street and the northerly limit of High Street - the east limit of Scugol street and the west limit of High Street - the south limit of Law- rence Crescent and the west limit of Lawrence Crescent - the east limit of SimpsOIb Avenue (south junction). ":'i and the east limit of" Simpson Avenue (north j~ ctlon) - the east l1Jli t ot Our_] Regional Road No. '57 ~.'; the Line between lots 7~;; and 8 ,Formerly Township} <<; ot Darlington : ~., - the north limit ot Ba8.~' line Road and the welt ~ limit of Duke street f ' -the east 1i.it .ot Durhaa:; Regional Road No. '57 atl4;'k the west limit ot SCUlOC:ff Street ...; ,;~. " \1M' - the east limit ot Dur~ ' Regional aoad No. l~ ' (Liberty Street>.u4tu vest l1mltot S~p.on Avenue ''1''~;~n e . . , . "... ,tS ITEH _~OL 1 r.,' ) . 19. 20. 21. 2) -. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. c:' L lJ}H~ I :-: i::: l1\'1a v Lar'ltert Street L3.mts Lane L~wrence Crescent Little Avenue Loscombe Drive Lowe street Martin Road MeadowviewBo~evard O'Dell street Ontario street 3 COLUMN 2 12etween - the north limit of Prince street and the south 1 imi t of King's Highway No. 2 (King street) - the north 1i~it of O'Dell street and the south limit of Second Street - the east limit of ~av- erly Road and the north limit of Spry Avenue - the west limit of Cole Avenue and the south limit of Strike Avenue - the west limit of Spry Avenue and the south limit of Spry Avenue - SEE ITEM NO. 40 '" .'''''-.--'~- t - the north limit ot Base- line Road and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 _ the east limit of High street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty street) , _ the east limit ot Prospect street and the west11mit of Elgin street the west 11m'i tot Durham, '<~,.' Regional Road No. 1'+. (Ll~o'"":. erty street) and the Boutrt)}i'} l1mit of Queen Street ~>:r, ,Jr. f' "'" .t"-'"t .~ . ". ~,."."."'; I~' :.:. -.- . - '. '. t.' r .' , : ; ~ 1""'-," 1 r .! \' ~ ) :, .::-.- ~.J' . ,29. , ".... ,j.j. 31. 32. 33. 34. ~) ".~ 4 I:~ U I~ l.:'~'~:; J h1~h\':~~L CCLUHN 2 Bety,reen ..'.'r ; !I..CC , trl:.l~_'t - the east limit of Dllrba~ hebi.cna1 Road No. 14 (Lite~ty street) and t~0 w~st limit of ~ iJ'iil"'sar, 1~ venue .:;'CSl--"~~ ~ S trept - the no:th limjt of Con- cession Street a~o the south lilY'lt of Second Street ' ."ueen Street and Scug~g Strp.et (in com- bination) - the north limit of ~econd Street and the" scuth limlti of FOtlrttl St reet ~;,~~';~ "J~t,~,~' the west 11mi t of rurham'1~~'( Fegio"1al road No. 14 (Lib~)~:i erty Street) and the east:;it>. 11mi t of Ontario Street .:, . ~uinn Drive . --~' - t~e west limit ,of OOtari~ street and the south limt of King.s Eighws,Y' No'. 2 e (King Street) : ~,:i:' ~ the north lim! t,ot K1nis,~;' Highway No. 2 ~'Klng.~tl!e~!. and the eastli~i~of Du, ham Regional Ro'ad +1010 rrri~ - the east l.imJto1Wa.:ye~1y,~' Road and the west:llml t ',' of Lawrence .Cresce,n't,,' Rhonda Avenue '. . .', t. ',. . ~ . ,i. .' - the west ll!Ylit,Clf~W'fVe~l' Road (south:jiui~tton)' a the west 11tnltqfW~verl~! Road (no rtbjunst~9.), ,if , " . :.:.;::~t',; "':'~;';:': :.'; ~ .' ~~ ,;~, - th, e~s t lilJij;~:p~,~q\1g0gi Street and the, .,,~itl,11m1 ~~; of Elgin Stl'eet~.,' iC: - the t),orth 1!m1t;,o.t;.,~lnis;i No.2 (KingS,tt':t~,t:):.k~d' t,:~ the south litftlt'[ol'fle11- t ington St-'reet Second ~treet Silver street ... . . . . .. ., ~ "", J "J \~ rm,:;,'.!: ............d 1 II J, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. CCLUH!\ I .: j .,gtlli~ ;: i: 1-'3 '):, ;.ver;ue c~..'utLway Drive Spry Avenue Strike Avenue ~unicrest Avenue Temperance Street and Lowe Street (in combination) Third street Vanstone Court Victoria Street "-"-~~P'''~'__'"' 5 COLUMN 2 Between - the scutherly limit of Sim}Jscn Avenue and the eas t 1 inil t of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (1.1 [',erty Street) - the north limit of Base- line f..oad and the south lirr:it 01 Ling~ Highway No. 2(Ki~~ street) - the east limit of Durham Regional hoad No. l4(Llb- erty street) and the west limit of Simpso~ Avenue - the east limit of Waverly Road and the north limit of Baseline Road - the east limit of Waverly Road and the north limit of Little Avenue - the westerly limit ot Sunicrest Avenue and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) - the north limit ct line's Highway No. 2 (King street), and the west limit ot Centre street the east limit of High Street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) - the east limit of High Street and the easterly limit of Vanstone Court - the east limit ot Ontario street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty street) . ~'".. ...... ,. Ii . . ,. 6 . ITEM NO. COLUMN I Hi2hway COLUMN 2 u.etween - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the south limit of Chapel Street 44. Waverly Road 45. Wellington Street - the east limit of Scugog Street and the west limit of Temperance Street - the east limit of Division Street and the west li~it of Durham ReglonalRoad No. 14 (Liberty Street) 46. Lambs Lane - the north limit of Second Street and the south limit of Fourth Street . . " t "'. BY-lAW NO. 7 [ . 2 1, .. ~. l .,. ~ 10 OF . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NliWCASTLE being a By-law to designate certain Highways wi thin 'lbe Corporation of the Town of Newcastle as "'lbrough Highways". WHEREA.S Clause 33 of Sub-section 1 of Section 1 of 'lbe Highway Traffic Act, defines "Through Highways" as a Highway or part of a Highway designated as nch by the Mln1ster or by By-law ot a Municipality approved by the Department, and eve17 such Highway shall be marked by a stop sign Ii( Yield Right-of-Way sign in compliance with the regulations ot the Departaent. Na.f THEREFORE BE IT BUCTED AND IT IS HlmDY DfAGTED as a By-law ot the Corporation ot the Town ot Newcastle through its Counoil thereot as tollows: ( 1. That the Highways set out in colUllll 1 ot the Schedules A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H, to this By-law between the l1a1 ts set out in colUJlll 2 of the said Schedule are, except as provided in Section 2 ot this B)"-law hereby designated as Through . Highways. 2. The designation in Section 1 ot a Highway or portion ot Highwa)" as a "Through Highway" shall not include &n1 intersection thereon where the Highway intersected is a King's Highwa)" or where trattic control signals are installed. 3. Any person violating the provisions ot this By-law shall be subject to the penalt)" provided tor such violations in the Highwa)" Tratfic Act. 4. B)"-laws 1784, 1850, 1886, 1893, 1894, 68-47, 70-4, 70-23, 71-15, 73-43 and 73-72 ot the lorJMr Town ot BOWll8nvil1e; B)"-laws 1189, 1390, 1391, l464, 1.465, 1707, 1758 and 1190 of the Former Towship ot Clarke; By-laws 2031, 2054, 2098, 2202, 2337, 2413, 2487, and 2457 ot the Foraer Towship ot l)Lrlington; By-law 803 Itea 7 &: 8 ot the ForJUr VUlage ot lewcast1e and any other inconsistent by-laws insofar &s they appq to Highways and under the jurisdiction of the Corporation ot the Town ot Newcastle as established by the Regional M1micipali ty ot Durh&ll . Act are hereby repealed. ~ . I . . , . I( , 2 5. This BT-law shall eome into torce upon reeeiYing the approval ot the Regional Man1cipall tT of Dlarh&JI and vhen signs to the effect are erected. BY-LAW read a first time this BY-LAW read a second time this /1.u- 11.1/k. BY-LAW read a third tiae aDd passed this ./?'/ J (~~ /!~~~",/ G. B. RICKARD, MAYOR daT of Ii r1 /A,C if 1975. daT of H A- ()..C ;1" 1975. /7~ daT of t1rllkct-l- 1975. CLEmt . . . . . LIST OF SCHEDULES CONTAINED WITH~~ SCHEDULE I A' SCHEDULE IB' SCHEDULE 'c' SCHEDULE ID' SCHEDULE 'E I SCHEDULE IF' SCHEDULE 'G' SCHEDULE 'H I - Former Township of Darlington Former Hamlet of Hampton Former Township of Clarke Former Hamlet of Kendal Former Hamlet of Newtonville Former Police Village of Orono Former Village of Newcastle Former Town of Bowmanville - - - . . . SCHEDULE 'A' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE THROUGH HIGHWAYS Former Township of Darlington ITEM J!2.a. COLUMN I Highway Concession Road No. 1 and Baseline Road (in combination) (Road between Concession No. 1 and Broken Front Concession) 1. 2. Concession Road No. 2 and Concession Street (in combination)(Road between Concessions 1 and 2) COLUMN 2 Between - the east limit of Pres- tonvale Road and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) and the west limit of Training School Road (Road between lots 6 & 7) - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 and the south limit of King's Highway No. 2 - the east limit of Elgin Street and the west limit of Townline Road (Raod between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) . . . ITEM -1iQ... COLUMN I HilZhwav Concession Road No. 3 (Road between Conces- sions 2 and 3) 3. 4. Concession Road No.4 (Road between Conces- sions 3 and 4) 2 COLmlofN 2 Betwee:ij - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 55 and the west limit of Trull's Road (Road between lots 30 and 31) - the east limit of Trull's Road and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 and the west limit of Solina Road (Road between lots 24 and 25) - the east limit of Preston Road (Road between lots 20 and 21) and the west limits of Durham Regional Road No. 57 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Lib- erty street) and the west limit of Town1ine Road (Road between Former Darl- ington and Clarke Townships) - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 55 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Lib- erty street) and the west limit of Road between lots 6 and 7) - the east limit of Road between lots 4 and 5 and the west limit of Town- line Road (Road between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) 3 . ITEM NO. ,. COLUMN I Hiihway Concession Road No. 6 (Road between Conces- sions , and 6) COLUMN 2 Between - the west limit of the Town of Newcastle and the west limit of Dur- ham Regional Road No.34 - the east limit of Dur- ham Regional Road No. 34 and the west limit of the Old Seugog Road (Road between lots 18 and 19) . 6. Concession Road No. 7 (Raod between Conces- sions 6 and 7) - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. ,7 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 and the west limit of Town- line Road (Raod between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) - the west limit of the Town of Newcastle and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 and the west limit of the Old Scugog Road (Road between lots 18 and 19) . - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. ,7 and the westerly limit of the junction of the seventh Concession and Durham Reg- ional Road No. 14 - the easterly limit of the junction of the seventh Concession and Durham Regional Road No. 14 and the west limit of Townline Road (Raod between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) , . . . - 9 ITEM ~ COLUMN I HiEZhwav Concession Road No. 8 (Road between Conces- sions 7 and 8) 7. 8. Concession Road No. 9 (Road between Conces- sions 8 and 9) 9. Concession Road No. 10 (Road between Conces- sions 9 and 10) 10. Prestonvale Road (Road between lots 32, 33, 34 and Concessions 1 and 2) 11. Road No. 16 (Road between lots 31 and 32, Concession No.3) COLUMN 2 Between - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 and the west limit of Town- line Road (Road between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) - the west limit of the Town of Newcastle and the west limit of the Old Scugog Road (Road between lots 18 and 19) - the west limit of the Town of Newcastle and the west limit of the Old Scugog Road (Road between lots 19 and 20) - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the north limit of the Town of Newcastle - the north limit of Conces- sion Road No. 1 (between Concession 1 and Broken Front) and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 22 - the north limit of Durham Regional Road No. 22 and the south limit of King's Highway No. 2 - the north limit of Conces- sion Road No. 3 (between Concessions 2 and 3) and the south limit of Conces- sion Road No. 4 (between Concessions 3 and 4) 5 - . ITEM .JiQ... COLUMN I HilZhwav Trull's Road (Road between lots 30 and 31, Concession No.3) 12. 13. Zion Road (Road between lots 30 and 31, Concession No.4) 14. West Side Street (Road between lots 29 and 30, Concession No.3) 15. Solina Road (Road between lots 24 and 25, Concession No. 's 2, 3 and 4) Gravel Pit Road (Road between lots 22 and 23, Concession No. 's 2, 3. and 4) . . 16. 17. Preston Road (Road between lots 20 and 21, Concession No. 's 2, 3 and 4) Road between lots 20 and 21, Concession No. 5 18. 19. Old Scugog Road (Road between lots 15 - 20 inclusive, Concession No.'s 3-10 inclusive) . COLUMN 2 Between - the north limit of King~ Highway No. 2 and the south limit of Concession Road No. 4 (between Con- cessions 3 and 4) - the north limit of Con- cession Road No. 4 (bet- ween Concessions 3 and 4) and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Conces- sion Road No. 3 (between Concessions 2 and 3) and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 34 - the north limit of King~ Highway No. 2 and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Kings Highway No. 2 and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Kings Highway io. 2 and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 and the south limit of Conces- sion Road No. 6 (between Concessions 6 and 7) - the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 3 _ the north limit of Durham Regional Road No. 3 and the north limit of the Town of Newcastle . . . 6 ITEM .JiQ.... COLUMN I Hiehwav Road between lots 13 and 14, Concession No.8 20. 21. Middle Road (Road between lots 12 and 13, Concession No.'s 2, 3 and 4) Road between lots 6 and 7, Concession No.4 22. 23. Road between lots 2 and 3, Concession No. 4 24. Road between lots 2 and 3, Concession No. 's 9 and 10 25. Townline Road (Road between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) 26. Road between lots 6 and 7, Concession No. 3 COLUMN 2 ~ween - the north limit of Con- cession Road No. 8 (between Concessions 7 and 8) and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 20 - the north limit of Scu- gog Road and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Con- cession Road No. 4 (between Concessions 3 and 4) and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Con- cession Road No. 4 (between Concessions 3 and 4) and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Durham Regional Road No. 20 and the north limit of the Town of Newcastle - the north limit of King's Highway No. 2 and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the north limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 and the south limit of the southerly junction of Durham Regional Road No.20 - the north limit of the northerly junction of Dur- ham Regional Road No. 20 and the north limit of the Town of Newcastle - the north limit of Conces- sion Road No. 3 (between Concessions 2 and 3) and the south limit of Concession Road No. 4 (between Conces- sions 3 and 4) e SCHEDULE I B I TOWN OF NEWCASTLE THROUGH HIGHWAYS Formerly Hamlet of Hampton ITEM COLUMN I COLUMN 2 ~ Hie:hwav Between 1. Division Street - the southerly limit of Division Street and the south limit of Tem- perance Street 2. Mill Street and King Street (in combination) - the north limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 and the west limit of the Old Scugog Road 3. Ormiston Street - the east limit of the Old . Scugog Road and the east- erly limit of Ormiston Street 4. Perry Avenue - the south limit of Perry Street and the north limit of Perry Street 5. Temperance Street - the east limit of the Old Scugog Road and the east- erly limit of Temperance Street . . . . SCHEDULE I C I TOWN OF NEWCASTLE THROUGH HIGHWAYS Former Township of Clarke ITEM NO. COLUMN I Hiihway Boulton Street and Lake- shore Road (in combina- tion) (Road between Broken Front A and Broken Front B) 1. 2. Concession Road No. 1 (Road between Concession 1 and Broken Front Conces- sion B) 3. Concession Road No. 3 (Road between Concessions 2 and 3) COLUMN 2 Between - the east limit of Mill Street (in former Village of Newcastle) and the east limit of the Town of Newcastle - the east limit of Mill Street (in the former Village of Newcastle) and the west limit of the Highway between lots 16 and 17 - the east limit of the Highway between lots 16 and 17 and the west limit of the Highway between lots 8 and 9 - the east limit of the Highway between lots 8 and 9 and the west limit of the Townline Road (Road between the Town of New- castle and the Township of Hope) - the east limit of the Townline Road (Road bet- ween former Darlington and Clarke Townships) and the line between lots 15 and 16 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 and the west limit of the Townline Road (Road between the Town of Newcastle and the Township of Hope) - . . 2 - ITEM .1!Q... COLUMN I Hi~hwaY Concession Road No. 4 (Road between Conces- sions 3 and 4) 4. 5. Concession Road No. 5 (Road between Conces- sions 4 and ;, includ- ing the Forced Road in south half of Conces- sion 5, Lot 19) 6. Concession Road No. 6 (Road between Conces- sions 5 and 6) COLUMN 2 Betwee~ - the east limit of the Townline Road (Road betw- een Former Darlington and Clarke Townships) and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 - the east limit of Dur- ham Regional Road No. 18 and the west limit of the Townline Road (Road between the Town of New- castle and the Township of Hope) - the east limit of the Townline Road (Road bet- ween former Darlington and Clarke Townships) and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 and the west limit of the Townline Road (Road bet- ween the Town of Newcastle and the Township of Hope) - the east limit of King's Highway 115 and 35 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 and the east limit of the Town of Newcastle 3 -- ITEM .l!.Q.", COLUMN I Hi~hwav Concession Road No.7 (Road between Conces- sions 6 and 7) 7. 8. Concession Road No.8 (Road ~etween Conces- sions 7 and 8) 9. Concession Road No.9 (Road between Concessions 8 and 9) . 10. Concession Road No.lO (Road between Conces- sions 9 and 10) 11. Highway between lots 32 and 33, Concession No. 's 9 and 10 12. Highway between Lots 30 and 31, Concession No.; 13. Highway between Lots . 30 and 31, Concession No. 8 . COLUMN 2 ~e~n - the east limit of Townline Road (Road between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) and the west limit of King's Highway No. 3; and 11; - the east limit of the Town- line Road (Road between former Darlington and Clarke Townships) and the east limit of the Road Allowance bet- ween lots 14 and 15 - the east limit of Highway between lots 10 and 11, Concession 7 and the east limit of the Town of New- castle - the east limit of Highway between lots 30 and 31, Concession 8 and the west limit of Highway between lots 28 and 29, Concession 8 - the east limit of the Road between lots 32 and 33 and the west limit of King's Highway No. 35 - the north limit of Conces- sion Road No. 8(Road between Concessions 7 and 8) and the south limit of Concession Road No. 10 (Road between Concessions 9 and 10) - the north limit of Concession Road No. ; (Raod between Concessions 4 and ;) and the south limit of Durham Reg- ional Road No.4 - the north limit of Concession Road No.8 (Road between Con- cessions 7 and 8) and the south limit of Concession Road No. 9 (Road between Concessions 8 and 9) . . . it - ITEM NO.. COLUMN I Highway Highway between Lots 28 and 29, Concession No. 8 lit. 1;. Arthur Street (Road between lots 26 and 27, Concession No.2) 16. Highway between lots 16 and 17, Concession No.'s 2 and 3 17. Highway between lots 10 and 11, Concession No. 's 2 and 3 18. Highway between lots 8 and 9, Concession No. 's 1 and Broken Front B 19. Highway between lots 14 and 1;, Concession No. 7 20. Highway between lots 10 and 11, Concession 7 COLUMN 2 Between - the north limit of Con- cession Road No.8 (Road between Concessions 7 and 8) and the south limit of Concession Road No.9 (Road between Concessions 8 and 9) - the north limit of King's Highway No. 2 and the south limit of Concession Road No. 3 (Road between Concessions 2 and 3) - the north limit of Lake- shore Road (Road between Broken Front A and Broken Front B) and the south limit of King's Highway No.2 - the north limit of King's Highway No. 2 and the south limit of Concession Road No. 4 (Road between Concession 3 and 4) - the north limit of Lake- shore Road (Road between Broken Fronts A & B) and the south limit of King's Highway No. 401 - the north limit of Durham Regional Road No. 9 and the south lteit o~ Conces- sion Road No. 8 (Road between Concessions 7 and 8) - the north limit of Durham Regional Road No. 9 and the south limit of Conces- sion Road No. 8 (Road bet- ween Concessions 7 and 8) - 5 - . ITEM NO. COLUMN I Hiih~v Townline Road (Road between the Town of Newcastle and the Township of Hope) 21. . . COLUMN 2 Between - the north limit of Lakeshore Road (Road between Broken Front A and Broken Front B) and the south limit of Concession Road No. 5 (Road between Conces- sions 4 and 5) . . . ~QliEDULE 'D ' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE THROUGH HIGHWAYS Formerly Hamlet of Kendal ITEM NO. COLUMN I Highwa~ Mill Street 1. 2. Monck Street 3. Water Street 4. Church street COLUMN 2 Between - the westerly limit of Mill Street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 - the east limit of Church street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 - the westerly limit of Water Street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 - the north limit of Mill Street and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 9 - SCHEDULE IE' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE THROUGH HIGHWAYS Formerly Hamlet of Newtonville ITEM COLUMN I COLUMN 2 Ji2..&. Hie:hwav Between 1. Church Street - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 and the east- erly limit of Church Street 2. Hill Street - the east limit of High- way between lots 10 and ll,(formerly Township . of Clarke)and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 3. Jones Avenue - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 18 and the easterly limit of Jones Avenue . . . . SCHEDULE 'F' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE THROUGH HIGHWAYS Formerly Police Village of Orono ITEM ~ COLUMN I Hi~h\'{aY 1. Andrew's Road 2. Church Street 3. Centre Street COLUMN 2 12etween - the north limit of Peter's Pike and the south limit of David's Crescent (north junction) - the north limit of Con- cession Road No. 5 (between Concessions 4 and 5) and the south limit of Cobbledick Street - the north limit of Cobb1e- dick Street and the south limit of Station Street - the north limit of Centre Street and the northerly limit of Church street - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 and the easterly limit of Centre street - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 and the west limit of Kings Highway No. 35 and 115 - the west limit of Andrew's Road (south junction) and the west limit of Peter's Pike 4. Cobbledick Street 5. David's Crescent - the north limit of Conces- sion Road No. 5 (between Concessions 4 and 5) and the south limit of Cobble- dick Street - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 and the west limit of Kin~s Highway No. 35 and 115 6. Division Street 7. Mill Street . . . ITEM .J!2.&. 8. COLUMN I Hie:hwav Park street 9. Peter's Pike 10. Station Street - 2 - COLUMN 2 Between - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 and the easterly limit of Park Street - the southerly limit of Peter's Pike and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 4 - the east limit of Highway between lots 30 and 31, Concession No. 4 and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 and the north limit of Cobble- dick Street . . .'. SCHEDULE ' G ' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE THROUGH HIGHWAYS Formerly Village of Newcastle ITEM __NO. COLUMN I H1lZhway Andrew Street 1. 2. Baldwin Street 3. Beaver Street 4. Church Street 5. Highway between Lots 30 and 31 6. King's Highway No.2 7. Manver street 8. Mill Street COLUMN 2 Between - the east limit of Mill Street and the west limit of Arthur street - the north limit of Edward street and the south limit of King Street - the southerly limit of Beaver Street and the south limit of Andrew Street - the north limit of Robert Street and the south limit of King Street - the north limit of Sunset Boulevard and the south limit of King's Highway No. 2 - the west limit of Bald- win Street and 625 feet east of the east limit of Beaver Street - the north limit of Queen Street and the south limit of Metcalfe Street (between Broken Front B and Concession Road No.1) - the southerly limit of Mill Street and the north limit of King's Highway No. >tOl - the north limit of Dur- ham Regional Road No.17 and the northerly limit of Mill Street 2 ,. ITEM COLUMN I COLUMN 2 ~ NO. Highwav Between 9. North Street - the north limit of King Street and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 17 10. Orchard Heights - the west limit of Arthur Street (between lots 26 and 27, Concession 2) and the south limit of Andrew Street 11. Queen Street and - the north limit of Bou- Park street (in Iton Street and the east combination) limit of Mill Street 12. Sunset Boulevard and - the east limit of Highway Robert Street between lots 30 and 31 (in combination) and the west limit of Mill Street 13. Toronto Street - the southerly limit of . Toronto Street and the west limit of Mill Street . . . . SCHEDULE 'H' TOWN OF NEWCAST IE - -.. THROUGH HIGHWAYS Formerly Town of Bowmanville ITEM NO. COLUMN I Hiehwav 1. Alonna Street 2. Argyle Street and Duke Street (in combination) 3. Brown Street 4. Centre Street 5. Chapel Street 6. Church Street COLUMN 2 Betweep. - the north limit of Roser Crescent (south junction) and the east limit of Martin Road - the southerly limit of Duke Street and the south limit of Kings Highway No. 401 - the north limit of Base- line Road and the west limit of Ontario Street - the north limit of Vic- toria Street and the south limit of Queen Street - the north limit of Well- ington Street and the south limit of Concession Street - the weeterly limit of Chapel Street and the north limit of Coleman street - the east limit of Division Street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) and the north limit of Kings High- way No. 2 (King street) - 2 e ITEM ..1iQ.a. COLUMN I Highway Cole Avenue 7. 8. Division Street 9. Elgin street 10. First Street and High Street (in combination) 11. Fourth street . 12. Hetherington Drive 13. Hobbs Drive 14. Highway No. 2 (King Street) 15. Hunt Street 16. Jackmans Road . 17. Jane Street COLUMN 2 Between - the north limit of Law- rence Avenue and the north limit of Cole Ave- nue - the north limit of King's Highway No. 2 and the south limit of Lowe Street - the north limit of Well- ington Street and the south limit of Fourth Street - the east limit of Elgin Street and the northerly limit of High Street - the east limit of Scugog street and the west limit of High Street - the south limit of Law- rence Crescent and the west limit of Lawrence Crescent - the east limit of Simpson Avenue (south junction) and the east limit of Simpson Avenue (north jun- ction) - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the Line between lots 7 and 8, Formerly Township of Darlington - the north limit of Base- line Road and the west limit of Duke street - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the west limit of Scugog Street - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty street) and the west limit of Simpson Avenue . . . ITEM .J!.Q... 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. COLUMN I Hie:hwav Lambert street Lambs Lane Lawrence Crescent Little Avenue Loscombe Drive Lowe street Martin Road Meadowview Boulevard O'Dell street Ontario street 3 COLUMN 2 Between - the north limit of Prince Street and the south limit of King~ Highway No. 2 (King street) - the north limit of O'Dell street and the south limit of Second street - the east limit of Wav- erly Road and the north limit of Spry Avenue - the west limit of Cole Avenue and the south limit of Strike Avenue - the west limit of Spry Avenue and the south limit of Spry Avenue - SEE ITEM NO. 40 - the north limit of Base- line Road and the south limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 - the east limit of High street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) - the east limit of Prospect Street and the west limit of Elgin Street - the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Lib- erty street) and the south limit of Queen Street . . . - . .' . 4 - ITEM .JiQ.,. 28. COLUMN I Hie:hway Prince street 29. Prospect Street 30. ~ueen Street and Scugog Street (in com- bination) 31. Quinn Drive 32. Rhonda Avenue 33. Second Street 34. Silver Street COLUMN 2 Between - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Literty Street) and the west limit of Simpson Avenue - the north limit of Con- cession Street and the south limit of Second Street - the north limit of Second Street and the south limit of Fourth Street - the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Lib- erty Street) and the east limit of Ontario Street - the west limit of Ontario Street and the south limit of Kings Highway No. 2 (King Street) .. - the north limit of Kings Highway No. 2 (King Street) and the east limit of Dur- ham Regional Road No. ,7 - the east limit of Waverly Road and the west limit of Lawrence Crescent - the west limit of Waverly Road (south junction) and the west limit of Waverly Road (north junction) - the east limit of Scugog Street and the west limit of Elgin Street - the north limit of Kin's No. 2 (King Street) and the south limit of Well- ington Street ,. . ITEM ..liQ.,. COLUMN I Highway Simpson Avenue 35. 36. Southway Drive 37. Spry Avenue 38. strike Avenue . 39. Sunicrest Avenue 40. Temperance Street and Lowe Street (in combination) 41. Third street 42. Vanstone Court 43. Victoria Street . 5 - COLUMN 2 Between - the southerly limit of Simpson Avenue and the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) - the north limit of Base- line Road and the south limit of King~ Highway No. 2 (King Street) - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. l4(Lib- erty Street) and the west limit of Simpson Avenue - the east limit of Waverly Road and the north limit of Baseline Road ~- the east limit of Waverly Road and the north limit of Little Avenue - the westerly limit of Sunicrest Avenue and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) - the north limit cf King)s Highway No. 2 (King Street) and the west limit of Centre Street - the east limit of High Street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) - the east limit of High Street and the easterly limit of Vanstone Court - the east limit of Ontario Street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty street) , . . . . # 6 ITEM NO. 44. COLUMN I Hi2hwav Waverly Road COLUMN 2 li~tweell - the east limit of Durham Regional Road No. 57 and the south limit of Chapel Street - the east limit of Scugog Street and the west limit of Temperance Street 45. Wellington street 46. - the east limit of Division street and the west limit of Durham Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) - the north limit of Second Street and the south limit of Fourth Street Lambs Lane